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What happens to Crown Attorney’s that are found to have committed MALI


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Crown prosecutors have absolutely no different standing in relation to criminal liability than any other citizen.

Malicious prosecution is a civil tort (i.e. something you sue for to collect damages) not a criminal act. IF the prosecutor has committed fraud or mischief or obstruction as part of a malicious prosecution, then report them to the Law Society for the issue of disbarment and to the police for the criminal issue.

Move on please from this goofy suggestion that Crown prosecutors have complete legal immunity.


Is this some kind of joke? People have heard of the cover ups between doctors when people actually get killed to avoid malpractice suits.... just imagine how hard it will be when its between lawyers over things that only involve money!!!!

This is a big problem in Canada especially where lawyers are self-regulating AND self-insuring. Can you imagine the response from a lawyer being asked to sue another lawyer for any Civil Tort that will be defended by the Law Society and its LPIC (self-insurance arm) in that if he wins all lawyers will be paying higher premiums????

Firstly no Lawyer in his right mind will even take the case. If you find a wacko lawyer who will, it will be your lawyer that gets disbarred for taking your case on. The law society will persecute him instead till he drops the case. Alternatively he will just take your money and put up a half assed show to keep taking your evry last cent without ever trying to win anything for you. He will take a fall, like some sleezy boxer who sold the match to the other side.

Finally since all judges are lawyers and none of them are elected and are therefore above any accountability every judge your case goes through will stick poles in your wheel spokes to make sure you never make it to a trial.

You will go from being victimized by one lawyer who screwed you to the whole legal system ganging up to gangbang you untill you and all of your dependants, friends and family are killed physically, emotionally and economically.

Dear FTA-

This is I loon 1 responding in support of Loon 2....... This is the truth FTA, if you would like to believe it or not-

Finally since all judges are lawyers and none of them are elected and are therefore above any accountability every judge your case goes through will stick poles in your wheel spokes to make sure you never make it to a trial.

You will go from being victimized by one lawyer who screwed you to the whole legal system ganging up to gangbang you untill you and all of your dependants, friends and family are killed physically, emotionally and economically.

There is something coming that may change the way law is viewed, and dealt with. ELECTIONS are the only way to hold these people ACCOUNTABLE.

TO drag something on is the MANDATE of the justice system because it makes more MONEY for the greedy.

They care not what it does to victims or their family's, they care not because they are COMPLACENT, and self serving.

How many cases come and go that the public have no idea how corrupt the system really is? A prime example are those who have been found guilt and served time in jail but were INNOCENT, LOOK at the lawsuits that have been won in the last 5 years.

Now how many more innocent people have to deal with such corruption? Yes, most lawyers, and crowns, are in bed with each other and create side deals not to mention police departments seem to be thrown into the mix to assist in the cover-up's.

It takes a big lawyer to hold up a flag because if he steps out of line and holds one up one of his "FLOCK or one of his fellow PROFESSIONALS" ACCOUNTABLE he is black-balled for life, unless he already has laid claim to his own NAME NATIONALLY with a big case, as that will ensure he has bread on the table for his or her family.

Yes this rat race is all true.

FTA, you sound like a big lawyer, now you know what we are saying is the truth. I recall a post of yours in a thread not so long ago stating that to "EVEN the playing field" sometimes deals have to be made to even the playing field as some do not get a fair shake.

Unless someone comes forward and can file a lawsuit for about 70 million, no one will pay attention.

Screw the playing field, WTF happened to JUSTICE in this country?

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Here are some case's for you to think about-

BTW how much time did he serve in jail?-

Driskell's civil lawsuit begins-




Oh and this could lead to some other thoughts-



• Donald Marshall is a Mi'kmaq who spent 11 years in prison for murder before he was acquitted by the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal in 1983. A 1989 inquiry into his conviction found that Canada's justice system had failed him "at virtually every turn." More recently, Marshall has been an advocate for native hunting and fishing rights.


