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Christian radio station forced to give time to other faiths

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"When is a Christian radio station not a Christian radio station? For the hour or so a day that it must air the views of other faiths to satisfy the CRTC's "balance" policy."


Now I have heard of everything.

CRTC is now dictating conditions to religious broadcasting, relating to their 'balance policy'.

I thought freedom of religion is a fundamental freedom, according to Sec. 2(a) of our Charter.


Edited by Leafless
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It would offer more than two-thirds spoken-word broadcasting with programs such as Billy Graham's Hour of Decision and James Dobson's Focus Weekend.

Religious music needn't be offset with other faiths, but the broadcast regulator, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, does require that spoken-word programming offer differing views. However, it is up to the applicant to propose just how this would be done.

I've heard this about political broadcasts but with religious programming? Like a classical station have to play rock as "balance". Weird.

Edited by maldon_road
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I thought freedom of religion is a fundamental freedom, according to Sec. 2(a) of our Charter.


The charter is not worth the paper it's written on. It does not recognize rights as fundamental, it confers rights. Although I don't see this as a religious issue alone. I see it as an issue of forced association. As opposed to freedom of association. Which government has also stomped all over.

Edited by B. Max
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This is completely ridiculous. I wonder why more people are not concerned about the CRTC. And the CHRC as well which can ruin the lives of people with dissenting views and functions in independence of the judicial system.

Edited by jefferiah
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As for the Charter, I agree B. Max. But how can you make the people understand above the loud accusations of "you hate rights and freedoms" or "you only want free speech so you can organize hate groups" or "you want to make Canada into America". How can we be heard?

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This is completely ridiculous. I wonder why more people are not concerned about the CRTC. And the CHRC as well which can ruin the lives of people with dissenting views and functions in independence of the judicial system.

Of course people can abuse free speech - just as the CHRC and CRTC can abuse their powers.

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Not the least bit surprised, just another step in silencing or muting or negating the Christian voice in Canada. We don't make good sheeple or cult members our loathing towards Socialism is equal or less than the hatred to left/left feel towards us thus we get persecuted and they gain the vote. Anyone else getting the impression that liberal's are still in power visa vie organizations like the Senate, CRTC, the Human Right's Commission and other agencies? We may have a Con PM but antiquated socialist government agencies are keeping the liberal/socialist fires aburning. If you are a Christian you don't have equal rights in Canada, but then again we aren't a Democracy anymore but a ward of the state or senate in this case. Unelected Senators holding up bills to ensure law abiding citizens won't be safe whilst worring about a bill that might "Harm" members of a minority group. Yep hail Communist Canada in it's infancy and yet we do nothing.

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As for the Charter, I agree B. Max. But how can you make the people understand above the loud accusations of "you hate rights and freedoms" or "you only want free speech so you can organize hate groups" or "you want to make Canada into America". How can we be heard?

I think we are being heard. That's why you are seeing greater restrictions on free speech by the state.

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This is nothing new. They are trying to ensure (rightly or wrongly), that the public airwaves are used in a manner fair to all members of the Canadian public. Television has the same restrictions.

Atheism is a religion like bald is a hairstyle.

Edited by Electric Monk
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Well it's to be expected, we live in a multicultural society, a society threatened by americanization, particularly with the advent of modern means of communication. We live in an age where cultural diffusion or "spillover" is exacerbated by the internet,television, movies, books and radio. Based on the principle of democracy, our country is highly receptive of the views of the common citizen, we formalize these views through parliamentary government. Sovereignty, then, is very much determined by the thoughts, ideas, beliefs and convictions of our population. How we are to ensure that our population maintains its independence from the cultural hegemony of the United States without regulation? The CRTC is vital in that it ensures a certain level of diversity in our media, something that is arguably weak in America. Even if you don't support "traditional" Canadian values, of which the CRTC is not intent on preserving, realize that the CRTC is acting in the name of diversity and tolerance, two universal liberal values.

Edited by AmericanPop
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What Canadian values does the CRTC preserve? Are the 15 people who watched BonCopBadCop going to preserve society for the rest of us? Most of the crap the CRTC selects in the name of Canadian culture has little to do with Canadian culture. How can we maintain culture without regulation you ask? I would rather ask what kind of culture is maintained by regulations of an elite few?

If the society is multicultural then that means there is equal allowance for a Buddhist Radio station. That does not mean the government should enforce programming upon a radio station. Should the government also have the right to demand that Christian bookstores carry the Koran?

You mention democracy, but there is nothing democratic about the CRTC. They are making a centralized decision for everyone. If you want a democratic decision, let the people watch what they will. And if they dont like Christian radio stations they can tune out, and the Christian radio stations can deal with that loss on their own.

There is nothing democratic about the CBC, either, or else it would produce shows that viewers would democratically tune into. Instead it produces shows that few people watch. How does that represent the people of Canada? The fact that CBC would not survive on its own is a democratic statement that it should not be there.

