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Posts posted by sharkman

  1. I have to say I am uncomfortable with the following -
    I guess we allk know that the U.S. Justice Department has gone to court to get access to Google search records to help prevent access to online pornography

    While I of course have no issue and completely support the effort to stop those that prey on children, I wonder if this isn't more of a religious hunt on pornography in general? I wonder what the parameters are around "preventing access to online pornography"

    This sicko had live broadcasting as he raped infants and you suspect a religious hunt? Good grief man, child porn is illegal and it has nothing to do with what the church thinks about it.

  2. It seems that more than a few Muslim leaders are calling for a stop to the violence, and the protests, and the intolerance, and just about all the things that everyone is complaining about.

    I wonder if these "nice" Muslims would be as nice if they had as many WMDs as Russia, the USA or China?

    You know, I think there IS a God.

    Hold that thought, Biblio, Iran's nutjob president just might turn the trick of getting nukes. God gives us the freedom to live as we choose, and then live with our decisions, which is a pretty just outcome if you ask me. All it takes for evil to suceed is for good men to decide to do nothing.

  3. Oh no, bad polls. Who cares? Real leaders don't govern by polls. As for Republican successors, I like McCain, Romney and Guilliani. I'd like to see a combination of two of the three in the White House in 2008.

    I notice you didn't mention the secret weapon to Bubba's wife, Condi. She's smarter and has been getting a wealth of experience in her various portfolios, unlike Hillary, who was merely married to the boss.

    Dear Newbie, what gives? You start 2 threads within 2 minutes last night, both pretty much on the same topic. We get it already, you hate Bush.

  4. Haven't you ever heard you can't yell 'fire' in a public place? Of course there are limits on freedom of speech.

    I believe you can tell this pig cartoon is much worse than the Muslim ones, but you enjoy playing devil's advocate. I think you enjoy the debating more than the outcome. And don't get me wrong, you're pretty good at it. But I see no point in just debating for the sake of debating. Nothing personal.

  5. What the MSM is doing in regards to Islam in general is pure propaganda. Mark Steyn and others are the only ones willing to face the truth and tell it like it is. For those who can't handle threads like this and think Jerry is a hate monger, here's a line for you that's been used on us conservatives for years: You can always change the channel!

  6. Black dog, only you would think that a Jewish kid saying he wishes all Palestinians would go live in some other Arab country is comparable to a Palestinian kid saying committing murder against an Israeli would make him feel glad and strong. I don't know why you can't see the difference between the two.

    At any rate, the teacher's been reinstated:


    It seems disciplinary action was taken against the teacher, although he never lost any of his salary while he was on leave. An official said the lecture in question was a breach of district policy since the teacher didn't present both sides of arguments.

    The student in question said, "I never wanted him fired. I just wanted hm to go back to teaching geography. Hopefully he won't be teqching the things he previously taught."

    I'll repeat what I said earlier. You can bet the teacher will be more careful in the future, stupid things like Hitler comparisons will not be made anymore. Maybe he'll spend most of class time teaching the geography material, who knows. And relations between the teacher and pupil will be a little strained. Someone should keep an eye on that little neo-con's marks, if the teacher is small minded, they might take a dive.

  7. Another good point made: Those little socialists or whatever they are wouldn't print the Mohammad cartoons because they didn't want to offend anyone. For them to be unable to see that this would be offensive is unrealistic. They knew it would offend. They just didn't care. This happened on March 3, was it? The response of the Christian community shows who's more scary, namely, the Muslim community. Christians aren't burning buildings, flags and people, for instance. :blink:

  8. This is the smoking gun that the Liberal party kept saying didn't exist during the election. Yet another crime and attempt to hide it. Brison knew full well that he had emailed this leak and of course kept quiet about it and no doubt prefered to repeat how the Tories and the RCMP had no basis for this investigation.

    He should be arrested and charged. My only regret is that this information is being made public. Brison is no doubt busy at the shredder and strategizing with a team of lawyers to further block and detour justice. They should have kept his email quiet until they showed up with a warrant at his office and carted him away.

