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Curious Religious observations?


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The fraud of any con schemes can be discovered by close observation and deductive reasoning.

Here's some inferences that I came up with, but I might be way off base, being wrong often.

All religions today tend to give complete stories of a Divinity's relationship with man.

Yes there is the mystery of Revelations.

But essentially the bible tends to tie all questions up with the programmed answers, Where did man come from? Why is man full of sin? One must livetheir lives in a prescribed manner for their reward in heaaven?

Basically if a believer learns all the appropriate answers they will have all that is reqired to achieve the goal of heaven.

There is a transaction implied; all Fraud requires a transaction.

If you give your fielty to your god, tithe regularly and follow thinstructions given to you through the bible and clergy, all is good, eh.

So basically for finding all the answers for you and your slavery to those answers your reward will be heaven in the next life!

That's a pretty hot deal if everything was on the up and up.

If I were half as smart as they claim their supreme being is, I would demand my subjects remain in the state of perpetual seeking.

If they got all the real answers they'd be thinking that they were as smart as me.

The next thing would be, they would take over my role and I'd be on welfare.

No, if I were the big guy, I would only reward those who constantly seek me by seeking their own understanding of me. And not reward them extravegently with a mercedes. No I would give them little drops of Karma, sprinkled here and their to show them that they are on the right path.

Has anyone ever experienced that feeling that something is given to you from beyond?

I'm talking non believers in any formal religion.

I understand this much about humans, being one myself; we are lazy.

Surely a Supreme being would understand that?

No, I believe the stories of the Bible are all nicely wrapped up with the answers for a simple reason.

This is the package you recieve for your belief and support.

No, I don't think that you'll find anything of the real god in today's Religions, if It exists.

Perhaps the real contact with god comes from seeking answers to those questions themselves?

Todays Religions are all about control of vast power ideological empires of lazy humans ready to kill/lie/cheat as well as show compassion for their fellows, because of their beliefs, as required of them by their leaders.

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No, if I were the big guy, I would only reward those who constantly seek me by seeking their own understanding of me. And not reward them extravegently with a mercedes. No I would give them little drops of Karma, sprinkled here and their to show them that they are on the right path.

This is, I think, the central tenet of most religions that don't involve stoning women and beheading men. I think your categorization of religion as a "package" is simply a strawman. I never cease to wonder at the reductionist simplicity some people manage to make complexities into.

Todays Religions are all about control of vast power ideological empires of lazy humans ready to kill/lie/cheat as well as show compassion for their fellows, because of their beliefs, as required of them by their leaders.

Here, of course, is the obligatory soap box denunciation of something you wouldn't understand even if you did snuff out the spliff and sobered up. I don't follow any religion either, but I certainly don't pretent that religion can be tidilly encapsulated in a silly Gore Vidalian tirade. Religion, excluding Islam, has brought much good to the world, and continues to do so. It may not be your cup of tea, but smoking dope every day to escape reality isn't everyone else's cup of tea either, so try not to throw stones.

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I asked for your answers to these questions and observations.

I knew someone would disagree here in this forum, but lets not have summary dismissals without any logical positions to those observations.

I'm saying that anyone that has a complex story of the entire universe, supreme beings and all, that's so simplisticly reduced to fit in one book, which we can never add a thing to, even after 4000 years of history. lets just test it with a couple of questions.

The bible claims thal all knowledge required by man is within it.

And you are saying that I'm simplistic.

Get a grip on reality, please.

Don't just fly off the handle and insult me personally, because you disagree with me.

And quit saying that you are not religious, no one without a stake in this would dissmiss me so quickly by decreeing I'm too simplistic or be so vehemently insulting.

The religious are capable of self deception, and will quickly resort to fraud; even as Peter denied the Lord three times before the cock crowed.

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His one liners are shiny with truth.

His technique is flawless with an arrow to the heart of the matter.

He snares them with their own words-- a biblical truth

I wish I could be so accurate, yet stingy, with words myself.

His words sure got a rise out of you, didn't they?

