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Infidel Dog

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Posts posted by Infidel Dog

  1. Google seems to be blocking this one in my Chrome Browser, but I can see it with the secure browser, Brave.


    Report says carbon taxes in B.C. and Alberta ‘failed’ in not lowering emissions

    “Our results suggest that the carbon tax policy in British Columbia failed to achieve its goal,” said the CERI study


    A new report says carbon taxes in B.C. and Alberta have done nothing to lower emissions in the provinces.

    The study, by the Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI), compared B.C.’s carbon tax and Alberta’s tax on large emitters to the European emissions trading scheme and Quebec’s cap-and-trade agreement with California.


  2. 2 hours ago, Shady said:

    Headlining the DNC convention tonight, former pedophile-in-chief!


    The Democratic Convention also hosted this guy:

    "Noman Hussain, imam of ISM Brookfield in Wisconsin, was one of the religious leaders who took part in the convention’s “Interfaith Welcome Service.

    Hussain is a scholar at the Texas-based Qalam Institute, whose officials have advocated “the use of female sex slaves, the killing of adulterers, and incite hatred against Jews and other non-Muslims,” according to the Middle East Forum.

    One of the Qalam Institute’s courses, “The Prophetic Code,” warns Muslims to strive for “cleanliness” and “purity,” so that they “do not resemble the Jews.”


  3. 3 hours ago, Argus said:

    Undeserved? She's half black, right?

    Which half is claiming a right to slavery reparations from the Unites States of America and why? 

    One would hope it isn't the Jamaican half whose ancestors owned slaves. Even so, when did Jamaica become the 51st state?


  4. On the other hand, speaking of things that are actually true but not getting the coverage they deserve can we talk about Trump's brokerage of the Israeli/UAE Peace Deal?

    That should be wall to wall, everyday, top of the news coverage. If Barrack Obama had done it, it would be. Unfortunately he didn't. He couldn't, Trump could though and he did.

    Most of the coverage we see from legacy media is to downplay it or present as "Yeah, this happened. In other news...little Mary Sue lost her kitten up a tree."

    Here's Jared Kushner telling Fox News why it's a big deal though.


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  5. No Hockey fans here?

    I'm an unashamed Vancouver Canucks fan and our second game of the playoffs starts in about an hour and a half. Not optimistic about this one but what the Hell we'll get em' again next game. The defending Stanley Cup champs figure to come out on fire tonight though - after being disgraced by the Nucks in the first game of the series.

    The Calgary flames play later tonight. They did alright in their opener too. Holy Smokes, Montreal's ahead of Philly 4-0 in the third right now. 

    Here's the schedule at what they call the "Bubbles" in Toronto and Edmonton, where all the games are being played.


  6. I get it. Ignore all Kamala's self-serving lies and hypocrisy cause Trump. Is that it?

    Thanks anyway but I don't think I'll be doing that. Did you know Kamala was an Anchor-baby, descendant of slave-owners? Her mother is from India and her father from Jamaica. Now she's pushing for Americans to cough up reparations for Beyonce and the other hard done bys of that particular race, whatever that might be. 

    She appears to be trying to push undeserved African-American credentials so I'm guessing that's who she's trying to pander to.

  7. There's a story I keep hearing about from the fringes but not in a well sourced, investigative way yet. Nevertheless I suspect there's something to it.

    The story suggests Islamist organizations are supporting the Marxists in the spread of these riots hopeful for the next revolution. They suggest Muslim Brotherhood connected organizations are right in there with BLM, Antifa and the rest of them.

  8. Tucker Carlson claims gullibles reliant on their nightly news aren't being told enough about this one:

    Tucker rips lack of coverage of DC mass shooting, claims media silent to help Biden campaign:


    The single biggest U.S. mass shooting of 2020 occurred over the weekend in Washington, but because the story didn't "help the Biden campaign," it went largely unreported on, Tucker Carlson said Monday.


  9. Another thing I notice is mainstreamers seem to be getting told the lie that Europe is doing much better with Covid than America. That's not true with death rates and our betters don't seem to want us to know that America is doing much better economically than the Euro zone.

    Sweden's doing much better than the EZ economically too, of course.

  10. Strange how the mainstreamers don't want to tell you about Covid and Sweden anymore. For awhile there they were falling all over themselves to tell you how Sweden's lax China virus controls were comparing to other nordic countries.

