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What is it about Harper?


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I am so glad you were able to find a good nanny! Now what does that do for the millions who will never find daycare or satisfactory alternatives?

Have you seen the reports on daycare recently? Private daycare has been shown to be substandard in a large proportion of situations. And the looking after by other parents has been dangerously inadequate.

Neither situation comes close to meeting a need.

The Liberal plan, inadequate as it is, does contemplate the creation of hundreds of thousands ofdaycare spaces. It specifically talks of the creation of community facilities.

The Conservatives offer an appalling alternative. It is nothing more than an appeal to a fictitious sense of personal responsibility and to an individualism that puts personal interest before social need.

It plays well with all those conformist conservatives who like to think of themselves as rugged individualists. They are a joke and have nothing more to them than their slogans.

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I am so glad you were able to find a good nanny! Now what does that do for the millions who will never find daycare or satisfactory alternatives?

Have you seen the reports on daycare recently? Private daycare has been shown to be substandard in a large proportion of situations. And the looking after by other parents has been dangerously inadequate.

Neither situation comes close to meeting a need.

The Liberal plan, inadequate as it is, does contemplate the creation of hundreds of thousands ofdaycare spaces. It specifically talks of the creation of community facilities.

The Conservatives offer an appalling alternative. It is nothing more than an appeal to a fictitious sense of personal responsibility and to an individualism that puts personal interest before social need.

It plays well with all those conformist conservatives who like to think of themselves as rugged individualists. They are a joke and have nothing more to them than their slogans.

If hundreds of thousands of daycare spaces were needed, the private markets would have been offering them! NO DEMAND for daycare spaces means NO NEED for them. SOCIAL need has already been satisfied by HUGE subsidisies for parents who need it! You seemed to ignore my post that said I was paying full price, but others were being subsidized! Community facilities ...black hole, money pit, once started will be hard to stop. Government has no RIGHT to tell me how to raise my kids.

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Dear Hornest Politician,

Your ignorance of child rearing is showing through.

You DO NOT have children,therefore you DO NOT know why parents raise THEIR children as they do.

Better stay away from this  issue, you are beyond the slightest  comprehension of child rearing.

What no defense for Harper's obviously flawed plans?

Any ignorance of child rearing on my part, does not change the fact that the conservatives plans are seriously flawed.

"Better stay away from this issue",Is that a warning or a threat? You internet bullies are really a joke. Once proven wrong the insults fly.

By your logic people who don't smoke pot should have no say on legalization.

By your logic people who don't own a gun should have no oppinion on the gun registry.

By your logic people who aren't gay should not have any say on Same Sex Marriage.

Nice Logic. Say hello to the right of free speech for me if you ever see it. Just because I don't have a child doesn't mean I can't spot flaws in a proposal.

The fact of the matter is that under the Conservative plan there will be children who are put into substandard and even potentiallly hazardous daycare situations.

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Dear Hornest Politician,

Your ignorance of child rearing is showing through.

You DO NOT have children,therefore you DO NOT know why parents raise THEIR children as they do.

Better stay away from this  issue, you are beyond the slightest  comprehension of child rearing.

What no defense for Harper's obviously flawed plans?

Any ignorance of child rearing on my part, does not change the fact that the conservatives plans are seriously flawed.

"Better stay away from this issue",Is that a warning or a threat? You internet bullies are really a joke. Once proven wrong the insults fly.

By your logic people who don't smoke pot should have no say on legalization.

By your logic people who don't own a gun should have no oppinion on the gun registry.

By your logic people who aren't gay should not have any say on Same Sex Marriage.

Nice Logic. Say hello to the right of free speech for me if you ever see it. Just because I don't have a child doesn't mean I can't spot flaws in a proposal.

The fact of the matter is that under the Conservative plan there will be children who are put into substandard and even potentiallly hazardous daycare situations.

Oh give me a break, we have not had a national daycare program, but it seems that we have avoided "potentially hazardous daycare situations." What happens when the daycare workers strike, like they did in Quebec? Under the Liberal plan only 25% or less of the people would benefit from this black hole of money being wasted. I have noticed that you ignore my posts, because I make sense to most parents, and you can't refute my position. But nice try!