By the way, I have tried to understand many things including having three complete studies of the bible. I love the human wisdom of it, but see the fraud in the marketing of it as the word of god.

Not long ago, a person who felt like searching elsewhere, or making such statements as I have made here, would suffer a very painful screaming death.

Christians should not be so selective when the embrace there past, skipping over some of their relatively recent history.

Was god with your fellow good brethern when the screams of burning whiches rang out?

Oh, what fun those traditions and rituals must have been for some of the local clergy.

Unlike yesterday's haven for pedophiles, the Holy church might have been a respit for peversions of a different sort a century before.

My voice boldly ringing forth today might be the call from former torture victims for revenge against the timeless idiocy of Religion.

Does KO2 have the mark of the beast upon him for daring to pose these irreverant thoughts?

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Not long ago, a person who felt like searching elsewhere, or making such statements as I have made here, would suffer a very painful screaming death.

Ive read lots of books that are not Christian...Nietzsche, Buddhist Sutras...nobody put me on the gallows. How long ago? Why wasnt Neitzche delivered a very painful screaming death?

Was god with your fellow good brethern when the screams of burning whiches rang out?

Who are you talking to here? Did anyone claim that the witch trials were good? I really dont understand. It's like you are blowing up at someone who isnt there.

I am sure I could find a pot smoker in history who did something atrocious. Is that part of your history? Is he your brethren?

You are getting mad at no one. You are spewing something you built up.

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Hmm suppose a man followed another man. A sheep you might call him. You rail at him. "You fool, you follower, you arent doing what you want, you just blindly follow."

You consider yourself the free one. The intelligent one. The one free from the delusions the herd has perhaps. Hey and sometimes herds can have mass hysteria. They are not always right. But what you might not have counted upon, is some people choose to follow, not out of coercion, but because that is a free choice they like.

So if you were to say to such a man "You idiot. You silly follower. You are nothing but a sheep, cuz you dont see it the way I see it." You may be the voice of the oppressor. And he would be your sheep if he did things because you dared him.

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My voice boldly ringing forth today might be the call from former torture victims for revenge against the timeless idiocy of Religion.

Is that so?

Robespierre was once one of those bold voices of the tortured apparently. Lenin, Stalin.

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Just a thought that I figured might get a rise.

I just scored some nice pot in The Commercial drive area.

As the bags of "Chronic" and "Kush" openly changed hand 3 cops were doing a roust/walk through hassling several unluckier dealers less than 50 metres away. They were all clean but the cops wer kept busy checking them out.

In the three minutes that I waited for my turn, nearly five hundred dollars exchanged hands.

The whole thing was a metaphor for the "Harper Vice Squad Surge," a totally futile viscous problem, like trying to pick up Mercury.

Or like:

When I was dreaming of being the Red Baron as the mastery of powered flight came to me in the Kasperwing, I had an experience wich is the basis of a memory of significance that always returns to me at time like this. I had been eye"ing" a flock of perhaps 2000 sheep as I practiced approaches, landings and takeoffs from a huge sod farm, near Wetaskawin, AB. ( Yeah I was Toking up)

One day I couldn't fight back the urges to buzz them.

Boy was it fun!!!! As I got braver and dropped down to within a few feet of them, from a long shallow dive. Holding extra speed over them for safety, they reminded me of airiel footage I had seen of herds of wildabeasts in Africa.

The lesson that I'll never forget was that as I "strafed" them, they behave like a fluid.

A corridor, the width of my wingspan would open up with the whole herd splitting into two. Each side would curl back around in stampeding animals, as a fluid would, and fill in the freslhly opened corridor again, from behind, in a few seconds. The animals appeared to curl like water in a stampeding coordinated coriographed motion, filing in the void left by my disturbance.

The new "Harper vice squad" approach is trying to pick up quicksilver by chasing the dealers around the park.

It's exactly like trying to seperate a large herd of sheep into two smaller herds using a little aircraft.

Can't be done.

Sheep will be sheep and humans will be humans, Bible stories and moral judgement notwithstanding,

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"Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Che. If there's a hell, I bet they're still tortured."

