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Everything posted by Dougie93

  1. Not gonna happen, none of these fantasies are politically realistic, the Climate Barbies are not going to allow Alberta to have the pipelines, nor the refineries, and with the American shale oil on line now, dirty old Western Canadian Select is going to be worth considerably less, forever, the Americans are going to eat our lunch with their West Texas Intermediate and shale.
  2. Donald Trump was exactly right, with a flick of the Americans wrist, they could tariff car parts from Canada and it would be the ruination of the nation, which is why he forced the Trudeaupians to cave and give him everything he wanted, which was really quite modest, the problem for Canada tho, is that Trump is just the beginning of what will be a long term divergence, the Americans no longer have any use for us, because we are useless to their hegemony, we have no military to speak of, and they don't need our oil anymore, so as they re-centralize their economy back to the CONUS, and with the onset of automation, the things which have been propping the Ottawa clown show up for so many decades, are about to go away. I welcome it though, because the reason Canada has become such a lazy entitled and silly place, is because the Americans are subsidizing us. It is going to be a crisis in Canada, but again, with crisis comes opportunity.
  3. Canada is not a great success, America is a great success, Canada is the parasite which dines out on the Americans success, none the less, there is a divergence coming, the Americans will be pulling away from us, it has already started, and Ottawa can't even tie its own shoe laces, the provinces deliver all the services, the federal government simply collects the taxes and comes up with things like the Pheonix Pay System and buying rickety old fighter jets from Australia for $500 million. $500 million? LOL! Jeebus the Aussies fleeced them.
  4. The industrial manufacturing jobs are all about to go away anyways, clinging to your archaic 19th c. industrial paradigm is a fool's errand, you are in the throws of an 21st information revolution right now, which is in progress of rendering mass human manufacturing into buggy whips, and its happening fast and its picking up speed as it goes. If socialists try to go against the grain they will render themselves politically irrelevant, which is fine by me, but I think they will actually be forced to get with the program at some point, by default, AI 3D printing is not a person, so it doesn't feel sorry for you nor your buggy whips neither.. Don't shoot the messenger, I didn't invent the computer, that was Alan Turing.
  5. Planned Parenthood is small beer, who cares? What is important, is the first and second amendment and preventing the Democrat party from Canadianizing them.
  6. Bear in mind, I'm not seeking to bring down the de facto nations within Confederation, I'm simply trying to free them, there will still be a Nova Scotia and an Alberta, but rather than being pseudo colonies as they are now, they would be their own Dominions like a mini Australia and a giant New Zealand. It's no different than what the Scottish National Party is seeking in the UK, they're not saying that they want to get rid of the Queen, they just want to rid themselves of England. Canadians would be much happier and more prosperous living in their own decentralized Dominions rather than as de facto colonies of Ontario, because they would be much easier to effectively govern to their local needs and desires without having to shoehorn them into this failed Confederation.
  7. I don't have a hate on for Confederation, I'm not hot about it, I'm ice cold about it, rational calculation, it no longer serves any purpose because it has utterly failed to serve the purpose for which it was created. I'm not a rage guy, I'm more of a close with and destroy and otherwise patiently lying in wait for my opportunity in the meantime guy.
  8. There's nothing wrong with loathing democracy, I loathe democracy with a passion, democracy is simply a peaceful transfer of power in order to stave off a violent revolution, but other than that, it's repugnant.
  9. Most of the fodder for knee jerk Canadian America bashers is coming from your own domestic self hating America bashers, the Hollywood Liberal Panty Waists et al, the Canadian Liberal media is just the farm team for the American liberal media, they're all looking to get a job down there, every Canadian media hack aspires to be the next Peter Jennings It's like, I've spent hours on American dominated web forums defending America against ceaseless and vicious rhetorical assaults from American lefties, exact same sort of sneering contempt you see round here, and far worse, because the America bashers on this forum are pretty pedestrian and totally unoriginal, the American lefties are much more aggressive in their trolling of other Americans, and they're constantly updating their material. Blue State liberals have essentially been Canadianized, they want America to be Giant Canada, and they lash out at it for not being so.
  10. Again, you're viewing Canada as if it was a republic, but it's not, Canada is a confederation, there is no central patriotic narrative because there is no central nation, a confederation is a collection of nations, so for example Mohawks are plenty patriotic about being Mohawks and Nova Scotians are plenty patriotic about being Nova Scotians and of course Quebecers are fiercely patriotic about being the Quebecois. Canada is not a unitary nation, it's a product of two shotgun marriages, the first was 13 September 1759 when the British Crown seized Nouvelle France as a war prize at Quebec, the second was when the Fenians frightened the colonies into Confederation on 1 July 1867. Then there's the West, which was settled after, mostly by flood of ex-pats from Britain at the turn of the 20th century.
  11. It already goes to the coast by train, and a "higher price" is not really that significant, the Rachel Notleyist Socialist Workers Paradise cannot be funded by anything short of $100 a barrel Brent, which ain't coming back soon, she's got the same problem Vladimir Putin has and the Soviets before him, although really it's Jason Kenney's problem naow.
  12. The hilariously ironic part of the Liberal Party of Canada Flag and the Liberal Party of Canada Song, is that it's straight out of the playbook of the National Socialists, the Maple Leaf our Swastika, O' Canada our Horst Wessel, although squishy liberals wouldn't notice, because they don't know Canadian history never mind German, hee-hee-hee.