But what do I know I am just a loon..... but perhaps if there were more loons in society, these things would not happen RIGHT? After all, it is HUMAN to ERROR (Great scape goat for ya FTA)

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I have no doubt that you have had a bad personal experience with the justice system...I will never deny you that. The fact is though, that your arguments are simply false.

Now, it is true that not every lawyer has the courage to go after other lawyers or "rock the boat" as it were...but that doesn't translate into a conclusion that all lawyers are corrupt and "in bed" with each other or that a $70 million lawsuit is the only thing that can be done or that it will cost "six figures" to ever get justice or hold a bad lawyer accountable for their actions.

I am not a big-time lawyer...never had a massive case with national attention (although one currently brewing) and I am not "black-balled". I still routinely get hired by other lawyers to write legal arguments for them for the Court of Appeal. And in fact, the case that I went after the Crown and got my client's bills paid...I was an articling student when that started and a first year lawyer by the end.

You hardly need Clayton Ruby or Edward Greenspan to get justice...just someone willing to do what's right. Do I wish more lawyers would do so? Yes. Do I think your comments against the entire profession are well-founded? No.


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The winds of change are hitting the air. The U-G-L-Y truth is coming.

FTA- When the system screws up, it is clear to me that all they try to do is cover it up. This I will try very hard to fix.

There is one lawyer who has the chance to restore my faith in the system, and he may just do that.

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The winds of change are hitting the air. The U-G-L-Y truth is coming.

The ugly truth is that Lawyers are just like everyone else, they are people, some are good some are bad....

What about Mechanics? I think they like to jerk customers around and misdiagnose what is wrong with their car. Last time I checked the construction industry left B.C residents high and uhh...well wet with a bunch of leaky condo's. My bank just placed a 13 dollar service charge on my no fee student account, and they won't tell me why. Every month I get to phone my families extended health insurance company, because they keep refusing to cover costs they are obligated to cover, and every month they tell me it won't happen again, the issue has been rectified. My university professor gave me an A-, after I finished with 84.9%, even though I have a written outline for the course saying he rounds marks up. I paid $1.20 for gas this afternoon, and ten minutes later saw two cop cruisers, reving their engines and launching when the light turned green, in a street race. I was just comming back from the gym, and some dumb ***** in her mini van apparently has never heard of shoulder checking before changing lanes, and I got run off the road...no worries she had a baby on baord sign...whatever that means.

Lets cut the tunnel vision, its not hard to find jerks and losers in this world, they exists, and they exist in all fields, construction, technology, mechanics, Law, Law enforcement, accountants, banks, you name it...pick any field and you will find decietfull individuals. You will also find good hard working and caring individuals. Pick any field, open your eyes and you will also find them. It is somewhat annoying how people continue to have this tunnel vision, as if all bad in the world comes from lawyers. Lets face it, we are dealing with people, some do bad things, some do good things, and some sit on their ass and collect welfare.

But sitting back and throwing insults is only a temporary high, it is only a temporary stress relief, can we move past the insults and come up with something constructive? Seriously, I challange you in your next post, to come up with a solution, or just an idea for a solution with out having to run down tens of thousands of people across Canada. Just try it, because when you can do that, we can actually have a proper discussion.

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Lets cut the tunnel vision, its not hard to find jerks and losers in this world, they exists, and they exist in all fields, construction, technology, mechanics, Law, Law enforcement, accountants, banks, you name it...pick any field and you will find decietfull individuals. You will also find good hard working and caring individuals. Pick any field, open your eyes and you will also find them. It is somewhat annoying how people continue to have this tunnel vision, as if all bad in the world comes from lawyers. Lets face it, we are dealing with people, some do bad things, some do good things, and some sit on their ass and collect welfare.

But sitting back and throwing insults is only a temporary high, it is only a temporary stress relief, can we move past the insults and come up with something constructive? Seriously, I challange you in your next post, to come up with a solution, or just an idea for a solution with out having to run down tens of thousands of people across Canada. Just try it, because when you can do that, we can actually have a proper discussion.

I agree with you, BUT you must admit that in some professions they become STALE; by this I mean a career change should be MANDATORY. This is due to professionals becoming COMPLACENT, and loosing their ability to "FEEL".

