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  1. No, because Trump only nominated them. It was congress who confirmed their appointments.
  2. So, should we just let murderers out of jail, because we ignore the reasons people do things? Seems to me that you're the one being simplistic, lazy, and stupid.
  3. Criminals who commit the crime of abortion should be in jail.
  4. Look, I'm not sorry that I exposed your strawman fallacy for what it is. Maybe try using real and verifiable facts instead of hysteria driven fairytales to support your arguments.
  5. This is a false assumption on your part.
  6. I love the way you get me high!

  7. Tacitus and Josephus only record that a story about a guy named Jesus was in circulation. Neither one references a big event like people rising from the dead and coming to Jerusalem. Why would God himself not write anything when on Earth if the written word were so important to him? That doesn't make sense that God would only ever rely on sketchy second and third hand accounts.
  8. I would have to say that I wish Jesus existed, but I don't really believe that he did. I have several reasons to not believe that he's not real. 1. In the temptation in the desert, Jesus used the phrase "It is written." If the written scriptures were so important to Jesus then why didn't he write anything himself? Theologians debate for hundreds of years on issues that Jesus could have settled by simply writing his own authoritative scripture, but he didn't. 2. I believe it's the Gospel of John that mentions that people rose from the dead and came into Jerusalem after the crucifixion. This would have been big news, but no writers of the period mention this event at all! 3. The earliest writers of the Church use scriptural references in their writings, but not one of them ever mentions anything that an apostle actually said to them, or what any apostle said to anyone else that isn't written in scripture. This seems strange since if the Jesus was real, and his apostles are real, then the early Church writers should have had real experiences to draw from that were outside of the scriptures. 4. Jesus's mythology seems to have borrowed from MIthraism, Judaism, Buhdism, and etc... 5. Christianity believes in only one life, and then judgement, but in the gospels, reincarnation is alluded to.
  9. Realistically, our borders have been open and little actual work has been done to stop illegals crossing besides that which gets political points. What I mean by this is, even Trump just ramped up border patrol enforcement and tried to build a border wall, but he, like all other presidents, absolutely failed to go after businesses which hire illegals that provide the real incentive for illegals to come here in the first place. Also, I don't believe it's illegals driving the consumption, or demand, of fentanyl or other drugs; it's our political and economic corruption which is driving people into poverty and hopelessness.
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