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Posts posted by WestCanMan

  1. It doesn't seem to matter how they 'act'. If they're wearing brown skin, they're a target.

    A well known face - city councillor, wearing business clothes, checking email, waiting for a bus ... harassed by a cop:


    BLM is drawing attention to prejudice in policing, because it happens too often.

    "Political(ly) correct" behaviour just means 'not racist'.

    Who the hell has a problem with that?

    Racists, that's who. :/


    Wow jacee, you just proved that every police officer in north america is racist with that post. Good going! (just kidding)

    Politically "correct" is actually a misnomer. "Politically paranoid/delusional with an imaginary license to pontificate no matter how idiotic your storyline happens to be" is the more accurate description of what we are talking about. BLM is the poster child for it.

    Some people see exactly what they want to see. If you wanted to see ghosts and you stayed a cemetery or haunted house overnight for sure you would "see" one. Maybe even a racist one. But you wouldn't actually see one.

    If you want to see racism you can find evidence of it everywhere. White people commit acts of racism against me every day, I just happen to be white so from my pov they're just assholes. And guess what? They're not even all assholes. Sometimes people are just impatient, stupid, ignorant, having a bad day/hour, whatever. I'm usually very polite but I've done things that pissed off other drivers before too. From my personal experience female police officers are surprisingly rude and lack reasonable judgement, but I've only encountered two personally. Are they sexist? Was the indo-canadian one racist? My first guess is that they were just bad at their jobs. I just let them power trip for a bit and nothing bad happened. If I was a BLM'er my job in those instances would be to report the more damning evidence of those encounters, scream blue murder if anyone brought up any video evidence to the contrary, and cause public mayhem to prove my righteous indignation. Then sit back and wait for the kudos from the potus.

  2. While we're on the topic of demographics, why don't we investigate the effects of poverty and education on crime rates. Of course it's easier to just say "Black People" though, isn't it?

    When you're talking about the "Black Lives Matter" group it's probably sorta on topic to talk about black people don't you think moonbeam? It's kind of hard to avoid, like talking about milk without saying homo, skimmed, 1% or 2%.

    Furthermore, the BLM people don't give a crap about white people killed by police. You're actually off on a tangent bringing up people of other ethnicities.

    That's why we see so many frat-boy drunks getting shot at keg parties instead of going ot the drunk tank right? I mean, if you're uncooperative with police, you should expect the bullet right?

    Moonbox are you saying that black men don't go to frat parties? That seems pretty racist to me.

    Anyhoo... If you're trying to suggest that "uncooperative" means the exact same thing in every situation, and that it's always at the exact same level of civil disobedience, then you're quite wrong. For example "hostility and violence" are not the same as "drunk and disorderly" although you are correct to say that they both fit somewhat loosely under the umbrella of "uncooperative" with police.

    Argus your logic is pathetic. This is the sort of banal nattering that gives us every indication we need of your intellectual credibility/capability. What are you trying to suggest here? Are you suggesting that if you're fearful and suspicious of persecution that the natural and most logical reaction is to just meekly roll over and take it? You're obviously a student of history and humanity, aren't you? :blink:

    No comment necessary lol.

    Right...If we're not careful then free speech is going to get outlawed by some vague group of "progressives"...

    Not at all. The "progressives" are just tough to pin down to serious conversation. They like to bring straw men and skewed logic into every debate to cry "racism" and the like. EG, when a person says that "uncooperatives" get shot by police, which means that drunks at a keg party should get shot just as often as sober men acting with hostility and violence towards police...

    Should a person really make that kind of claim in a legitimate debate to bring the question of racism into it?

    /yawn. There are people on this website who'd support deporting all of the Muslims in this country or taking away the vote from poor people. What's your point?

    I missed the discussion where people were advocating the deportation of all muslims from Canada. Can you provide the link?

    Tantrum? Okay bud. As for knowing little or nothing about the subject, I'm not the cliché old man bitterly listing off "Black People" crime statistics as justification for unreasonable force and outrageous police shootings. What you're basically saying here is,

    This is a perfect example of "progressives" using the racism accusation to quell free speech lol.

    You see moonbox, you can't just bring statistics into an argument to prove your point and then completely disqualify statistics, which are directly related, just because they don't work out in your favour. That's what's going on in the BLM debates constantly.

    I'm sure that you would agree that the people of the BLM movement have displayed overt aggression & hostility, committed acts of violence, they have made calls for murder, and have justified the murders of police.

    You recall that their co-leader (now we are back on your topic of muslims for a second moonbeam) tweeted "Allah please give me the strength to not cuss/kill these white folks"? You can easily google that quote, I don't have a link here.

    The BLM movement is setting a terrible example for people to follow, and they are certainly not benevolent. If they cared more about black lives than they did about hatred and violence the their public persona would be completely different. If my kid was black I would do everything I could to ensure that they didn't act like any of those idiots. A person like Jarome Iginla would be able to succeed in any walk of life. Smilers never lose, frowners never win.

