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Posts posted by SpankyMcFarland

  1. Which is good for exports.

    Really, blaming Harper for the fact the boom market is in correction phase all around the world is ludicrous.

    You want ludicrous?

    Good economic news - look what our great leader has achieved.

    Bad news - global markets. Now is not the time blah blah...

    This is the nonsense we have all had to listen to for ten years now. It's the incessant campaigning that drives me mad. EVERYTHING is about getting him re-elected indefinitely.

  2. I find the Harper Haters to be much more angry.

    Read the comments in the Toronto Sun some time and hear what the Harper chorus sounds like. His whole campaign is based on division, riling up the minority who will vote for him, the Cowans of this world. He knows the majority don't like him.

  3. And yet, the nickname of the opposition leader is "Mister Angry", however much he tries to put on a happy face during the election...

    Nevertheless, I don't care if the PM is a nice guy. I care if he's competent. And so far, Harper has been reasonably competent. I may not like him, but then, as I said, I don't have to.

    Having a PM is who is not likeable is an issue. We've put up with this for a decade now.

  4. Harper is a pretty placid guy from what I've seen. And going after terrorists is fine with me. They might be your buddies, but they're not mine.

    He is an angry man as many who have had to deal with him can attest e.g. Danny Williams. The placid guy facade doesn't even survive a few minutes of Mansbridge.

  5. When has harper ever been angry or did you just read that. And on dividing the country, this country has not been at peace like it is now for decades, not until harper became PM. Tom can be called angry and so can trudeau, it was trudeau that swears at ministers in the commons. Enough of the bull. Harper is the only choice.

    Your reply says it all. On every issue, he expresses anger and attempts to incite it. We saw that last night. Go after the foreigner. He appeals to the darker side of people's natures.

  6. You mean it would have to be headed by a spendthrift liberal? Yeah, that's why the old PC party went down in flames. Guys like you turned it into Liberal light, and all the actual conservatives walked away.

    A spendthrift Liberal. Like Chretien.

    What I want is somebody who is not brow-beating me the whole time about campaign issues that are years away. Somebody who tries to unite the country, not divide it.

  7. I agree with you 100%. I just don't understand it.

    Trudeau is the best of the three on the stump, meeting floating voters. The other two are old and fusty; Justin has a bit of optimism and energy - 'what we need for tomorrow' - about him. The debates are his most vulnerable place and he has managed to do fairly well in them, certainly exceeding the expectations that endless Conservative ads have drummed into the minds of the electorate. The anarchic format has aided him as well, compared to the HoC. He's able to keep moving.

    I am a Blue Liberal, former PC voter as well, and I would never vote for Harper. I would consider the Tories under different management but it would have to be a big change in style.

  8. Chretien's record on debt reduction is a spectacularly successful one, although I would not be too hard on Mulroney either, given the political constraints he faced. Michael Wilson wanted to cut more but Mulroney felt he didn't have the political capital to carry through. I see Chrétien and Mulroney as birds of a feather politically. Trudeau was different from them, a political titan who created modern Canada but who let spending get out of hand.

  9. And he left a much, much larger mountain of debt when he was done. Go back and look at the records. Mulroney left a debt roughly twice as large as the one he inherited. He didn't make the tough decisions - he left that to the Liberals.

    You're preaching to the choir. Chretien's record on debt reduction is one my favourite stories, although I would not be too hard on Mulroney, given the political constraints he faced. Michael Wilson wanted to cut more but Mulroney felt he didn't have the political capital to carry through. I see Chrétien and Mulroney as birds of a feather politically. Trudeau was different from them, a political titan who created modern Canada but who let spending get out of hand.

  10. I was asked about the party. Trudeau built the debt and left it to Mulroney, where it exploded because of double digit interest rates and stagflation. And I can't help but note that as soon as the Alliance and PCs merged and their poll numbers started to rise Chretien and then Martin began to turn the taps on and pour money out on the eager electorate. So how much do i credit them with showing discipline when there was no political cost to it?

    Mulroney should have done more to rein in the debt, yes?

  11. Strategic voting must be kept simple if it's to be effective. It was suggested earlier as soon as either the NDP or Liberals make an unmistakable move in the polls, all non-Harper supporters should move to the party with measurable momentum.

    With 3 weeks to go that momentum appears to be with the Liberals.

    I disagree with that. In some ridings you will be wasting your vote doing that and helping to give us more Harper. Which goes to show what a pig ignorant system FPTP is.
  12. Like I said, they BUILT the debt. If it weren't for their utter irresponsibility under Trudeau we wouldn't owe more than a fraction of what we do now. You want me to swoon in admiration because a political weasel like Chretien didn't want to commit money to anything when he didn't feel he needed the political benefits?

    Pierre Trudeau built the debt and Jean Chrétien sorted it out. Mulroney failed to reduce it, yes? You talk about parties as if they are unchanging monoliths. Is Harper responsible for Mulroney's failure as well or does the change of the nameplate absolve him?

  13. FPTP does not allow for sophisticated choices. It's basically binary. I consider this election a referendum on Harper. In my riding, that means voting Liberal. Elsewhere NDP will be the best option or even Green in one or two places. The important thing is to know the strongest non-Harper party in your constituency, if you are that way inclined. The right wingers have a simpler set of options - vote for Steve or stay home.

  14. I'll give them some credit, as a party, but then again they created the debt in the first place, as a party. Justin Trudeau's father built it up, and then left it to Mulroney, so that double digit interest rates hamstrung his government and made the debt bloat.

    And the main reason they were able to make those debt payments was Chretien regarded the big, yearly surpluses as his own personal war chest, to be used in the future when and if the divided opposition presented a real challenge.

    Well, I guess that is better than nothing. It's a pity you are not able to give credit where it is due.
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