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As I've said before, I am a private home daycare operator who provides quality service from my home.

To me, and to a lot of people like me, this is our only source of income. A fellow-home daycare operator chosed this business so she can be at home with her mentally-challenged child. Several colleagues in this business are middle-aged, who have been doing this for years.

I have no children of my own. And most of the skills, professional training and experience I have are all centered on childcare.

Right now, under the Liberals, I am paying dearly to fund government-funded agencies who operates home daycares. In other words, I am financially supporting my own competition.

I would not mind paying and supporting these agencies...except that I think it quite unfair when only such agencies are allowed to take on people qualified for subsidies. I am funding my competition who has a monopoly.

Look around you. Under the Liberals, small businesses are almost sure to go bankrupt and closed down in 3 to 5 years. But big corporations are balooning! Corporations are actually squeezing small businesses out the market....for they have the big bucks to spend to pander to the government's and favored lobbyists' every wish!

Why can't there be a fair playing field?

And then you hear about these bloody corruptions!

The privileged, entitled oink-oinks on the troughie having a free feeding frenzy!

Taber****, f***, I have justifiable reasons to forget myself and spout off like a drunken sailor! :angry:

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As I've said before, I am a private home daycare operator who provides quality service from my home.

To me, and to a lot of people like me, this is our only source of income. A fellow-home daycare operator chosed this business so she can be at home with her mentally-challenged child. Several colleagues in this business are middle-aged, who have been doing this for years.

I have no children of my own. And most of the skills, professional training and experience I have are all centered on childcare.

Right now, under the Liberals, I am paying dearly to fund government-funded agencies who operates home daycares. In other words, I am financially supporting my own competition.

I would not mind paying and supporting these agencies...except that I think it quite unfair when only such agencies are allowed to take on people qualified for subsidies. I am funding my competition who has a monopoly.

Look around you. Under the Liberals, small businesses are almost sure to go bankrupt and closed down in 3 to 5 years. But big corporations are balooning! Corporations are actually squeezing small businesses out the market....for they have the big bucks to spend to pander to the government's and favored lobbyists' every wish!

Why can't there be a fair playing field?

And then you hear about these bloody corruptions!

The privileged, entitled oink-oinks on the troughie having a free feeding frenzy!

Taber****, f***, I have justifiable reasons to forget myself and spout off like a drunken sailor! :angry:


You are most entitled to your anger.

I am voting Conservative because I think we need to re-evaluate federalism, get tough on crime, and bring back community values for the common good in our society.

The entire Liberal Party is not corrupt and maybe Martin isn't either. But the facts are, Chretien was one of the most corrupt prime ministers in Canadian history. His true dream was to become a dictator and a benevolent dictator he was.

But scandals come to light. Chretien probably knew they would, after all he oversaw all the scandal in his government (as Justice Gomery correctly noted in his investigation of the biggest scandal) but he didn't care. After all, it would only hurt Martin, whom he hates anyway.

When Martin balanced the budget in 1995, Chretien realized he had so much money and much more coming in. So he used our money to, among other things, buy the 1997 election, buy the 1995 referendum election, and give money to his cronies.

The culture of entitlement that is present in the federal Liberals is mushrooming out of control. I am inclined to believe Martin may have wanted to do something about it. Yet, he can't. The party is so used to being number one. So used to using our money for their selfish purposes while cutting healthcare and social programs and preaching hatred for the Americans and the west and hurting our armed forces who defend our sovereignty, that they cannot just not be corrupt anymore.

Gilles Duceppe put it best when he said "the ballot box is our weapon." Yes it is, and I am voting Conservative.

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As I've said before, I am a private home daycare operator who provides quality service from my home.

To me, and to a lot of people like me, this is our only source of income. A fellow-home daycare operator chosed this business so she can be at home with her mentally-challenged child. Several colleagues in this business are middle-aged, who have been doing this for years.

