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New World Disorder

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Posts posted by New World Disorder

  1. 1 hour ago, taxme said:

    You obviously are clueless to not know the difference between two people planning a secret birthday party, and a plandemic exercise virus hoax and plan which is part of a real conspiracy. So, did those two people that were planning a birthday party really planning to put a nasty virus in the birthday cake for all to eat and get sick with? Hey, we never know, eh? Lol. 

    I was simply showing that planning a b-day party is conspiring. That is the point you missed. :D

  2. 20 minutes ago, Tdot said:

    These are very deceptive remarks you posted here. This is not about politics, whatsoever, since it is about China refusing to do what North American businesses do when they agree to be listed on the Canadian Stock Exchanges.

    Canadian businesses on the CSE agree to be audited and agree to give degree of access to their books, whereas Chinese businesses on the CSE refuse to do so. Therefore it is very improper for you to classify that as, political, when it is solely about uniformity/total fairness when doing (stock) business in good faith.

    SCN-Lavalin. Even if audited, some Canadian companies are proven to be fraudulent as well.

  3. 6 hours ago, Tdot said:

    You are a Dem. Therefore you only know how to tell lies and how to fleece the truth.

    For example, I can find hundreds of times members here criticized Trump ---where I never ever said they were brainwashed by the MSM.

    Those are the times when you did the right thing and not post at all!!  :D

  4. 1 minute ago, Moonbox said:

    There is good reasoning.  If you want to be listed on a US exchange, you have to be transparent with the books and subject to financial audit.  Ostensibly, the purpose is to make sure that investors don't get fleeced by foreign entities that cook their books.  While that may not be a huge fear with countries that have similar accounting and regulatory frameworks, China does not fall in line.  

    Enron :D

  5. 6 minutes ago, Rue said:

    Delisting companies from the stock exchange by the state for political reasons sets a potentially angerous precedent that could unintentionally limit free trade markets not to mention a violation of constitutional rights guaranteed in the US constitution and Canadian  Charter of Rights.

    What free markets are you talking about? As for what I am seeing, there is absolutely no free market anymore. Why? One word. Bailouts.

  6. 2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    I wasn't watching Fox back then so I can't speak to what was going on back then, I'll just take your word for it. I just started watching Fox on the day of the Ferguson shooting when I caught CNN hiding the truth like it was the gate to hell. 

    Certainly Fox is as pro-Republican as they could possibly be without running for election themselves, it just so happens that they're not lying right now, at a time when other media outlets are rarely even telling the truth. At least for now. Maybe at some point they will need to lie and they'll go full CNN. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. 

    Like most things in the Trump administration, broken clocks can still be right twice a day.

  7. https://www.thetelegraph.com/news/article/China-signals-plan-to-take-full-control-of-Hong-15285627.php

    There are videos showing the Pro-CCP 'lawmakers' are forcing Hong Kong supporters out of their parliament (or the equivalent). China is systemically taking over Hong Kong and converting it to Chinese style rule.  If there was a land connection between China and Taiwan, they would have already taken it over.


    Local media in Hong Kong, including the South China Morning Post, reported Thursday that Beijing will pass a comprehensive national security law in Hong Kong by fiat, bypassing the city's legislature and chief executive.

    The law, which will target subversive activity, appears to be a tailored response to last year's pro-democracy uprising - which Beijing blamed on secessionist forces and foreign influence. The unrest was sparked by a government proposal to allow extraditions to mainland China, but grew into a broader rebellion calling for full democracy and opposing China's efforts to chip away at Hong Kong's firewall with the mainland.

    Wang did not elaborate on what "improvement" meant. But he also referred to the Chinese territory of Macao, a gambling hub where open displays of political dissent are rare and where most leaders tow Beijing's line.

    Don't kid yourself, China only wants one nation, one rule of law.  However I don't think anyone is going to step in and push back on China. So they will continue this path.


    Article 23 of Basic Law -- Hong Kong's de facto constitution -- calls on the local government to "enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government." Though past Hong Kong administrations have spoken of a need to pass Article 23, it has never been put on the agenda, apparently for fear of the type of widespread unrest seen last year over a proposed extradition law with China.
    Those mass protests, which lasted over six months and grew increasingly violent and disruptive before the coronavirus pandemic drew them to a partial halt, were a major challenge to Beijing's control over the city. Following a closed-door meeting of China's top political body late last year, an official communique spoke of the need to "improve" Hong Kong's legal system, which some saw as a reference to Article 23.
    Dennis Kwok, a pro-democracy lawmaker from Hong Kong's legislative body, told CNN after hearing of the proposal: "It is the end of 'One Country, Two Systems'. Completely destroying Hong Kong."

    And I doubt any other nation is going to do or be able to do a damn thing about it.


    Hong Kong is dead.