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The Liberal plan, inadequate as it is, does contemplate the creation of hundreds of thousands ofdaycare spaces. It specifically talks of the creation of community facilities.

I thought their plan was to involve all the provinces. How will they ensure anything? This is smoke and mirrors and very expensive ones. Province by province deals. So you think Alberta will listen when Ottawa orders and with Ottawa needing the approval of Ontario who will call the shots?

After reading this posts I wonder why sometimes. The debate never becomes dialogue. Entrenched ideology.

As for the private capitalist villains out there that want to put kids in harms way and cut safety corners for profits. I could say the same of lazy union government workers who don't care or like their jobs and wait for the next round of negotiations to extort the public for another raise. Both are ridiculous assertions.

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Dear Hornest Politician,

Your ignorance of child rearing is showing through.

You DO NOT have children,therefore you DO NOT know why parents raise THEIR children as they do.

Better stay away from this  issue, you are beyond the slightest  comprehension of child rearing.

What no defense for Harper's obviously flawed plans?

Any ignorance of child rearing on my part, does not change the fact that the conservatives plans are seriously flawed.

"Better stay away from this issue",Is that a warning or a threat? You internet bullies are really a joke. Once proven wrong the insults fly.

By your logic people who don't smoke pot should have no say on legalization.

By your logic people who don't own a gun should have no oppinion on the gun registry.

By your logic people who aren't gay should not have any say on Same Sex Marriage.

Nice Logic. Say hello to the right of free speech for me if you ever see it. Just because I don't have a child doesn't mean I can't spot flaws in a proposal.

The fact of the matter is that under the Conservative plan there will be children who are put into substandard and even potentiallly hazardous daycare situations.

Oh give me a break, we have not had a national daycare program, but it seems that we have avoided "potentially hazardous daycare situations." What happens when the daycare workers strike, like they did in Quebec? Under the Liberal plan only 25% or less of the people would benefit from this black hole of money being wasted. I have noticed that you ignore my posts, because I make sense to most parents, and you can't refute my position. But nice try!

Have we? Are there no children who are in substandard care? Where they are exposed to things no parent would wish for. By not creating more affordable spaces it will force people to find cheaper alternatives. Alternatives that it will be impossible for any Govt to maintain minimum standards. With no minimum standards there will be even more children who fall through the cracks, and are put into hazardous situations simply because the parents "trust" someone, and can afford no one else.

I wasn't ignoring your posts, I was just letting you and eureka have at it.

If hundreds of thousands of daycare spaces were needed, the private markets would have been offering them! NO DEMAND for daycare spaces means NO NEED for them. SOCIAL need has already been satisfied by HUGE subsidisies for parents who need it! You seemed to ignore my post that said I was paying full price, but others were being subsidized! Community facilities ...black hole, money pit, once started will be hard to stop. Government has no RIGHT to tell me how to raise my kids.

Do you have any idea what it takes to start a daycare?

The cost of private daycare is the main reason there is not a huge demand. Not many people can afford it. There is demand for subsidised spaces.

I don't see where you get the NO DEMAND from when it wouldn't be an issue if demand had been met.

Who is telling you how to raise your kids? By making sure there is affordable daycare for everyone they are telling you how to raise your kids? That is as lame as the Liberals crying "hidden agenda". You don't want your kids in subsidised childcare keep them at home, or a relatives that is your choice. I agree if you want to do this you should get compensated. But giving everyone a handout and telling them to fend for themselves is just plain foolishness.

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The Liberal plan, inadequate as it is, does contemplate the creation of hundreds of thousands ofdaycare spaces. It specifically talks of the creation of community facilities.

I thought their plan was to involve all the provinces. How will they ensure anything? This is smoke and mirrors and very expensive ones. Province by province deals. So you think Alberta will listen when Ottawa orders and with Ottawa needing the approval of Ontario who will call the shots?

After reading this posts I wonder why sometimes. The debate never becomes dialogue. Entrenched ideology.

As for the private capitalist villains out there that want to put kids in harms way and cut safety corners for profits. I could say the same of lazy union government workers who don't care or like their jobs and wait for the next round of negotiations to extort the public for another raise. Both are ridiculous assertions.

Every company that is run for profit makes decisions based on that profit. Do you want your childs safety to be subject to profit driven decisions?

