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Posts posted by WWWTT

  1. Most westernized nations are in the same boat. We have an aging population that is retiring and the money is not being replenished enough to handle those who are going to retire in the next decade or two. If Greece is socialist, so is Canada.

    Very true!!!

    Canada's economy is only one spot higher than Spain's! A couple of years ago, Spain's economy was actually larger than Canada's!

    This could also explain why the Canadian markets are skittish when there is uncertainty from Greece. We're in not much better shape.


  2. How in the world are they eligible for retirement benefits if they worked and lived and paid taxes elsewhere for decades?

    Not exactly sure what you mean by "retirement benefits"

    Also not even sure of the total legalities involved but here's a go at it.


    Apparently this is related


    I'm not claiming that I know it all in these Europa cases. But I know for a fact that they are involved, include many countries, many laws and many people and different views!

    And believe me, I have relatives in Portugal that all have different views for and against.

    I also strongly believe that there's a lot of this story we are not hearing or is not being told!


  3. Migrate sure. But expect the new nation to pay for everything? Seems unreasonable. If "retirement" nations like Greece/Italy/Spain agreed to a rule like that, they made a mistake.

    Don't forget Portugal! Everyone forgets about Portugal.

    I have to admit that I am not completely fluent with all the rules.

    I know people from Portugal can and do migrate to Germany for work and education.

    All I'm saying is that this issue is much more involved and there is a story not being told.

    These 4 southern countries that we have mentioned have been poor for a long time before Europa. If they have been living beyond their means, it started after the Europa deal!


  4. Uhh... the better question would be why would they be expected to take care of any such seniors? Same can be asked of Canada, too...

    I suggest you research the obligations of European nations.

    Anyone whom is a citizen of a Europa country can migrate to any other and take up residence.

    Similar to the relationship that provinces within Canada have with each other.

    There are also transfer payments within Canada. Possible parallels can be drawn.


  5. Rather, the aspect of "socialism" that is being decried in the case of Greece is the government's spending of money on an extensive welfare state program (the "socialist" part), without actually having the money to pay for said programs (the "irresponsible" part).

    You're putting Greece in a no win scenario here.

    How can Greece have the money to take care of seniors who only showed up at their country after they retired after working and paying taxes in northern Europa countries?


  6. Actually it was the result of a realestate bubble much like what happened in other countries.


    There's a couple of stories that the corporate austerity media don't want to make any mention of!

    My parent's have a house in Sao Miguel Acores Portugal.

    They bought it in the early 90's at a fair price. The value skyrocketed to it's pinnacle around 2008 and now we can't give it away!

    All thanks to northern European Euro countries migrating there to retire.

    This artificial real estate boom and bust is very hard on the locals.

    As well, the seniors retiring to these southern warm locations are sucking up very expensive health care/social and other services.

    My parents house taxes are less than 200 Euros per year. Taxes can't go up either because it would be a nut busters on the local.

    So transfer payments are in order. But when we hear about the transfer payments, it's made to sound like countries such as Germany don't owe anybody and are only paying out of charity!

    This is total BS because Germany is relieved of supporting many of their seniors and have a windfall in healthcare/social spending! After all, those seniors were paying income taxes when they were younger and healthy!


  7. Taxpayers lose about $1 billion per year in lost income tax revenue due to the allowance for unionists to deduct union dues from gross income. . That has to stop.

    Ya you don't get how money is made in Canada.

    If you tell a group of people that they can not write off an expense, then that group is going to take the government to court and easily prove discrimination because every other business and person filling taxes is claiming expenses!

    You really hate the economy and want to destroy it!


  8. The solution isn't to ban unions et al from expressing their views. Rather Union membership needs to be made voluntary through right to work laws so those who disagree with the advertising aren't forced to fund it.

    Businesses also get tax deductions for advertising and lobbying efforts. The difference is that businesses are using their own money while unions essentially have a taxation power over their members. It's this power to confiscate income to fund advertising that needs to end

    Can't ban unions from expressing their views first of all.

    Union membership is already voluntary but not paying dues because a court already ruled that dues are used for the benefit are members.

    Much way that taxes are supposed to be used for the benefit of the people who pay them ;)


  9. To WWWTT - The four American Presidents who are mentioned are considered by many historians as the four "best" presidents that the USA has had. I disagree with you about history - it is a very good evaluator than the present. While alive, these folks can spin what they want. After they are gone, historians pick them and their "legacy" apart - from Makenzie King using his dog as his advisor to Kennedy and his attitude towards marital fidelity.

    Time tends to reveal the truth.

    I see your point

    Actually your point is what most of us initially have seen.

    It takes work to shake off the propaganda that we have been feed by alleged historians.

    Did they have 24hr media coverage during the American civil war? What about satellite news during Kennedy, Truman Or King's era's?

    How can today's leaders hide away so easily when the media/social media are constantly on their asses 24/7? And rightfully so!

    No, what you are doing is taking these past leaders out of context and are implying that they were under the same media/social microscope as today's leaders.

