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Everything posted by CrakHoBarbie

  1. I've made a claim that you, because of your lack of civility, cannot remain civil in debate with those who do not share your views. I offered a way to test it and challanged you to post in a bipartisan regulated forum. I said you wouldn't last a week. I stand by that claim.
  2. I guess i should discount this forum because the first post i read here was by reason10? Look, If you're afraid to post there, i understand. Not everyone can be civil to others.
  3. Ill give all yall the benefit of the doubt. It's my contention that you are incapable of remaining civil in the face of a diverse range of posters. Register at www.debatepoliltics.com. You wont last a week.
  4. Youve confused insults with constructive reasoning. And it has nothing to do with which side your on. The rules are the same for both sides. You simply are incapable of the self control necessary to perform in a regulated forum. You are sitting there trying to convince me that being a rude, obstinate, insulting degrading bully is the only way for you to get your point across. Thats not how those in a civilized society act. Its how animals act.
  5. You are not capable of honest debate. You dont have the self control to keep things civil. Its why your here. Because your angry, uncontrolled rhetoric is not conducive to constructive debate and youd be banned elsewhere. You are incapable of controlling yourself.
  6. By "honest" you mean as long as the poster agrees with you. And all yall call yourself Christians? For all yalls sake, you better hope god doesnt exist. If only you had the where with all to recognise that the way you express yourself through anger is problematic. But you dont. So your incapable of growth. And your incapable of learning. https://christianscholars.com/blessing-for-insult-in-todays-argument-culture-seriously/
  7. Repolitics doesnt regulate direct insults. That is problematic in as much as it allows threads to devolve into puddles of insults, vicious tangents of verbal degradation. Real, constructive debate cannot florish in this type of environment.
  8. Come over to www.debatepolitics.com They don't allow the bullies to run roughshod over there.
  9. Donald has a problem with being wrong. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-if-biden-is-elected-the-stock-market-will-crash-94451269581&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjw1L7_hdaEAxUhJkQIHYviDFwQtwJ6BAgGEAE&usg=AOvVaw14YABcCZU49_cLUl0Viiff
  10. You may want to turn the abusive rhetoric down then.
  11. It's called being an abrasive fu_king arsehole. You are here everyday, all day long spewing hate. It's who you are.
  12. You demonstrate major anger management issues. Too much h8 radio? Or, were you just an arsehole from the get go. Doesn't matter. Youre extremely abrasive.
  13. My political affiliation has nothing to do with your obvious psychological issues. You should heed my warning. You could become a danger to yourself and/or those around you. See below and don't delay. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/mental-health-services/mental-health-get-help.html&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjS9NfBgcqEAxUGJEQIHakPAMkQFnoECAAQAg&usg=AOvVaw1eoowMQm22mQU3tREGWtlt
  14. Your so abrasive, abusive and angry. I feel bad for you.
  15. Projection. For far right zealots, every accusation is a confession.
  16. I've heard your opinion already. Thank you If you are right, perhaps it would be prudent to get some of your kids into AI programming.
  17. Case in point. Here you are making biased suppositions from a biased database (this far right forum), which has lead you to a false conclusion.
  18. Discrimination of all types abound on the Internet. Coming to conclusions through biased suppositions often leads to biased results.
  19. Ok. Your biased supposition has been duly noted.
  20. You missed my point. AI uses the Internet as it's data repository. Therefore it has the same propensities as we do. Your contention that the programmer is to blame appears to ignore the data base issue.
  21. The resources that AI learns from is us. Thus, AI has the ability to get every bit as psychotic as we are.
  22. Well now that I have your approval, I certainly wont.
  23. I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for. But I'd vote for a severed hemorrhoid before I'd vote for donald.
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