    IF Shapiro keeps out of this he should be fired immediately, once and all proving his inability to investigate anything Liberal

  9. And if that's your favorite posting style BM, find another forum.

    It's not my favourite posting style, Argus. But my point was that I probably wouldn't have to go back very far...oh look, this morning to find you engaging in the same kind of discourse you would cry to the moderator about:

    Jeez it's so hard trying to explain things to simpletons.

    Perhaps you feel bad that you can't get through a debate without calling your opponent a moron. So you blame them for being stupid, or the forum for allowing the discourse to degenerate.

    Bubber, if we looked hard enough we could find examples from a lot of posters here. You do seem to tend to reach for sarcasm and biting remarks more than some, though others do as well. I know you don't mean anything personal by it, but maybe we could all just try not to be the first one to reach for name calling or whatever. After all, it takes less wit to call names than come up with a counter point.

  10. A lot of folks are, to put it at its mildest, indifferent to Jews.
    Perhaps Israel should be supported in the same manner it supports the 'West'...sell arms and training to both sides of 'terrorism conflicts', ignore and/or perpetuate human rights violations, and cry 'discrimination' at every turn, even when not applicable.

    This is a typical response when some are confronted with the hate crimes against Jews that are multiplying in Europe. Transferring blame. Rationalization. The Jews had it coming.

    Muslims are being painted with their own actions, which now regularly include murdering Jews. I still think that murdering is wrong. I don't have to go back over the last 500 or 1000 years and count up the score between Jews and Muslims. When Jews kill Muslims its wrong and when Muslims kill Jews it's wrong.

  11. The teacher may be good or bad, but Hitler gets waaaay too much respect around here. I really don't get it, like he was simply misunderstood or something. Hitler had his good points? Ask the Gypsies and Jews and Christians and mentally handicapped how good he was. Ask the Poles and the French and the Russians what kind of a masterful politician he was. Ask Germans who lived in pre and post war Germany how they liked him.

    Anyone who says, "I'm not saying Bush and Hitler are exactly the same, obviously they're not. OK? But there are some eerie similarities to the tones that they use.", is saying he thinks they are similar. Like I said, beyond stupid. What's on all of the other tapes? The school board disagrees with you, they suspended his ass.

    Do any of you remember the case of a teacher here in B.C. who wrote several letters to the editor of the small paper in his town? I believe he talked about the gay issue in traditional terms, shall we say. He got suspended for one month without pay for it. And this was from the privacy of his own home. This teacher in the states is crossing a line. I don't know if he should be fired, I'd have to listen to the hours and hours of tape. But there are things you can't say, as a teacher, to your class. My wife is a teacher, and brother are there ever subjects that are actionable.

  12. one possible cause is the fact that we just went through a barn burner of an election with the stinkin' Liberal party's record of wasting billions promising the moon and, and... uh, never mind!

    Seriously, things probably get a little shrill around election time and the emotions respond accordingly. Hopefully we will all simmer down a bit now and make allowances for viewpoints we disagree with.

  13. Except for the fact that he characterized comments Bush made in his State of the Union speech as similar to what HITLER used to say. That is not 'challenging' your students to think for themselves. That is someone who can't hide their hate for Bush, and is offering the Hitler comment as a truth. Making Hitler comparisons is beyond stupid.

    And this is only one tape. What's on all of the others? Remember, the Colorado school board involved has already supended him. Whether some people can process this or not, they are not investigating him for no reason.

  14. Harper is great - a smile to your face, BS polititian. Excrement. He has already learned to play "the game" and has thick skin and does not give a crap about what people say about him. He also does not seem to care about public perceptions about his appointments. Starting to sound like the old Liberal hacks? :huh:

    Uh, no. He needs to rack up 10's of billions of dollars in waste and mismanagement first, as well as have a MAJOR scandal in Quebec which may send them over the top towards separating from Canada. For starters.

  15. Are you on glue? Have you checked out Sun Media lately? Or CanWest?

    The media is overwhelmingly rightwing.

    Geez, George Orwel would be amazed.

