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New World Disorder

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Posts posted by New World Disorder

  1. 10 hours ago, cougar said:

    Wasn't he going to be paid fair market value for his gun?  Wasn't this the whole idea behind the program?

    Yes, I admit I did not take the time to investigate what they banned.  Basic logic tells me a reasonable person can comfortably live with the ban and still enjoy shooting practice or hunting.

    Market value does not mean true value. He will get the lowest compensation based on 'market value'

  2. 14 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    This issue is just one more thing that divides our country, and once Justin is retired, the cons will start the long process of undoing everything Justin and his gang of twits , lairs, and law breakers have done period...it will be a slow process, but the country will return to some normalcy over the conservative reign....it will be hell for some liberals and leftist, but they 'll get over it....

    Right we shall get rid of Trudeau only to get another leader who will do the exact same thing. My trust in the government to do this right has gone away.

  3. 21 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

    Money has to come from somewhere, doesn't it Gump? Health care system gets supported by government funding. That comes from taxes. Taxes, in turn, are paid by those who go to work.

    So when people are on welfare and abusing those benefits, it places a strain on the system and there is not enough money to pay for important things like new hospitals, to meet the demanding growth of our population. Especially the eldery, whom are now a large demographic and need the support of our health care system more than ever.

    Yet it is people like you who wreck the system, and fail us all. Even our grandparents who built this nation and worked hard. While you it in idle repose, smoking your doobies or your magic mushrooms, or whatever it is you do.

    What was the governments excuse not to re-supply the expired PPEs that were in storage?


    What is the governments excuse in not getting production running in Canada to make PPE?

    This continued reliance on China will not go well for Canada.


    Also who is going to pay for the BILLIONS the Canadian government had thrown around? Are my taxes enough for that? Or should I welcome a nice tax increase to pay for this?

  4. I thought this thread was about what do we do about China? How did Venezuela get into this?

    We now see what kind of leader Trudeau is, when pressed on taking China to task, he evades the question then abruptly ends the daily briefing.



    The prime minister was pressed by reporters Friday about holding the Communist Party of China accountable amid criticism it hadn’t been fully transparent in the early stages of the viral outbreak and provided incomplete data to the World Health Organization.

    READ MORE: Why is the World Health Organization accused of mishandling the coronavirus pandemic?

    Trudeau said his job right now is to make sure Canadians get the best “support” and “protection” as COVID-19 has devastated Canada’s economy and sickened over 30,000.

    “That means ensuring that cooperation and collaboration on the international stage is done properly,” Trudeau said. “That means focusing right now on today and tomorrow on how we are going to keep Canadians safe.”

    “There will be plenty of time to point fingers, to ask questions, to draw conclusion and ensure there are consequences for what countries may have done during this pandemic,” he said.


    Why the hell is Canada continuing to import faulty PPE for our front line workers?

  5. 15 hours ago, Tdot said:

    No, I don't play any games. Playing games, is your expertise ---as you've shown several times today, in multiple threads.

    Nonetheless, I spoke truth here that you're correct inasmuch as both the Dems and Repubs adhere to the same Global Masters ---but certainly not via the same USA frontier, for accomplishing the Master's final objective.

    I explained the vast differences in the parties ---but as usual, you don't want to discuss the topic because you'd much rather play your juvenile delinquent games with my posts. Just remember, I see right thru you everytime :)

    You don't seem to mind when I bash Dems. But as soon as talk about your beloved Reps, you get a little uppity. That sounds like partisanship to me.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

    No.  The virus has a technical/ medical name.   Calling it anything else  would be inflammatory.  People   seem to want to  blame someone.....   Natural , but  emotionally reactive responsive.   Counterproductive. 


    More important to deal with & learn   all we can about   the virus  than  play the blame  game.

    China deserves every bit of blame they get for releasing a virus that simply effed up everything. The CCPVirus is the best appropriate name. Because it shows the issue with the virus and that the CCP is no different from a virus.

  7. 1 minute ago, Tdot said:

    Pay attention. I just listed recent examples, nationally, where people crossed the aisle to give credit to politicians or people criticized politicians in their own party. Now, I'm going to need you to come out of that stuper the Carlin-Pryor vid left you in, and actually pay attention in here lol.

    In the end you are right. There are NO differences between the Dems and the Reps. They are in fact one in the same.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Tdot said:

    Yes, they are. Their vision statement is right there in your deceitful face, you Dem, where they clearly promote electing Dems over Trump. We Trump voters are not fooled by the fake-GOP cover of their, book, we know what's in it and it smells like Dems' propaganda.

