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Posts posted by Goddess

  1. 3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    No where near as hard as you are. I suspect at least half the material that galvanizes terrorists comes from spew such as yours on forums just like this.

    As always, you're free to support terror as anyone else.


    You truly believe that ISIS gets AT LEAST HALF of its recruiting material from forums?

  2. 21 minutes ago, dialamah said:

    That's not strictly true.  A lot of them are mercenaries who may temporarily be "muslim" if they must, but their actual motivation is money/thrill and spoils of war.  I personally don't get that, but apparently some do.

    This is the first time I've heard that most of ISIS is not Muslim.....<_<

  3. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/united-airlines-ceo-apologizes-dragging-kentucky-doctor-flight-n745161

    From the article:


    Once taken off the plane, Dao managed to board again, passenger Tyler Bridges told NBC News: "He runs back on — dazed, bloodied, kind of in a mess — yelling, 'I have to get home, I have to get home.'"



    Another passenger, Joya Cummings, said that she and her son were sitting in the row directly behind Dao, and that originally, the doctor and his wife volunteered to take an $800 voucher for willingly giving up their seats.


  4. 7 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    All that's being protected, or more to the point neglected, is western complicity in causing terrorism.

    That point is NOT neglected.  It's used to justify every terrorist attack and is reported as such.  People just aren't buying it anymore.


    His sister says he did this in retaliation of the US air strikes in Syria which killed 4 children. (Whether that's true or not has not been verified yet)

    How does this make sense to you?  4 children were killed unintentionally in US air strikes IN A WAR ZONE, so he goes and bombs children in Manchester England, INTENTIONALLY and NOT IN A WAR ZONE.

    I shake my head at how you and others here feel the Manchester bombing was justified.  Just sick.

  5. I believe Islam is both a political AND a religious ideology.

    Terrorists are championing the political ideology and "moderates" are championing the religious end of things - demanding no pork products in school cafeterias, segregation of women and men in various institutions, wanting separate Sharia courts, etc. - all the while expressing no tolerance for other beliefs.

    They work hand-in-hand, towards the same goal.  They just have different methods.  But Islam, the religion, is at the root of it all.  I don't understand how you can separate the two.

    There are probably many many Muslims who fall somewhere in between, but they seem content to just close their eyes and ears and insist that none of it has anything to do with Islam at all. Almost like they don't really care which political ideology wins out - if radical Islam wins out, they will come out on top because governments and religion will all be Islamic. (I don't think they fully understand the slippery slope of that, since Islam doesn't have any main doctrine and Islamic governments are free to interpret and impose the religious doctrines however they want to).  And if Western philosophies win out, well......they reap the benefits of that too.

    I disagree that anything the "West' has done makes them entirely responsible for the mess Islam is today.  I believe the religion and its adherants also bear responsibility for it.  Some here keep saying that its the West promoting radical Islamic terrorism and playing into its' hands by reporting on what it's doing.  Do you not see how individual Muslims also promote and play into its' hands?  No, instead you lambast anyone who points this out, as has been done to Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

    I'm positive the islamic concept of "ummah" causes some cognitive dissonance amongst some Muslims.

  6. 36 minutes ago, kactus said:

    What happened in Manchester is quite tragic and demonstrates an issue with home grown terrorism. 

    I think there is an issue the way media reports to a certain extent for publicising details of these terrorists thereby glorifying their actions and recruiting more volunteers. Instead of mentioning their names media should focus on the deluded and deranged individual who committed these atrocities...

    Mentioning his name will only give the likes of him more popularity sadly with more extremists joining forces.

    There is a degree of islamophobia in the West because of the events unfolding. Media has its own share of blame in the way it reports. Blaming me all Muslims for the actions of these individuals will only inflame hatred and achieve animosity towards muslims which is the objective of extremists on both sides.

    I agree with some of your points.

    I really don't understand the desperate need to divorce the religion from what is being done in its name all over the world.

    When a woman says she is not forced to wear the hijab, we are told to take her at her word, otherwise we are Islamophobes.

