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Status Updates posted by Altai

  1. LoL this girl reminds me Gollum much more than any other politicians do.



  2. LoL Turkish guy become police chief in New Jersey and read Quran, prays in Arabic and in Turkish.


    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      It's called religious freedom, you can pray to your toaster if you like, and talk in any language as well including Klingon... Can you do that in turkey ?  

  3. President Erdogan in NY; " I wonder how many ISIS terrorist US have killed ?" 


    :lol: he simply say US and ISIS working together

  4. President Erdogan test drive Turkiye's first domestic military purpose pickup.


  5. President Erdogan's meeting :rolleyes: there are millions. Now repeat after me, Allahu Akbar.


  6. The news you got today maybe ashame you, yes that is possible, today people are murdered because of religions or politics or because of their ethnics, that is possible, maybe the Mostar Bridge is bombed or TTowers are collapsed, who knows how unhappy a kid in Africa, tears and hunger, but whatever happens, you have to keep living, whatever happens you have to stay alive !!!


  7. Toast Technique: Tell two true things but put a lie between them that you want to make propaganda of it.



  8. Turkish National Anthem


  9. Turkiye's first %100 domestic car Togg unveiled. Togg is a fully electric powered car with 5 different models. Expected to be on roads at 2022. Pre-sales will start next year.


  10. Turkiye's first domestic truck have made its World premiere with just another weird advertisement and will be marketed under Ford brand.



  11. You could not believe in me and you didnt trust me, you said that I am crazy, you said that I will never be a good girl, you said that I will never achieve anything. 


  12. You suddenly came to my mind, I opened the lights. I was amazed of my heart. Even if you didnt like me and even if you didnt feel in love with me, I would keep living, but I would not love myself as the current.


  13. - hah ... and I told them I came here from Texas to establish you a Kurdistan puhaha
    - did they swallow the bait again ? 
    - yeaaa absolutely !! haaaahhh
    - these guys are our Mesopotamia donkeys
    - how many Kurdistan did you established for them until now ? 
    - about 25 or 26 hahahahahha, what about you ? 
    - mine is more than 40 puahahah


  14. "The God have sent Trump to save Jews from Iran."  US Govt

  15. According to credit rating agency Fitch, Turkish economy is going to grow up more than 7% in the coming period. 

    Ohhhww, our lovely dictatorship 

  16. Poor Western people is not able to see that Western is collapsing and Eastern is standing up again.

    1. OftenWrong


      Western shall rise from its own ashes. Then we will come for you. :ph34r:

  17. President Erdogan: "They want us to deliver the pastor. Then we want them to deliver the pastor. Give us the pastor, take the pastor from us."  :lol:

    The pastor which US wants Turkiye to deliver is an important CIA agent. (Andrew Brunson)

    The pastor which Turkiye wants US to deliver is another important CIA agent. (Fetula Gulen)

  18. Turkiye sends ambulance planes to Somalia after the terror attack happened yesterday. All the wounded people will be taken to Turkiye to be treated.

    Somalia is being targeted by Western labaratory product terror organizations after Mogadishu sea port operation was given to a Turkish company and Turkiye have built a huge military base in Mogadishu.

    1. Altai


      Somalia govt said that bomber was aiming to attack Turkish Military Base but he was panicked and blowed it early.

  19. This is how a topic of mine looks like from my screen. This is really funny and tragic comic as well. These people still reply my topics despite they know I will never reply them. 


    1. Wilber


      Your choice. Why should we care?

    2. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham


  20. 2023-2053-2071

    1. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      Are these your measurements?  I kid...

  21. 30.000 Turks living in Florida are aggrieved because of the Irma Storm. A Turkish girl is lost since days. 

  22. 9 soldiers at the left, 11 soldiers at the right 


    1. Altai


      Maybe they just want to admit they did 9/11. 

  23. A few hours ago a Pitbull killed a cat in front of me. I am sorry I could not save the cat because the cat ran under a car and I thought that the Pitbull cannot go behind the cat but WTF, the dog got under the car just in two seconds and caugh the cat. Then I run there and kicked the dog several times, it was screeming with pain but still kept biting cat wildly and then some guys came running to help me and they kicked the dog as well and the dog runned away. The cat was dead. I didnt take its photos not to disrespect the cat's corpse. One of the guys was so sad and waited in front of the cat's corpse for long time, because I saw him after 1 hour and he was still waiting there crouched near the cat's corpse. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AngusThermopyle


      That's astounding when you consider the fact that leading canine experts can very seldom identify a pit bull by visual means. The fact is that visual identification is incorrect 90%+ of the time.

    3. Altai


      LoL if we are looking the subject from this perspective, you cant even prove me that your father is really your father by just looking at how similar he is to you ^_^ Please dont play this game with me, so dont play with the words because I will beat you badly with my broken English. 

    4. Boges


      Circle of Life


  24. A few hours ago US banned all the visas from Turkiye. Now Turkiye banned all the visas from US as the response. US should understand that this is not the same Turkiye in the old days. This is Islamic Turkiye. ;)

    1. Altai


      Funny part is Turkiye copy and paste the same explanation done by US as an excuse for visa ban and just replace the word "US" with "Turkiye" :lol:

  25. A mind will come that all the minds will go mad...

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