I have no children of my own. And most of the skills, professional training and experience I have are all centered on childcare.

Right now, under the Liberals, I am paying dearly to fund government-funded agencies who operates home daycares. In other words, I am financially supporting my own competition.

I would not mind paying and supporting these agencies...except that I think it quite unfair when only such agencies are allowed to take on people qualified for subsidies. I am funding my competition who has a monopoly.

If you are properly trained and provide a good, safe, enriching day-care program, good for you. Unfortunately, there aren't enough such services, especially accredited ones.... Not nearly enough.

The unfortunate consequence of this is that many families are forced to leave their kids in questionable circumstances during the day so that they can afford to give them food and bed at night.

I would sympathize with you for any loss of business that you might suffer should a decent federally-funded day-care system be implemented in Canada so that hundreds of thousands of children could be put in safe, approved day-care facilities. I have to weigh the cost and benefits.... Betsy and a few hundred like her... or hundreds of thousands of children....

But it does not have to be a mutually exclusive choice, and would not be so... It would take years to impement what either the Liberals or NDP are proposing, so it is unlikely that your home business would be substantially affected for several years, and even then, there will still be a cry for daycare services. I find it highly unlikely that the feds would over-provide such services.

If such a system were put in place, and it did eventually affect your home business, you would be well qualified for a management post in a Federally run system, and would be highly employable in such a system, so you are not at a big loss there either.

You brought up the point about the "big box" daycare, and I would suggest that we see a big difference between the NDP and Liberals here. The Liberals will not try to prevent the foriegn "big box" "Walmart-style" daycares from taking over in Canada. As with health-care, the Liberals refuse to listen to the NDP requests to keep such services publicly administered and provided.

And then there's the question of the CPC position. What percentage of a week will $25 pay for with your private service ???? Will this $25/week tax cut they promise allow your business to expand and create more daycare spaces ???? Or will it just be a tax break, and those hundreds of thousands of kids still be sent looked after in questionable circumstances ?????

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The element of the Conservative plan Liberals conveniently ignore is the 125,000 employer-sponsored spaces that will be created.

If you are properly trained and provide a good, safe, enriching day-care program, good for you. Unfortunately, there aren't enough such services, especially accredited ones.... Not nearly enough.

The unfortunate consequence of this is that many families are forced to leave their kids in questionable circumstances during the day so that they can afford to give them food and bed at night.

I would sympathize with you for any loss of business that you might suffer should a decent federally-funded day-care system be implemented in Canada so that hundreds of thousands of children could be put in safe, approved day-care facilities. I have to weigh the cost and benefits.... Betsy and a few hundred like her... or hundreds of thousands of children....

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As I've said before, I am a private home daycare operator who provides quality service from my home.

To me, and to a lot of people like me, this is our only source of income. A fellow-home daycare operator chosed this business so she can be at home with her mentally-challenged child. Several colleagues in this business are middle-aged, who have been doing this for years.

You think it is bad now. Just wait until you have to carry extra house insurance to cover the cost of a child being injured or possibly killed in a private home-based daycare. You will have to raise your prices and possibly lose some customers because they can't afford it. Trust me, after the first multi-million dollar settlement an insurance company has to pay, they will drop daycare children from being covered under regular house insurance. It is simply too risky for them not to charge more, especially with the number of daycares, and by extention the number of potential injuries or deaths, increasing by thousands and tens of thousands.

I highly doubt the Govt takes $100-$200 per month of your taxes directly for childcare. Whereas $25 - $50 per month per child for multi-million dollar liability, actually sounds pretty cheap for insurance.

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If you are properly trained and provide a good, safe, enriching day-care program, good for you. Unfortunately, there aren't enough such services, especially accredited ones.... Not nearly enough.

The unfortunate consequence of this is that many families are forced to leave their kids in questionable circumstances during the day so that they can afford to give them food and bed at night.

