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New World Disorder

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Posts posted by New World Disorder

  1. 19 hours ago, Shady said:

    Andrew Cuomo says Trump is right about the World Health Organization!

    Yes indeed, they should be investigated. What the WHO says now about the virus compared to three months ago is different to the point they contradicted themselves. The WHO is bought and paid for by the CCP. Now the rest of the world is paying the price for how China handled this. Would be best for the rest of the world to shut China down.

  2. 1 hour ago, Shady said:

    You can't.  That's true of life in general.  

    How much faith are you willing to put into these tests that are being developed? The results have been quite varied.

    Maybe we should wait for the WHO to tell us which test will be the most accurate. That would be the right thing to do.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Tdot said:

    Are you bragging about your support of a pro-Racist situation, within Trudeau's act?

    It's like people in collage never do anything stupid that will eventually catch up with them. Never happens. I can let it slide. We don't really need to go back that far to understand what kind of person Tudeau is!

  4. Just now, Shady said:

    It's part of the law.  The general rule is for every 10 km/hour leave one car length of distance in front of you.  Following speed limits.  Also, using signals when changing lanes.  That's all part of mitigation.

    That's all fine, but we know there are idiots on the road that don't obey the rules of the road. How do you mitigate against stupidity?

  5. 1 minute ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

    Ideally, before opening up we would have widely available tests for the virus and a reliable antibody test as well. At the very least, all high-risk people like those in care homes (and their carers) need intensive, repeated testing. At some point we’re going to be asked to take our chances with physical distancing etc. It’s going to be a rough ride. 

    We'd need a reliable test first. Nations are producing their own tests which have garnered varying results. Nothing really consistent. I would not count on those tests to show us anything definitive.

  6. Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


    It is still racism....then and now.   Trudeau comes from a province (Quebec) that has long treated blacks in such a manner.

    Others have been forced to resign over such "mistakes"...but not Trudeau.

    I went as an Indian.. sorry. 'Native'  one Halloween.  Possibly I was a racist before I understood what it meant.

    What is the deal with Trump's Orange Face? Is he racist against oranges?

  7. Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


    Part of the reason are such comparisons to the United States, for this and many other issues, because that is how Canada convinces itself that it doesn't have a big problem with racism.    The Canadian identity is partially defined as being "not American", and so it follows that such racism is presumed to be far less, but past and present says otherwise.

    Said no one in this threat until now.  Canadians are a real stick in your craw it seems.

  8. 16 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    A majority of Americans are still working...regardless of their political leanings...my governor has authorized all non-public facing business employees to go back to work on April 27 with social distancing.    

    I don't wonder if all the Trump haters in Canada will be even more "miffed" if he is re-elected....I know they will be far more upset than that.  

    Too bad.....


    We should all endorse Trump's idea of injecting bleach into our bodies. I mean he has not been wrong before!!  I just hope he takes the lead and shows us how wrong his medical team is.

    Clorox should come in chewables , like Tide Pods.

  9. 2 hours ago, Argus said:

    The US is not small enough for China to decide to make an example of. We, on the other hand, are the perfect size. Even mild protest of them could see them refusing to sell  us PPE equipment, and maybe even medicine. Not that they would 'refuse' of course. That's not how the game is played. We just wouldn't be able to find anyone willing to sell us any. We'd be told their order book is full and we could go to the back of the line.

    Canada cannot produce it's own PPE? That's sad.

  10. 2 hours ago, Shady said:

    In Canada, traffic fatalities are 5 in 100,000.  But 11 in 100,000  for this virus means the economy gets shut down?

    A better chance of dying from medical malpractice. Imagine going to see your doctor about COVID and then dying because the doctor did the wrong thing. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Argus said:


    We're borrowing it, as usual. Which means the people stuck with the bill are going to be those who will have to live in a world where what the government can do is more heavily constrained by its large debt load and the debt service payments it will have to make.

    Scary to think that we are nothing more than debt slaves to the system. Maybe the people supporting Bitcoin were not crazy after all.

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