    If anybody's interested though here's what those of us outside the legacy media loop are allowed to hear:


    In Sweden, Where There Was No Lockdown, COVID Cases & Deaths Have Slowed to a Trickle

    Death rate lower than Spain, the UK and Italy – economy in better shape.


    Confounding claims by many that its open society approach to coronavirus would spectacularly backfire, Sweden, which didn’t enforce any mandatory lockdown order, has seen its coronavirus cases and deaths slow to a trickle.

    Back in March, when Sweden announced that it would adopt a different approach to much of the rest of the world by refusing to shut down its economy and instead aim for herd immunity, public health experts and media commentators were aghast at the decision, warning that the country’s hospitals would be overwhelmed with COVID victims.

    Summing up the attitude towards Sweden’s approach, Danish journalist Lisbeth Davidsen said it was “like watching a horror movie.”

    Fast forward five months and the horror show predicted by many has completely failed to materialize.

    While fears of a “second wave” of coronavirus continue to plague other European countries that completely locked down and enforced draconian face mask rules, Sweden has recorded barely a trickle of COVID cases and deaths so far in August.

    Jordan Schachtel drills into the numbers;


    In August, Sweden has registered just one death (!) with/from the coronavirus. Yes, you read that correctly. One death so far.

  11. 1 hour ago, Argus said:

    So all those countries you talked about are opening up, having gotten this virus under control. The US is still in complete disarray, which is also why they have to keep massively testing, because it's spreading like wildfire across the country. 

    Sorry, but that's just wrong and based on nothing more than you crossing your fingers and hoping it won't be challenged. Good luck with that. ;)

    The information she posted was on August 4. Can you show me something saying anything has changed since then.

    I would say no, you can't. Because all I can find is stuff like this from the old left of NBC news - Europe faces down a second coronavirus pandemic wave July 25 and the new left of the National Post - European countries reimpose lockdown and travel ban as fear of COVID-19 resurgence looms (separate argument but yes, it's swinging left) August 6 .

    Something called Eurozone news was saying this a few days ago:


    As coronavirus cases rise in several European countries, governments are scrambling to contain new emerging clusters of the virus, and some citizens are wondering if countries are prepared to prevent a potential "second wave".

    Many experts agree that Europe is experiencing a resurgence in cases, as people are more relaxed about social distancing during the summer months.

    France has seen a 78 per cent increase in its weekly COVID-19 incidence rate per 100,000 people. New cases have increased from a couple of hundred per day to more than 1,000.

    Some of this is due to expanded testing and locating of asymptomatic cases, particularly in young adults. Health officials have warned that more young people are testing positive for the virus as they ignore social distancing.

    Spain is once again a European hotspot with higher infection rates in its northeastern regions near Barcelona, which prompted officials to issue more restrictions.



    41 minutes ago, Argus said:

    Spare me. She's a moron who rants against the CDC and face masks. And nobody is talking about the states response but that of the Trump administration.


    Well if she's a moron what would you call somebody who has no argument to the facts she presented showing the American federal response to the China virus was exceptional.

    For example she says:


    In looking at the numbers you have to remember the US is an enormous country with about 330 million people but when you add the populations of Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Spain and Belgium they together have almost 336 million people - that's roughly equal to our population. 

    So first off on testing, we've performed better than those 6 European western countries. They've done 42.8 million tests for Covid 19. We've done 59.9 million. Since we've performed so many more tests we can't really do an apples to apples comparison on confirmed Covid case numbers but of course we can look at deaths. We have suffered. We've suffered a 158 thousand deaths. It's a horrific tragedy, but the 6 European countries combined have suffered roughly 159,00 deaths - an equal and horrific tragedy.

    Likewise our death rates are lower than many of our European counterparts. Belgium, Britain, Spain, Italy, have seen way worse death rates than we have. France is only doing slightly better in terms of death than we are (45 France to 48 American  deaths per hundred thousand. Belgium is 81)

    Now what we also have to recognize is that the US is as we said a massive country. If you break it down by state it's clear the Democrat states are the reason that the death rates are so high. It just happens to work out that way, right? We can also say that our economy has done significantly better than Europe. Remember that the US economy fell by  9.5 percent on a quarterly basis. The Euro zone - that is the economies of all European nations that use the Euro fell by 12.1 percent. Even Germany suffered a decline of 10.1 percent. But aren't the European nations doing better than us going forward? Well...that's not what investors think...