I would sympathize with you for any loss of business that you might suffer should a decent federally-funded day-care system be implemented in Canada so that hundreds of thousands of children could be put in safe, approved day-care facilities.

That's a load of.....

It's not a choice between sleazebucket, dangerous places where our children will be sold into slavery vs. a centrally operated and funded Liberal Utopia.

Many cities already have systems for inspecting day homes and ensuring they are safe, clean, nutritious, limit the number of kids,, etc etc Calgary is one, Edmonton is another, my sister worked as an inspector (private sector too, employed by the province as a contractor) to make sure they are following regulations.

You guiys really have to get away from the notion that Canuckistan is somehow an improvement over Canada. Creating big and immovable bureaucracies is NOT a requirement, just a compulsion of your generation.

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The element of the Conservative CPC plan Liberals conveniently ignore is the 125,000 employer-sponsored spaces that will be created.

That could be created..... This program would only be available to those people whose employers to implement the program..... And usually, that's not the case for the low wage earner's company, is it... It is not universally accessible... is it ???

And then you have to think about employers who implement this type of program right now... It's a complete tax write-off already, so the CPC plan is a giveaway to Corp Canada.... It's a bribe to impement something that's already a tax write-off....

I think it would be money better spent if it were to go directly to creating day-care spaces.....

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In 1993 when I voted Liberal because I believed in their promise of Daycare assistance I could have use it then.

Instead I made do without any assistance with one of us staying home with the kids.

I would have loved to be able to take my kids to work and place them in a daycare there, where I could visit and see them during the working day.

Harper's got it right, daycare at the workplace is second best to a parent being at home.

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Guest eureka

It will not create 125,000 spaces and not likely many ar all.

The fact is, that most corporations are not anxious for any such programme. As err points out, there already existing incentive yet only 4% of Canada's inadequate daycare spaces are maintained by corporations.

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The LIberals pledged $5 Billion after the 2004 election(never happened)

Now Liberals pledged $11 Billion til 2015 to crate 650,000 warehouse spaces for kids.We've been waiting since 1993 and pledging with dollars has been real easy for the Liberals.

It discriminates against stay-at-home parents, or parents who choose options other than an institutional day-care program for their children.

Only 23 per cent of parents in Canada choose to place their children into the "institutional" daycare supported under the Liberal plan.

What makes you think the Liberals will deliver? I've waited since 1993 and it's too late for me.My children's children won't see this implemented.

If you think Harper won't get 125,00 spaces, why do you think Martin will get 650,000?


Canadians have had enough of the bull,time to give someone a chance to run the show.

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It discriminates against stay-at-home parents, or parents who choose options other than an institutional day-care program for their children.

Only 23 per cent of parents in Canada choose to place their children into the "institutional" daycare supported under the Liberal plan.

As it should, why would we support unproductive adults to the determent of there children? Children in daycare perform better in virtually every way. So let’s examine the effects of the two major plans were talking about:

Conservative Plan

  • Create a Disincentive for two income families reducing the size of the workforce and Canada’s aggregate productivity
  • Cost every citizen directly in the form of taxes
  • Hurt children who benefit greatly from daycare


Liberal Plan

  • Create an incentive for two income families by providing a subsidy to productive parents
  • Increase the size of the workforce therefore increasing the aggregate productivity of Canada
  • Help children to perform better in life

Gee that’s a though choice right there, normally I am all for just letting people decide to do what they want with there money and I still don't know if the whole idea of a national daycare program is a good one but I know that the practical value of the Liberal plan from a technical standpoint embarrasses the Conservative plan. But I suppose that’s par for the course.

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The LIberals pledged $5 Billion after the 2004 election(never happened)

Now Liberals pledged $11 Billion til 2015 to crate 650,000 warehouse spaces for kids.We've been waiting since 1993 and pledging with dollars has been real easy for the Liberals.

It discriminates against stay-at-home parents, or parents who choose options other than an institutional day-care program for their children.

