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  • Birthday 01/01/2021

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  1. very funny... Defense Ministers: 1. Russia 2. US 3. Canada... ? 4. German Defense Minister Ursula ... profession - gynecologist... 5. but the coolest defense minister was in Spain 2008-2011. Pregnant woman. ??????
  2. we say on the contrary, that Canada has become more liberal and there is no Communism there. Especially, we laugh at Trudeau, he looks like a girl ..
  3. I don't think that is possible in Canada. I don't know about the muzzles from Covid .. but here they also talked about girls .. Girls in Communism are prettier .. ? such girls will conquer the whole world without weapons
  4. the Americans got drunk. a weak, primitive, illiterate nation that believes it can bomb people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria ... The Russians will destroy you .. РAmericans are weak, you have never fought on your territory. The Russians have created a Weapon that is not in America ... After Putin, a new President will come. It will be tougher.
  5. Communism will win anyway. it is useless to resist. --- if you have Education, then try to argue .. I warn you - I hit hard and U hurts
  6. by the way, you live in Europe. Europe is America's slave Toronto is your temporary home .. don't argue with the KGB
  7. old man.. I respect your opinion, but you'd better talk about girls ... you wrote, not that ----- because, Philosophy, Politics, Economics are completely different ...
  8. Where are the American / Canadian girls on the forum? very bad.. I only see old fart like you..
  9. Are there Patriots in Canada? - Who is the Patriot of Canada? you are welcome, What are the signs of a "patriot of Canada" ..
  10. Canadians, why do you need a homosexual Trudeau? take Putin away from Russia. We don't like him. but he will put you in order, as you are too "relaxed"
  11. when, on the forum ... a person cannot argue competently, then he begins to "grimace" ... has your opponent started to grimace? So he lost .. dot. ?
  12. you are probably talking about point 3, which my opponent wrote ... I'm Jew, but Soviet Jew... 1. I am not interested in his opinion, since he does not have sufficient Education .. He does not even have money ... Besides, he's too young. In addition, he cannot read forum posts. now about me ... 2. I was born and raised in the USSR, served in the border troops of the KGB of the USSR ... 3. I have Russian, Finnish and American Citizenship. 4. I am not afraid of either God or the Devil. my real address [email protected] phone: 89773087075 Address: Russia, Chigasovo Village, 15
  13. about 20 years ago, in our village, there was the Main Square .... People shoveled snow into the center of the square, then built a "winter mountain" with which the children rode ... But then, someone decided that it was "non-civilized, undemocratic ...." They put this Scarecrow in the middle of the square ..
  14. typical American expedition against the Corona.
  15. Beautiful for spacious skies For amber waves of grain For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain… Source: Musixmatch
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