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Everything posted by taxme

  1. I am pretty sure that you can find plenty of interesting news stories to talk about that goes on in America besides Trump. Chicago would be a great place to start. Even Trump is concerned about Chicago and all the killings going on in that city. Trump has even said that if mayor Rahm Emanueal doesn't do something soon about crime Trump says that he will do something about it, and will send in the National guard if need be. How is that for a news story?
  2. From all the talk here one would swear that America and Trump is all that there is to talk about. If the Canadian media would stop talking about Trump, no Canadian would than care less what Trump does. It is this fake and phony liberal media that keeps the constant bull and lies about Trump going. The Canadian liberal media despise him. Canada has nothing to fear from Trump, and what he is going to do. All it means for Canadians is that there will be a slight adjustment as to how things are going to be done in the near future now that Trump is in.
  3. Dump bilingualism, multiculturalism, foreign-aid, no more refugees as starters can save the government(taxpayers)billions which can go to Canadians who really need help. I am fed up trying to help the rest of the world with my tax dollars. We have done enough for the past several decades to try and help the rest of the world, and it must stop now. There is nothing anyone can do any longer to try and appear as though we really do care. It is the leftists that are the problem. They like to spend other peoples money. I say No more.
  4. Unethical people like H. Morgantaler aborted thousands of unborn fetus, and he made millions doing it. There is lots of money to be made for doctors doing abortions. Sad.
  5. I am not sure myself as to whether most Canadian women are aware of this. I will assume that most probably don't really care. Otherwise why waste their time on a march that will go nowhere. With so many issues to deal with these marchers have their priorities all wrong. I have to wonder as to how many of those children living in poverty are recent new immigrants and refugees. I just do not trust politicians anymore. Personally, I will go as far as to blame politicians for the rise of poverty in Canada. Most politicians have their own programs and agendas that they want to get thru, and it would appear as though those programs and agendas do not include the tax paying Canadians in mind. My opinion.
  6. The CBC, Global, and CTV do not appear to be anywhere near being conservative. We do not have a real conservative news TV channel like we did have with the Sun News Network. With Sun News I got the other side of the story that those other media outfits ignored. When real issues are discussed by those other liberal news outlets than I will maybe start to think of them as being somewhat conservative.
  7. Are you Canadian? If you are then why the hell do you give a dam about Trump and American politics anyway? Start showing some interest in Canada instead. There is lots to talk about and fix up here starting with Trudeau. When the guy talks, I start to fall asleep. He repeats the same old bull every day. He needs to start cutting taxes and regulations that are stifling growth, and get Canada moving. We have two million Canadians unemployed. Do something about it. Bringing in more new immigrants and refugees has not solved the problem, and may be causing the unemployment problem.
  8. Why can't anyone see by now that the fake and phony liberal media is full of liars. They practice lying, it is a part of their job. I hope that Trump can put to rest the main scream lying liberal media once and for all. President Trump is just getting going, and I like what I have seen and heard so far. I like a leader who shows more concern for his country rather than the rest of the world like our fake and phony politicians like to do. Canada could be a powerhouse of work and jobs if we could just get politicians off the backs of business, and start cutting regulations and taxes. It's almost as though our politicians do not want Canada or Canadians to succeed. It would appear that it is all about them.
  9. Just about all politicians are liars. So, what is your point?
  10. Indeed, taxes are a gun to your head. If you mean helping poor Canadians in need than I am for all the spending of taxes that it will take to get them out of poverty. I am Canadian first, and maybe than the rest of the world second. It all depends on how long it will take to be able to eliminate poverty in Canada first. We have been giving money in the form of foreign-aid for numerous decades now. Surely if it is not working now it will probably never work. It is time to stop all foreign-aid period. Works for me.
  11. What about them? These countries have been around for centuries. Why do they still need western help? They have been getting plenty of money over the decades to have good clean running water and medicine against diseases. Am I or the Canadian taxpayer's suppose to look after every country in the world that has problems for eternity? Give me a tax break will you. Quit with this bleeding heart liberal stuff, and start to use more common sense and logic. Foreign-aid needs to be stopped. We must end this welfare program and agenda that our fake and phony politicians keep foisting on us all. If you care so much then go donate. Leave me out of it, and stop continually blowing my tax dollars. It's my tax dollars too, don't you know.
  12. It is sad that the media party(CTV/CBC/Global)are all in cahoots with the Trudeau liberals. We all should know by now that the liberals will never be attacked with such vigor like Harper and the conservatives were. In Canada we do not have one conservative radio or TV station to listen too like they have in America. We did have The Sun News Network but that didn't last too long. TV and radio in Canada are now all controlled by the media party. Indeed it is a joke to have to continually listen to the Canadian fake and phony media party, and their constant attacks against Trump. All we get everyday and every hour of the day is Trump-Trump and more Trump bashing. The election is over so shut the hell up about Trump and get lost media party. There is plenty to go after in Canada, so do your job, and quit with what goes on in America. If I want to know as to what is going on in America I will go to one of their TV news channels. I don't need the media party.
