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New World Disorder

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Posts posted by New World Disorder

  1. 3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    There are a few Canadians who clearly need to see others supporting Trump and for whom anything short of complete utter sycophancy is all they need to write you off as a commie. They're also quite prone to dire warnings about the coming backlash against Canada's un-conservatives but I have to say I can't recall ever seeing a Canadian wear a MAGA hat.  I can't recall even one American tourist wearing one either.  Maybe it's like that thing where Americans sewed Canadian flags to their backpacks before going abroad they leave their stupid MAGA hats at home knowing someone will either laugh or come and knock the silly thing off.

    Trump ain't my president. I have my own idiot leader to take to task.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:


    You don't know that. Nobody has determined where it originated. The first KNOWN case was in France.

    No the first cases did not come from France.  China has tried a few times to pin the blame on other nations. First the USA, then Italy, then France, then the USA again.  We know 100% where the virus came from. It all traces back to China.

  3. 2 hours ago, Boges said:

    Can anyone explain Obamagate to me? 

    Trump can't even explain it during his deranged press conferences. 

    I think it eludes to the whole RussiaGate being total bunk and they have essentially admitted it. It has to do with the Flynn investigation.


    It seems that some Democrats were going to get caught up in the investigation as well. Mainly for perpetuating bunk talking points propping up a facade of foreign intervention.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    The dislike of China expressed on social media reminds me of anti-Americanism. Many people disliked the Yankee traders because they were so good at business. (The term "Yankee" derives from my favourite pirate, Janke Whillims, a dutch member of the Bretheren Of The Coast.) The Chinese are very good at establishing a network of alliances by "be-friending" countries no one else wants to touch with a 3 metre pole. They lend money to anyone who wants it and then the people who borrow it, complain. Always blame the money lender for our own indebtedness.

    The CCP and China gets all the attention they deserve for releasing a virus on the whole world.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Did Italy, or the other nations, at any time, say "No?" I would go so far as to say they gave explicit consent. Therefore, it is not rape. 


    The advantage was for China, not Italy. And looks like they did much of the same other nations did. Export manufacturing to China. Dumb.

  6. On 5/9/2020 at 3:47 PM, OftenWrong said:

    Canadians will do what we always do - take it from mother nature and sell it off to the highest bidder. We make nothing of our own, but have a large forest and fresh water for sale.

    That's how people like @eyeball make their living, just take it. As you see he's not even concerned about covid-19 with his situation. Just gonna rape it harder.

    So are we simply chucking this down the road to, the great great grandkids? Each generation the debt load gets higher.

  7. 21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    They have the capital they earned from the sale ?  Look, I am not a fan of China but can we be real about this ?

    1) Canada has little power
    2) Money is money
    3) Yes we can be ethical and push for change but see #1

    China's Belt and Road initiative is becoming a real problem for the nations (Like Italy) that signed up with China.  This seems to be no better compared to how the west raped Africa. It's still rape! And now the debt owed to China from these nations is very high.

  8. 10 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

    Do you want to know how I found that all how. I listened to Alex Jones on Infowars.... When he told me, I was skeptical, but he said go on the FDA.gov website and read the flu insert for yourself.

    As crazy as Jones is,  he can be right sometimes.  And if you read the labels on those vaccinations, then you start to question all the garbage in them.  Kind of like reading ingredients labels on processed food. You are not sure what is in there, and once you look at some of those ingredients, then you ask questions. And the powers that be, don't like questions.

  9. 1 hour ago, Rue said:

    I think a mandatory vaccination could violate the Charter and be challenged. What would more likely happen instead could be back door enforcement such as requiring  people too have a vaccine certificate to work or attend anything public..etc.

    If that is the case, then that could challenge getting any vaccination.  But you will see that cert that you speak of.

    But then we run into an issue of  'papers please'.

  10. 12 hours ago, Tdot said:

    Of course you don't understand it, since you are a Dem/too much thinking involved, that the MSM did not do for you.

    Nonetheless, you need all hands on deck at hospitals, to fight COVID 19. So you don't want precious, limited medical pro's/medical personnel busy with non-COVID issues that can wait some weeks or a few months.

    You are a riot, I'll give you that.

  11. 1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

    Why are liquor stores open, pot shops and Canadian Tire, and yet not surgery? Are you kidding me?

    One explanation for the liquor stores to remain open, is to prevent the hospitals being overrun by alcoholics going into withdrawal. Which presents a different issue, we are a bunch of drunks!  The rest of the stores, could have closed. Pot shops can go online and do deliveries easy.

    I did not really understand the need to postpone certain surgeries. Many can be life saving.

    • Like 1
  12. On 5/10/2020 at 9:31 AM, Rue said:

    Go read up. The only thing China has done is shut down the media to hide its numbers. You might also while you are at it research henta virus, even more deadly than Covid 19 and another Chinese originated virus that is far more lethal and whose rates has been repressed from disclosure in China.

    The Chinese authorities barricaded up apartments holding people inside with absolutely no way out. Their numbers simply don't add up, and that was obvious back in January. The Chinese government put 2/3s of their population into lockdown.

    Police were beating people in the streets if they suspected you had the virus or was from an infected area. Using drones to patrol areas and telling people to put the mask on or risk arrest.

    The CCP did a lot more than just hiding the numbers. They have used this to completely take over the legislation in Honk Kong. Pro democracy supporters were dragged out after they were beaten up during session.  China will use this virus to completely take over Hong Kong and bring in communism. China will then have completely taken over a destroyed Hong Kong.

  13. 26 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    I find it fascinating how the personality flaws of both Trump and Trudeau have led to people around them getting COVID.  Trump & co. with their arrogance/ignorance, and the Trudeau's with their naive openness/globalism.  Adapt or die.  I love how COVID is showing all the BS for what it is:  BS.

    You hang on to irrational notions during an emergency and it will cut you down.

    The cracks in the system and the lack of integrity of our leaders are showing during this crisis. And it's not looking very good for them.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Tdot said:

    TRANSLATION: As I said you need to stop because I am tired of how you login to control my sissified emotions, Tdot! I promised you that as long as I remain only a shell of a, man, that I would have the hurt-hearted @New World Disorder and my other teammates helping me get you alienated here. And yes we do see that all upstanding MLW.com members are still posting to you, so our dumb strategy does not work ---but I get to post pretending that it is! :)  I am the one who ruins this great website, so I am tired of you embarrassing me and my narcissism about it!

    I am honored that you have considered me a teammate after the many posts telling me how stupid I am.

  15. On 4/13/2020 at 6:25 PM, OftenWrong said:

    Meanwhile there are other things happening in the world you know, besides your on-going virus quarantine. We freemen are able to go out into the world and see what's really happening. The rest of you will have to wait until further information can be provided.

    Diane Francis: Oil prices are going to recover — and we have Donald Trump to thank for that

    Go Trump Go

    There is no where to store the oil. This is the reason they are cutting back plain and simple.

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