    But when terrorists say they do it in the name of Islam, we are told to NOT take them at their word, otherwise we are Islamophobes.

    I don't think they can have their cake and eat it too here.

  7. 2 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    They would be anything that doesn't fall under the category of bad bits.  Is it really your contention that there are no Muslims, anywhere in the world, doing anything other than evil today? 

    I think for me the issue is:  What is considered a "moderate" Muslim?

    Advocates of Islam insist that Muslims can hold extreme views but AS LONG AS THEY DON'T ACT ON THOSE VIEWS, they are considered "moderate".  Those same advocates insist that Christians who hold extreme views but DO NOT ACT ON THEM, these ones are considered extremists.

    I think we all agree that the ones who ACTUALLY DO the stonings, beheadings, burnings, killings are extremists.  But what about all the ones who stand around watching, cheering, bringing the family along to see, taking pictures of such things?  I consider those people extremist, too. But advocates of Islam do not consider these ones extremist in any way, shape or form.  They insist they leave these views at the airport when they get here. I consider a man who insists that his wife never leave the house, and if she has to, requires her to cover up and not look at anyone....I think that's an extremist.  Others here disagree.

    It just seems to me that a "moderate" Muslim has to mean more than just "He didn't kill anyone today."

    To me, walking around with this type of hatred - against women, gays, Western society - is like walking around with a loaded gun....at some point you're going to point it at someone you feel is deserving and open fire.  This is not the same as when people get stressed or are rushing and occasionally lose patience with others.

  8. My sister was in a violent relationship for about 8 years. Her husband (at the time) used to say to say that it was HER who started some of the fights and HER who threw the first punch. This was probably true part of the times. They were pretty dysfunctional. 

    The difference though, was that he weighed at least twice what she did. During the relationship, he broke her wrist, her ankle, her ribs, her eardrum, and knocked her right out many times. While he never went to the ER once.

    I imagine this is why weight classes were invented in sports.

    She has not been violent in any subsequent relationship while he now beats on his next wife.

    I guess I don't believe either gender should have free reign to hit the other. But generally men are bigger and stronger and can do more damage. The potential to kill a woman in a physical fight is higher, I think.


  9. 10 hours ago, dialamah said:

    And I'll say to you, as I said to Argus: given your experience and what you believe, your attitude comes as no surprise.



    Then it won't surprise you that your hatred of me comes as absolutely no surprise to me.  Part for the course when it comes to Muslims.


  10. 1 minute ago, dialamah said:

    Having come late to the discussion you fail to realize that the assigning of labels did not start with me, and you have chosen to applaud those who've chosen to insult me.  That is why you've lost my respect.  

    I don't care where the labelling started, you choose to participate in it.  That's where you lost my respect.  

    i don't applaud anyone who insults you or anyone else, the same as I don't applaud you when you do it.

    I think I've generally  handled the likes of hot enough, Altai, and other offensive posters here, in a respectful (but firm) way.  If I've failed to chastise someone here to the extent that you prefer, well......tough beans.

  11. 2 minutes ago, dialamah said:

    And if I point out that followers of Islam also love tolerance, forgiveness and peace I'm labelled a Jew-hater, anti-Canadian, told that I support killing gays, pedophilia, honor killings and the oppression of women.   Funny how you've never objected to that eh?   Instead you support those people.  So forgive me if I fail take your claimed objectivity and fairness seriously.  

    I've never labelled YOU anything.  You, however, love to label others.

    Again, I "get" that you think Islam is all "peace and love and rainbows and unicorns" and that the extremists in the religion are so few that it is barely worth mentioning.  I'm happy that your experiene with the religion has been lovely and inspiring.  I am open (very open) to meeting Muslims who subscribe to your version of Islam.  What you don't "get" is that I have not met one - not even one - who personifies the beliefs you say they have.  And I lived in a neighborhood with high population of Muslims, dealt with them at every job I've had in that town and interacted with them on the internet.  I'm sorry, but NO.  The majority are not about "peace, love, rainbows and unicons."  The majority I've met HATE women with such an intensity that it affects how they treat Western women.  

