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Why do you guys complicate things?

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Dion will lose the next election.

CPC will gain no seats.

LIB will gain seats from the Bloc and that's it.

The only thing that will secure a majority gov't for the CPC is an immigrant vote. And it IS possible this may happen on the election after the next. Why?

For instance, if a Sikh in brampton has an immigration issue, he now has no one to represent him. Ruby Dahla can't do anything for him anymore.

But there is someone who can:


The CPC will ONLY gain a majority if the above is about to happen. You don't have to complicate the issue. It will take the climate of change for the above to happen in order to secure a CPC majority.

If you disagree with this, you abviously haven't researched well enough into the voting demographic of Canada and why Canadians vote the way they do.

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Are you trying to imply that people should only vote for who is in the government so that they can get things they want done? I think the only thing that will get either the Liberals or Conservatives a majority will be to get out of this boring stalemate. Both parties are afraid to try new policies or advocate reforming things. Why doesn't any party come out and offer to put together an electoral reform package (like in Ontario and BC with citizen's assemblies), or offer to start building high-speed rail in populated corridors (Montreal-Toronto, Edmonton-Calgary), or reform health care using Paul Martin's "generation fix" of funding of proof that dumping more money into the system doesn't get better results.

Any of these positions would be something "different" for Canadians, and I think would resound with voters -- but the way things are now, it's a circle of getting nothing done and being cautious that I think will be exacerbated with Dion and Harper facing off.

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Are you trying to imply that people should only vote for who is in the government so that they can get things they want done?

That's what people do vote for.

"This is another traditionally conservative area that has quickly turned liberal, primarily due to the rapid growth of the Greater Toronto Area and high immigrant populations, just like the suburbs to the north of Toronto. The Liberals have held every seat in this region in every election since 1993"

- http://www.answers.com/topic/canadian-fede...ga-and-oakville

I think the only thing that will get either the Liberals or Conservatives a majority will be to get out of this boring stalemate. Both parties are afraid to try new policies or advocate reforming things.

It's those 'new ideas' that got us in the crisis that we're in. We don't need new ideas. Gay marriage sounds like a new progressive idea, but it will just be another loop hole for immigration and the seediest people could get let into our country with no screening process. These 'new ideas' get us in trouble. Go legalize pot, but when there is a dramatic increase in highway dealths and a rise in auto insurance for all of us, then we'll have to suffer those concequences.

Why doesn't any party come out and offer to put together an electoral reform package (like in Ontario and BC with citizen's assemblies), or offer to start building high-speed rail in populated corridors (Montreal-Toronto, Edmonton-Calgary), or reform health care using Paul Martin's "generation fix" of funding of proof that dumping more money into the system doesn't get better results.

All the above are politically not possible. Especially the electoral reform.

Any of these positions would be something "different" for Canadians, and I think would resound with voters -- but the way things are now, it's a circle of getting nothing done and being cautious that I think will be exacerbated with Dion and Harper facing off.

If Harper gets a majority, I think you'll see the old Reform principles come into play.

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Dion will lose the next election.

LIB will gain seats from the Bloc and that's it.

And Green Party and NDP. Remember a lot of loyalist Liberals voted elsewhere because of the sponsorship. They'll be back too. It's widely reported that the NDP/Liberal split brought the Conservatives into a lot of ridings.

Then there's Harper in Quebec. Don't fool yourself. They hate him.

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Dion will lose the next election.

LIB will gain seats from the Bloc and that's it.

And Green Party and NDP. Remember a lot of loyalist Liberals voted elsewhere because of the sponsorship. They'll be back too. It's widely reported that the NDP/Liberal split brought the Conservatives into a lot of ridings.

Then there's Harper in Quebec. Don't fool yourself. They hate him.

To be honnest the choice of Dion has split my vote again unless he comes off better this is one guy who will vote NDP.

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"Hate", I don't really see why he's so hated. It's not like he's frigian Idid Amin or George Bush. I think people just wanna find some figure they want to hate, and Harper's the easy target, so instead of engaging in actual debate we simply hear these silly childish comparison's.

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Personally I think if I had to choose between the Liberal's or the NDP, I'd choose the NDP. At the very least I know the NDP would act on climate change. If the NDP were to moderate their policies on the economy and become more socially moderate [allowing pro-life members], I would become a member of the New Democrats.

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At the very least I know the NDP would act on climate change.


What do you think they would do, other than flail their arms about and shriek platitudes?

Shut down the energy industry? Not likely.....

Don't be so sure.