    If a Dem is a Dem and a Rep is a Dem..  man o man, how do you juggle all that in your head to make it make sense to you?

  9. 3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


    Oh the irony of that word.

    January was not that long ago.



    Loeffler, who is married to New York Stock Exchange chairman Jeffrey Sprecher, did not make any sales from Jan. 6, when she was sworn in, until Jan. 24 -- the day the health committee she sits on held a briefing that included presentations from top level U.S. public-health officials including Dr. Anthony Fauci.

    The couple began selling 27 stocks on Jan. 24, according to her financial disclosure form, including investments in Auto Zone and Ross Stores, worth millions of dollars. Loeffler’s stock sales were first reported by the Daily Beast. In a tweet, she said criticisms were baseless.

    This is what I would call insider trading. They knew things were going to tank so they sold the stock. A state governor who's husband is the NYC SE Chairman. Very interesting.

  10. 1 minute ago, Tdot said:

    True.  But remember, it's not really Biden at this point.  He's following orders of the Globalist Leaders he works for.  This is total nonsense so of course no one will speak truth to it in the MSM.

    He is not following anything. He has no clue where he is at any time. He's a useful idiot. Maybe 10 years ago he would have had the cognitive abilities to be POTUS. But even then Biden has been a sellout for decades and whored himself out to the elites.


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  11. 11 minutes ago, Boges said:

    What the solution should have been was isolating, testing and contact tracing. Something Canada has done much better. 

    The CDC really dropped the ball regarding testing. 

    I am very very skeptical on the accuracy of these tests. Sure it's early on, but there does not seem to be a coordinated approach from nations on how they go about this. Without a universally accepted test, I don't think we will ever know the real numbers.  At this point I am inclined to believe everyone is eventually going to get the virus. Herd immunity will come long before an acceptable vaccine is available. And as with the tests, I'd be wary of the vaccines that will be peddled by different companies. If they cannot properly test for the virus, what makes one think that they will get the vaccine right?

  12. 4 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

    Show me those "facts".  The steaming rubbish pile of qanon-style conspiracy theories loves to refer to "facts" and "confirmed/well-known" things that they never actually support.

    I'm willing to listen.  Show me.  

    A quick search. But depends on how much value you put into MSM's information.

    If this is a conspiracy, then you may want to let NBC and NY Post know that. Looks like Biden conspired with China.  :D




  13. On 5/3/2020 at 11:55 AM, Argus said:

    Tons of people had business in China. Some even had business in Russia, like your beloved orange God, and got lots of funding from there when banks stopped lending him money due to repeated bankruptcies - according to his own son.

    Trump wanted to out do himself by bankrupting a nation. I think he has the potential, as we've seen, he'd good at it!

  14. 19 minutes ago, Tdot said:

    But you can't tell that to the idiot, Biden, because he's looking for votes so he will clearly throw the U.S. National Team's faculty, under the bus ... I bet those employees are now, praying, he gets toasted in the election.

    Biden can't hear you with all that dementia. There is something more going on behind the scenes here that we are not really seeing. And it has that Clinton stank all over it.

  15. 48 minutes ago, Boges said:

    It seems clear he was warned about this earlier. And a unilateral Chinese Ban is next to useless. The disease was probably already in the country. 

    He delayed calling for Social Distancing. He chastised staff that gave dire warnings. 

    I am kind of thinking the same thing. This virus was already here before there were notions of lockdowns.

    China internally restricted travel from Hubei to the rest of China, but gave no Fs about stopping flights out of Hubei to the rest of the world. An estimate of 1 million people fled Hubei and Wuhan before the lockdown happened. Even if 1% of them were carrying the virus, that is a lot of spread.

    In France they found evidence of the virus being there much earlier.


    If that is the case, then it's gone global way before January.

  16. 52 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    They're not as bad as some countries we continue to trade and engage with, so why grandstand and virtue signal?

    Of course we should do something but Canada has a very small amount of latitude.

    I don't recall any other nation having this many 'accidents' related to viruses like COVID.  And are we simply going to ignore this latest failure of the communist party? Simply look at what havoc this has created globally. Every single person on this board has been affected by the CCPs failure to notify the world in time to stop a global pandemic that decimated the global economy at the same time. I'd even consider it an act of war from China. The CCP is responsible for over 200k deaths globally.

    And Canada can do it, it just means some of our 'friends/allies' will think different, so we cannot be scared to go our own way. We just need to prepare for it.

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