How do you arrive at the "discriminates against stay-at-home parents" thing... If the Department of Lands and Forests gives out free fishing licenses next year, will that be discriminating against people who don't fish???

As you suggest, many parents will "choose options other than an institutional day-care program for their children"... That's great. It will reduce the demand for institutional day-care, and hence, less requirement for government funding.

Only 23 per cent of parents in Canada choose to place their children into the "institutional" daycare supported under the Liberal plan.
That sure is a lot of kids. Probably most of the rest of the 77%'s kids are too old now... like you say that yours are.... And I'm sure a lot of parents want to be "stay at home" like their parents were.... It would be interesting to see a breakdown....
What makes you think the Liberals will deliver?
A minority government .... Similar to how we got health care when the Progressive Conservatives bitterly fought against its implementation.... (Thank God for Tommy Douglas, eh ?)
If you think Harper won't get 125,00 spaces, why do you think Martin will get 650,000?


Because, hopefully Jack Layton will have the power to force him to.

However, if Harper has a chance to roll his Trojan Horse into the House of Commons, we certainly will not see a day-care program.....

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That's a really lame excuse.If Martin was sincere and the Liberals really wanted this daycare in place it would have been in place and running by 1995.

If Martin can make agreement with provinces on healthcare waiting times in a matter of months, the Liberals could easily have had the provinces on side just as fast.

The fact is the Liberals really don't give a shit about the Canadian public.

They become worried about losing power, and even then, if they retain it,it's only promises,promises.

Liberals have lost their connect with the Canadian voter.Time for a change.

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That's a really lame excuse.If Martin was sincere and the Liberals really wanted this daycare in place it would have been in place and running by 1995.

If Martin can make agreement with provinces on healthcare waiting times in a matter of months, the Liberals could easily have had the provinces on side just as fast.

The fact is the Liberals really don't give a shit about the Canadian public.

They become worried about losing power, and even then, if they retain it,it's only promises,promises.

Liberals have lost their connect with the Canadian voter.Time for a change.

Out of the Pot and into the Fire.... ???

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Out of the Pot and into the Fire.... ???

I've said this before.

I'll give Harper a chance to govern,if he messes up,he's gone.

We Canadians are too fixated on leaders and parties,it's time to think what's best for the country and the public. The Liberals have had 13 years,far too long for what we got in return from this government in power.

If the party in power doesn't come through,show them the door.

Maybe they will learn for the next tme.

Enough is Enough.

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I don't know how you can say you want to do what's best for the country and then support a leader who will do nothing of the sort.

Is Harpers plan to give Quebec more power, what's best for Canada?

Is Harper's plan to give the best tax breaks to the upper class, what's best for Canada?

Is Harper's plan to over crowd our jails with mandatory minimum sentences, what's best for Canada?

Is Harper's plan to remove 28% of a tax that is paid for by those who have more, and replacing the money by undiclosed means, what's best for Canada?

Is Harper, whats best for Canada?






This country will be in ruins if the Harper conservatives ever get a majority. Read up on Professor Flanagan, the real man leading the CPC.

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Out of the Pot and into the Fire.... ???

I've said this before.

I'll give Harper a chance to govern,if he messes up,he's gone.

I hope that, for all Canadian's sakes, you won't get the chance to....
We Canadians are too fixated on leaders and parties,it's time to think what's best for the country and the public. The Liberals have had 13 years,far too long for what we got in return from this government in power.
Is this one of those fixations.
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As I've said before, I am a private home daycare operator who provides quality service from my home.

To me, and to a lot of people like me, this is our only source of income. A fellow-home daycare operator chosed this business so she can be at home with her mentally-challenged child. Several colleagues in this business are middle-aged, who have been doing this for years.

I have no children of my own. And most of the skills, professional training and experience I have are all centered on childcare.

Right now, under the Liberals, I am paying dearly to fund government-funded agencies who operates home daycares. In other words, I am financially supporting my own competition.