He spent tens of thousands on solar panels for the roof of his house in Toronto. He believes that it's up to citizens to use less power rather than generate more. He doesn't feel that people should drive. He supports terrorists. He's for taxation and complete legalization of pot (like selling it at teh corner store). He's for prostitution and red light districts. He feels that we should increase aid to foreign causes. He feels that we should have 4 sepearte garbage bins and all bags should be clear so you'll get a ticket if the garbage people see you through out 'no no' items. He wants a new health care tax. He's for more refugees and immigrants. He feels they should be entitled to all of our services and we should setup a status qou to make sure they get hired and treated fairly. He feels that non Canadians should be able to vote. A radio show producer said that he got involved with the NDP and the party was run top down from Jack and Olivia and they were not open to any new ideas and it began to feel like he was part of a communist party. The NDP at their conventions call each other 'brother' and 'sister'.

Jack Layton and NDP = a disaster that is best kept out of power.

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Yeah, thats exactly the reason why I would never consider joining the NDP of today. In my own view the NDP screwed up by taking Jack Layton instead of Bill Blaikie who would have moderated the NDP more in line with mainstream Canadian's.

As for Layton being for terrorists, come on. Sure he wants to pull out of Afghanistan, but I wouldn't say he supports terrorists.

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Yeah, thats exactly the reason why I would never consider joining the NDP of today. In my own view the NDP screwed up by taking Jack Layton instead of Bill Blaikie who would have moderated the NDP more in line with mainstream Canadian's.

As for Layton being for terrorists, come on. Sure he wants to pull out of Afghanistan, but I wouldn't say he supports terrorists.

Blaikie doesn't speak French. He has also alienated a lot of people in the party with his explosive temper.

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He feels that we should increase aid to foreign causes. He feels that we should have 4 sepearte garbage bins and all bags should be clear so you'll get a ticket if the garbage people see you through out 'no no' items. He wants a new health care tax. He's for more refugees and immigrants. He feels they should be entitled to all of our services and we should setup a status qou to make sure they get hired and treated fairly. He feels that non Canadians should be able to vote. A radio show producer said that he got involved with the NDP and the party was run top down from Jack and Olivia and they were not open to any new ideas and it began to feel like he was part of a communist party. The NDP at their conventions call each other 'brother' and 'sister'.

Jack Layton and NDP = a disaster that is best kept out of power.

Thanks for sharng that...never thought he's that extreme!

Can you just imagine how it will be if we have non-Canadians voting? He is the worst case scenario. I'd willingly settle for the Liberals instead of the NDP.

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He feels that we should increase aid to foreign causes. He feels that we should have 4 sepearte garbage bins and all bags should be clear so you'll get a ticket if the garbage people see you through out 'no no' items. He wants a new health care tax. He's for more refugees and immigrants. He feels they should be entitled to all of our services and we should setup a status qou to make sure they get hired and treated fairly. He feels that non Canadians should be able to vote. A radio show producer said that he got involved with the NDP and the party was run top down from Jack and Olivia and they were not open to any new ideas and it began to feel like he was part of a communist party. The NDP at their conventions call each other 'brother' and 'sister'.

Jack Layton and NDP = a disaster that is best kept out of power.

Thanks for sharng that...never thought he's that extreme!

Can you just imagine how it will be if we have non-Canadians voting? He is the worst case scenario. I'd willingly settle for the Liberals instead of the NDP.

I really see little difference between the Liberals and the NDP, both want to be all things, to all people, and neither Party is very much enthused about allowing the people themselves to decide how are money is to be spent. They both represent Bigger and Bigger government. Quite frankly I could care less about the useless bureaucrats that are employed by the many layers of government, and who collect a paycheque for doing virtually nothing. I will vote for any Party that tells me they represent less intrusion into our lives, and smaller government, but you won't find that scenario with either a Liberal or NDP government. Both are have basically socialist and represents a socialist ideology. Remember a socialist society is not a free society, because you have government trying to exert their interpretation on you, of what they think is right.

I read somewhere that under the Liberal government having Canadian morals and values really means having no morals or values at all. No wonder Canadians have no sense of patriotism, we stand for nothing, we have no morals as a society, we allow criminals to have more rights than their victims, we allow people to starve while government follows a corporate agenda that benefits only the top 10% of Canadians. What does that say about Canada? To me is says we are a country that cares only about me, what's good for me. what feels good to me, and to hell with teh people who go to bed hungry, and with no roof over their heads. Almost 15 years ago a Liberal government made a committment to end child poverty by 2000, and here we are, almost at the end of 2006, and we now have more child poverty than when that committment was made. Shame on Canada, and shame on our government for allowing it to not only continue, but to grow.

