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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. " Studies show that people vaccinated against COVID-19 are likely to be less contagious than non-vaccinated people. This is because vaccinated people carry a viral load in their body that is overall lower than that of unvaccinated people; therefore, the virus cannot be transmitted as effectively. A vaccinated person is also less likely to contract COVID in the first place. Vaccination not only makes a person less contagious, but contagious for a shorter time, creating less spread of the virus through a highly vaccinated community." COVID-19: How do vaccinations help stop the spread? | World Economic Forum (weforum.org) It always amazes me that people on here don't bother searching a reading a few sources. Almost all health authorities agree on this.
  2. Vaccinations and mandates reduce spread and reduce hospitalizations.
  3. I never said hospitalization has the same meaning as spread. You are being dishonest. Lack of vaccination causes more spread and spread causes more hospitalization and increased hospitalization puts more pressure on our health care system and the health care providers. It also denies people urgent heart and cancer surgeries and other procedures. Vaccination reduces spread and hospitalizations.
  4. "The first week of December 2021, when Omicron was first detected in the US, unvaccinated adults were nearly 25 times more likely to be hospitalized than vaccinated adults.[1] While Omicron caused a big spike in COVID-19 cases, vaccinated people continued to be less likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated." "In New York City, hospitalizations for the vaccinated were 24 more likely than vaccinated people to be hospitalized at the peak of Omicron." How likely is COVID-19 hospitalization for vaccinated Americans? (usafacts.org) This is the simple fact. This is why vaccination is so important. Vaccinated people are far less likely to be hospitalized. So who is lying?
  5. BC is not dropping mandates. They are in fact expanding them to thousands of other classes of health care workers such as dentists, chiropractors, etc. because they know the mandates do two things: 1. They encourage people to get vaccinated. 2. They reduce the spread of Covid.
  6. "Police said that anyone blocking roads faced up to two years in prison, a fine of 4,500 euros ($5,140) and a three-year driving ban." French Police Warn Of Canada-Style 'Freedom Convoys' In Paris (ndtv.com)
  7. quote "The first decisions have clearly set the tone in favour of employers and their obligation to maintain a safe workplace," said Adam Savaglio, an employment lawyer and partner with Scarfone Hawkins LLP in Hamilton, Ont. "We have a significant number of arbitration decisions in unionized environments that are showing that vaccine mandates and restrictions are being upheld." A recent arbitration decision between Hydro One Inc. and the Power Workers' Union dismissed the grievances of multiple workers placed on unpaid leave for failing to comply with the utility's COVID-19 vaccination policy. The policy required unvaccinated workers -- and those who declined to reveal their vaccination status -- to take regular rapid tests. In his decision, chief arbitrator John Stout said the policy is reasonable and necessary to address the ongoing health and safety issues arising from the pandemic. unquote Workplace vaccine mandates: What's the law in Canada? | CTV News
  8. The Ontario chief health officer says they will lift health measures on an evidence-based science basis.
  9. On Global News, one young man, a protester at the Ambassador bridge, says the protest will cost people a lot of money. He relishes shafting Canadians. One young woman says similarly this protest will affect the economy, that's what we want to do.
  10. Politicians can't say when the health measures will end because they don't know when the pandemic will end. That's not rocket science. It's simple logic.
  11. The mandates and health restrictions were brought in by a democratically-elected government and are perfectly legal. What is a problem is a fringe element using illegal means to try to coerce the government into dropping the mandates. This is criminality. What is needed is ALL Canadians to work together to get us through this pandemic. We need to be thinking of our neighbour and making whatever sacrifice we are asked to make to get us through this.
  12. They are stopping the release of funds because they are being used for illegal blockades and criminal purposes. Very few truckers are involved in the protests. They asked a few of the Ambassador bridge protesters to make a comment. They didn't look or sound like truckers at all. 90% of the truckers are doing their job and don't agree with the protesters who are blockading borders and bridges and occupying Ottawa. Most of those protesters are not truckers at all. Mostly anti-vaxxers and anti-health care restriction protesters. They are mainly just people who don't want any Covid restrictions any more, even though the pandemic is still here.
  13. Yes, it is frightening, but not for Fascists. I don't know how you identify who is a FAscist. I guess every one who disagrees with you. It is frightening for everyone. Cutting off the border could cause empty shelves and shortages of vital supplies like food and medicines. The protesters said at the beginning the mandates would cause shortages and empty shelves. Now they are blocking the borders which could really cause empty shelves. They are liars and crooks.
  14. They don't care. Many people have a criminal mind and have no respect for the well-being of other citizens.
  15. I don't have any sympathy for criminals who are holding Canadians hostage. I wouldn't call them fellow Canadians as if they are law-abiding people. They are manipulated and controlled by foreign terrorist minded radicals and extremists. The CBC asked for comments form a protester at the Ambassador bridge and they don't have a clue of the damage they are causing to thousands of people and the economy of 450 millions of dollars a day. The protesters think they are just expressing their opinion. No clue of what they are doing. Kind of like a child given a loaded gun.
  16. The Ottawa police chief said fake emergency calls are coming in from the U.S. to try to overload and paralyze the emergency 911 system. All of this is serious criminal activity.
  17. The police chief reports the tow truck companies and their employees have received threats. This criminal activity is also being investigated. This again is all linked to the Trumpster terrorists and extremists and their money. They appear to be trying to overthrow our democratic system and set up a Fascist kind of system.
  18. Ottawa police chief Sloly is speaking now and advised there are 126 active criminal investigations. Over 1550 tickets have been issued. This is all fine but it is not ending the protests. Negotiation and talk is not the solution. Arresting illegal protesters is the only thing that will work. CBC also reports 17 million dollars has been donated so far to this criminal interprise. Much of the money reportedly coming from Trumpster radicals in the U.S. It is time to start forcefully arresting protesters and hauling them to jails and end this anarchy and blockades that is hurting Canadians. This is an assault on our democratic system by one of the most powerful countries on earth. It is costing Canadians millions of dollars in police costs and economic damage and loss of jobs. Time to wake up.
  19. These protests and insurrection are radical Trumpist inspired along with all the money coming in to support them.
  20. He can announce all he wants, but he better ask permission from the blockaders at the Coutts border crossing first. Also ask the virus if it will make any difference.
  21. The blockades of border crossings are seriously hurting thousands of jobs, families, and people in Canada. So yes, it is like beating up on kids and old people.
  22. The usual lies.
  23. The only reason you are pretending to defend hearing about God is because you oppose health restrictions and mandates. Otherwise you don't believe in the Bible.
  24. That is drifting away from this thread. I don't support the Roman church as they are not biblical. They ruled the western world for something like a thousand years, but that is a different topic.
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