    As well, you are under the impression that historians are independent of the influence of propaganda. Simply false and far from believable.


  10. There are 16 weeks until the next election. It is only the media pundits and pollsters who are doing any prognostication because they thrive on the speculation. In politics, a week is an eternity.

    An eternity in politics is an media phrase which seems to only apply once in a generation.

    Not even sure if I should be making such a comment because these are one of those phrases that has a chameleon meaning.

    I like to describe this one as an not so slow train wreck for the conservatives.


  11. Right, and then will you tell us why before joining the NDP, Mulcair sought a cabinet post with the Conservative Government.......which was ultimately rejected by the Conservative Party of Canada?

    I'm sure all such (recorded) conversations between Mulcair and the Conservative Party will be quite interesting to gleam, but it would be most surprising if such private talks were made public during a Federal election..... ;)

    Funny how the conservatives don't think if the tactic worked, it wouldn't work on Harper?

    I'm sure Harper has lot's of skeletons the socialist PAC's could use. But why bother when there's bigger chickens in the pot!


  12. That's great!!!! I truly hope the NDP continue to "poll" well throughout the Summer, as such, the Tories (and Liberals) can start packing their things and making way for the eventual 338 seat NDP majority that is certain to happen this Fall!!! :lol:

    Despite what the thread is, that won't be the big story.

    The slip of the majority government into 3rd place will be what everyone's talking about!


  13. Just in the first quarter of the this year alone the Tories received more donations than the NDP and Liberal combined, but have yet to open the war chest......do you really think the CPC is going to roll over and go quietly? Ask Dion about that, and Dion, though lacking gravitas, was/is squeaky clean..likewise Ignatieff.....Mulcair, we'll wait and see if he has any skeletons in his closet ;)

    conservatives already started spending money months ago in attack adds, didn't work as polls show!

    Harper has no intention of attending an leaders debate so as far as rolling over and going quietly goes, that's is probably their best campaign policy going for them right now!

    And as far as digging up dirt on Mulcair goes, what are they waiting for?

    Oh it's bad alright. Real bad to be a conservative in 2015!


  14. Foreign corporations were begged by Canada to invest their capital....don't owe their wealth to anybody.

    Don't like it...kick them out and spend your own money.

    Or they bribed the Canadian government(conservatives,pc,liberals). See Air Bus scandal.

    All hard to tell though when everyone covers their paper trails.


  15. Presidents are gauged by the longevity and long term success of their initiatives. The two Roosevelts and Truman were not very popular during and shortly after their terms. Lincoln and Washington were cursed by many for years after they left office. Only time will tell with Obama with the objective test of history.

    Ya it's called "propaganda"!

    Works best when the subject and most people of the era have already died!

    Also called "rewriting history".

    Lots of stuff get's cherry picked and tons more of stuff is intentionally forgotten and/or hidden away and/or taken out of context to fit an agenda that is always changing depending on the user.

    A lot harder to do now on modern leaders with today's technology and media coverage.


  16. Ok. In what fantasy world do unions have more money and power than the banks and corporations that back the CPC and LPC?

    Funny how the conservatives think it's always cool to attack unions, whom defend workers rights and help evenly distribute wealth among working Canadians.

    But when someone attacks the greed of corporate extraction of wealth from working Canadians that has led to Canada having the #16 world economy(and falling) , it's an attack on the well being of Canada!


  17. The Conservatives are going to be hammered by undecideds for spreading ISIS propaganda as a way to scare people into voting for them. Canadians aren't that stupid and those ads are are just plain insulting to people's intelligence. The only people gobbling those ads up are the people would say it was raining if Harper was pissing down their legs.

    I think that's going to be another nail in the coffin.

    I agree with Vancouver King that the Maestro case/video walking in shackles will be a bigger obstacle to overcome. Especially in central eastern rural southern Ontario! Could see the conservatives losing a lot of seats in southern Ontario!

    But who knows?

    If the media are already questioning the legality of the conservatives latest adds, it could snowball to the point that the conservatives are constantly on their heels moving lower and lower in the polls?

    They are taking very great risks, sign of desperation. All looks very bad to voters!


  18. The next EKOS numbers should be interesting.

    And don't forget the NDP are trailing in Alberta by less than 10%!

    That really says it all there now doesn't it?

    And ya I have to agree that Maestro walking into a police van in shackles is going to seriously hurt the conservatives.

    Wouldn't be surprised if the conservatives will be flirting with the 23-25% range in a few weeks after the latest bad news starts to sink into voters.

    Seriously bad if your a conservative to see the trend against you.

    Have to wonder where the bottom is going to be. That's the real story here now!


  19. History has already been kind to Obama, (Nobel peace prize for starters) and will continue to be much more so than it will be to Bush.

    Ya bro you want to debate?

    Debate with this fact!


    nobel peace prize comes from a predominant white European country.

    Let's all look to a white European country to tell us what "peace" should mean!


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