    And she goes on to prove it.

    So if she's the moron what do we have to say about those whose best argument against those those facts she presented is she's a poop-head.

  13. As to the idea the Trump administration "has presided over a chaotic and incompetent response to a terrible epidemic" that's just another Fake News fallacy.

    Laura Ingraham will straighten out anybody open minded enough to listen. The American federal response was exceptional. Some states could have done better though. Even so America compares well with the European union:




    6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    If you missed Tucker earlier today, you can watch his show on Fox News at 9 pac/12 eastern.

    I only saw 8 minutes of it so far, the show to this point has been brilliant. 

    Was it this one, on what a mismanaged mess Progressive Socialist mayor Bill De Blasio is making of New York city?


  15. For any who missed it, the Democrats had what they called a "Hearing" yesterday where they called Attorney General Barr to talk on among other things the plague of violence and destruction being unleashed on America - or what those above are being instructed to think of as "protests" or "demonstrations" by the far left supporting mainstream media. 

    They called it a "Hearing," but they didn't hear much - cutting the attorney general off any time he attempted a response, choosing instead to filibuster and demagogue.

    In fact when the Republicans tried to introduce a video illustrating the violence on the streets and the media's desperate attempts to cover it up, the Democrats cut the video.

    If anybody would like to dare to see the violence the regressive left won't let you see though, here it is below. See it quick before the Social Media left bans it.


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  16. Look, your desperate need to distract from the point of the thread with an irrelevant claim that the far left, instigators, fomenters, inciters (however you want to put it) aren't antifa isn't working.

    That must be frustrating. I get it. But you can't win with that strategy. Can't you see that? I can always draw the thread back on point because these raging far left, neo marxist, anarcho terrorist insurrectionists or whatever you'd prefer to call them (protestors? demonstrators?) are doing some crazy every night. And I can show people something fresh that they didn't see on the leftist mainstream news.

    For example:


    Anti-police and pro-revolution graffiti runs rampant throughout the area surrounding the courthouse. One piece of graffiti explicitly states, “Kill a cop, save a life.” Footage also shows protesters themselves chanting: “It’s not a riot, it’s a revolution.”

    Antifa flags, meanwhile have also been spotted at the riots.

    Violence and Anarchy Reign in Portland

  17. There is such a thing as Antifa. They look like this:



    They were looking to incite insurrection by what they call "any means necessary" long before George Floyd.

    They have used the protests since then as cover for what they hope will be a revolution. They or those like them are responsible as inciters for all the assaults, murders or civic destruction coming out of that unrest since that time. 

    They don't want to take responsibility for it under the name Antifa and the leftist media won't give it to them. So be it. "Diden du nuffin" though? Not likely.

  18. Andy NGO - the guy who was assaulted on camera by a mob of something-or-others in Portland - believes there is such a thing as Antifa. He's collected video of their activities and has pictures of what he claims are its members on his Twitter page:



  19. OK, so you do at least agree that antifa exists. Good for you. Is your point then that because Antifa is not the only far left, neo or anarcho Marxist group organizing to foment these riots that we should ignore them, or something? Or do you seriously believe the tiny boogaloo movement is behind this nationally, in fact, internationally? Or do you believe it's all happening spontaneously. Something like this:


  20. Ah...I see. 3 nutcases from the far right boogaloo movement were stirring things up at a North Carolina protest movement back in early June and that means what? That there's no such thing as antifa? Like that?

    So  basically you're in the camp with tubby little stomach stapled Jerome Nadler, I think. "Antifa is a myth," right?

    I'm more on board with the big fat realist interviewing him - Fleccas.


  21. Not sure what you're talking about, when it's supposed to have happened or how any of it contradicts the fact that the terrorizing mass of violence, intimidation and destruction we've been seeing from the far left isn't happening.

    You appear to be saying that because you heard something somewhere at sometime about violence from somebody else we shouldn't believe our lying eyes concerning the blatantly larger and major problem.

    Isn't there a word for that? Oh yeah...that's right - distraction.

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