Ah, although they are lazy they are still monitored and inspected and required to fill out accident reports. It would be impossible to monitor, inspect or require accident reports in the thousands of small private daycares that will spring up.

It is far from a rediculous assertion.

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Have we? Are there no children who are in substandard care?

Do you think you can eliminate child poverty and bad care? I am a realist, I want a government with practical ideas that encourage the best possible outcome for the greatest number of kids.

I am all for reguations. Provincial and enforced provincially. I think they can figure that out. Child and families ministeries in partnership with education would be a good fit.

Federal governments giving tax credits to businesses that may be non profits for doing social nessasary work is fine with me. They will always need reguation and enforcement. This has nothing to do with who provides service.

If a parent chooses to use alternatives to registered facilities because of need or alternative values, this is still a free country to raise our families as we see fit. Is it not?

By making sure there is affordable daycare for everyone they are telling you how to raise your kids?

Are they really making daycare for everyone. How much of the demand can they actually meet with this structure. For the Conservatives to give direct payment to every child under six they estimated 10 billion over five years. How much will it cost per child in a Martin plan. I would like to know. Then I will know if he is making an investment we can acutally afford. That still ignores the fact I am not sure what a state educated child would embrace as values. As a parent I may think any cost would be to great.

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So you are telling me that Harper would rather see Govt. money handed out to a bunch of private business owners, who may possibly cut corners, at the risk of a childs safety, in the name of profits, instead of creating the daycare spaces within the subsidised, supervised system.  Is he daft?

You really think standard will go higher if a business....especially a taxpayers-funded business...has no competition? Hah!

You are lulled into false security by the myth that these facilities are "inspected" and "monitored" every hour of each day, by conscientious "inspectors" who obviously reassure you that they ALL do a good job and are consistent and not slacking off.

Hey, some parents will blindly buy that just to take away the "guilt" of having to work and leave their child in a daycare.

As I've said before, the best inspectors would be the parents themselves. That's the only way you can have peace of mind as a parent.

What monopoly have to do better? Where is the incentive?

With National Child Care, you'll see the standard of care going downhill.

It is inevitable.

How can you place all children and accomodate care at all hours (including nights), without going over the adult-children ratio? Full-time, Part-time, Casual part-time, casual full-time, drop-ins, and of course there is the same needs for evenings and nights....these are not the employees I'm talking about. These are actual various needs of parents and children. How can they keep up with the ratio?

How about week-end care? Holidays?

How much will it cost to hire more careproviders without going over the budget and meeting all the needs at the same time?

Right now for heaven's sake someone who works for an instituion said sometime they even include the COOK to count as an adult when they have over the ratio children.

The expenses will be astronomical, especially you're talking unionized employees. What happens if there is a walk out?

You know how the Liberals forecast their expenses...they always go way, way, way beyond! And end up as flops usually.

So, will the number of children per adult rise? Of course. They'll cut corners!

It will end up like our classrooms now.

The faster you'll see care providers burnt out. So who monitors the abuses that will be more likely to occur from burnt-out employees?

Harper's got the sensible plan. To ensure the standard, they should:

* Treat the daycare industry as they treat the Food Industry. Everyone get a license directly from the Ministry, whether yoiu're small-time home daycare operator or a Day Nursery (meaning more than the allotted numbers of children in a regular home daycare)

* The Ministry can randomly inspect, as would health inspectors randomly inspect food establishments.

*Government should offer free periodical workshops/seminars free to everyone.

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f hundreds of thousands of daycare spaces were needed, the private markets would have been offering them! NO DEMAND for daycare spaces means NO NEED for them. SOCIAL need has already been satisfied by HUGE subsidisies for parents who need it! You seemed to ignore my post that said I was paying full price, but others were being subsidized! Community facilities ...black hole, money pit, once started will be hard to stop. Government has no RIGHT to tell me how to raise my kids.

The private market would not offer them. It would not because they cost money that those who need daycare do not have. Your argument makes no more sense than to say that we should not have public schools because the private market will provide - just as it once did for an elite few.

And, I am not ignoring that you once payed the full shot. It is irrelevant to the needs of the population in general and their ability to satisfy the needs.