    I do not do that to them. I have never done anything even remotely to them like they have done to me.

    So take your label and stuff it.  Take your excuses for how they act and stuff that too.


    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, eyeball said:

    How would people who generally love and follow western policies, such as ripping people's fingernails out and murdering them, prefer to be labelled?

    How does sphincter work for you?

    Ripping out fingernails and murdering people is official Western policy, is it?

    Funny, because I've never done those things, nor do I know anyone who has, nor am I aware of anyone I know promoting such things.

    My sphincter works fine.  Thank you for asking. :) 

    • Like 2
  13. 55 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

    You did, however, "like" the idea of me being killed at the hands of Islamic terrorist.

    Yeah, I noticed that too.....Yet if I point out that in general, followers and lovers of Islam seem to also love violence, revenge and hatred, the same ones label me an Islamophobe. :rolleyes:

    • Like 2
  14. 9 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Just out of curiosity, in 4322 replies on this thread, has anyone changed their view? I can understand responding to the initial post with a reasoned argument on one side or another and then a rebuttal. But 4322 posts saying the same thing repeatedly is clearly pythonesque.

    Debate should be a learning process, entered into with an open mind. 

    I can't say I've changed my mind, but in 4322 posts I have a clearer understanding of some of the issues.

    To me, the purpose of debate isn't to change anyone else's mind (although if they do, that is fine).  The purpose is to better understand where everyone else is coming from.  I may not fully agree with other's opinions but that doesn't mean they don't make some valid points.  

    • Like 1
  15. On 5/13/2017 at 10:29 AM, Argus said:

    As to what would make a good Canadian citizen, it is easier to suggest what would not. A mindset which sneers at everyone around you and dismisses them as whores or infidels who should be put in their place would certainly be among them.

    ** starts the slow clap **

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Omni said:

    If it were only a few people on a web site it wouldn't have much effect, and the rest of us could just ignore and skip to the more educated threads. However throughout the country hate crimes against Muslim's are on the rise and are nearly neck and neck with those against Jews, which have been on a steady decline for some time. Graffiti on Mosques, burning Mosques, even shooting people in Mosques. Assaults against women wearing niqabs, and verbal insults against Muslims all on the rise. And if you think the "entire Canadian media" are totally blameless, then that is only consistent your penchant for throwing around huge unsubstantiated assumptions, but sorry, someone who is actually in the media disagrees with you.

     Toronto Star's publisher, John Cruickshank, claimed that "a big segment of the Canadian media has been peddling ‘flat-out racism and bigotry’ against Canadian Muslims."[59]





    Incidents of hate-motivated crimes in Toronto increased by eight per cent in 2016 over the previous year, with Jews earning the dubious distinction of being the single-most targeted group for the 12th year in a row.

    Of 145 total incidents reported to police, Jews were victimized 43 times, according to the Toronto Police Service 2016 Annual Hate/Bias Crime Statistical Report.

    While Jews were the single most victimized group overall as well as the single most victimized religious group, the numbers can be considered out of proportion to the number of Jews living in Toronto. Citing the 2011 census published by Statistics Canada, the report notes that Jews make up only 3.8 per cent of Toronto’s population of 2.8 million, yet were “victimized in approximately 30 per cent of the total hate/bias crimes in 2016.”

    The three most targeted groups since 2006 have been the Jewish community, the black community and the LGBTQ community,” the report states.


    I wonder why Jews are targetted way out of proportion to their numbers......hmmmmm??

  17. 1 minute ago, Argus said:

    You honestly think a few people on internet web sites are the cause of a growing distrust of Muslims throughout the Western world and not the continuing acts of terrorism, violence and intolerance coming from the Muslim world?

    They don't believe there is any "continuing acts of terrorism, violence and intolerance" in the Muslim world.  It's all invented by the Western media, dont' you know?  All other religions are doing exactly the same things to the same extent, it's just not being reported by the media, don't you know?

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