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Posts posted by sharkman

  1. Clairify what exactly? that if you spent a little less time worrying about what would offend the US and a little more about what would be good for Canada you wouldn't come off as Bush's answer toe Lewensky? Hardly that complex really.

    What would be good for Canada is if Martin quit offending them every time he opens his mouth about them. It's hardly that complex really. This latest offense tops them all. Saying the Americans need to get it together regarding Kyoto when Canada's performance is actually worse than theirs. What a twit.

  2. Accusations of tax fraud and influence are among the best weapons in the CPC arsenal just as Stephen Harper is the best weapon in the Liberal arsenal.  :)

    Hey normie, how's it going? Still campaigning hard for the Liberals I see. Good for you! One suggestion, though. In your comments, often contain inaccurate digs at the party leader you are campaigning against, in your case, Harper. The effort here is twofold: trying to convert the simpleminded by shear weight of repetition and getting the other side to respond, soas to give yourself reason to then further distribute your ideology.

    It's a delicate touch because you don't want to be strident enough to be accused of trolling, and yet it is trolling after a fashion. See what I mean? Try practicing it first to ensure you get it right. And then you should be able to post 30 - 40 times a day, way more than otherwise possible.

    Keep up the good work! :)

  3. ...rather than evidence-based arguments to support his and Harper's position that permanent criminal records and potential jail sentences are appropriate for simple possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana, I'm curious as to whether his accusations against me are based on fantasy or evidence. I look forward to my accuser posting the evidence.  :angry:

    Hey normie, how are you doing? Still campaigning hard for the Liberals I see. Good for you! One suggestion, though. When making an argument, a good strategy is to keep repeating your points again and again on various different threads. It doesn't matter even if they are accurate, it will make them seem like 'gospel' to fellow supporters and rally the troops.

    Keep up the good work!


  4. CPC has not been in power, their record has only been in opposing the Liberals. All liberal supporters (and err) don't trust them and are afraid of them

    Liberals have been in power for over a decade and have had scandals, resignations and lies - beginning with the GST removal. All Liberal supporters(and err) trust them. You are obviously unable to see corruption and scandal. So, go ahead, vote Liberal or whatever, but don't expect anyone to believe your tripe about Harper when Martin's record includes actually serving in government. A guy that uses private healthcare while preaching how to save public has removed his own credibility.

  5. Just curious... Don't the CPC party really agree with Mike Harris and Preston Manning.... who've gone public that "good Conservatives would cancel the Canada Health Act" and get rid of our medicare system ????

    What's this? You drag up 2 guys that got voted or kicked out of their parties and then quote them as if what they said still stands? You must still have a ton of their quotes and didn't get to use them all while they were still around.

    Does Harper only tout the "universal health care" postion when he's disguised in granny's dress. (ie. a pre-election lie) .... and not his true Big Bad Wolf character...  I'm wondering about the hypocracy in the CPC's stated position on healthcare ???

    If you would like to know what Harper's position on this is, go to the CPC website, it's all there in black and white. I know I know, you would rather mischaracterize them instead.

  6. I don't know. Calling for the death of anyone who dare lay a hand on Trinity Broadcast System is rather severe. And who bombed abortion clinics and killed doctors who do abortions? Some of the neo-nazi groups who have a Christian identity have been linked to the death of homosexuals  Also,

    Pete Peters, a leading ideologue of the racist Christian Identity religion. The title of his 1993 book, Death to all Homosexuals, leaves little to the imagination. Or consider Fred Phelps, the radical Topeka Baptist. He runs the godhatesfags.com web site. Tom Metzger, who leads the White Aryan Resistance, offers up for his part cartoons that depict gay men being beaten to death.

    Look, once again, CALLING for the death of anyone is not the same as killing them. You can't refute that. A nutbar who kills a doctor is not the same as Osamas who mastermind the attacks that kill 100s or thousands. Said nutbar is also not the equivalent of a muslim who straps bombs on his back to get on a bus and take out everybody. Either cite examples or show your argument to be full of hate.

    To say that extreme Christian fundamentalism isn't the same as muslim fundamentalism is not true. It may not be on the same scale but it's there nonetheless.

    There is ALL kinds of hate in the world, but if one kind is regularly killing people and terrorizing whole countries, then that kind is worse, whether your anti-Christian bias allows you to see it or not.