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I thought their plan was to involve all the provinces. How will they ensure anything? This is smoke and mirrors and very expensive ones. Province by province deals. So you think Alberta will listen when Ottawa orders and with Ottawa needing the approval of Ontario who will call the shots?

After reading this posts I wonder why sometimes. The debate never becomes dialogue. Entrenched ideology.

As for the private capitalist villains out there that want to put kids in harms way and cut safety corners for profits. I could say the same of lazy union government workers who don't care or like their jobs and wait for the next round of negotiations to extort the public for another raise. Both are ridiculous assertions.

The plan is to involve the provinces. It can be done no other way since this also is a provincial jurisdiction. The agreements will be law and will ensure that Alberta as well as the others will adhere to standards. So why would it be Ontario calling the shots? That is another of the silly electioneering poses.

This is entrenched ideology for sure. The Market! The Market! What a cop out to avoid taking responsibility for the future of the country.

Your third paragraph is also "entrenche" something: something worse than ideology. It is the meanness of the Right and its scapegoating tactic to arouse the emotions of the ignorant.

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I would want to be able to make the choice of what daycare facility to send my child to. Not have the government make it for me.

For once we agree. This is where the Liberal and NDP plans finally address what parents have been calling out for decades - regulated daycare with high quality standards - so that parents can have real daycare choices.

At $1200/year, the Conservative plan hardly opens up another spot for a parent on the waiting list. It just puts more money into parents who are already staying at home and it hardly would be enough to convince a parent to quit his/her job to stay at home.

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The $1200 a year will not open up spots in government run daycare facilities.

However, it will create more demand for spaces which will be met by entrepreneurs.

This will give parents more choice in the matter.

It will also open up spaces by the tax credits given to companies to create daycare spaces for their employees. Which will also open up more spaces when those parents leave government run programmes to have their children with them at work.

For once we agree.  This is where the Liberal and NDP plans finally address what parents have been calling out for decades - regulated daycare with high quality standards - so that parents can have real daycare choices.

At $1200/year, the Conservative plan hardly opens up another spot for a parent on the waiting list.  It just puts more money into parents who are already staying at home and it hardly would be enough to convince a parent to quit his/her job to stay at home.

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You really think standard will go higher if a business....especially a taxpayers-funded business...has no competition?  Hah!

Oh so sending a child into places that have no minimum standards at all is a better solution.

If you think the Govt. will be able to enforce any kind of basic standard of care for children in tens of thousands small private daycares you have a problem. It won't happen. What will happen is that those who can already afford daycare, will be able to continue affording top quality daycare with the extra $1200, while those who need help will be left to substandard, or possibly a complete lack of, daycare.

Let's be realistic how much competion is the local McDonalds to the local High Class eatery. There is basically none. Those who eat at the fancey restraunt are not the same people who go to McDonalds for a "night out". The same will be true for daycare. Those who can afford to keep their children in top quality daycare, will do so. This will do nothing more than drive the price of the quality daycare up. The smaller, private, in house, daycares that will spring up everywhere offering cheap childcare, will not be standardized and would be impossible to inspect.

You are lulled into false security by the myth that these facilities are "inspected" and "monitored" every hour of each day, by conscientious "inspectors" who obviously reassure you that they ALL do a good job and are consistent and not slacking off.

Hey, some parents will blindly buy that just to take away the "guilt" of having to work and leave their child in a daycare.

You are being rediculous. Do you know what you are talking about? I have never suggested the daycares are monitored every second of everyday.

I know my wife, who works at a daycare, is expected to maintain certain levels of cleanliness, and safety in her workplace. Even though an inspection may only come once every couple of months, atleast they are being done, and there is an individual who is responsible for monitoring the safety of the children and their daycare environment.

It will be impossible to provide the same service to thousands of small independant daycare facilities.

As I've said before, the best inspectors would be the parents themselves. That's the only way you can have peace of mind as a parent.

Tell that to the poor abused 4 year old recently taken from her Mother and Stepfather in Edmonton. Sometimes it is the parents who are the problem, and the teachers at daycares and schools are the first line of defense for the abused children.

What monopoly have to do better? Where is the incentive?

With National Child Care, you'll see the standard of care going downhill.

It is inevitable.

