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Posts posted by WWWTT

  1. It's not about fear, it's about not wanting some creep jacking off to pictures of my daughter. Those two hippies are so worried about society sexualizing their 8 yo daughter, but they're clueless to the fact that there are sickos who will take pictures of their child for perverted reasons.

    Taking pictures in public is protected under the charter.


  2. The new HarperPAC group. is going to make the campaigning very nasty and only Harper can do. They are a US-Style political action committee for Harper but most Canadians do not like that type of political , so see how low and dirty Harper can go , pretty low, I imagine. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/new-harperpac-group-to-respond-from-the-right-192140253.html;_ylt=As13Care3oneTdCew_ZYYLUSscB_;_ylu=X3oDMTE1b2l0NTI2BG1pdAMEcG9zAzEyBHNlYwNsbl9ZYWhvb09yaWdpbmFsc19nYWw-;_ylg=X3oDMTBhdnVpNmo3BGxhbmcDZW4tQ0E-;_ylv=3

    Great go after Justin!

    And those on the left go after Harper!

    NDP will do just fine.


  3. There's always Skippy. .He could be the next leader of the CPC when Harper retires.

    Not funny!

    The next leader of the conservatives is going to be a no name unless it's that Van guy?

    Experienced known names make the transition easier.

    It almost seems as if the conservatives have thrown in the towel already and are getting a head start on rebuilding the party anew.


  4. But make no mistake about it. This will hurt the party. They're losing a lot of powerful incumbents.

    The departure of Comartin and Davies also hurt the NDP!

    Departures of good members always creates loss.

    But also create new opportunity!

    However, I have to strongly agree that high profile potential future leaders of the party leaving is bad bad bad and more bad!

    We were debating not long ago who was going to step up for the conservatives after Harper leaves. And probably half of the names that were thrown around have now said they're gone!


  5. If all meat had to be raised in the way that people call "humane", it would be an expensive luxury available only to the rich. The amount of land and resources to do this is far higher than more efficient methods, and there is only a limited amount of land and resources available to produce food. Food producing land has to become ever more productive as populations grow, not less.

    I have used this debate position before. (this debate isn't new to me)

    In rural China, as in other rural areas around the world, Canada included. Firearms or other methods are not available to make the job of harvesting an animal for food easier.

    So what are the people supposed to do? Starve? And just because someone else apparently has a higher moral ground? This is prejudice against class.

    The other point you make is also very true!

    It is inefficient to grow food to feed an animal, then harvest the animal for food. Just grow the food and eat the f'n food for f's sake!

    But having said that, I can see why eating meat is necessary in northern climates or areas where food can not be grown year round to provide food everyday as required.

    In other words, it's easier to eat less meat when you live in warmer climates such as India or China that can grow a large variety of crops required to supplement nutritional requirements our bodies demand.


  6. I guess what I was attempting to clarify was that before we can discuss any issue we have to agree on the meaning of certain words that we use.

    Ya good luck with that one!

    The verdict posters here have come to is that the definitions of key words/phrases such as troll and thread drift is subject to change without notice.

    So now we have come a full circle. Hope you enjoyed the ride, please come again!


  7. Irrelevent. It does not matter HOW personal a discussion gets. Once the discussion gets personal, it is thread drift.

    Ha! Got you!

    That simply does not compute because what you are NOW saying is that we can not use our own personal experiences or beliefs in any discussion because that would be getting personal, therefore it is thread drift. But hold on now, those experiences can be completely on topic!

    Kiss goodbye to 80% of the traffic on this site!l


  8. As to your cultural strawman you bring up. How is being abhored by deliberate cruelty, inhumanity and torture a cultural preference. Is it that you too are pretty cool with the whole idea of deliberately inflicting prolonged torture on another living creature? If decrying torture is, as you put it, a cultural preference then I'll take it and stick with it. However your cultural reference falls flat when you realise that people around the world decry these practises. So by your and BC Chicks metric the Chinese who oppose this are racist and culturally biased?

    Also interesting, if you bother to do any research at all on this subject, is the fact that this particular "festival" has apparently only existed for about the last ten years. It was not instituted as a traditional cultural festival, but purely as a for profit event. How does that fit with your culture crap?

    Ok I get it, you are passionate about animal rights.

    And until I can further show something, I have to agree that China is not as advanced when it comes to animal rights.

    However I still stand by my claim that Asians simply do not eat as much meat as North Americans/Europeans!

    Now if we take away the treatment of animals, how is this event going on in Guangxi different than a rib fest going on in London?


  9. Agreed.....we use to eat cooked "monkey on a stick" that was sold just outside the U.S. naval base at Subic Bay, PI. Delicious !

    Protein is protein....protein doesn't care about culture.