Do you ever have anything positive, or even to the point, to say from your healthy, balanced, sober perspective?

Or is it safe to assume that your vaunted sober perspective produces such mediocrity?

Or is such drivel the product of alcohol?

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"Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Che. If there's a hell, I bet they're still tortured."

Do you ever have anything positive, or even to the point, to say from your healthy, balanced, sober perspective?

Or is it safe to assume that your vaunted sober perspective produces such mediocrity?

Or is such drivel the product of alcohol?

Oh, I guess you must have forgotten what we're talking about. Ganga will do that, y'know.

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You can always tell a fundamentalist by the uninteresting drivel and poor lies they tell you.

Always willing to engage the lowest tactics like our PM, doughnut munching, Fat F*** that he is.

Ready to lie and deny, quick to insult and denegrate, Christians are easy to spot.

They are always snared by the words of their mouths, keyboard.

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You can always tell a fundamentalist by the uninteresting drivel and poor lies they tell you.

Always willing to engage the lowest tactics like our PM, doughnut munching, Fat F*** that he is.

Ready to lie and deny, quick to insult and denegrate, Christians are easy to spot.

They are always snared by the words of their mouths, keyboard.

You insult and denigrate the Prime Minister, then go on to criticize Christians for (supposedly) being insulting and denigrating. Bit of the ol' double standard there...

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You people have a double Standard. Our PM has no problem calling

people insulting and denegrating names, in order the hurt them politically.

You don't see yourselves dengrating me here by always resorting to my personal habits, not what I've said because you can't challenge my truth successfully.

And I have a perfecrt right to point out the fraud perpetrated here in these forums when someone claims they are not religious to me and in another Forum they pray.

When that person continuously attacks me personally, I can point out their fraud.

Unlike some people who complained in the morning to the moderator about me, and where I then took a higher path, I have never complained about your insults here. I just let you snare yourselves on your words and hold you up to the world to see what kind of people Christians are.

This is what frustrates small minded believers, holding a mirror to themselves and showing them there own behaviour.

The racism and hate for others which I see here are symtoms of religion. Christians have never enjoyed people telling them the truth about themselves.

As long as they confronted with believers under their spell it is all lovey-dovey, but the moment there is a rational person before you, challenging your self serving nonsense which you try to insert into the laws of my country, its all slimey accusations about how I'm insulting you.

Its not nice looking in the mirror , eh?

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Unlike some people who complained in the morning to the moderator about me, and where I then took a higher path, I have never complained about your insults here. I just let you snare yourselves on your words and hold you up to the world to see what kind of people Christians are.

The racism and hate for others which I see here are symtoms of religion. Christians have never enjoyed people telling them the truth about themselves.

As long as they confronted with believers under their spell it is all lovey-dovey, but the moment there is a rational person before you, challenging your self serving nonsense which you try to insert into the laws of my country, its all slimey accusations about how I'm insulting you.

Its not nice looking in the mirror , eh?

Well, I certainly didn't report you to the mod, and I can't imagine why anyone would...you haven't done anything wrong that I can see.

But on a completely unrelated matter, you are spouting pap. "Racism and hate" are "symptoms of religion?" Yeah, they're symptoms of a lot of things, like economics, tribalism, ideology, bad moods, and drunktalk, like Mel's. One might profitably make the case that Islam is based on hate, but I think you'd be hard pressed to pin "racism and hate" on the average Buddhist, or on a Christian monk. Making the claim that religion is the sole or even main cause of racism and hate (however it is you define those terms) is as specious as claiming that faulty tires are responsible for all car crashes. That's not "rational," as you announce with a slap on your own back, that's just stoned.

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If the institution is made up of humans, there will be racism, hate of the other.

The KKK was a white Christian organization, what about the Rawandan Genocide, hitler's and german christians against the Jews

Open your eyes and look around and see the world seething with religions of all stripes and hatred.

None are blameless, rather their strategy is to blame the other.

Good morning ScottSA, lets keep filling the knowledge pool today.

I'm ready to learn something new, how about you?

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