I would not mind paying and supporting these agencies...except that I think it quite unfair when only such agencies are allowed to take on people qualified for subsidies. I am funding my competition who has a monopoly.

If you are properly trained and provide a good, safe, enriching day-care program, good for you. Unfortunately, there aren't enough such services, especially accredited ones.... Not nearly enough.

The unfortunate consequence of this is that many families are forced to leave their kids in questionable circumstances during the day so that they can afford to give them food and bed at night.

I would sympathize with you for any loss of business that you might suffer should a decent federally-funded day-care system be implemented in Canada so that hundreds of thousands of children could be put in safe, approved day-care facilities. I have to weigh the cost and benefits.... Betsy and a few hundred like her... or hundreds of thousands of children....

But it does not have to be a mutually exclusive choice, and would not be so... It would take years to impement what either the Liberals or NDP are proposing, so it is unlikely that your home business would be substantially affected for several years, and even then, there will still be a cry for daycare services. I find it highly unlikely that the feds would over-provide such services.

If such a system were put in place, and it did eventually affect your home business, you would be well qualified for a management post in a Federally run system, and would be highly employable in such a system, so you are not at a big loss there either.

You brought up the point about the "big box" daycare, and I would suggest that we see a big difference between the NDP and Liberals here. The Liberals will not try to prevent the foriegn "big box" "Walmart-style" daycares from taking over in Canada. As with health-care, the Liberals refuse to listen to the NDP requests to keep such services publicly administered and provided.

And then there's the question of the CPC position. What percentage of a week will $25 pay for with your private service ???? Will this $25/week tax cut they promise allow your business to expand and create more daycare spaces ???? Or will it just be a tax break, and those hundreds of thousands of kids still be sent looked after in questionable circumstances ?????

I agree with you that if the Liberals win, the National Childcare will not be implemented asap. The same sentiment had been said by some other people in the daycare field...they said, they've heard it all before.

Harper joked that those children who were lining up for spaces waiting for the promise of the Liberals are now all grown-up.... and will be lining up waiting for the other promise of Martin on Education.

At the pace the Liberals are going, I'll probably be retired by then. :D

My point in this thread, although I gave my situation as an example, is not about me and my home-based business.

I'm talking about those other businesses out there. The small and the medium-sizes. They are the ones being squeezed out. I have an idea because my husband deals with a lot of business people and he hears the groaning and the gripes. And he'd been there before. At one point he was a member of the Small Business Association.

I have no wish to see the big businesses being "banned" either. Please don't get me wrong.

I only wish for a FAIR PLAYING FIELD for everyone.

My situation as a private enterprise funding my own competition, who has a monopoly on a big market, is only an example.

I'm all for fair competition. It is healthy for our economy.

The Conservatives have a policy that will help these small and medium size businesses.

And his vision for daycare is going to give the parents a range of choices.....after all, it is their parental rights to decide what they think is best for their children. His platform is attainable and sustainable.

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Dear betsy,

I'm talking about those other businesses out there. The small and the medium-sizes. They are the ones being squeezed out.
That is the nature of the beast, I'm afraid.
I have no wish to see the big businesses being "banned" either. Please don't get me wrong.

I only wish for a FAIR PLAYING FIELD for everyone

'Fair' has no place in business. Recently, 'fair' and 'honest' have been picked up as marketing ploys, but the bottom line is that 'business is business'.

Usually, if a small company is doing well, it will either have to get bigger or it will get bought out. There are a few exceptions, mind you. For example, Peter's Drive In (in Calgary) has refused to sell, franchise, or open another location, even though there are lineups around the block. Most people I know call businesses like this 'a license to print money'. Some of the people in business that I know cannot believe that the owner is not trying to get 'more'. After all, were they to open a second location, they could create more employment, generate more revenue and help the economy.

However, the owner seems to think that there is something called 'enough', a word that is an anathema to capitalism.

Even err, probably the most left-wing on this forum, seems to see things this way...