  13. Dam right Canadian women can support abortions all around the world, and they should pay for it themselves. Stop using taxpayer's tax dollars to help fund abortions in other countries. If one has a cause that they want to believe in and fight for then they should use their own money, and not taxpayer's tax dollars. Works for me.
  14. Again, where are the protests for women's rights in Canada or America against those anti-women's rights countries like we saw and know are happening in many African and Arab countries? I never have ever seen anything like the magnitude of women that we saw demonstrating against those countries like we saw happening against Trump. Women by the millions got all upset and marched against what Trump may have or may not have said. The silence is deafening.
  15. I wonder as to how many abortions done around the world are paid for by the Canadian taxpayer's? I am almost pretty sure that Canadians are paying for some. Hey, this is Canada don't you know. Need some money, ask Canada for some because we Canadians have been told over and over again that Canadians are a caring, loving, wonderful, generous people who are always ready to help give(throw) our tax dollars to the wind.
  16. Whoopie, Joy Behar, Maryl Streep, and so many others in the entertainment business are truly nothing more than a bunch of whiny cry baby losers. I thank gawd and thrilled to heck that they lost. They had their way for 8 years of forcing liberalism down the peoples throats, and now it is the conservatives turn to abolish all that liberalism nonsense that was shoved down the peoples throats who never asked for i in the first place, and be gone. Works for me.
  17. The march was against Trump, period. It had nothing to do with women's rights. Trump is not going to take women's rights away. Trump respects their rights as women. So, why did Canadian women get all up tight about what Trump may have or may not have said? Did they think that Trump was going to take their rights away here in Canada? I guess that is what some probably thought. Silly women. There are lots of women who have no rights all over the world, and do not have the protections that women have in North America. Those rights will never be taken away from women. The only way that will happen if Muslims take over and control women's rights in North America. Taxme will defend and challenge any racist attacks against my Caucasian race. If other races can challenge attacks against their people and race well then why can't I? If it were not for the trouble making liberal fake and phony media here in Canada and America and getting women all worked up over their maybe loss of rights they would not have demonstrated at all because there was no reason to demonstrate because no rights were going to be taken away. So, why doesn't our media try and get all the concerned women up in arms about women's rights from around the world? Women are stoned to death for being raped. Beaten by their slave owner husbands. Not allowed to drive a car in Saudi Arabia. Mutatations done against women's groin areas in some African countries. Where are the concerned feminist women over this? No where to be found. Women in North America have their priorities all screwed up. They are demonstrating against Trump, and have it all wrong, and what they really should be doing is going after those Arab and African men of those countries who deny their women any rights or freedoms. I guess it is much easier to just attack old white men, eh? White men are easy targets.
  18. It is none of Canadian women's business to attack another countries policies, period. I guess that it is easy to attack Trump and America because America is a majority white country. Attacking America means that you won't have to be afraid or worry about being called a racist. When the world was trying to get rid of apartheid women demonstrated in Canada, and no doubt because it was against white people that they had no problem to demonstrate against apartheid. Why don't these same concerned women marchers get together and protest against some of those Arab countries where women are stoned to death for being raped, and where women are not even allowed to drive a car. Beheadings? Wives are slaves to their slave husband owners. Probably because it is not the politically correct thing to do so, eh? Can't get involved demonstrating against one of those non-white countries, now can we? Most Canadian women do and say some dumb things when they try to get involved in politics. They get their priorities all wrong in many cases. Canadian women and men have become so politically correct that they are now to afraid to demonstrate against anything unless the main scream media and political correctness gives them the green light to go do so. Shocking indeed.
  19. What is with this "old white men" and "white men in the oval office" stuff? Sounds racist to me. Well, are you? What? Old white men can't be politicians anymore, they have to be labelled as white?
  20. Ya, with the exchange rate as high as it is. Buy Canadian, and eliminate your unborn fetus here in Canada.
  21. Those were the good old days. Men screwed themselves big time when they allowed women to vote. Being married it looks like I am going to have to go make my own sandwich now, and wait for my wife to return from her march in Washington. Thanks guys. PS: Please don't tell her I said that.
  22. More money being stolen out of my wallet by our fearless and great politicians. That is what I will lose, and so will you also. Carbon taxes are theft from taxpayer's wallets.
  23. You must have hit some American lottery or something like that then, eh? When I go to the bank and exchange my money for American money I get ripped off. And when I go back to the bank and exchange my American money for Canadian money I still get ripped off off by the banksters. The banksters sure make a hell of a lot of money for themselves off this exchange rate nonsense. I now wish that when the Canadian dollar was at par or above I had bought some American dollars. Boy, do I regret not doing that now. Aw well.
  24. According to just about all of our politicians, it would appear as though that is how things are going to be done in Canada now. Bring in all those refugees, they will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Ya, most likely all those jobs for themselves, and their families and friends. Sucks.
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