  7. But what's sad is that someone would be willing to make the leap in logic to equate the two issues. Associating the Liberal Party with the sponsorship scandal is, well, obvious. Associating the Conservative Party with the Hell's Angels is, well, sad.  A desperate, pathetic effort, really.

    My point, Kimmy, is you have to ask the question WHY are these people opposed to decriminalization, when the present system of laws doesn't work, when it facilitates access to kids, when it only hurts people who have not hurt anyone else, and when there is a huge, expensive underground economy profiting off of it. I'm not saying they are making money off the current system, but someone is and their actions certainly suggest they don't want to change that.

    Okay Bubber I can't resist. The present laws are working just fine, remember 95% possession charges get no jail time and lots just get fines. If you legalize pot, any kid will be able to still get his hands on it just like cigarettes and booze. The huge underground economy will still make out like bandits shipping it south. And this conspiracy theory that 'someone' doesn't want to change the status quo is baseless.

    Listen, you want to smoke pot, go ahead. No one's going to bust in on you in the privacy of your own home. Kimmy cited examples of cops merely asking people to smoke elsewhere, they didn't even arrest them! The cops aren't dumb, they are not going to waste their time arresting someone and dragging them into court only to have the judge shrug his shoulders 95% of the time. Be happy for what you do have, if you lived in the States, they'd lock you up for a long time.

  8. Who are the Conservatives trying to kid with this GST rollback?

    Who benefits more, the average working slob who has $500  per month of expendable income? Or the wealthy and rich who have thousands of dollars per month of disposable income?

    At $500 of disposable income per month the average Joe will save $10 whole dollars due to the 2% GST reduction.

    Someone who can afford to spend $5000 dollars a month of expendable income, will save $100 due to the 2% GST reduction.

    So who is the reduction really for. It looks like the people who buy Cadilacs and Porches will be the ones to reap the most benefit of a GST reduction.

    If Harper was serious about helping the middle and lower class citizens of this country he would have increased the GST suppliment check people already receive. Instead he wants to save his oil rich, core supporters in Alberta,and the elite classes in the other provinces, 2 cents on every dollar of disposable income.

    The only people who this really saves money for are those who have the money to spend in the first place.

    When will people learn, EVERY TAX BREAK IS FOR THE RICH. No matter how they spin it, so that it looks like the poor and middle class are benefitting, the track record shows the rich are the ones who get the most from any tax break or reduction.

    I'm not sure why you picked $500 of disposable income, but even CTV news thinks the typical Canadian would immediately save 360/year which is close enough to the CPC estimate of $400. As to your eat the rich philosophy, aren't they the ones that pay the top tax bracket which is around 42%. Then there is all the luxury taxes they have to pay and an objective person can see that they are paying their share like everybody else.

  9. There is no question in all the literature about using marijuana that it slows down brain activity and distorts judgement.

    All central nervous system depressants reduce brain activity and distort judgment. This includes alcohol, tranquilizers, both prescription and nonprescription sleeping pills, and a long list of other legal substances. None of these substances, whether used in moderation or used in excess, result in a lifetime criminal record and a 5% chance of jail time for possessing less than 30 grams.

    But Stephen Harper thinks it's rational to jail people for possession of less than 30 grams. Perhaps he's using some pharmaceutical substance to arrive at this irrational conclusion or even worse, his brain, in a nonmedicated state, actually perceives this position as rational.

    Hey Normie, hows it going? Still campaigning hard I see. Good zingers on Harper, but I recommend the occasional happy or confused face to further make your points. Keep up the good work! :)

  10. Not enough evidence so far....

    But it makes you wonder why Bleberzon (the CARP Director of Communications did such an about face).

    Somebody will dig into this. If the Liberals were to release the call and email logs of the staff from Goodales office then the story would go away instantly. Why won't they release those logs?


    I'm afraid all those call and email logs were destroyed long ago. The Liberals wrote the book on covering your tracks, remember the envelopes of cash in Quebec? The good news is when there is so much scandal, sooner or later a mistake will be made and blow the cover off.

  11. It could be seen Paul Martin is using previous democratic president Bill Clinton in partisan politics to boost the Liberals pet Kyoto project to make Kyoto an election issue in order to sway votes.