How can you place all children and accomodate care at all hours (including nights), without going over the adult-children ratio? Full-time, Part-time, Casual part-time, casual full-time, drop-ins, and of course there is the same needs for evenings and nights....these are not the employees I'm talking about. These are actual various needs of parents and children. How can they keep up with the ratio?

How about week-end care? Holidays?

A private monopoly has no incentive to even maintain the status quo, but the govt. is held responsible every election.

Care to give some examples of how standardized National Childcare, will lower the overall standard of childcare?

Wait a minute. If it is standardized then there is no way the standard could go down unless the Govt. lowered the standard itself. Unlike a home owner who could lower the standard of care they provide with no public notice or debate.

How can you place all children and accomodate care at all hours (including nights), without going over the adult-children ratio?

Duh? Create more spaces and provide more workers like what has been proposed. Duh, Drool

How much will it cost to hire more careproviders without going over the budget and meeting all the needs at the same time?

Right now for heaven's sake someone who works for an instituion said sometime they even include the COOK to count as an adult when they have over the ratio children.

How much will it cost to set up an entirely new registration, and monitoring system, for the thousands of small daycares that will open?

Or do you plan on the Govt. just handing out the money and walking away.

What happens if there is a walk out?

What happens if your private daycare provider is sick?

It is something that just has to be dealt with.

Atleast the Govt. can legislate striking workers back to work. The same can't be said for the sole provider at a small daycare, who becomes ill, or heaven forbid decides to go on a binge of one substance or another.

So, will the number of children per adult rise? Of course. They'll cut corners!

It will end up like our classrooms now.

The faster you'll see care providers burnt out. So who monitors the abuses that will be more likely to occur from burnt-out employees?

Any abuses are more likely to be caught in a public system where there is more than one adult present, as opposed to an individual running a daycare out of their home who can do what ever they want, without supervision for the entire day. I find it more likely a mother looking after 3 or 4 other kids under 6 will get burnt out before someone who can leave the kids with other adults for short periods. The mother at home has no time off for lunch. They can't get help when dealing with a difficult child, because they are alone. I think the "burnt out" scenario is more likely to occur with small home based daycare.

Harper's got the sensible plan. To ensure the standard, they should:

* Treat the daycare industry as they treat the Food Industry. Everyone get a license directly from the Ministry, whether yoiu're small-time home daycare operator or a Day Nursery (meaning more than the allotted numbers of children in a regular home daycare)

* The Ministry can randomly inspect, as would health inspectors randomly inspect food establishments.

*Government should offer free periodical workshops/seminars free to everyone.

New licenses and a whole new licensing bureau. Add to that new and more inspectors be cause the number of places that need to be inspected will balloon. And then the Govt. is going to foot the bill for some expert to give workshops and seminars across the country on a regular basis.

Tell me again how this is supposed to be a cheaper alternative.

Just the cost of developing the licensing tests and standards is going to be absurd.

Then the Govt. has to train the additional inspectors, hire more staff to run the licensing bureau, and then spend even more money teaching people, what those who actually want to work in daycare now learn on their own money.

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Just the cost of developing the licensing tests and standards is going to be absurd.

Then the Govt. has to train the additional inspectors, hire more staff to run the licensing bureau, and then spend even more money teaching people, what those who actually want to work in daycare now learn on their own money.

Do you actually think the government won't require the same for their daycare centres?

Expect only qualified government trained licenced people to run and inspect each and every centre the government has in place.

Your wife will need to be re-trained and re-educated to government standards.

How many centres do you think will be needed in each large urban city.Hundreds? Thousands? Each will have to have a fully qualified government staff.

It will become a boondoggle type gun registry except for kids.

It will be more about running the place than taking care of the children.

And don't expect it to be in place for years.

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Do you actually think the government won't require the same for their daycare centres?

What is already in place is good. We just need more of it. You are missing the fact that the amount of changes needed to make the Conservative plan work snowballs with every issue of their plan that is raised.

Expect only qualified government trained licenced people to run and inspect each and every centre the government has in place.

Your wife will need to be re-trained and re-educated to government standards.

What, like it is already?

My wife is already trained enough to work in a subsidized daycare. That won't change. Neither will the need for qualified inspectors. We will just need a lot fewer inspectors with the Liberal plan.