Instead of worrying about the hungry, the Liberals and the NDP are more concerned about making sure gays and lesbians are allowed to get married, and even more concerned about legalizing drugs, while sprouting their hate for the U.S. We really have no right to be throwing rock, since we also live in a glass house. In some communities we have people lobbying to have all drugs declared legal, because enforcement of our drug laws costs money. What law are they going to lobby for next to legalize because enforcement costs? I am glad that I am of an age and health condition that I will not likely live to see just how much further down our society's morals and values can go.

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Yeah, thats exactly the reason why I would never consider joining the NDP of today. In my own view the NDP screwed up by taking Jack Layton instead of Bill Blaikie who would have moderated the NDP more in line with mainstream Canadian's.

As for Layton being for terrorists, come on. Sure he wants to pull out of Afghanistan, but I wouldn't say he supports terrorists.

Well he denied Hezbollah are terrorists and said we should negotiate with them. He also said what the US did was war crimes which upset people at his own party.

An old co-worker of mine had a gf that smoked pot for her medical reasons. She would volunteer for Jack Laytons campaign and he said that every once in a while Jack will call his gf on her cell phone and say hello and stuff to ask her for more support. Then he gets his wife first into city politics and then into parliment where both of them are making quite a bit of $$$.

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I am enjoying Dion's first days as leader of the Liberal party.

And I'm sensing a real desperation from the CPC and NDP.

i.e. critisizing him for having French citizenship. I ran that by all my political barometers at work and all of them...even the rightwingers...said basically "yeah, so?"

Pat Martin is a swiftboater, nothing more.

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I really see little difference between the Liberals and the NDP, both want to be all things, to all people, and neither Party is very much enthused about allowing the people themselves to decide how are money is to be spent.

I agree. The want a top down approach to gov't where they are the God's of us. They want to make us dependant on them, thus, socially engineering us to their 'vision' of our country. Sounds... communist?

They both represent Bigger and Bigger government. Quite frankly I could care less about the useless bureaucrats that are employed by the many layers of government, and who collect a paycheque for doing virtually nothing.

I do because it's bankrupting our healthcare system. But I realize there's no easy solution to this.

I will vote for any Party that tells me they represent less intrusion into our lives, and smaller government, but you won't find that scenario with either a Liberal or NDP government.

I agree. That's why I vote PCP. I wish the reform party was around.

Both are have basically socialist and represents a socialist ideology. Remember a socialist society is not a free society, because you have government trying to exert their interpretation on you, of what they think is right.

That's right. Too much socialist ideoligy becomes communism or dictatorship.

I read somewhere that under the Liberal government having Canadian morals and values really means having no morals or values at all. No wonder Canadians have no sense of patriotism, we stand for nothing, we have no morals as a society, we allow criminals to have more rights than their victims, we allow people to starve while government follows a corporate agenda that benefits only the top 10% of Canadians.

And we also allow Canadians to DIE on hospital waiting lists.

What does that say about Canada? To me is says we are a country that cares only about me, what's good for me. what feels good to me, and to hell with teh people who go to bed hungry, and with no roof over their heads.

That's how it's like in the third world. It's people constantly trying to screw one another and trying to get something for themselves. Now we're becoming the same rotten type of people. 'Self hating'.

I am glad that I am of an age and health condition that I will not likely live to see just how much further down our society's morals and values can go.

Canada has sunken to a level where all party's want is to stay in power and have neglected their roll of gov't and protecting the people. They aren't here for the people anymore.

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I am enjoying Dion's first days as leader of the Liberal party.

And I'm sensing a real desperation from the CPC and NDP.

i.e. critisizing him for having French citizenship. I ran that by all my political barometers at work and all of them...even the rightwingers...said basically "yeah, so?"

Pat Martin is a swiftboater, nothing more.

I think that it doesn't bother poeple because people don't see him becoming Priminster. However a radio poll had a split of 50/50 when asked if it bothered them.

I do have a problem with him holding a dual citizenship and even MORE of a problem when he feels he doesn't have to answer to the public about this concern. But it doens't bother me because to be honest I don't take him very seriously and I don't think his party does either. He got half a standing ovation yesterday from his own party.

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I am enjoying Dion's first days as leader of the Liberal party.

And I'm sensing a real desperation from the CPC and NDP.

i.e. critisizing him for having French citizenship. I ran that by all my political barometers at work and all of them...even the rightwingers...said basically "yeah, so?"

Pat Martin is a swiftboater, nothing more.

I think that it doesn't bother poeple because people don't see him becoming Priminster.

Keep telling yourself that.

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