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New World Disorder

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Posts posted by New World Disorder

  1. On 5/6/2020 at 4:12 PM, eyeball said:

    It's deeper than globalization which is just a thing. I sit on an area planning commission in my regional district where I live.  Right now I've got a string of emails from other commissioners, directors and senior planners surrounding a waiver temporarily suspending public hearings for zoning, sub-divisions and property variance applications etc...pretty unexciting stuff for a lot of people until the suggestion to temporarily suspend public hearings in light of physical distancing requirements drops on it.  Now its all about democracy crumbling around us and things like our APC being all that stands between that and the coming interregnum.  Distrust and powerlessness is what's undermining people's sense of stability and certainty and that's what's driving them insane not the swing of some political pendulum or policy flipping and flopping back and forth. Like Trump, these flip flops are just more symptoms of that power imbalance between people their governments.

    Interesting, maybe many cities are trying to do this same thing. Get some things rammed through without much fuss because most are focused on the virus. Does not seem very democratic to me! If this is happening globally,,,

  2. 6 hours ago, cannuck said:

    Gee, who would have thought that if we give ALL of our productive work to China and one day something goes sideways when we are running massive government, personal and corporate debt that the people smart and ambitious enough to do the work that we are too important to do would come in with OUR (former) cash and buy up distress sales?

    And we are trying to blame CHINA!?!?!?!

    Many western corporations were more than happy to move production to China with the accommodations that were made for the corps. Slave labour, lax environmental laws allowed those corps to make massive amounts of money. Many of those are now looking for government handouts because China's production really came to a halt. Yep time to rethink this whole globalization idea.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Argus said:

    You missed my point. You already HAVE a tracking app on your phone. And the government can already track you by your phone easily. Every time you move your phone does an electronic touch and feel kind of thing with network towers. They know where you are, even with NO tracking apps on the phone. Even if your phone is turned off.

    Then they do not need to ask me to install an app.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    I'll get them to buy me a phone.

    Paying taxes is mandatory.  I don't like those either, but it is for the best. 

    What do you think they will do when they know how often you go to Walmart?  Oh wait, they already do.

    This is the kind of attitude the government wants. Compliant non-questioning people that lack critical thinking.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Argus said:

    I like the convenience of my phone. I decided some time ago that asking it where the nearest whatever was mattered to me more than the possibility they could do something with my tracking data which would cause me any harm (given the unlikelihood of the latter) so I didn't turn it's tracking ability off. I bet most people have made the same decision.

    This app would not only tell me where to find a restaurant but warn me if I had been close to someone with a virus which could kill me or those I care about. Which makes it somewhat more important than the convenience of the map/google apps.

    What if this becomes mandatory?

  6. 21 hours ago, Tdot said:

    ...hmmmm... Out of the many MLW Narcissists who I irk, with poli-Facts, only four (4) of you bothered to show here for Rue's roll call???

    Also, I can't get trolled if you all delete your accounts lol since you clearly cannot login without losing self-control whenever you assist my daughter @Rue with stalking my account via you all's nonsense posts and you all's "likes" legion. You all know that each of you are dead in the water, on the political issues here, so your forlorn has caused you to resort to juvenile delinquent posts.

    When you call people out in a post, expect push back. That is all.

  7. 21 hours ago, Argus said:

    I don't really blame him, though I have in the past. Until we can supply our own PPE he really has no choice. If he criticizes China he risks Canada being unable to import PPE from China, which is basically the only place exporting it now.

    How difficult it is for Canada to start production?  You would think this crisis would fast track that stuff. But no, we are still depending on bunk PPE from China.

  8. Just now, cougar said:

    No, not panic, as I pointed out on page 66 of the COVID thread, people simply can go insane!  I want to wring the neck of that teenager interrupting my Soundgarden song on Youtube to tell me to "Stay home and be safe", with a smile. Yes, I will smile back at them while doing it!    I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF IT!

    That is more of what I was trying to get at. You get it everywhere and all with various messages. Yes it's really f'n annoying and stressing. 

    Also, use ad block , you'll see less of those stupid ads on youtube and such.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

    We need to get rid of Justin and his merry gang to stop the bleeding, trying to pair down this massive debt we now find ourselves in is not going to be pretty, it is going to mean higher taxes, and more sacrifices...and all of that is going to take leadership...to convince the people that is what is needed...Justins gang as time after time proved that they can not be trusted, they had their time and they failed....will the conservatives be any better , yes, by how much no one can say. 

    I am not sure I can blame Trudeau alone for this debt load. Because many nations have had to do the exact same thing and throw as much money at the crippled economy hoping to flatten a different curve. Only this one goes down first. .

  10. Just now, cougar said:

    This is why Trudeau is doing what he has to, to prevent a full blown civil war and lawlessness.

    The lawlessness comes down with an ineffective plan of locking people down for two months. The media DRILLED it into everyone's head day and night , seven days a week, for weeks on end. Covid Covid covid covid.  Do this enough and people are going to start to panic. The lockdown aspects will continue in this slow reopening. People are getting impatient.

    Parents who have school aged children and have had to work from home have had it rough. That's a lot to handle. Different stresses for those who lost their jobs during the lockdown. How they going to pay rent, how will be buy food.

    If you have to go get groceries and such, you now have to stand in this queue and try to be mindful of everything around you. Some can do it, many cannot. I am starting to lose my patience with it all. If I don't follow all these rules, I can get kicked out of the store, meaning, well now I have to try another store and such. Some people are predicting either really high food prices or scarcity of food. Meaning starvation deaths could be more than the covid.  If people cannot get food, they will start to riot.

    The gun can be used for protection of yourself and your family if people really start to loose their shit. Because if you really need the help, the government and police won't be able to help you.

    The immense pressure to drastically change how our societies operate in such a short time is a lot of stress on all of us.

  11. On 5/6/2020 at 9:57 PM, Tdot said:

    @Rue  @AngusThermopyle and Fatuity's @New World Disorder remember, at some point, each of you have to accept that

    I can't hold your hand through this process, so please stop stalking my account here on this website ;)

    The amount of likes on your comment. Zero

    The amount of likes on Rue's comment? What are we missing here?

    Also, you can't get trolled if you don't post! 'Eddie Murphy gif where he points to his head and smiles'.

  12. 3 minutes ago, cougar said:

    What can I say, I too lost money on my RRSPs.    Bad investment.  Whoever has $15K to put in a gun, he has money to burn.  

    This is going to be a trend across the board. If your RRSPs are invested in things like oil, then you will see a decline in value. Investors and bankers used your money to prop up failing industries. I think people need to be more involved in where that money is invested.

    That gun will be more valuable in the near future if society really degrades.

  13. 3 minutes ago, cougar said:

    Conservatives are lucky they have him as a leader now that the oil prices have crashed.  They can blame the whole economy slowdown and crisis in Alberta on the Liberals.   But no matter what they do, they will never get my vote.

    'Sunny Ways!'  The oil industry was already loosing value before this pandemic hit. So putting the blame on Alberta would be dumb. The pandemic simply accelerated the demise.

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