    Just twenty-four hours earlier Paul Martin chastised the U.S. (Bush administration) of contradicting the world in it's refusal to sign the Kyoto protocol.

    Paul Martin addressed participants in the Montreal climate change conference " To the reticent nations including the U.S., I say there is a such thing as global conscience and now is the time to listen to it."

    Wow! Strong stuff for a Liberal party that has done basically nothing concerning Kyoto itself and what position is Canada in intially to bump orders around to a super-power like the U.S.

    Dumb call Mr. Martin and I for one am tired of you and your Liberal party threating our fairly stable relations with the U.S. that in turn could threaten the welfare of Canadians.


    On Martin dropping everything for a photo op with Bill Clinton, Harper quipped," He's one president behind." TV coverage of the event was kind of funny, showing both at seperate podiums with Bill on his cell phone while Martin tried to keep things rolling.

    As has been reported, the U.S. gov. actually summoned the Canadian Ambas. to tell him they found this quite objectionable. As has been mentioned elsewhere on this board, Canada's emissions have actually grown by 24% since 1990, while the U.S. has been much more successful(while staying out of Kyoto), growing by only 13%. Obviously Martin doesn't bother with things like facts when he's trying to score points with anti-american voters.

    At any rate, expect at least 3 more years of being on the wrong end of trade with the U.S. regarding things like lumber tarrifs and mad cow restrictions, now making way for brand new issues the U.S. can show their displeasure with.

  12. Dear repliers,

    Islam and muslims can be secular, democratic, liberal, modern, tolerant, capitalist

    and rich and cause less trouble, if they have the chance.Islam is not the future of humanity.It is a faith like others.People must belive something.I said from the begining,  people could be different if they hold the same faith.Turks different from arabs, some arabs different from other arabs, iranians, bosnians , caucisasians, hindus ethnically and lingusticly .Turks treat women fairly.There is no state coercion on practice of religion.You can swim nude in the beaches.Turkish cinema has long erotic tradition from 70's as Germany.There is no scientific gap between west.We have scholars on a vide range of topics.We have ivy league kind universities etc etc.

    Dear Hasan,

    You have introduced a very interesting topic and most of us here have strong feelings on it as you can see. I have to acknowledge that the great majority of Muslims are no doubt peace loving and wanting to help their people. It is unfortunate there are extremists who use any religion to manipulate the simple and attack their enemies.

  13. This conference in Montreal where Martin took another swipe at the U.S. and Bush was a perfect example of the Martin strategy. Canada is actually doing much worse than the U.S. in this area and yet Martin chides the U.S. since they are not a part of Kyoto. Merely a cheap attempt at the anti-American vote and keeping attention on them, not his poor performance in this area.

    It is something that deserves more than lip service at election time.

  14. Saudi Arabia is a wealthy country not threatened by anyone. It beats and tortures women if they're caught wearing makeup, or if an ankle or some hair shows from under their burkhas. Religious police forced girls back into a burning school because they weren't wearing their burkhas, killing some. They tolerate no other religion. You can be executed for wanting to convert to another religion. And still, the Muslim religious fanatics call Saudi Arabian law too tame, too mild, too modern. The great pressure in Saudi Arabia is not for democracy, not for more cultural enlightenment, for for harsher, more conservative laws and rules of behaviour. As for homosexuals. They are imprisoned, tortured and killed. As for abortions. Anyone involved is immediately executed.

    Thank you Argus for refuting this idea of comparing muslim extremism to christian extremism. They are simply not the same.

    Newbie, no doubt those are the best quotes you can find, and they do not contain the calling for the torture of immoral women, or the extermination of other religions, or the murder of homosexuals. And I wouldn't spend too much time listening to Hank H., he's kind of extreme in the other direction and has totally twisted the organization he works for since the founder died.

  15. Eueka, hasn't Canada's greenhouse gases increased by over 20% since the nineties while the U.S. has kept theirs to 13%? They are doing better than us and they aren't even signing up for kyoto.

    By using per capita emissions on China, it skews their numbers downward, since they have 1.something billion people. They won't curtail their emissions when kyoto directs them to, have they left Tibet because of pressure brought to bear, or stopped manufacturing pirated goods because other countries or international courts say they should? How about listening to world organizations like the UN on human rights. They will do as they please and pollute freely as their economy dictates, not as Kyoto may eventually dictate.

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