Example- You eat chocolate once and awhile and it is a thrill...mmmmmmmmmmmmm..YUM, YUM...

You decide to eat it everyday from now on..... how long is it before it looses that thrill, feeling, sensation?


Human Life Comparable- A Doctor comes into the profession with PASSION and the drive to help others, cure, heal, and ease the suffering of patients. After a number of years, the Doctor becomes robotic and looses the ability to feel because he sees that some care not for their person, and he sees that the system is to saturated to delve into helping an individual on a personal level. Now they loose their PASSION, and drive to help others...

Human Life Comparable- A teacher goes into that chosen field with PASSION and drive to help teach others to read, write, etc.... The teacher sees that some children are damaged and that the parents do not care, they are starving, beaten, sickly, etc.... the teacher goes out on a limb to assist with this life because they see how important it is to the future. The teacher then encounters the system and sees that it is only one child and that this is happening to several others. They also see that the system is saturated. Now they loose their PASSION, and drive to help others...

Too much of only experiencing one thing leads to you loosing your passion, and ability to feel for a situation, and ultimately you have forgotten how to deal with it from a FRESH, VIBRANT, Caring approach. This leads to MISTAKES....

Am I judging the profession of Crown's, Yes.. I most certainly am, there needs to be changes regarding attitudes as these are persons with REAL powers, if they make LARGE mistakes it is due to loosing their PASSION, and drive to help others... they have lost the light that they once held so close....

What is the solution? Perhaps an election process should occur regarding persons that hold JUSTICE positions, or those who DIRECTLY over-see these positions. It is up to some one to say ENOUGH, too many mistakes are being made, it is time to relieve these persons from their duties. It is too stressful for some of them to handle.... so elect those who can see this and correct it.

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I agree with you, BUT you must admit that in some professions they become STALE; by this I mean a career change should be MANDATORY. This is due to professionals becoming COMPLACENT, and loosing their ability to "FEEL".

Example- You eat chocolate once and awhile and it is a thrill...mmmmmmmmmmmmm..YUM, YUM...

You decide to eat it everyday from now on..... how long is it before it looses that thrill, feeling, sensation?


Human Life Comparable- A Doctor comes into the profession with PASSION and the drive to help others, cure, heal, and ease the suffering of patients. After a number of years, the Doctor becomes robotic and looses the ability to feel because he sees that some care not for their person, and he sees that the system is to saturated to delve into helping an individual on a personal level. Now they loose their PASSION, and drive to help others...

Human Life Comparable- A teacher goes into that chosen field with PASSION and drive to help teach others to read, write, etc.... The teacher sees that some children are damaged and that the parents do not care, they are starving, beaten, sickly, etc.... the teacher goes out on a limb to assist with this life because they see how important it is to the future. The teacher then encounters the system and sees that it is only one child and that this is happening to several others. They also see that the system is saturated. Now they loose their PASSION, and drive to help others...

Too much of only experiencing one thing leads to you loosing your passion, and ability to feel for a situation, and ultimately you have forgotten how to deal with it from a FRESH, VIBRANT, Caring approach. This leads to MISTAKES....

Am I judging the profession of Crown's, Yes.. I most certainly am, there needs to be changes regarding attitudes as these are persons with REAL powers, if they make LARGE mistakes it is due to loosing their PASSION, and drive to help others... they have lost the light that they once held so close....

What is the solution? Perhaps an election process should occur regarding persons that hold JUSTICE positions, or those who DIRECTLY over-see these positions. It is up to some one to say ENOUGH, too many mistakes are being made, it is time to relieve these persons from their duties. It is too stressful for some of them to handle.... so elect those who can see this and correct it.

I would agree that some professionals can become stale.

On the other hand if I ever need open heart surgery...the best person for the job, is probabley also going to be the person with the most expirence. Not to say that old doctors are always the best, some might get stale with age, but it is not a universal rule or law...that things get worse with age or time, something get better.