You mention the importance of multiculturalism, but you draw the line when that culture is America. We can be multicultural, but no Americanism? I don't get it.

I think there is an important question that must be asked, and I haven't seen the answer yet...unless I missed it. Is this radio station government funded? This is the most important issue. If not then why should the government be in the business of selecting its programming. Any info on the status of the radio station?

Edited by jefferiah
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realize that the CRTC is acting in the name of diversity and tolerance, two universal liberal values.

The CRTC has been acting like the old Soviet Union, replacing an iron curtain with a electronic curtain. Multiculturalism is one of the corner stones of cultural Marxism. Whos intended purpose was to destroy western Christian culture with incompatible foreign cultures. It has been a costly disaster and worst is yet to come.

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What Canadian values does the CRTC preserve? Are the 15 people who watched BonCopBadCop going to preserve society for the rest of us? Most of the crap the CRTC selects in the name of Canadian culture has little to do with Canadian culture. How can we maintain culture without regulation you ask? I would rather ask what kind of culture is maintained by regulations of an elite few?

If the society is multicultural then that means there is equal allowance for a Buddhist Radio station. That does not mean the government should enforce programming upon a radio station. Should the government also have the right to demand that Christian bookstores carry the Koran?

You mention democracy, but there is nothing democratic about the CRTC. They are making a centralized decision for everyone. If you want a democratic decision, let the people watch what they will. And if they dont like Christian radio stations they can tune out, and the Christian radio stations can deal with that loss on their own.

There is nothing democratic about the CBC, either, or else it would produce shows that viewers would democratically tune into. Instead it produces shows that few people watch. How does that represent the people of Canada? The fact that CBC would not survive on its own is a democratic statement that it should not be there.

You mention the importance of multiculturalism, but you draw the line when that culture is America. We can be multicultural, but no Americanism? I don't get it.

I think there is an important question that must be asked, and I haven't seen the answer yet...unless I missed it. Is this radio station government funded? This is the most important issue. If not then why should the government be in the business of selecting its programming. Any info on the status of the radio station?

I did not say it was attempting to preserve Canadian values, I said it preserves the universal liberal values of diversity and tolerance. To choose programs that only reflect on canadian culture (which you claim doesn't happen) who go against diversity and tolerance. Also, from where do you find the logic to conclude that culture cannot be assesed by merit-based, governmental organizations such as the CRTC? It is not "the regulations of an elite few", it is the regulations of a well qualified group of educated individuals who employ intellectually sound methods to their research, as required by our government's standards.

You misinterpret the concept of multiculturalism if you assume it to entail an absolute equality between the various culutural elements that saturate our country. The CRTC is providing other religions one hour a day to express their views, hardly equal if you ask me. Also, the nature of radio is different from that of books, the act of listening to radio is very much involuntary, it invades your senses whereas reading a book requires individual will.

The CRTC is making a central decision because the voters have entrusted the government to make these decisions. Democracy is only valuable so long as there is more than one alternative to choose from. If a spiritual man wishes to explore the different avenues of faith and chooses the radio as his median, is it really democratic for one particular faith to be bombarding him with one doctrine?

Low ratings, as compared to what? Like I have been sayingg, these programs exist for the purpose of multiculturalism, not democracy. When the minorites of our country seek solitude in cultural programming they can relate to, where do they go to find it? The CBC. When there is a documentary on Native history, it is to be expected that the Natives will watch that show.

Americanism is dominant, so much so that it needs to be regulated. I didn't say no Americanism did I?

It does not matter whether the station is private or public, the government holds the perogative to regulate it. If you believe that it is unconstitutional and breaches the charter of rights and freedoms, bring the government to court. But I think you would soon find out that the breachment is "justifiable in a free and democratic society".

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The radio station is applying for a license to use part of the public radio frequency spectrum, in order for the CRTC to approve their application they must fulfill some balanced-programming requirements. This is to ensure that the station will serve a larger number of the citizens within it's broadcast area, "good stewardship" of the public airwaves if you will. I believe the rules are looser for cable specialty channels and the like, where you buy a specific channel that is not available in the basic cable package.

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"Protecting us from Americanism" - that's rich, we are American. There's little difference between Canadians and 'Americans', other than Canadians are not armed, and health care. We don't need protection, we need to decide for ourselves what we watch or hear. Other faiths (or political views) are free to start their own programs, if they fail that's their problem.

Maybe the CRTC should force the CBC to give more time to right wing views, a little more fair and balanced perhaps.

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Of course people can abuse free speech - just as the CHRC and CRTC can abuse their powers.


Section 2(B) guarantees freedom of expression in the following terms:

Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(B) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.


How can you possibly compare the aspect of abusing free speech when the country already incorporates laws relating to hate and discrimination?

CRTC has no barriers relating to the aspect of incorporating and promoting discriminatory or racial discriminatory laws or regulations directed at 'the majority White English speaking Christian Canadians' and is backed up by the charter to do exactly that.

"Section 27 states:

This Charter shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canadians."

