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Posts posted by West

  1. 5 minutes ago, Boges said:

    Cite? And which Mandates? 

    You actually saying you have no sympathy for people who, in good faith, took a vaccine and ended up either injured or dead because of it? What's wrong with our society? Good grief. 

    I posted a link a few pages back. You can go find it.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Boges said:

    Sure. Apparently today he'll be lifting the requirement for PCR tests for vaxxed travellers. That's huge. 

    And yes, it's still punitive to the non-vaxxed. I'm certainly going to lose sleep over that. Even countries that have removed restrictions still request vaccination to enter without testing. 

    Yet still continues on with a vendetta against the unvaccinated for whatever warped reason

     For every person harmed by these vaccines, politicians like Trudeau should face criminal charges. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Boges said:

    Trudeau isn't responsible for the type of restrictions we see with Lockdowns and businesses being closed. Thats a Provincial responsibility. 

    I think every Province has a timeline for removing restrictions. None, that I'm aware, have restrictions resembling a Lockdown. 

    Trudeau is most definitely responsible for the restrictions on travel which most certainly impacts normal operations of many businesses. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    So carrying illegal weapons, illegal blockages, occupation of the Capital and harassment of residents is called lobbying now!!!!!!!!!

    Jumping on bouncy castles is something akin to a government takeover. Got it. 

    Trudeau has already admitted all this hoopla is because he doesn't agree with their views. 

    You look at many protests that Trudeau has supported, whether it be Idle No More or BLM protests, these went on for weeks with blocked roads yet far different media coverage.

    By the way you can still use these routes they are just delayed. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    Then contact your MPs and pursued them in doing so rather than illegal blockades, carrying illegal weapons and putting Canadians out of jobs.

    People lobby all the time in Ottawa. Sometimes they spend weeks there being funded by big business to do their bidding. Why are you so offended here?

  6. 17 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:


    others have said their goal is to force the dissolution of the elected federal government, 

    This is illegal and the second group should be put on trial for insurgency, undemocratic act against national security.

    Actually no its not. Minority parties can do a vote of no confidence which is well within their authority. 

    As your MPs are representatives of their constituents, you have every right to protest and pressure your MP if that is your choice.

  7. 11 minutes ago, myata said:

    Ford decided that vaccine passports go in two weeks and the masks, never yet. He must know something or talking to someone. Like how do they arrive at these decisions? Why two, and not zero or twenty-five? Can they share the big secret, why not? Or is it a matter of national security? A shaman dance around a bonfire, behind closed exspert doors?

    It could be the time it takes to make its way through the red tape inside government. 

    They have to maintain an illusion that they are still in charge. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

    good ol' Dave Curtis

    he was a ladies man alright, tough as nails too, great soldier, a soldier's soldier

    he was at the Windsor with me the night I met my wife

    in fact he's the reason I noticed my wife across the room

    she was with her college friends, and one of them came over and started hitting on Dave

    then when she walked back to the gaggle of girls by the dart boards, I saw my wife for the first time

    literally love at first sight, walked right over and asked her to be my girlfriend, on the spot

    when I was a little boy, I had a crush on Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz, young Judy Garland

    and my wife is a dead ringer for her

    Right on

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, blackbird said:

    You're the one who seems to not care about protecting people from Covid.  You want to be "free" from health restrictions.

    I want to be free from possible cancer, heart issues and blood clots from a product you are pushing on me. 

    Why do you have a right to give me cancer?

  10. 9 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

    No, there is several ways he can accomplish this , make new laws, or declare an emergency and put in place emergency measures act which gives him more power, or have the majority to pass any action that is deemed reasonable. 

    It should be noted this policy has been modified  to reduce the amount of power a PM can wield , before this power gave him almost unlimited power he go go to war on the truckers tommorrow if he decided...today he needs a majority in parliament to do anything serious...

    You comfortable with a PM being able to call up your bank and freeze it on you for protesting his policy?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

    There are a lot of things we may be but communism is not one, but our rights and freedoms are or can be fragile and invoked by government at any time. The government has been blocking or seizing accounts for years, like drug dealer assets, etc...

    By a court order. Not just because Trudeau doesn't like their views 

  12. The vaccine mandates have nothing to do with public health. They are driven largely by a few loud mouths who want control over people. 

    If it was about health you wouldn't be forcing people to choose between adverse side effects of a vaccine/emotional anguish associated with coerced medical procedures or feeding their families. 

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