Case in point, when I look bakc at my highschool years the best teache rI ever had, was also the oldest, but he was an amazing teacher. I had him in grade 8 and I did very well in all my classes that year, I remember his class specifically, because he was a great teacher, but he also demanded alot from his students. I didn;t have him in grade nine or ten, and those were two years that got flushed down the toilet, I spent more time skipping class then I did attending. Literally I nearly failed right out of school. I had him again as a teacher in grade 11 and 12 and I did very well during those years, I ended up graduating with honours. Now I am not going to say that it was all because of him, but he was a great teacher, he demanded alot (he wasn't joking when he told us University history courses would be easier) in the same sense having pushed myself in his class to succeed, and getting the best mark in his class I did come to realise what I was capable of. I think at that point I decided on a future change, from just getting out of school as fast as possible to wanting to go to law school. After taking his class I knew I could do it, every one else thought I was joking, but I knew what I was capable of...and now within a couple months I will be sending the applications out.

I realise now your probabley hate the guy already, but literally the best teacher I have ever encountered. some people love what they are doing, and they continue to keep that passion. Some people are incredibley skilled at what they do, and they get even better with time. Some get stay the same, some get worse, and some just suck from the begining.

So what is at stake is not an issue of age or time in the field, what is at stake is seperating the good from the bad. What is neccessary is finding ways to keep the good and cut the bad, or if it is a matter of skills, making the bad better. Now there are different ways to do this.

I am not certain that elections are one of them or at the bery least the best method, if George Bush can get elected twice, then I am hoping that in the case of lawyers, judges, teachers, and doctors we can find a better way. One that rewards the good and punishes the bad. Perhaps a more open process for complaints and dealing with such things is neccessary.

There is another angle to look at, you posted a couple of links about people who have been mistreated by the CJS, but when we stop and ask ourselves why, there is an interesting phenomenon that might be playing a part.

Now a days we cook instant rice, instant noodles, and apparently maple leaf now offers us insant beef. We have super fast internet access that can download information from a web page faster then the server can give it to us. At my ATM I can get instant cash, fast cash, and well just plain cash at the push of a button. When Anna Nicole smith died every one was shocked that an autopsy took weeks even months...rather than the 15 seconds it took on CSI. People want fast cash, fast cars, fast food, and they want fast justice. Whenever a crime is committed they want a criminal and they want one now. Like little children they cry, sream, and pout if they don't get a criminal in 2.4 seconds, just flip on Nancy Grace to see what I mean...I personally can't stand her...and I think this is a serious problem...the pressure should not be on or in favour of fast justice. Because Fast justice like Fast food is rarely genuine.

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I am wondering what the OPINION is regarding Crown Attorney's that are found guilty of Malicious prosecution?

Should the tax payer's pick up the TAB for their legal representation, should they pick up the tab if they are found guilty?

I can accept if a crown is found NOT GUILTY of malicious prosecution, but if they are not, what is the ramification of this? Or does the "SYSTEM" provide EXCUSES for them and ABSORB the costs provincially, or federally?

Where does it end? Should the tax payers CONTINUE to pay for deliberate acts? Are Crown Attorney's ever criminally charged for OBSTRUCTING justice?

Should they be held accountable for their actions both financially, and CRIMINALLY?

Come on people, I want to hear from SOME CROWN'S on here.

Uh hello you don't really think they are going to respond do you?

The average crown is over-worked, under-paid and barely time to handle the file loads they are given.

Any Crown is subject to public complaints and reviews. Go on the AG web-site and find out how you can complain about them. Just make sure your complaint is based on something substantial.

Also keep in mind there is a thing called the Law Society of Upper Canada. Anyone can go there and complain.

If you think there is a conspiracy being committed by a Crown you can also go to your MPP, MP or the news media.

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I am wondering what the OPINION is regarding Crown Attorney's that are found guilty of Malicious prosecution?

Should the tax payer's pick up the TAB for their legal representation, should they pick up the tab if they are found guilty?

I can accept if a crown is found NOT GUILTY of malicious prosecution, but if they are not, what is the ramification of this? Or does the "SYSTEM" provide EXCUSES for them and ABSORB the costs provincially, or federally?

