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New World Disorder

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Posts posted by New World Disorder

  1. 1 minute ago, Argus said:

    Oh, well guess what? It seems George Floyd's death was not just from being held down. He was also high on fentanyl and meth at the time. Which would also explain why they were fighting with him in the back of the car and had to drag him out again to wait for a paddy wagon. He didn't strangle or suffocate after all.

    Floyd died due to "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restrain, and neck compression," according to the report.

    It also specified "other significant conditions," including fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use as well as existing heart disease.

    In charging documents released last week, prosecutors said that preliminary results from an autopsy "revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."


    Doctor : I am sorry, your husband died of covid.

    Widow : But he got hit by a truck!?

    Doctor : Well , he had covid. *shrugs*.

  2. 37 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    Lol, I made an obscure old man reference.

    There's an old movie called "Weekend at Bernie's" where some kids try not to let people know that their uncle is dead so they prop him up. That's basically what Biden is. 

    There has been a few memes about that.  The Dems really must be in cahoots with the Reps. It is hard to believe the Dems are utterly THAT incompetent.

    I really liked the original Weekend at Bernie's movie. 

    Weekend at Biden's | Weekend Meme on ME.ME

  3. 1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

    TBH, I don't see why the Dems would be propping him up like Uncle Bernie for any other reason. They must know by now that he's losing it.

    There's a video of him saying "I will beat Joe Biden in the next election!!!" lol. He didn't even catch himself saying it. He didn't double back, he just didn't even notice.

    Trump spends dozens of hours in front of cameras every week and he doesn't do anything like that. Biden is on TV for a couple of hours max, and he spits porridge on himself twice a week.

    When you start to need a bib, you're not fit to be elected anymore imo. 

    They blew their chance.  Bernie was the man, but Bernie was not tough enough. I had hopes, but each time Sanders called Biden 'a friend' , my hope lessened.  The Dems did the same thing to him as they did in 2016.  Sanders over Trump.  But since Biden was put in, then that to me would mean 4 more years of Trump.  But then we have two wild cards. One being a pandemic, the other being protests and some riots.  So .. not sure anymore.

    Biden is no leader.  He is a sell out and has told us that many times.

  4. On 6/1/2020 at 1:03 PM, Moonlight Graham said:

    Well, I think it's wrong for people to frame this as a racist incident.  We don't know the motive of the cop.  What is for sure is that this was a police brutality incident.

    It's been brought to light that the D Chauvin had 18 previous complains against him. So his aggressiveness was known for a long time.  I do not know of any other job where you can have multiple complaints and absolutely nothing done about it until that cop kills a person.  Most jobs, you mess up 3 times and you are OUT.  What rules are the police playing by?

  5. On 5/31/2020 at 9:04 PM, WestCanMan said:

    I checked into it.

    If his VP resigns after the election, he can appoint whomever he wants, and they don't have to have been elected anywhere else at any time. The only stipulation is that Congress and the Senate both have to approve the appointment. 

    If his VP resigns the day of the election, before he is elected, I'm not sure if he still requires approval. 

    Sounds like a possible set up.  That would be shady as hell.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Shady said:

    I partially agree.  The benefits were inadequate, but that's to be expected from a large beauracracy.  They're inherently inefficient.    Thankfully the powers that be are lifting the illogical stay at home orders now.  Hopefully that helps a bit.

    IF the powers that be could not fix this before, it shows they have been unwilling to fix it at all. The economy was crashing before the virus came.

  7. 2 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

    Bull, the action taken against those cops was as quick as possible.  Unless there's smoking gun, an investigation has to be done.  The president had given the case to the FBI and DOJ immediately.  Besides, it's been 4 nights since the arrest.  You have to be a fool to think any of this destruction and looting is about George Floyd.

    Sometimes a smoking gun looks like full body force through the knee on the neck of a pinned down man.  When a man screams, I can't breathe, those most likely were his last. One last ditch attempt for someone to listen to him.