There will be a lot fewer daycares to inspect under the Liberal proposal. Unlike the Conservative train of thought which would have a couple of kids in thousands of small daycares across the country.

How many centres do you think will be needed in each large urban city.Hundreds? Thousands? Each will have to have a fully qualified government staff.

There will be a lot fewer daycare centres with more spaces per centre, under the Liberal plan. Under the Conservative plan it will be impossible to maintain any type of standards. I would rather have staff with qualifications than Jane Doe around the corner.

It will become a boondoggle type gun registry except for kids.

You are exactly right , except it is the Conservative plan that will cause the problem. How do they plan to enforce any kind of standards or minimum training, or even conduct inspections, when the kids are spread all over the country, in groups of 3 and 4 or less?

It will be more about running the place than taking care of the children.

What, and a business run for profit, with no enforcable guidelines, will care about the kids more, than the business who must maintain a standard or lose funding?

Where are you from?

And don't expect it to be in place for years.

It would take years just for the Conservatives to come up with an appropriate licensing program for the operators of the daycares. Not to mention they would need a new training course for inspectors. Never mind actually inspecting or testing anyone. They would need to create an entire new wing of the Ministry to handle the paperwork and applications. Plus they want to give cash to the parent. Just where is this actually going to save me money? It is a bad plan.

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The plan is to involve the provinces. It can be done no other way since this also is a provincial jurisdiction.
It would take years just for the Conservatives to come up with an appropriate licensing program for the operators of the daycares.
The Honest Politician

Me thinks we have a dilemma. Is the Liberal plan to run the system or sign deals with the provinces to run their systems.

I don't think the Conservatives would have anything to do with licensing. Not that they are apposed to it but it is up to the provinces to manage such things.

Who is in the best position to design and implement child care options?

My answer: the provinces.

How can the feds help?

My answer: Funding, tax credits, tax room, direct money to parents.

Who will deliver the service?

My answer: Depends on the province but in every province probably a mix of profit, non profit and government centers (muni or provincial)

Honest Politician, how do you see the provinces involved and what limits should the feds adhere to and allow each province to reflect the regional differences?

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Oh so sending a child into places that have no minimum standards at all is a better solution.

If you think the Govt. will be able to enforce any kind of basic standard of care for children in tens of thousands small private daycares you have a problem.

The parents play a part in ensuring their choice of daycare (whether gov't-funded or private) comply to the Day Care Act. It is the responsibility of any responsible, caring parent.

Those who can afford to keep their children in top quality daycare, will do so.

If they're happy with the quality and willing to play the price, I don't see anything wrong with that.

This will do nothing more than drive the price of the quality daycare up.

Not necessarily. Check your local ad and see how many ECE grads and teachers have now opened up their own home daycares. Careproviders....for various reasons had chosen this as a small business and a lot of them offer quality care....at competitive prices in their community.

The smaller, private, in house, daycares that will spring up everywhere offering cheap childcare, will not be standardized and would be impossible to inspect.

A myth! Just because a place offers cheaper daycare does not necessarily mean they offer poor childcare service. It will not be impossible to inspect.

I know my wife, who works at a daycare, is expected to maintain certain levels of cleanliness, and safety in her workplace.

So do a lot of these home daycares. They even go through fire inspection, CPR?First Aid, Health/Sanitation, take out their own Criminal Checks. Some of us even have our own Food Handler's Certificate, and have gone through various parenting programs.

I'm telling you, there are a lot of quality home daycares out there who are into competition as far as quality is concerned.

Even though an inspection may only come once every couple of months, atleast they are being done

You've got a point there. Even if it is just randomly done, just like Food Inspectors would randomly inspect a food establish....just the knowledge that an inspector may come knocking will somehow help.

Of course, nothing beats a parent who suddenly shows up unexpectedly on your doorstep in the middle of the day to see his son. Actually, that is the advice I would give to wary, nervous parents...especially the first-timers...who are so worried about leaving their children.

As a parent, I will not just leave it to strangers...inspectors or not, to reassure me. I just can't be reassured that way. I will need to know for myself.

and there is an individual who is responsible for monitoring the safety of the children and their daycare environment

Not necessarily true. Just because you have two or more adults in a room is not a guarantee. Sometimes, it is detrimental, especially if they both don't take their jobs seriously.....knowing no serious repercussions since they are well-protected by the Union....so there's more chances that gossiping or chatting away will happen. The possibility is there that the staff will be like a clique.

