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Posts posted by SpankyMcFarland

  1. I don't think he meant to cause this ruckus. The debate was heated and chaotic and it must be easy to misspeak under such circumstances. The problem is it feeds into an existing narrative about him. If he and his surrogates had just apologized for any offence caused, they might have put the controversy to bed more quickly. Sometimes, saying sorry is the wisest course. Instead, Rempel tried to bluff her way past the question today on PandP with two tactics she uses all the time - answer a question not asked and point to the sins of others.

  2. Unfortunately of late, they continue to speak of a 3-way tie, not exactly conducive to strategic voting.

    Perhaps we should try examining the entrails of birds .....

    I guess you have to try and combine the polls with local knowledge. In my riding it is a bit simpler. We have a Liberal incumbent and an NDP candidate who is new to politics. She's not going to poll anything like him. Fortunately, the Conservative candidate is already unpopular from his MHA days in provincial politics even without the Heave Steve effect so the result should not be close. Famous last words.

    This election really shows how ridiculous FPTP is in any election that has more than two parties. Harper would never win in a French-style contest against one other opponent but he could well become PM with the support of a third of the electorate.

  3. If people stay loyal to the one of the opposition parties when another is clearly ahead in their riding, they are simply giving Steve another term. To beat someone like this, you've got to be flexible and recognize that party loyalty does not fit well in a FPTP system.

  4. What a joke that was, the mod should be fired. He let trudeau and mulcair interrupt harper thru the whole nite, knowing harper would be the gentlemen and not interrupt them. Trudeau showed last nite that he is waaaay over his head and has no manners at all. But harper nailed them with his line about where did you want to live during the recession. And mulcair reference to harpers recession, when we all know it was a global recession, just shows again the mod was biased..

    Harper's economic message:

    Bad things - global economic conditions.

    Good things - all my work.

  5. Yes, why not? Everyone deserves a fair voice. If they can field enough candidates that shows that they were able to get at least a thousand people to sign in numerous ridings, that means that they are already representing a portion of the electorate which in a democracy deserves at least a chance at getting elected.

    And thankfully we have a parliamentary system and not a winner takes all system like they have in the States so it's not just All about the future prime minister, in fact it's really not, as the next government will likely be a coalition.

    Practically speaking, FPTP means no contest in many ridings. In mine, the Liberals are the only viable non-Harper option. A vote for the NDP is effectively a vote for the Conservatives. Never before have accurate polls been so important to determine whom to vote for.
  6. Spanky, i would say there is a limit to what should be considered. Personally, i would think anything a year earlier is relevant, four years earlier i would likely take a pass on. The Liberals do feel differently however. The guy peeing in a cup is just stupid, but i dont know the time line on that, but maybe that should not have a timeline? But then if peeing in a cup is timeless then shooting your mouth off like a low life dirt bag should be timeless too?

    In the defence of the Conservatives, how do you screen for a guy peeing in a cup? In regards to people who spout off as they have on social media that is easier to find, does it make a difference?

    I agree that we all have done stupid things and each individual voter will judge those actions in their own way. My only concern is the left biased media coverage where a Liberal is found to be worthy if stepping down, a NDP not and neither gets coverage in mainstream media for the voter to judge, but the Conservatives get two days of national media. Why not let the voter judge and not the media?

    Yeah, there can be no statute of limitations on mug shots for anybody over five. That was Rob Ford-like news all over the world. But on the other stuff, I think Jonathan Kay is right when he says that this is a generational thing and the younger people won't be so bothered by raunchy, off-colour or insulting written remarks as older voters might be. As a geezer myself, I'm more used to hearing this stuff from my peers than reading it.
  7. That's the thing with the team event.... it depends on the entirety of the team, not just Tiger and Phil.

    I don't see that the motivation is on the Euro side... have there been some comments from the U.S. side that would make you think that?

    I like the tournament. It's quite interesting. A friend and I like the format and use it when we play. That way you don't even look or care about your score until after the match. What matters is how many holes you won and whether he's buying the beer!

    In 2004, Mickelson showed up with a new driver, a Callaway, he had just switched to and sprayed the ball all over the place. He was playing with Tiger and they did not look like a team at all. Harrington and Montgomerie beat them that day. Rory McIlroy made a few jokes about the incident last year.



    The passion of the Euro players just looks a lot higher. Apart from a few guys like Bubba Watson, the Yanks have often looked like they are just phoning it in. To me anyway. I am very biased in these matters.

  8. Well, a Liberal candidate in Alberta stepped down two weeks ago for similar - offensive social media posts four years ago. Of more interest is Tom Mulcair denying any knowledge of the Swampy discussion when media had it in play for two days already. The old "how could he not know and have the balls to outright lie about it" theme.

    I think the issue is how well candidates are screened. The Liberals took theirs seriously, the Conservatives are taken seriously, and the NDP? Uh, meh. Or your "wow".

    But does this mean that any aspiring politician has to avoid electronic media completely or lie through his teeth for years before he runs for office? You're going to get into heated discussions online if you care as much as these guys do about the questions of the day. We have all said foolish things, and nowadays utterances of all sorts are recorded.

  9. I think only Israel has the stomach to actually stop isis. The left in this country is happy to let them take over the ME and Europe.

    Has Israel shown any interest at all in doing that? Assad and Iran are their focus. The US and Israel are backing different sides here. As in Ukraine, Israel has a different agenda from ours. Its relationship with Russia is complex to say the least.

  10. The American players just don't seem as motivated to win. Given that stroke play is the norm everywhere now, they should win more often than not given their superior rankings. Tiger and Phil did not deliver as much as they should have over the years to this team event. Also the only time I have seen recrimination in the Euro ranks was with Faldo as captain and that was over his offhand attitude more than his tactics. Faldo also got a hammering when he criticized Sergio during this event which is simply not on for a former captain. Apart from that, the team spirit seems much stronger in the European side.

  11. Iran's actions in recent years have been rational and regional. I see no reason for that to change. The Shia of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have suffered serious discrimination. Unrest in that group is the fault of the local governments. Russia, China and Pakistan are far more worrying to me than Iran.

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