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Posts posted by WWWTT

  1. Deal may have some flaws as critics claim but seems better than not having a deal. The other alternative of an international military strike against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear capabilities never seemed particularly likely anyway. The deal is the only realistic way forward. Maybe the terms could have been slightly more favorable for the West if the negotiators were shrewder but it's still a step forward, not backward as some claim.

    The "west" as you have stated here are, in my own opinion, an receding factor.

    Russia, India, Brazil and most importantly China would never tolerate any military action against a sovereign nation!

    Simple fact that the US and Israel has done squat after decades of chest thumping is years more than enough proof of their impotence.

    We agree that its a movement forward.

    But the fact the US didn't get what it really wanted is more proof that the #2 economy is slipping further down.


  2. So which is what ? The issue was personal attacks and labels, not religion. Why did the CBC lie about PM Netanyahu ?

    Give a ratt's ass about the CBC strawman you're trying to throw out there!

    The issue is about when Israel or it's leaders are criticized, you start crying/implying that it's because the critic is singling out the "Jewish state".

    You are implying the critic is anti Jewish! That's a label! You're guilty!


  3. All "world leaders" lie....so why single out the Prime Minister of world's only Jewish state ?

    Good job mods....the urge to personally attack or label other members instead of challenging their ideas is strong in some.

    This game is not hard to play.

    So which is it?

    First you bring religion into the debate, then you turn around and say that's a no no?

    Not worried about CA intervention into this thread because I'm starting to get real tired of the weak debating tactics being constantly used here and CA can use some lessons on these from time to time.

    This whole religion strawman is always used in debates that remotely involve Israel and are central in labeling Iran

    Also the moderators here on this site have shown an protection towards some religions as opposed to others.


  4. So, it's bad if ordinary, poor people receive money from the State.

    Yet, that's what Leftists want: the State as Robin Hood.


    My conclusion: this has nothing to do with Robin Hood, rich or poor.

    In Canada, Harper is a WASP, a boss, an anglo, a white guy, first born: Team A.

    This is simply Team A vs Team B.

    Nice convenient ignorance of the elimination of the child tax credit my friend!

    Don't let facts get in the way of how you perceive the conservative.


  5. When you consider the elimination of the child tax credit and then claw back the income tax on th UCCB, it's not going to amount to much more than a hill of beans for a lot of folks. But it makes for a bit of good fodder for Mr. Polyester to stump around headig to an election, but only if you are fooled by smoke and mirrors.

    And where was the elimination of the child tax credit in the conservative action plan?

    I thought those stupid conservative tax payer paid for advertisements were supposed to inform us Canadians?

    Ya I guess not?


  6. Don't think you'd want to do that - because lower income families pay little or no tax - making it virtually tax-free.....while better-off families pay tax according to their own incomes. Isn't this the result that others seem to want - take from the "rich" and give to the poor?

    Hypothetical argument you're using.

    God forbid the minimum wage is ever increased! That would blow your whole argument.


  7. Um, no.

    It would have been better, for lower income people, to simply plug more money into the Child Tax Benefit system.

    Instead, the CPC came up with a system that started giving people $1,200 per year for a kid under 6.

    Anyone with a kid gets that money regardless of income.

    The poor people may get it tax free if they are not taxable.

    The low income people may have to pay tax on it at 15% (federal) plus whatever the amount is for provincial (~5% in BC).

    Rich people may pay tax on it at the high rates - 29% federal and ~16% in BC for ~45% for 2014.

    So, the rich person gets $1,200 but pays tax of $540 so they are still getting $660.

    Under the CTB system the rich person would not get anything because their income would be too high so all of the CTB would be clawed back thereby leaving more money in the pot and available for lower income families.

    ETA - I should also mention that very few families would pay tax at 45% for a married couple.

    Few married couple have both spouses at the top marginal tax rate. Usually you have a spouse making $150,000 and the other either not working, or making something like $30,000.

    The UCCB is taxed in the hands of the spouse who has the lower income.

    In this case, the couple with family income of $180,000 has received that $1,200 and are paying tax on it at the same rate as the couple where each spouse makes $30,000 each.

    You forgot that the child tax credit used at tax time is now ELIMINATED!

    It was in Harpers last omnibus bill.


    edit-i wrote this before reading your later comments

  8. Sorry, the one sided media coverage on this topic has been grating....

    Ya that one side media hasn't said squat about the removal of the child tax credit!

    Oh ya that's right, it's only one sided when they say bad things about the conservatives. Perfectly OK media when they bury conservative attacks on the middle class!


  9. Why is it any different than a party that promises to expand daycare or raise the minimum wage? Isn't that vote buying or does that term only apply when conservatives do it?

    Ya actually, buried deep in the conservatives last omnibus bill, dependent children were taken off the tax deductible list!

    How about we talk about that!

    How about this fact showing up on an conservative action plan add!


  10. Regardless if you believe all of the stuff you posted is true or not, BRICS is making a serious influence upon Iran and is paving the road to making Iran an world trading partner.

    This MUST infuriate countries like Britain, France and the US to sit in the back seat while China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Russia take on the role of leadership directing smaller countries that are head over heals in participating in BRICS!


  11. Ali Khomeni already sAying they'll break the agreement. All said with the chants death to America and Israel sounding loud and clear. Anyone thinks this deal bodes well for anyone is completely delusional.

    Ya actually that's not what I see on CCTV4 from China.

    The people in Iran, from the perspective that the news feed shows in China, are very happy, morale is high and the leaders are eager in these steps towards the inclusion of the BRICS expansion!

    This is what this all boils down to for Iran. BRICS made it clear to IRAN that they have to "tone down the religion" in order to move forward.

    The Iranian respectful display in bowing down to BRICS must have infuriated the US and Europe!

    This was a clear display of the feeble weakness of international influence the lame G7 still holds!


  12. Wishy washy no-to the point yes.

    Iran is a terrorist nation. Putin is a lunatic.

    Pakistan is full of terrorists and corrupt people.

    N Korea is run by a fat boy lunatic.

    Iran is run by dinosaur fanatics.

    Clear enough?

    First off, my handle here is WWWTT. Not very hard to respect! Start respecting the handles people use here or I'm going to report your childish games every time you start throwing a temper tantrum!

    And ya, from the section of comment that I have cropped out above, it's perfectly clear to me that you're not into diplomacy.


  13. Only by court order on conviction for speeding and after a third time blowing over

    You're going to have to google what the Ontario law is.

    If you refuse to blow or blow .08, the cop charging you will suspend your license for 90 days. Right on the spot.

    Since ignorance of the law can not be used as an excuse in Canadian law, I will follow their lead and tell you that if you are unaware of what the law in Ontario is, you can not just make up whatever you want.

    You believe whatever you want to. Your comments now have been an exercise in glorifying ignorance.

    Here you know what, click on this link and realize how ignorant you are!



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