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Posts posted by SpankyMcFarland

  1. If they lose, the Consevatives might ponder why they made this such a personal contest between Harper and Trudeau. Leaving questions of competence etc. aside for a moment, Trudeau is liked way beyond his party and Harper is disliked even by some Conservative voters. It was their biggest weakness and they went with it as one of their central themes. Giving more time to other candidates, esp. women, might have been a better idea e.g. Raitt and Rempel. And what on earth was he doing associating himself with those degenerate Ford brothers who make a mockery of anything he might say about drugs or women's rights? Good grief, as some of my fellow geezers are fond of saying here.

  2. I think either camp is being too dramatic personally. No matter who wins on Monday, your life won't really change. That's because Canadian politics has driven both (all 3 really) major parties towards the centre. The trick for them is to get close to it without just seeming like copies of their opponents.

    Post-Harper, if that happy event happens, I don't think one man will loom quite as large in our country.

  3. The democratic electorate as a whole is smart. People are rejecting Harper and his social policy, as well as the things that they don't like, but not necessarily his fiscal policy. The Liberals, NDP, and Conservatives, when it comes down to it, have almost identical fiscal policies. Canadians as a whole (even if not as individuals) understand that and have seen through the claims of Trudeau not being ready.

    Chrétien and Martin were hardly fire-breathing radicals. Change is gradual here.

  4. Good grief, have you no clue how this will play out on Oct. 19th? When a very senior campaign operative cannot contain himself for less than a week before cashing in after a Liberal victory, many undecided voters will recall the unbridled corruption of past Liberal gov'ts - ie. sponsorship scandal.

    The resignation will not prevent a Liberal victory but could prevent any majority. Same old Liberal party with a new pretty face.

    Corruption will always be with us. To pretend that the outgoing crowd were clean requires a certain partiality regarding the facts.

  5. If the voters elect a hung parliament, then there is going to be rigmarole. This is a feature of ALL multiparty parliamentary governments. In the absence of a majority, the parliament is going to have to figure out who governs, and in some countries, like Israel for instance, this can several days, and in Israel, the President doesn't even have the power of a referee, as Israel, like Japan and Sweden, does not give the head of state the powers to referee.

    Belgium took nearly a year after the 2010 election to sort out who would govern, so I don't think Canadians have much right to complain.

    I don't have confidence in the impartiality of the GG, a mere appointee. The rules should be clearer and the process more open. And the less I hear about foreign monarchs, the better.

  6. While there is no hard and fast rule, the general understanding these days is that if a government should fall within a few months of an election, then the Governor General will look to Parliament to see if any other party can form a government. It isn't terribly hard; either Parliament can provide a government or it cannot.

    The only real shady area in all of this surrounds the kinds of conditions the Governor General can place on governments. As we understand it now, Jean obeyed the constitutional forms in granting Harper's request (just as Lord Dufferin had done), but placed conditions on it that would require that Parliament return swiftly and that Harper would have to

    demonstrate that he could retain confidence.

    The whole rigmarole is so outdated and metaphysical. There should be no wiggle room for anybody, no 'understandings'.

  7. How are the usual Conservative spokespersons on PandP looking e.g. Rempel, Calandra, Gill, James etc.? For their

    performances on that show alone, James and Gill deserve to lose. I presume Rempel is safe as houses and didn't need to

    campaign in her own riding.

  8. Muslims were never going to vote for Harper anyway because he supports Israel.

    The point I am making is that I know of Muslims who would not usually have voted at all who voted this time.So that is a negative for Harper.

  9. That's what campaigning is about. You divide demographic groups into those who will definitely vote for you, those you think you can sway and those who will never vote for you. At that point you can either ignore the latter group, or even demonize them to freak out the other two groups.

    The risk there is that you increase the turnout in the third group. I have seen that happen among Muslms this time, people who would not usually vote.

  10. Our ancestors came here to get away for oppressive traditions and now we want to bring those traditions here? There is no religious reason to wear them and when Muslims countries don't allow it why are we? Can you people not put away the hatred for harper and look at what you are proposing. This is just a start of a attack on our way of life and it needs to be stopped in its tracks.

    Actually, I think we got away from the people who were trying to get away from the oppressive traditions - we are the

    conformists in North America, unlike our rowdier friends to the south. Does peace, order and good government sound like a ringing call to arms?

  11. Just a few days ago another conservative candidate Greg Goodyear accused Trudeau of supporting genital mutilation!!![/size]


    He was booed by the crowd.

    The Conservative candidate in Ottawa's Kanata-Carleton riding was photographed taking down election signs in his riding on Sunday,


    It was also broadcast on CTV.

    And more lies and secrecy and hypocrisy


    The FGM link just goes to the website, not to the article.

    The Ottawa candidate is taking down a vote strategically sign which is funny.

    On the Saudis, we are all hypocrites. We want their money although we know full well what they are like. Fair journos would point to their own party's failings first in this matter, which not be hard.

  12. I've got to think that with the "threat" of the Liberals taking power, the number of conservatives that normally don't bother to vote might reduce. I know several people that always find an excuse for why they didn't cast a ballot, and maybe I'm just hopeful that this might be enough to get them to do their duty.

    More of them vote, anyway, so I'd say their max vote is lower.

  13. Probably this.

    I think the Conservatives are in for a bit of a headache over the next few years while trying to find the right candidate to replace Harper. Honestly I don't see anyone able to fill his shoes.

    Harper has not left much space for aspiring leaders in his party. Look at the British Conservatives, lining up to replace Cameron who has only just won his second election.

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