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Posts posted by SpankyMcFarland

  1. Seems to be a consensus building here that Nanos stands alone with his Liberal lead. This implies Conservatives at 35% is likely closer and, therefore, adding in a given 3-5% for more efficiently getting out it's vote, etc. and we have another 4 years of Stephen Harper.

    I think he has to get a majority of seats in Parliament to stay.

  2. What happens to your assets if the gov decides you are surplus to requirements? Could be a nice little earner if expanded.

    And what about the group which got the most terrorism done here in the last 40 years - the Khalistan Skhs? How come there are no moves to strip citizenship from people who murdered hundreds? There are also some very dodgy Tamils in our midst. Something tells me we'll see no action on those fronts during the election..

  3. Things are bouncing around but the NDP vote seems to be sinking. Post-Niqabeast, the Bloc are de facto Conservative allies in Quebec, they help them chew up NDP votes, and elsewhere the Liberals seems to trending up. The Cons may get a boost from this trade deal and they have certainly prepared well to keep the farmers (and guys like LInamar) happy with our money but the auto unions may hurt them in Ontario. A long campaign has helped Trudeau meet more people and get that 'happy warrior' image better known. He's far better on the campaign trail than in formal debates and it may have a decisive effect.

  4. So the equivalent of this is....getting tried and convicted of a heinous crime, like terrorism or rape of a minor, and then 20 years later...that person says "but i've changed! That was 20 years ago". Look, what I'm saying is that the Conservative party, the Liberal party, AND the NDP party (for stealing money to upgrade their offices) are all political parties. And they are all corrupt to some extent. So let's stop pretending that one party is "holier than thou" vs another. It adds no value to a thread IMHO when we start mudslinging.

    Actually, they have changed. Very few of the old mob are still around.

    It's simply NOT good enough to excuse one's sins by pointing to those of others. Never has been. We live in an information age where so much is revealed - and where governments and private companies know more than they ever knew about us - and yet our federal government goes to great lengths to conceal what it is up to. Even parliament can't review what CSIS is doing any more. We deserve better, irrespective of party politics.

  5. Far more accountable than the Liberal track record. I can pick on so much crap that the Liberals campaigned on where they backtracked .Own it.

    Is there any example you are willing to give where the Conservatives disappointed you on the issues of openness and accountability?

  6. .Revoking citizenship is not a new thing. Nazi war criminals who emigrated to other nations under false pretenses (false identities) have, when captured, had their citizenship terminated. So far as I understand it, they then regain their original citizenship at deportation.

    Has the citizenship of a person born here ever been revoked before?

  7. Conservative 145

    Lib 125

    NDP 66

    Green 1

    Bloq 1

    Other 0

    Something like this. The Conservatives have shown they are good at pulling the ridings that really matter,

    I expect the NDP to take a pounding as more and more people think that the libs will be the "Anyone but Harper" party

    The ridings that really matter - sums up the madness of FPTP. The Bloc look like they will be on the receiving end of the weird effects of this system along with the Greens.

    It's possible that there are closet Conservatives out there too embarrassed to admit their dark proclivities to pollsters, and who could blame them? It happened in Britain.

    NL used to have a strong PC presence BTW.

    Talk of what the Libs and NDP would do on Coalition or even union is very leader-dependent. Trudeau

    may have to change his tune after the election.

  8. Here's an example of how strategic voting and pro-rep can be problematic.

    One advantage with FPTP is that it does in fact allow me to vote for a candidate instead of a party. How would pro rep allow this if it forces me to vote for a party instead of a candidate?

    In STV you rank the candidates. So you could put your favourite on top and candidates from the parties you like next.

  9. To me, the fitting testament to Flaherty was how he steadfastly supported Rob Ford/Ford family (based on his long-standing ties to the family)... that emotion was genuine and certainly afforded no political favour!


    I've got to say I was impressed with that too. There was nothing to be gained from it, like Mark Steyn's support for Conrad Black though his trial and I wouldn't be exactly the biggest fan of either Black or

    Steyn under most circumstances. Maybe the principled thing is to ditch your friends under such

    circumstances but I dont think so.

  10. As I've mentioned elsewhere, due to reasons of possible incipient insanity, I am considering a move to Ontario to warm my bones. I have four candidates:

    1. Ottawa.

    2. Burlington.

    3. Kingston.

    4. Lake Erie shore, east of Windsor.

    One thing that really surprises me in a pleasant way - real estate prices in Ottawa. For an attractive capital city, they seem like fantastic value. Why are they so low?

    Toronto, by contrast, does very little for me. I have tried to love the place but it is ugly, crowded, and horribly overpriced. I do not get the world class angle at all. Go to Zurich and see what a transit system should look like, guys.

  11. When I listened to Bowie's 'The man who sold the world' over the decades, many interpretations of the lyrics occured to me. Now, I'm thinking there will one day be a man who owns the world and its contents and who sells it to somebody else. We will reach that concentration of wealth if we keep on the current path.

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