Tell that to the poor abused 4 year old recently taken from her Mother and Stepfather in Edmonton. Sometimes it is the parents who are the problem, and the teachers at daycares and schools are the first line of defense for the abused children.

Unfortunately, in some cases, yes. But that doesn't mean private home daycares do not feel any concern if they suspect any type of abuse. It depends on the individual actually, whether government-funded or not.

A private monopoly has no incentive to even maintain the status quo, but the govt. is held responsible every election.

There is no such thing as a private "monopoly". Privately operated business do not have the monopoly.

Besides I do not mean that institutional daycares should be abolished. They are welcome as competition. But I do want to see a fair playing field for everybody.

And with Harper's policy, we will have a fair playing field...a healthy competition that will no doubt include, pricing as well. It's a win-win situation for everyone, especially the parents, now that they can decide for themselves where to send their children. They might just even let grandma or Aunt Suzy take care of them.

Care to give some examples of how standardized National Childcare, will lower the overall standard of childcare?

A monopoly has no competition. No competition will offer no incentives to maintain or do better....especially when staff are protected by the Union.

There's no way they can accomodate all the various needs by the parents in terms of hours of operations, maintain standards and ratio and at the same time, staying within the budget.

They will change the ratio of children per adult...and it will end up like our bulging classrooms now.

This is another white elephant like the gun registry that we'll get stuck with.

Wait a minute. If it is standardized then there is no way the standard could go down unless the Govt. lowered the standard itself.

Yes. Or, administration will try to twist the standards around, behind Big Brother's back. Especially when the pressure is on to cut corners because they're going way over the budget?

Unlike a home owner who could lower the standard of care they provide with no public notice or debate.

May happen. That's why as a parent you shop around. Once you see the standard lowering or not satisfiable, there is nothing to stop you from deciding, "Hey, I'm going to move my kid and give my subsidy to someone else who's offering better."

Now if you're not happy with your daycare under the National Childcare, to whom will you complain? You think you won't go through various red tapes? You're going to bash heads with the Union for one.

Atleast the Govt. can legislate striking workers back to work.

How long will it take? In the meantime, all parents of all these children are affected. In turn, all workplaces of all these parents are affected.

They'll all most probably belong to one Union...so you're talking nation-wide.

I'd say when you are held hostage like that by the Union, it will be cheaper to give in to whatever they demand.

The same can't be said for the sole provider at a small daycare, who becomes ill,

Usually an alternative plan had already been mapped out between parents and careprovider during the interview...just in case an emergency comes up.

or heaven forbid decides to go on a binge of one substance or another.

This has got nothing to do whether you work for the government or not. Working for an institution does not guarantee against such.

Any abuses are more likely to be caught in a public system where there is more than one adult present, as opposed to an individual running a daycare out of their home who can do what ever they want, without supervision for the entire day.

I don't think any likely abusers will abuse any children in the presence of any observers. Children still get abused in public daycares. Pedophiles are more likely to seek work at places , where they can be and have access with children.

Schools, daycares, orphanges seem to be magnets for pedophiles.

Parents will know if the children are happy in someone's care.

I find it more likely a mother looking after 3 or 4 other kids under 6 will get burnt out before someone who can leave the kids with other adults for short periods. The mother at home has no time off for lunch. They can't get help when dealing with a difficult child, because they are alone. I think the "burnt out" scenario is more likely to occur with small home based daycare.

A mother at home may deal with 3 or 4 more difficult children. Same as a careprovider in an institution. But there is one thing the government worker deals with that the mother doesn't have to. Beaureacracy.

Besides, people who usually decides to operate a daycare at home as a small business chose that profession for a reason. For some, just having your home-based business with no boss to deal with is rewarding enough....for some, it is the opportunity to be with their own children, while others, the chance to enjoy children. Reasons abound....but most careproviders like children that is why they chose that option.

Right now, workshops and seminars are already provided to licensed agencies. So it is just a matter of extending the invitation to other careproviders....anyway, it is already there. It does not have to be monthly. It can be a yearly thing, just so careproviders can upgrade or reinforced their skills.