    "Sorry Black Guy, if all the other Black People behaved better, we wouldn't have had to shoot you." That's supremely ignorant, incredibly stupid and flat-out racist all at the same time.

    Another straw man lol. Noone said that police shoot people based on stats, as if they have to fill some kind of quota.

  3. This was only ever a story because the CBC, Trudeau and Mulcair wanted it to be a story. The CBC got their $650M payoff as soon as Trudeau was elected.

    Keep in mind this was over NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Just one session of parliament being wasted on this topic cost more than $90,000. This was like spending $5M on a divorce attorney to fight over a coffee table.

    Trudeau's nannies will cost the taxpayers several times more than $90K over the next few years and he said that families like his and PM Harper's family don't need help from the gov't to look after their kids.

    Why is this story astronomically bigger than the sponsorship scandal was? Paul Martin was much closer to the PMO as finance minister than Duffy was as a senator. The money was deliberately and directly misspent by the gov't in that case, it's not just some bogus travel claims.

    Is Trudeau's bungling of $30,000,000,000 this year not a bigger story than the missing $90K? If every senator misspent $90K we would need 333,000 of them to waste money like Trudeau.

  4. Political Correctness isn't a "thing" that can "go". The author of the OP does not seem to understand what it even is.

    Political Correctness is a name given to the reactions from people that don't like things that other people do, or things that other people express. These reactions are just human nature. They aren't some kind of program that can be shut down.

    Political correctness is when "special interest groups" get to make whatever claims they want, real or imagined, about the "majority" but it is considered horribly inappropriate to point out the obvious flaws or double standards in their agendas.

  5. The main problem that I have with self-appointed politically correct people is the level of stupidity and naiveté. I can handle any legitimate beef with this country but it always seems like the empty vessels are making the most "politically correct" noise.

    The #blacklivesmatter campaign is a perfect example. I know it's mainly an american issue but it has spilled across the border now.

    The "gentle giant" riot in the states was utter garbage. The media saw a chance to blow that story out of proportion and make millions of dollars in the process and so they tweaked it a bit and then lent the holy wand of political correctness to some malcontents who tried to sell us the narrative that policemen are the lowest form of life here. Barack Obama even backed them on it.

    Theoretically there were hundreds of witnesses to police misconduct but guess what? It was late in 2014 and in every crowd of "100's" there were 100 people with smartphones to record it, and no one did. It's like when big bird saw the snuffleupagus "every day" and never thought to snap a pic.

    There was however footage of the gentle giant committing a violent robbery minutes before he was shot. Remember the hue and cry of "you can't show that video footage on TV! What purpose does that serve? The police are the only enemy here!"

    Now we have those idiots protesting up here. Even after their "leader", Yusra Khogali, tweeted, "Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz." somehow they still try to cling to the notion of political correctness.

    Ironically #blacklivesmatter is teaching young black men to be disrespectful, hostile and even violent to police and guess what the inevitable outcome of that is going to be? Less policing in their neighbourhoods and more legitimate incidents of police shooting young black men.

    Political correctness doesn't need to go away imo, the msm just needs to get a clue.

  6. Patterns and ideologies are just things - how individuals weave them together is what counts, same as unravelling them does.

    Here's something for you to remember: those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

    I don't see your efforts adding up

    You didn't have to tell me that, I already knew that you couldn't see things adding up eyeball.

  7. Is there an official Canadian or Commonwealth statute of limitations on the righting of wrongs? According to much of the conventional wisdom on display around here we're still holding Islam responsible for what it did to us 1500 years ago.

    This one post epitomizes your level of understanding of that entire other thread eyeball. What happened 1,500 years ago is not about a "grudge" against one person eyeball. It's about "what do certain people aspire to". Then there is some evidence of what happens when people do in fact aspire to that model of behaviour.

    You see eyeball, if someone wants to be like _____________ you can guess what kinds of things they are going to attempt to do. Insert the names of any one of Wayne Gretzky, Jim Carey, Adolf Hitler, Buddha, Mike Tyson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Nic Tesla, JFK, Oprah, Guy Fieri... Now do you understand?

    I was talking about patterns and ideologies but you seem to talk in terms of individuals.

  8. No, the Conservatives will be back. Who cares though, if the NDP can't get Alberta to wake up and smell the coffee, it won't make a difference who is in charge.

    The bottom line is Alberta needs to wake up and think beyond oil and if Notley wants to be no different than the previous government when it comes to the living in denial, then so be it.

    Alberta's head is deep in the sand and that's the real problem.

    What's the driving force behind the BC economy BC chick? Our main export is the ownership of real estate. There's hardly any manufacturing, mining, forestry, agriculture, etc to speak of.

    This economy is tied to the real estate boom and beyond that we have a bunch of teachers, hair dressers, nail technicians, and people who work in retail etc.

  9. Back to the topic of the thread, I find it alarming how many people are so quick to rush to the defence of Trudeau after he just basically lied to every single demographic of the public for votes and then turned his back on them. Now he's using the federal budget like it's his own piggy bank and all he has to do to make his sycophant army happy is shift the blame to something that happened over 100 years ago and say "Shame on Canada!"