This is similar to 'official language legislation in the Charter', Sec. 16(3) which states: " Nothing in this Charter limits the authority of parliament or a legislature to advance the equality of status and use of English or French" and we KNOW they ARE NOT talking about the promoting the equality or status of the English language but are talking about the forced promotion of the French language.

I don't think the government has a right to undemocratically socially engineer Canadian society with extreme legislation without incorporating the 'will of Canadians'.

Obviously it has no intention of incorporating a democratic process or Canadians would have been included initially relating to constitutional amendments specifically being the 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms'.

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I don't think the government has a right to undemocratically socially engineer Canadian society with extreme legislation without incorporating the 'will of Canadians'.

Obviously it has no intention of incorporating a democratic process or Canadians would have been included initially relating to constitutional amendments specifically being the 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms'.

Vancouver has a Chinese radio station ( 96.1 FM) in Chinese naturally, why are they not required required to give time to English or French as well? Does Al Jazeera have to give time to Billy Graham or what?

Balance - what balance!

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Guest American Woman
Well it's to be expected, we live in a multicultural society, a society threatened by americanization, particularly with the advent of modern means of communication. We live in an age where cultural diffusion or "spillover" is exacerbated by the internet,television, movies, books and radio. Based on the principle of democracy, our country is highly receptive of the views of the common citizen, we formalize these views through parliamentary government. Sovereignty, then, is very much determined by the thoughts, ideas, beliefs and convictions of our population. How we are to ensure that our population maintains its independence from the cultural hegemony of the United States without regulation? The CRTC is vital in that it ensures a certain level of diversity in our media, something that is arguably weak in America. Even if you don't support "traditional" Canadian values, of which the CRTC is not intent on preserving, realize that the CRTC is acting in the name of diversity and tolerance, two universal liberal values.

Seems odd that you would pick a name like "AmericanPop" as you worry about Canada becoming Americanized. :huh:

I don't see how the CRTC is acting in the name of tolerance by not respecting the rights of Christians to have their own radio show. It would be interesting to see if a Muslim station would be forced to include Christain values in their show, and what the reaction would be.

At any rate, intolerance would be allowing a Christian station but not a Muslim station same as not allowing a Christian station is intolerance.

If this is about public funding, then the issue should be whether or not other relgions would also get public funding should they desire it, but personally, I believe anything religious should not receive public funding. I do believe in the separation of church and state.

Edited by American Woman
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Of course people can abuse free speech - just as the CHRC and CRTC can abuse their powers.

How can you possibly compare the aspect of abusing free speech when the country already incorporates laws relating to hate and discrimination?

I think currently there are 27 on-going CHRC "hate speech" complaints. In the eyes of some therefore there is "abuse" of speech taking place.

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Of course people can abuse free speech - just as the CHRC and CRTC can abuse their powers.

How can you possibly compare the aspect of abusing free speech when the country already incorporates laws relating to hate and discrimination?

I think currently there are 27 on-going CHRC "hate speech" complaints. In the eyes of some therefore there is "abuse" of speech taking place.

That's nice.

So as Canadians, how do we protect ourselves against abuses from CRTC and the Federal Government itself?

Abuses could include federal propaganda to gather public support to implement unreasonable, preplanned anti-free speech laws that directly affect basic freedoms.

Why are Canadians bring charged and punished for ideas that are deemed by prosecutors or other bureaucrats to be anti-gay, anti-Muslim, racist, or just vaguely "hateful" or "discriminatory." And the punishment for breaking these Canadian laws is initiated not by some threatening behavior or act of physical provocation, it is imposed exclusively for the expression of ideas which the State has decided should be outlawed and criminalized.

Banning free speech could create the catalyst for a more direct approach that could induce outright violence.

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Vancouver has a Chinese radio station ( 96.1 FM) in Chinese naturally, why are they not required required to give time to English or French as well? Does Al Jazeera have to give time to Billy Graham or what?

Balance - what balance!

If you go to their 2001 CRTC license renewal you will see the following conditions:

5. By conditions of licence, the licensee must :

· broadcast a minimum of 100 hours of ethnic programming during each broadcast week;

· provide programming in each broadcast week directed to a minimum of 20 cultural groups in a minimum of 15 different languages;

· not broadcast any ethnic programmming directed to the Chinese community during the 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. period on weekdays...

So you see they are required to serve multiple ethnic groups, and are limited as to the time placement of the broadcasts.

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If you go to their 2001 CRTC license renewal you will see the following conditions:

5. By conditions of licence, the licensee must :

· broadcast a minimum of 100 hours of ethnic programming during each broadcast week;

· provide programming in each broadcast week directed to a minimum of 20 cultural groups in a minimum of 15 different languages;

· not broadcast any ethnic programmming directed to the Chinese community during the 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. period on weekdays...

So you see they are required to serve multiple ethnic groups, and are limited as to the time placement of the broadcasts.

What a bunch of leftist lunacy, social engineering, and plain old busy body government craziness.

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