Where does it end? Should the tax payers CONTINUE to pay for deliberate acts? Are Crown Attorney's ever criminally charged for OBSTRUCTING justice?

Should they be held accountable for their actions both financially, and CRIMINALLY?

Come on people, I want to hear from SOME CROWN'S on here.

Uh hello you don't really think they are going to respond do you?

The average crown is over-worked, under-paid and barely time to handle the file loads they are given.

Any Crown is subject to public complaints and reviews. Go on the AG web-site and find out how you can complain about them. Just make sure your complaint is based on something substantial.

Also keep in mind there is a thing called the Law Society of Upper Canada. Anyone can go there and complain.

If you think there is a conspiracy being committed by a Crown you can also go to your MPP, MP or the news media.

Really I will keep all that in mind.. ROFLMAO

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  • 3 months later...
Uh hello you don't really think they are going to respond do you?

The average crown is over-worked, under-paid and barely time to handle the file loads they are given.

Any Crown is subject to public complaints and reviews. Go on the AG web-site and find out how you can complain about them. Just make sure your complaint is based on something substantial.

Also keep in mind there is a thing called the Law Society of Upper Canada. Anyone can go there and complain.

If you think there is a conspiracy being committed by a Crown you can also go to your MPP, MP or the news media.

Hmmmm.... so as it turns out, filing complaints and getting a response from proper areas takes YEARS.... how wonderful..

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I am sorry but cough I like lawyers, they serve a vital service to this country. I can't speak on Crown Attorneys because I can afford one that doesn't work for the crown. Perhaps that is the problem, one level of legal representation for those who can afford legal advice and another level for the poor. I have read some horror stories on Crown Attorneys and their inablility to represent their client. Maybe newbies shouldn't be allowed to practice Criminal Law until they do said number of hours for the poor. I know I'd be terrorfied to be represented by those that work for the Feds, underpaid and over worked without the job skills to do the job aren't a plus for someone who is innocent but can't afford qualified legal advice from skilled lawyers. It's not a fair system to the working poor in Canada.

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You are correct in assuming this is a wacko. got hit by boyfriend, was drunk, cops took her to jail, now all the world is going to pay for this. this has been going on for 3 years. geez read all her posts. all trying to get anyone and everyone fired or sued.

someone needs to tell your psychotherapist to up your pills. get off the computer, you seem to have so much time writing nonsense and get a job.

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  • 3 weeks later...

'tiredofthebull' date='Aug 19 2007, 04:34 PM' post='244875']

FTA Lawyer' date='Apr 24 2007, 10:21 AM' post='211762']


You are correct in assuming this is a wacko. got hit by boyfriend, was drunk, cops took her to jail, now all the world is going to pay for this. this has been going on for 3 years. geez read all her posts. all trying to get anyone and everyone fired or sued.

someone needs to tell your psychotherapist to up your pills. get off the computer, you seem to have so much time writing nonsense and get a job.

The above is very funny, I have just managed to catch-up on some forums. I really enjoyed your article on Anna Nicole Smith in the other forms pertaining to how

"Blah. What did she do for the world?

omg, what a statement. so are you saying only if you do something for this world it matters? very very sad outlook on life. out of curiosity what have you done for this "world'?


All of the above is a direct QUOTE, from tiredofthebull… perhaps it is time to get into the world of reality where there are people suffering. Most people on the planet desire to earn a great deal of cash, and then spend it how they will enjoy it.. then there are others that stand up to create right’s for other’s and themselves with their money, like moi.....

The sad truth is that this poor gal on here does not have the slightest clue as to what happened to me. Yes I carry a torch for Victims who can not speak out for themselves, as I have been one and I will stand because so many do not know how to navigate the justice system.......

I would like to take this time to point out several articles that are coming out regarding right’s of a victim, I have the ability to change things, I have done so not only for myself but for others. Shame on a victim like yourself who claims that other’s do not require help…. STAND UP and make a difference, use your talents of writing online and life experiences to do something that will change the course of history for the benefit of others.