    Immediately start to invest $3B over the next 4 years to deliver better home care services: "Thx for the uh votes, no soup for umm you."

    12 Month Break on EI premiums for Businesses that Employ 18-24 yr olds: "Thx for the votes uh kids, but this uh lie isn't even the mmm painful part for you. My legacy of uhhhh debt is what's really gonna mmmm hurt. Hey look, it's Justin uh Beiber!"

    Reduce the Small Business Tax Rate: To be honest I don't really care how badly he backstabbed his voters in this sector. Anyone dumb enough to vote for him won't be in business long anyways.

    Maintain Defence Spending and Planned Increases: "Uh, wasn't it ummm Sun Tzu that said "If you uhh kill your enemies, they umm win"? It was uh him right?"

    His exact quote was: "Hey look dummies, some Canadians did something really bad 102 years ago! I need to apologize for that!"

  10. Do you guys believe Jack Layton would be Prime Minister if he was still alive?

    The guy was on a roll leading up to the previous election, he was completely schooling the other candidates.

    When you consider that the NDP was still in the running so close to the last election based on Layton's earlier success, and despite 4 years of Mulcair being an angry jackass, it's not unlikely imo. I would never have voted NDP but then I would have never voted for a pre-school substitute teacher either.

  11. Trudeau apologizes for something that our ancestors did 102 years ago. The apologies for lying to all the 18-25 yr old job seekers, the cut-from-the-budget tax cuts etc ( https://www.trudeaumetre.ca/), the deficit fiasco, and to the people who will still be paying for it 102 years from now will have to wait.


    Kim-Jong-Un would be proud of the theatrics.

  12. You haven't backed up your claim because you can't. Your mistake was using the word everything when you claimed jacee blamed the west for everything that muslims are doing. Your tendency to trip over your generalizations is even better highlighted in your confused and funny exchange with dre involving liberals. Like I said, you're not very good at this.

    Wrong eyeball. She was the one who made the declarative statement, naming one single reason for muslim extremism. If there was "one reason" I'm sure that 99% of the people on the planet would say that supporting Israel is the #1 reason.

  13. What you need to produce should read like this..."I (jacee, or whoever) blame the west for everything that muslims are doing".

    Can you do that...word for word?

    I cited the exact post you were asking for. It stated very clearly that "western companies are terrorists in Muslim countries in the same way, giving rise to Modern Islamic extremist opposition to western invasion" and it was on the same page.

    In point form:

    "I (jacee, or whoever)" - the post is obviously hers, I doubt that you want to dispute that

    "blame the west" - "giving rise to" equates to saying where the motivation comes from, ie the source of blame. Since she was the one who made the comment, she is stating quite plainly that she puts the blame on the west. I don't see where there's any room to dispute that.

    "for everything that" There was no mention of any other sources of blame, just "western companies", so it's natural to assume that there's no other source that is worthy of comment. When a person makes such a declarative and statement you would think that they were trying to portray their opinion accurately. If you notice at the bottom of the post it says that she even took the time to edit it, so there's zero room to say that she didn't clearly state her position.

    "muslims are doing". - "Modern Islamic extremist opposition" is exactly what the "muslims are doing". Again, no real room for debate on this point.

    I win, you lose. Unless of course you wanna go another round on this one?

  14. Why shouldn't they be opposed? I'd oppose it if it was happening to me and I sure as hell don't want Canadian companies terrorizing other people either. It reflects very badly on all of us. In the meantime I'm still looking for a cite where jacee or anyone else said...word for word...

    Opposed to what? "western companies that are terrorists" ? That's not even a proven thing. It's an article about one alleged occurance! Her one weak example was from Peru or someplace like that. Bolivia? Have we been attacked by a bunch of south american terrorists? It takes a lot more than that lame article to make a declarative statement equating to "western companies have caused so much harm that terrorism is an obvious reaction."

    You should be ashamed of that post.

  15. What you need to produce should read like this..."I (jacee, or whoever) blame the west for everything that muslims are doing".

    Can you do that...word for word?

    I cited the exact post you were asking for. It stated very clearly that "western companies are terrorists in Muslim countries in the same way, giving rise to Modern Islamic extremist opposition to western invasion" and it was on the same page.

    In point form:

    "I (jacee, or whoever)" - the post is obviously hers, I doubt that you want to dispute that

    "blame the west" - "giving rise to" equates to saying where the motivation comes from, ie the source of blame. Since she was the one who made the comment, she is stating quite plainly that she puts the blame on the west. I don't see where there's any room to dispute that.

    "for everything that" There was no mention of any other sources of blame, just "western companies", so it's natural to assume that there's no other source that is worthy of comment. When a person makes such a declarative and statement you would think that they were trying to portray their opinion accurately. If you notice at the bottom of the post it says that she even took the time to edit it, so there's zero room to say that she didn't clearly state her position.

    "muslims are doing". - "Modern Islamic extremist opposition" is exactly what the "muslims are doing". Again, no real room for debate on this point.

    I win, you lose. Unless of course you wanna go another round on this one?

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