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Don Jonas

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Everything posted by Don Jonas

  1. Too bad he couldn't be honest about it like that and decided he would be better off lying and being evasive about it.
  2. We still haven't ascertained everything that happened when he was blackout drunk. Now there's a police record that he started a bar fight. Good choice, Trumpers!
  3. So you're not going to defend his lies under oath. You're just going to pretend it didn't happen, and that job interviews should require the same standards as convicting someone in a court of law?
  4. Talk about grasping at straws. Lol. But no, she didn't lie about the doors. That's ... a lie. https://padailypost.com/2018/09/25/building-permit-shows-christine-blasey-ford-really-did-put-a-backdoor-on-her-bedroom/ Nevertheless, she isn't applying to be on the Supreme Court. Attacking her character only makes your side look sad and pathetic. Why not try and make excuses for Kavanaugh's lies, listed above, instead? I realize that would be hard, but at least it would be relevant.
  5. Actually you have no evidence at all that she's lying. You're just desperate and grasping at straws to save face because you know she has more courage and character than Kavanaugh or Trump or you could ever have.
  6. My lengthy post above cites all his lies. They are backed up by the transcript of the hearing. I certainly wouldn't expect you to take my word for it. You would already be aware of each of these instances if you're paying attention. And if we determine that Ford lied (and again, those 3 people just said they don't remember. You're thinking they said it didn't happen because Kavanaugh lied on the record under oath by saying that. But they just said they don't remember). But if you're feeling good about calling an abused woman a liar with no evidence, and even if that proves to be true, all we could conclude from that is that she is equally unfit to serve on the Supreme Court as Kavanaugh. Big deal.
  7. He said, under oath, that Ford's witnesses said the incident didn't happen. They said they didn't remember. This is no small point. Even though your average Trump supporter wouldn't know the difference between those two statements, a reasonable person, and certainly a judge, would make no mistake in distinguishing them and how he is misrepresenting, under oath, what was said. He also made stupid lies about what "buff", devil's triangle, and Renate alumni mean. He even invented an elaborate lie that devil's triangle was a drinking game. Pointless lies too. Telling the truth wouldn't have hurt his character but he chose to lie anyway. He lied about how he got into Yale with no help from anyone, even though he was a legacy student. He lied when he said he never attended a party like the one Ford described. There are numerous parties on his calendar, including one on July 1, that are just like the one Ford described. He lied when he said she just came forward with the accusations in the last week. She came forward in July before he was even nominated. This timeline is relevant to his lie that it's all a Democratic conspiracy against him. He lied when he said he wasn't drinking underage. He was 17 and the legal age was recently changed to 21 (which he also lied about). He was also very evasive. When asked if he drank excessively, he would answer that he worked hard at school or ask the questioner the same question back. This suggests he was a drunk and isnt honest enough to talk about it. He's a turd of a candidate. If you believe so easily in conspiracies, why don't you ask yourself why Gorsuch didn't go through the same thing? It's because Gorsuch has integrity. At least compared to this clown.
  8. Unless it's some editorial writer from 30 years ago talking about something a colleague told him about Trudeau being vaguely inappropriate one time. Then your torches are out. Lol But no matter what, there are no contortions required to find many instances where Kavanaugh lied under oath. He was asked questions and he responded with falsehoods. Open and shut case to all reasonable observers.
  9. I admit I can often not understand what you write, but I don't try very hard. My point was that no matter how hard you go after Ford's character, Kavanaugh still lied under oath. And as a judge, he knew exactly what he was doing when he was lying.
  10. He lied under oath repeatedly. You can attack the victim all you want, but it still doesn't change the fact he lied under oath. He also has the temperament of a 3 year old.
  11. Worth remembering that Stephen Harper's position on NAFTA negotiations was that Canada should take whatever is offered and like it

    1. Argus


      That wasn't his position, but never mind reality.

  12. You haven't even admitted you were completely wrong about whether she would testify and now you've moved on to being wrong about whether she was part of a grand partisan conspiracy? She came forward with her allegations when Kavanaugh was shortlisted, so she was presumably fine with the other potential nominees. That timeline makes your whole theory fall apart. Oh well. Move on to the next wrong theory, I guess.
  13. "Everything points to him not being so?" That's not true. Ford's testimony points to him being so. His friends' testimony points to them not remembering anything. Kavanaugh's testimony points to him lying under oath about his friends' testimony, being evasive about getting blackout drunk, and feeling entitled to be a Supreme Court justice. I'd say if anything has been proven, it is that he simply doesn't have the temperament or political neutrality to even be considered. Republicans should cut their losses and give up on this belligerent drunk.
  14. Even if you're the type of person who believes there is a stale date on sexual assault allegations for Supreme Court candidates, as a "successful lawyer" you must understand the importance of appointing judges who don't lie under oath. He did that multiple times, including when he said that the 4 potential witnesses said the incident "didn't happen." They only said they don't remember. As a judge, he should know the difference, dontcha think? Put on your "successful lawyer" cap and please verify.
  15. The first thing he said was a lie. He said he got into Yale on his own merits. He was actually a legacy student. He lied about what "buffed" means. Who does that? Why not just be an honest man and admit that sometimes 17 year olds talk among themselves inappropriately. We would believe that and accept that and not care. But to say "buffed" means farting so that, in the context he used it (i.e., asking his friend if he has ever buffed), it makes no sense (Have you ever farted?). He is assuming his supporters are too stupid to notice or too immoral to care that he would lie under oath for that.
  16. Sounds like you're twisting words into knots trying to find any pathetic excuse you can to discredit the author rather than the indisputable case she makes that Kavanaugh lied under oath.
  17. Is someone unfit for lying under oath?https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/09/how-we-know-kavanaugh-is-lying
  18. Yes, the Republicans should put a sexual assaulter on the Supreme Court because Roman Polanski won an Oscar once and he's a rapist too. Gotcha.
  19. Keyser says she believes Ford's story, so how is that refuting it? I don't remember lots of things I did 35 years ago. And I don't remember anything from when I was blackout drunk at all.
  20. What was his honest, upfront answer under oath when asked if he ever got blackout drunk? "Have you?" Lol. Nice choice for a supreme Court pick, Republicans. Your swamp is so full, that stain is the best you could do? Lol
  21. I assume you believe the GOP was hyper-partisan and anti due process in how they dealt with Garland?
  22. It's true that he could have been black-out drunk. That would be consistent with his friends' characterization of him.
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