    And correct the looting is absolutely atrocious. It should be called out. The irony of stealing overpriced garments. I hope most of them were at least able to get the proper shoe size that fits them.  Messing up local shops will only bring more problems. Driving them out will mean more decline in the economy and job loss. In a way the dominoes are already falling. Perhaps a few can be kicked out to stop the madness.

    I don't have any solutions. 2020 has kicked us all in the teeth pretty hard, and my head hurts because of it. It's only June.

  8. 1 minute ago, Shady said:

    It’s usually easier for progressive pukes to protest err riot because they don’t have to worry about missing work. 

    Or part of it is because many are out of work, because of a pandemic and a failing economy.  However it appears the looters and rioters are coordinated and between cities.


    4 minutes ago, Shady said:

    I’m not sure what you’re talking about.  He held a press conference today outside at a church progressive pukes tried to burn down.  Apparently the church was involved in George Floyd’s death too.

    A leader would have been way ahead of this. But that's not Trump's style. And come on, using tear gas to disperse the crowd so he could cross the street to the burnt out church with bible in hand?  Yikes!

    And no, I absolutely 100% reject damaging property and looting. That won't solve a damn thing.   March on the legislative grounds and sit down and let your voice be heard.  There is a good way to do this, and the overwhelming majority of protests have been peaceful. 

    The few bad apples among the cops ruin it for the rest, and same for the citizens. Need to call those out on both sides.

  9. 56 minutes ago, Hal 9000 said:

    It didn't.  The murder was monday, everyone...I mean everyone including Trump denounced it and called it an unnecessary killing immediately.  He was officially arrested - as expected on Friday.  That was 4 nights ago, before the major looting and before Antifa injected themselves.   

    You can keep telling yourself that.  One day of protests for the police to fire the four officers. Another night of protests to charge and arrest the one officer.

    That was before the looting started if my timeline is correct.


  10. 1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    Trudeau is your problem, not mine....but you choose to make Trump your problem as well for reasons only you understand.

    We know. You keep trying to remind us.  Not to worry, we got this.

    1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

    I have seen plenty of President Trump....he was at the Cape to watch the Space X Crew Dragon launch with many other Americans...and spoke directly to the current "crisis".

    Canada can only watch...as usual.

    This is something that I don't mind watching. As long as it stays south of the 49th.

  11. 7 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    Telling of what ?   So called "progressives" are so much better at race baiting from across the border.

    Obama cop killings riots good...Trump riots bad ?

    It's nice to see what kind of 'leader' Trump really is.  The nation is in a crisis and he hides in a bunker.  That's your guy!

    Your next reply would most likely been about Trudeau.

  12. 4 hours ago, Rue said:

    Is it only used against blacks or anyone that looks poor in which case then Eye's blaming it on capitalism raises its ugly head which was his point. Is it a class war or a race war or both?

    I think with respect to you stop n frisk targetted anyone who looked homeless or was panhandling and was designed to take them off the streets to protect tourism in New York in Manhattan.

    Yikes, then that might make it more of a problem.  Also shows how much value is put into a single life.

    I am looking at it as a class war.  Mainly because I've seen videos of police of all colours, shapes and sizes, beat on citizens of all colours, shapes and sized.  The ruling class is losing their grip on society. Once the jackboots start walking with the people, then they are done. The controllers, via the messages through their controlled media are trying to paint a narrative of race war to prevent people from understanding the real issue is that it does not matter of the colour of your skin. The elites don't care about the citizens. We just saw them rob the people blind (trillions) during a pandemic.  The people have had enough of getting F'd in the A. Promise after promise after promise and yet , no change.

    Will this bring in the needed changes?  Part of me says, no. I hope I am wrong.

  13. 10 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

    There is racism in America (and Canada too, for that matter) and sure, that sucks, but it isn't institutionalized. White cops aren't cruising the streets looking for blacks to shoot as a matter of policy or even as a general rule.

    Yet somehow we're being brain-trained to believe that's the case. If we could somehow put the kibosh on that lie the commies of BLM would be neutered and the commies

    of antifa wouldn't have race riots to hide in. That's my point.

    Stop n Frisk. NYC is a perfect example of institutionalized racism.

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