    The Canadian media is rightwing? Shall we consider their lock step coverage of gay marriage in canada? How about with environmental issues: SUVs, Kyoto, climate change and the like. All from a liberal left of center the sky is falling perspective. How about the U.S. in general, that 'right wing red neck' land of Christians. How about the coverage of the Muslim cartoons, a huge story that stayed in the media for weeks. Even Europe media outlets showed them. Our Canadian media covers everything from a lefty view. You, my friend, are out of touch with reality. But that's okay. I used to think the media was fair and balanced back before I finished college. Time will broaden your perspective.

  16. - BLACKDOG ...

    - I already know what it is like to see myself in print and to get paid quite a lot in the bargain so I don't need to and won't be posting 4,000 or more posts here. I'll only respond when I have something to say in relationship to something worth a response. Maybe you should also consider this before you respond to other people's posts.

    Hey, uh, Teddy. It sounds like you've come down with a NASTY case of post envy, although I'm not sure if it's related to penis envy. You get paid a lot to see yourself in print, eh? Sound a little insecure about it though. Perhaps you shouldn't take yourself so seriously.

  17. The teacher made comparisons with Bush's state of the union remarks and things Hilter used to say. The Colorado school district involved, certainly no bastion of conservative philosophy, has suspended him while they investigate. No doubt the kid has plenty of tapes and a willingness to share. The teacher has even decided not to sue the school board over the matter. If a liberal school board is so concerned about the matter that they have suspended the teacher, it must be bad.

    Drea, was it you that found it 'priceless' that the right is disagreeing among themselves? Watch and learn, my friend. On the right there is always room for difference of opinion. I believe the claws would come out if a known lefty came out in support of Bush. They certainly come out for the opinions of Michelle Malkin or Sean Hannity.

  18. The Zogby Poll of 944 soldiers, randomly sampled at several locations throughout the country, showed that 72% think the U.S. should exit Iraq in the next 12 months.


    This vindicates what Congressman John Murtha for what he's been saying for months.

    Even the US troops see the sense of pulling out.

    This shows that Murtha does speak for the troops.

    Wow, gerry, you really have a hate on going for the American military involvement in Iraq. This is the fourth or fifth thread you've started in a row with this theme. It seems to really be bugging you and unfortunately it won't change no matter how many threads there are on it. I suggest taking a little time off, maybe blow off some steam, and you'll come back with a better vibe. :)

  19. For a teacher to bring up world issues and provoke the students to think is not wrong, to be ranting and making comparisons with Hitler is getting close to what we call in Canada hate speech. This guy obviously hates Bush, which is fine, but he's trying to get his students to hate him too. If he did that with the gay topic we'd all have no problem denouncing it, but since it's Bush, some can't see straight on the issue.

    At any rate, the teacher in question will now be monitoring his comments a little more carefully, and someone should observe the kid's grading to see if it suddenly takes a nose dive. Good for the kid though, you have to stand up to liberals or they will just walk all over your silence.

  20. Boo hoo.

    Gee, is that your version of a good come back Bub? Perhaps all that tokin' you've been doing (as you have mentioned in the past) has slowed your mental capacity. The body is a temple my friend, if you treat it as such you will find yourself in this particular situation less - having embarrassed yourself while being completely ignorant of the fact.

    Anyhoo, the slippery slope is a grand old argument that has served us conservatives well lo these many years, mostly because it's an accurate description of the way things are sometimes. Take speeding, for instance. In my community 50 kph is the limit on most streets. This used to be enforced and I can remember getting a few tickets for going several ks over. Somewhere along the way, so many people started falling to the temptation of speeding, that the cops realized their resources on this issue could not keep up and they seem to have allowed 60 to be the new 50. This is a slippery slope. Now I regularly get passed on all roads of two lanes each way when I merely go 60 kph. On sinple lane roads often times someones on my tail, giving me the hint that I'm out of step with reality. My point is this: The slippery slope of speed has gotten us to a place where the speeders do 65 to 75 in a 50 zone. There are many more accidents with injuries and deaths than there used to be in our community, all because of the speed issue. Whether you can wrap your head around the reality of the slippery slope issue or not, it's legitimate.

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