What percentage of a week will $25 pay for with your private service ???? Will this $25/week tax cut they promise allow your business to expand and create more daycare spaces ????

My wife and I also own a daycare, and we charge $25/day for our service. Fortunately for us, there is no maximum number we can take in, no 'caregiver-per-head ratio', and no 'certification' needed for caregivers. The customers must provide their own lunch, but we do give out cookies occasionally. We strictly rely on experience, but ours is extensive, probably the best in the city.

Still, we have a booming business with word of mouth advertising only, we don't spend a dime on ads. Oh yeah, and it is for dogs.

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Dear betsy,
I'm talking about those other businesses out there. The small and the medium-sizes. They are the ones being squeezed out.
That is the nature of the beast, I'm afraid.
I have no wish to see the big businesses being "banned" either. Please don't get me wrong.

I only wish for a FAIR PLAYING FIELD for everyone

'Fair' has no place in business. Recently, 'fair' and 'honest' have been picked up as marketing ploys, but the bottom line is that 'business is business'.

Usually, if a small company is doing well, it will either have to get bigger or it will get bought out. There are a few exceptions, mind you. For example, Peter's Drive In (in Calgary) has refused to sell, franchise, or open another location, even though there are lineups around the block. Most people I know call businesses like this 'a license to print money'. Some of the people in business that I know cannot believe that the owner is not trying to get 'more'. After all, were they to open a second location, they could create more employment, generate more revenue and help the economy.

However, the owner seems to think that there is something called 'enough', a word that is an anathema to capitalism.

Even err, probably the most left-wing on this forum, seems to see things this way...

What percentage of a week will $25 pay for with your private service ???? Will this $25/week tax cut they promise allow your business to expand and create more daycare spaces ????

My wife and I also own a daycare, and we charge $25/day for our service. Fortunately for us, there is no maximum number we can take in, no 'caregiver-per-head ratio', and no 'certification' needed for caregivers. The customers must provide their own lunch, but we do give out cookies occasionally. We strictly rely on experience, but ours is extensive, probably the best in the city.

Still, we have a booming business with word of mouth advertising only, we don't spend a dime on ads. Oh yeah, and it is for dogs.

Well, I don't know about other areas....but I do follow a routine schedule. Right now, my kids are playing here with manipulative toys (we already finished doing art, and just finished snacks). I provide nutritious balanced meals, most of which are home-made. Cookies are a rarity here. And this current group that I have hardly watch any movies at all...not even kid's movies. Only one of them used to whine about wanting to watch...but I was able to "wean" him aout of it. They're not into that habit at all. And I am not the only one offering this in my area.

Oh yes, you are limited to only 5 children under the Day Nurseries Act. That's the rule!

Certigfication? I do have the CPR/First Aid, Food Handler's Training, etc.., That's practically the norm now in my area.

As for "such is the beast in business"....I don't think so. Competition, yes.....but it's different when the government makes hasty decisions based on favored lobbyists groups demand...and expect the small businesses to carry all the burden. That is not the usual nature of the "beast" in a rea competitive business world.

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Dear betsy,

That is not the usual nature of the "beast" in a rea competitive business world.
No, but that is not exactly what I meant. Business isn't about being fair.



Cascades Fine Papers Group Inc., Domtar Inc. and Unisources Canada Inc. all pleaded guilty in Ontario Superior Court in Toronto to two counts of conspiring to lessen competition. ...

According to the federal bureau, the three companies' activities included:

sharing sales and pricing data

maintaining prices to avoid a price war

introducing common price discount programs

co-ordinating a response to a new market competitor

Business isn't fair if it can help it.

Now, the gov't can either get out of business altogether, (which should also then preclude subsidies) or remain in business, albeit automatically 'unfairly'.

It seems that the gov't has decided that daycare is a social program and a 'right' which they should provide at the taxpayer's expense.

I personally disagree, but that is the way the pickle squirts.

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