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The $1200 a year will not open up spots in government run daycare facilities.

However, it will create more demand for spaces which will be met by entrepreneurs.

This will give parents more choice in the matter.

It's hard to imagine any space opening in a pro-profit centre at a meagre $100/month. No, wait. It'll be quite easy imagining any dive to literally dump children since Harper won't require any national standards.

Some choice. Real spaces currently demand $1000/month.

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The $1200 a year will not open up spots in government run daycare facilities.

However, it will create more demand for spaces which will be met by entrepreneurs.

This will give parents more choice in the matter.

It's hard to imagine any space opening in a pro-profit centre at a meagre $100/month. No, wait. It'll be quite easy imagining any dive to literally dump children since Harper won't require any national standards.

Some choice. Real spaces currently demand $1000/month.

Explain to me why the provinces are not doing a good job? Daycare is under their jurisdiction, so why is the federal government sticking their nose into this issue?? NATIONAL daycare is a black hole, that the federal government has no right to be involved in. Just giving provinces money, which is what they are doing now, will not guarantee any new spaces, it hasn't happened in over 10 years why will that change now? Maybe the provinces will spend it on "beer and popcorn", or a road? They do not have to spend it on daycare! Ask the provinces if they want more money for daycare, of course they are going to say yes! A transfer of funds from the federal government to the provincial government.....IT"S still government!!

Single parents and low income parents already qualify for huge subsidies in daycare, how is a national daycare program going to change that?? I wish the Conservatives had been in power 10 years ago, when I could have used the help they are proposing. This is a plan that helps all parents, not just low income, WHO, I REPEAT ARE ALREADY GETTING HELP! It's helping the stay at home Mom/Dad or Grandma if she looks after the grandkids. I don't care if it's $100 a month or not it's a heck of a lot more than I got when my kids were young...which was nothing!!!

Real spaces currently demand $1000/month??? I can hire a nanny for that, have her come to my home to care for my kids and she can help with suppers too! It bugs me no end when I have to work extra to pay for childcare, then I hear about a lady that forgot to pick up her child from daycare, because she was in the bar and lost track of time!!

So, don't give me this Liberal garbage about, it's only $100/month! It's more than the Liberals ever gave me!!!

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It bugs me no end when I have to work extra to pay for childcare, then I hear about a lady that forgot to pick up her child from daycare, because she was in the bar and lost track of time!!

You see, that woman who left her kids in daycare and went to a bar an forgot about them was reported. Is your mom or friends going to report you for the same thing? Probably not. This is where the trouble with the Conservatives idea of childcare start to fall apart for me. Daycare workers are required to report such neglect to the proper authorities. Most people will be able to talk their friends or family out of such drastic action, by laughing it off in one form or another. This leaves the child in a potentially hazardous situation. A situation they would not be in if there where enough proper affordable daycare spaces.

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It bugs me no end when I have to work extra to pay for childcare, then I hear about a lady that forgot to pick up her child from daycare, because she was in the bar and lost track of time!!

You see, that woman who left her kids in daycare and went to a bar an forgot about them was reported. Is your mom or friends going to report you for the same thing? Probably not. This is where the trouble with the Conservatives idea of childcare start to fall apart for me. Daycare workers are required to report such neglect to the proper authorities. Most people will be able to talk their friends or family out of such drastic action, by laughing it off in one form or another. This leaves the child in a potentially hazardous situation. A situation they would not be in if there where enough proper affordable daycare spaces.

Well if I was late my dayHOME lady would have kept my baby safe, overnight if need be, THOSE wonderful daycare workers, closed the daycare at 6:00 and FORGOT about the child inside in their hurry to get home!!! That's how we found out about it!!! They had to break into the daycare to get the child out!!!

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It is quite easy to explain that the provinces have not done a good job. They simply have not attempted to do a job at all.

Why is the federal government "sticking its nose into a provincial jurisdiction?

It is doing because the provinces are not attending to this obligation. You see, although you probably don't, we are living in what passes for a civilized country that those who can make such silly comments seem to want a shift to barbarism. The federal government has an overriding responsibility for the welfare of the nation. It can act if provinces fail to do so.

The one saving grace of our constitutional setup is this power. It comes under the heading of peace, order, and good government.

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