  13. The first wave of myth making in the 1960's, symbolized by our Liberal Party of Canada Flag and Liberal Party of Canada Song, was more about achieving a cold peace between the Deux Solitudes of English and French Canada, in that the Liberals erased our British heritage to appease the Pequistes, then in 70's the Cultural Marxists, who emanate from the Education Faculties of the Universities, took it to another level and just eliminated the central narrative of Canadian history altogether.
  14. As Salvoj Zizek says, all this virtue signalling is just a left which does not have the courage of its convictions and without the World Socialist Revolution, is simply going to crash and burn when the practical positive effects or rather total lack thereof comes to pass, which, that's already in progress, 147,000 French troops mobilized the other day to keep Macron from the guillotine, and damn rights we on the limited government right are lying in wait to exploit the inevitable blowback, the trick is just holding the line at Barry Goldwater without going off the deep end into Hitlerville.
  15. The only real question now is how much damage are they going to do and whether or not we can can constrain the backlash at the threshold of classical liberal conservatism rather than full on fascistic blowback, as while nothing would warm the cockles of my heart more than to see the Climate Barbies hanging from the lampposts, fascists are a collectivist centrally planned problem unto themselves.
  16. It's irrelevant anyways, the lines are hardened and entrenched, neither side is gaining many converts by hurling of invective, but the only real deniers are the lefty Climate Barbies, because at the end of the day, all their ineffective and disruptive centrally planned attempts are doomed to fail, with the side benefit of discrediting them writ large and driving the masses towards the right.
  17. The problem for Alberta is not really pipelines, they're shipping plenty of oil right now without more pipelines, pipelines are a canard, Western Canadian Select is just low grade oil being pumped into an oil glut of high grade OPEC sweet stuff, the Canadian discount will persist pipelines or no pipelines.
  18. Hardner just seems incapable of grasping the subtle yet central distinction between lying and deception. /shrugs
  19. Almost entirely confined to the Canadian left, on the right we tend to view the Constitution of the United States of America as the last best hope for humanity and in fact the last line of defense against totalitarianism. In terms of ignoring Canadian history, Canadians are not taught the central narrative of Canadian history, the first thing the Cultural Marxists did was replace Canadian history with Social History, Canadian identity replaced by Identity politics, and this was back in the 70's so it's been entrenching itself for decades, the vast majority of Canadians really have no clue about their own history, and even what they know is mostly bullshit Liberal Party of Canada and associated CBC propaganda arm myth making to the benefit of the Liberal Party of Canada and its associated CBC propaganda arm. I mean, it's like Pravda and TASS up in here with these dingbats.
  20. Industrial manufacturing and associated jobs is a product of the now defunct 19th century industrial revolution, that going away is a feature not a bug, civilization actually did just fine for 10,000 years without anybody ever having an industrial manufacturing job, jobs are a relatively recent and rather fleeting in the grand scheme of things invention.
  21. Socialism is the opposite of social responsibility, social responsibility is an individual trait, as in; you feel responsible for your immediate land owning neighbors for example, whereas within the collectivist paradigm of socialism, nobody is responsible for anything, as in; you live in a public housing project where nobody does anything about anything because nobody owns it so nobody cares.
  22. No, I'm suggesting that Canada is becoming Maoist all on its own without any interference from China at all, the Cultural Marxists actually originate from France in the 1970's, the Chinese do classical Bolshevism, you start yip yapping about "Intersectionality" or whatever in China, they'd just deep six you into an extra-judicial black hole, to preserve the "Peace and Harmony" of the Middle Kingdom.
  23. The odds of a Canadian electorate throwing the bums out after a single term is pretty slim, usually takes at least two terms before the party in power accrues enough resentment to get rid of them, so I'd brace yourselves for four more years of Zoolander, might be able to knock them down to a minority but I'm expecting the mushy middle to give the Trudeaupians another round, I mean, when was the last Canadian government to be tossed after a single term? Paul Martin was just an extension of the Chretien government so that doesn't really count. The bane of Sheer is not even Trudeau, it's Singh, the Cat in the Hat can't win in Quebec and the Liberals have completely co-opted the Dippers platform, Sheer can't win without splitting the left and the Dippers are dead in the water right now, Gerry Butts knows what he's doing, worked for 13 years in Ontario and it will likely work again. At the end of the day, Canadian elections are not decided on the issues but rather structurally, if the lefties throw their teddies in the corner and split the left by storming off to the Dips, then the Conservatives can win, otherwise buckle up for more of the Natural Ruling Party, because the Gerry Butts strategy of just adopting the NDP platform as the Liberal Party platform pretty much insulates them from lefty teddy throwing for some time yet. Yes, people are getting annoyed by Trudeau and his shtick, but outside the partisan conservative base, there's no actual rage out there, the mushy middle just ain't that angry. And no, Western Alienation will not save you, because the West don't matter, all elections are decided in Ontario and Quebec. The only way the West will ever be free of the Natural Ruling Party in the Iron Triangle of Toronto-Montreal-Ottawa, is de-Confederation.
  24. And to be clear, there's not much free enterprise in centrally planned make work fake work, it's all inclusive to the socialist welfare state gulag, and I'm only opposed to public sector unions, Jerry Diaz and Unifor can go fuck themselves, but in the end I'm not out to bring them down, they're doing that all by themselves, slowly perhaps, but surely.
  25. There's no rant, you asked me to explain and I explained it for you, kid. /shrugs
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