    That's funny you say that because I heard that an excellent source for protein is insects,maggots and bugs!

    Apart from bees, butterflies, dragonflies and possibly a couple of other species, nobody gives a ratts ass about bugs or their well being. So why aren't they on more menus?

    If insects ever became a popular food, I doubt it that people would be up in arms over how they are treated. I don't even know how they can possibly be mistreated? But with new info, I can change my view?


  10. When I had lunch at the Little Hanoi restaurant in Hanoi last year there were puppies in a box at our feet.

    Dog was on the menu but I just couldn't bring myself to try it even though I'm no fan of dogs.

    Don't like the torture that goes along with these types of events but admit I'm being hypocritical because I love veal, foie gras, etc etc.

    Still not as bad as shark fin soup which takes a particularly cruel, mean, nasty, superstitious temperament to swallow.

    Good on you for acknowledging the double-standard. The outrage is ethnocentric and, well, a bit racist when you take the blinders off.

    I believe that cats and dogs are not very popular here in the west (or anywhere else for that matter) is because of the fact that they are meat eaters themselves.

    Typically, a more efficient animal to produce and harvest for food would be a larger herbivore.

    If those do not like the fact that many/most/if not all animals suffer to provide food for us then in my opinion there's only one thing that can be really done to ensure you do not help the practice. DON"T EAT MEAT!

    I myself have effectively reduced the amount of read meat I consume! But it's not my place to dictate to others how they decide to intake their sustenance.


  11. It's legal to eat dog meat in Canada, which trumps your standard.

    Yep. Completely true!


    I have heard of horse meat as well. But the customer has to know what it is they are eating.

    As a side note, I have heard that professional football (soccer) players eat horse meat in Europe apparently because of a higher protein level or something like that.


    sorry for reposting the same link, you beat me by 2 minutes LOL!

  12. I read a different link from the BBC about this.

    My wife is from Guangxi province and this is where I go every time I'm in China( Nanning capital city)

    My wife has a small dog that her parents still take care of. His name is Thunder.

    Overall, Chinese among other Asians eat less meat!

    And my wife is against eating dog and cat meat.

    I personally see no difference in eating a horse, pig, goat, cat, rabbit or a dog! But I would not eat dog/cat/goat. I can see it only if under some bizarre extreme circumstance.

    So tell me Shady among others, how is this different then a rib fest.?


  13. I'm sure you didn't. I'm also sure no corporations have bought any such tables either, not for many a year, anyway.

    • A citizen or permanent resident of Canada can give up to $1,200 each year in total to each registered political party; up to $1,200 each year in total to the registered electoral district associations, nomination contestants and candidates of each registered party; up to $1,200 in total to the leadership contestants of a registered party in a particular contest; and up to $1,200 for a particular election to each candidate who is not endorsed by a registered party.
    • Corporations and trade unions may not make contributions to political entities.


    You didn't properly read my comment.

    I said Ontario. Not Canada.

    Also regional politics have their set of rules and I'm not sure of them so I'm not commenting on the municipal level.

    However, we can still help knock on doors and volunteer for candidates at all levels.

    In fact, in my opinion, volunteering and hard work goes a f'n hell of a lot further in getting a candidate elected!


  14. When the Alberta PC party says donation restrictions will just make them "find more creative and hidden ways to give," that should tell you something. He practically admitted right there that the federal restrictions did nothing and they're hiding their contributions.

    No brainer there!

    People are still allowed to make donations.

    And guess what, CEO's, presidents, board member's and upper management love getting those bonuses for buying tickets or a whole table at a conservative fundraisers to have the chance to talk one on one with their MP,MPP or candidate!


  15. That's real interesting. Can you tell me how much corporations donated to the Tories last year?

    That would take some research. But still a real good question!

    CEO's, president's, upper management, board members always make political contributions and attend political fundraisers.

    When I was chairman of my unions political action committee, I met many!

    Mind you this was only for the Ontario liberal's and NDP. We never bought a table for a conservative dinner.


  16. Africa is a continent, Africans are the people who live in Africa. I am white, and my family goes back to Germany and the UK.

    What should I call myself? Let me answer. I am a Canadian who happens to be white. I am not German, or British. How do you apply race to that context?

    Ya my parents come from Sao Miguel Acores Portugal. But I was born here. I identify myself as Canadian of Portuguese heritage.

    I had this discussion with American woman and BC who claimed that I am still Portuguese.

    My argument was that I am whom I believe what I am.

    This issue is a natural for never ending debate in my opinion and I do not believe we can come to some kind of an agreement without honestly saying we are guilty of thread drift because that's the status of our little side argument in this thread now.

    Probably worth it's own thread actually!

    Many Canadians can probably relate to our side debate here one way or another.


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