Here are some articles I have pulled off line pertaining to the right’s of victims-


obstruction of justice n. an attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts, the judicial system or law enforcement officers, including threatening witnesses, improper conversations with jurors, hiding evidence, or interfering with an arrest. Such activity is a crime.

Make application to the federal government for ministerial review under Sec. 696 of the Criminal Code, a complex process that only the best lawyers can navigate....if some people would have the ability to take a stand the world would be a beter place...

Read the next tid-bit it is quite specfic....

Wrongly convicted can hardly get justice

Am I bitter? Yes you better believe it, and... I will make change, because I can.

I would like to take your Quote, tiredofthebull and say to you......"out of curiosity what have you done for this "world'?"

FTA- Keep tabs on MB...

Edited by beatenwoman2005
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First I'd like to comment on the "crack addicted gutter whore's " comment. And it is not to say anything one way or the other, but just to point out that if the more 'elite' in society run into addictions problems, it is more often with alcohol or cocaine.

Now, to actually get to the point of the thread. Yes, I believe that if somebody who is given any kind of power abuses such power for their own means, they should be held accountable. Corruption of any sort when given the faith and trust of the people should not go un-addressed. Politicians face it during election time. At what point do the people of Canada have an opportunity to stand up for what they believe is right against people who are not responsible to report back to the voters?

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  • 1 month later...
I am wondering what the OPINION is regarding Crown Attorney's that are found guilty of Malicious prosecution?

Should the tax payer's pick up the TAB for their legal representation, should they pick up the tab if they are found guilty?

I can accept if a crown is found NOT GUILTY of malicious prosecution, but if they are not, what is the ramification of this? Or does the "SYSTEM" provide EXCUSES for them and ABSORB the costs provincially, or federally?

Where does it end? Should the tax payers CONTINUE to pay for deliberate acts? Are Crown Attorney's ever criminally charged for OBSTRUCTING justice?

Should they be held accountable for their actions both financially, and CRIMINALLY?

Come on people, I want to hear from SOME CROWN'S on here.

No worst than judges fixing court cases. Their is an official government department to look into such cases , but don't expect a dictatorship government appointed person to be punished. they are just like sadams governments former corrupt ,following orders.

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No worst than judges fixing court cases. Their is an official government department to look into such cases , but don't expect a dictatorship government appointed person to be punished. they are just like sadams governments former corrupt ,following orders.

Oh look....tinfoil on sale $1.99 a roll . Get three, you'll need it.

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Uh hello you don't really think they are going to respond do you?

The average crown is over-worked, under-paid and barely time to handle the file loads they are given.

Any Crown is subject to public complaints and reviews. Go on the AG web-site and find out how you can complain about them. Just make sure your complaint is based on something substantial.

Also keep in mind there is a thing called the Law Society of Upper Canada. Anyone can go there and complain.

If you think there is a conspiracy being committed by a Crown you can also go to your MPP, MP or the news media.

you can go their but they will do nothing to help you. Your MP swore to protect and obay the queen and not you.

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you can go their but they will do nothing to help you. Your MP swore to protect and obay the queen and not you.

Do you hear voices? I, personally, also fear the day that Queen Elizabeth demands that my MP do something terrible to me.

It's awful. Truly frightening.

I don't know how Canadians sleep at night with the impending iron fist of Queen Elizabeth II hovering over their heads!

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Do you hear voices? I, personally, also fear the day that Queen Elizabeth demands that my MP do something terrible to me.

It's awful. Truly frightening.

I don't know how Canadians sleep at night with the impending iron fist of Queen Elizabeth II hovering over their heads!

you must be the one with the verbal order.

I have paper to back up my post not propaganda like government posters. If the queen is so frightening to you then why not do something to get her out of Canada's government? Maybe you should look for a hiding place under your bed.

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governor general- queens regiment- royal mounted police-queens council-court of queens bench; etc. Ban her picture in Canada. She is nothing but a means for the government to make you a financial slave. Pay your income taxes to the queen.

Just more proof that republicans are cranks.

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