  8. 17 hours ago, taxme said:

    What makes you think that Trump is a part of the deep state? Trump has been fighting the deep state from the first day he became the President. The deep state has been relentless in trying to bring him down with endless impeachments and end his presidency for almost four years now. I cannot see how anyone can believe that Trump is apart of the deep state. 

    Can you show me as to what or how many companies Trump has in other countries? How do you know that Trump has not done some of that already and moved some of his companies and businesses back to America?

    I am not up on all of Trump' companies and what and who he is hiring? Apparently by law, and from my understanding,  no one company or business is allowed to hire and have undocumented workers working for that company. There are penalties and fines for doing just that. Has Trump been fined for hiring undocumented workers and defying that law?

    As far as I know, when one becomes the POTUS one has to make sure that their businesses will not conflict with their job as POTUS. As far as I know, Trump does not have any companies or businesses in China or North Korea, so he cannot be compromised like Carter may have been able to be compromised by Cuba.

    Look, if your hero is Biden, well good for you, but my hero is Trump until you or anyone here can prove to me that he is in with and is part of the deep state. Biden has been involved in more conflicts of interest and bribery's while he was the VP of America. Take his son Hunter for instance? Need I say more about Biden's conflict of interest son? Biden is one hell of a deep state operative. America will never be great under Biden as POTUS. Only Trump can save America from deep state operatives like Biden and Hillary. Sadly, Trump is having a tough time and a job on his hands to try and get rid of the deep state as there are so many people that have been placed in the government by the deep state who are now trying to bring down Trump. Just saying. ;)

    You don't get to be POTUS without the deep state approval.


  9. On 5/16/2020 at 8:42 PM, Sovereigntist said:

    To Infidel Dog, this new government would simply use the existing infrastructure (state buildings) that are already established throughout the world and would build new ones wherever they are necessary or nonexistent.

    The person "at the top" would be whoever is fairly voted into office, but they must be at least 18 years of age, graduated from a 4 years' course of political education, and cannot have any criminal convictions.

    The rule of law would be enforced just as it is now. However, the justice system would impose lesser sentences on first-time offenders and non-violent crimes, while repeat offenders and violent crimes would receive harsher sentences. More importantly, in order to determine that those in office are actually acting in the interests of the people an independent court system will be created to supervise everything they say and do.

    We understand your skepticism, but hope that you will be willing to give Sovereignty a chance by reading it.

    Nah that's not how we do things.  We require un-elected officials to run global governments that will screw us all over in the end and up the end.

  10. 1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    Trump did ban exporting PPE beyond his imposed limits.  The deal was with 3M...not Canada.   Freeland's whining doesn't count for much down here


    Trump was just as stupid as many other leaders. Giving away their PPE to China early on.



    Yet the same day as the WHO warning, the Trump administration announced that it was transporting to China nearly 17.8 tons (more than 35,000 pounds) of "masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials." As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted in the press release announcing this shipment, "These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people."

    And what did ya get from China??  :D

  11. 2 hours ago, eyeball said:

    Only if we decide the best course of action is for the banks to foreclose and throw everyone into the street then write off the loss and sell everything to the billionaires for a $1 an acre once the dust settles.

    We don't get to decide anything.  More wealth transfer coming up!

  12. 49 minutes ago, Boges said:

    Par for the course I'd say. 

    Social Distancing is a First World problem. How can #stayhome when you don't have a home, or your home is a single unventilated room. 

    Homeless will become more of a problem during this pandemic. And it will continue after it's declared over.

  13. 1 minute ago, Tdot said:

    Nope, since that is not hardly what I said here, then ---aren't you the complete joke here?? lol ... I said I am not going to chance doing it, here, so that your anti-Tdot lames can all run in here playing wingman for you.

    And Like I also said, you liar, I will send you a DM when I am ready to link up some of your racist remarks I have analyzed since I realized your affinity for certain satanic members here who dislike my account. 

    :D  Go for it.


  14. 2 minutes ago, Boges said:

    Federal leaders aren't dictating how these re-openings should happen. They're assisting with financial support and information. 

    Ontario will keep the schools closed until September, Quebec has partially re-opened them. 

    The US is handling it similarly as well. In fact in some states the municipality can be the leading driver. Like in Wisconsin where the shutdown was struck down by the Courts, so cities jumped in with their own orders. 

    You are already hearing something called 'The Second Wave'.  And I shall predict now, you will see a third wave and more lock downs around the corner!

  15. 3 minutes ago, Tdot said:

    Nope.  I'm not going down that rabbit hole with you where I sit reading you deny every proof I present/as your anti-Tdot fawns login to come play wingman for you here. Maybe I'll send you a DM when I'm ready to spend some time undressing your bigotry up close and personal for you.

    So, you don't want to ask what I think, and you don't want to show proof of me being racist.

    You are a complete joke!

    I should post the Youtube link of your fave song, of 'You're a big girl now'.

    And yes, I am anti-Trump... you say that as if it hurts my feelings. And as a calculator, I have no feelings. My states are 1, and 0.

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