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Labrador Byelection Results

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Liberals take the riding as expected.

Interesting that by-elections usually are won by the opposition, however in spite of Harper & MacKay's best efforts, the Conservatives have gone down to a crashing defeat.

Oh, my, what are the right wingers going to do now as they can't convince Canadians anywhere outside Alberta to support them?

Go JacK Layton's NDP Budget Go! :)

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Liberals take the rifding as expected.

Interesting that by-elections usually are won by the opposition however in spite of Harper & MacKay's best efforts, the Conservatives have gone down to a crashing defeat.

Oh, my what are we right wingers going to do now as we can't convince Canadians anywhere outside Alberta to support us?

I would not gloat too much. This was a really, really safe liberal riding. A byelection in newmarket aurora would be a more meaningful barometer.

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-70/85 polls

NDP at 10%!

Conservative Graham Letto 2,804 33.1%

Green Party Jason Crummey 28 0.3%

Independent Ern Condon 491 5.8%

Liberal Todd Russell 4,304 50.8%

N.D.P. Frances Fry 852 10.0%

Total number of valid votes: 8,479

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Liberals win crucial byelection

The pundits had said the Conservatives and the Liberals were in a tight race, but the Grits were always given the edge because the riding - held for 10 years by O'Brien until his death last December - has voted Liberal in every election except one.

The Conservatives took the riding in 1968, in the midst of Trudeaumania, as voters chose an unusual way to show their disgust with Liberal Premier Joey Smallwood.

Still, with so much at stake in today's election, squads of politicians descended on the region over the weekend in an 11th-hour bid to secure votes.

Much of the riding, which has only 19,000 eligible voters, was blessed by sunny skies and temperatures reaching 20 C on Tuesday.

Voter turnout was described as strong, even though only 43 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots in last year's general election.

Russell said he took nothing for granted, having criss-crossed Labrador's vast wilderness a number of times in a campaign that focused on local issues.

"I believe there's a sense that, `Look, let's give the budget a chance, let's let the government have a chance to do the work,'" Russell said today as he and Liberal Senator Bill Romkey toured Happy Valley-Goose Bay, the region's largest city.

"But at the same time, we've got to be focused on the people because this election is about the people in all of our communities all across Labrador."

There were three other long-shot candidates in the byelection: Independent Ern Condon, New Democrat Frances Fry, and Green Party member Jason Crummey.

The Conservatives had hoped the sponsorship scandal and the slow but steady decline of Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay under the Liberal watch would sway voters.

The base is the economic engine of central Labrador. But the European countries that have long used the base for low-level flight training have been pulling out one by one, leaving the region scrambling to find new users.

Harper had promised to move Canadian soldiers to the base to keep it viable.

Meanwhile, the Liberals promised the Canadian Forces will carry out a training exercise at the base in 2006, using CF-18 fighter jets from Bagotville, Que., and Cold Lake, Alta.

As well, about $20 million will be spent on runway upgrades, the Liberals say.

The Metis now have a voice in Ottawa! :)

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The Metis now have a voice in Ottawa!  :)

It is bad enough that we have to accept an aparthied-like system in Canada which gives special rights to people based on thier race. It is a mistake to create new 'races' in order to hand out even more entitlements.

Huh, create new races? :blink:

Why don't we try settling their (First Nations) land claims before we complain about them?

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Huh, create new races?  :blink:

The metis are a politicially created ethnic group that are partly European decent

Why don't we try settling their (First Nations) land claims before we complain about them?

I am all for settling land claims - largely because a rapidly growing population living in areas with no real job prospects is a recipe for creating home grown terrorism. That said, I still believe that native land claims are ethically equivalent to aparthied and have no place in a democratic country.

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And I would suggest that by NOT settling land claims terrorism has a much higher chance of occuring.

I agree 100% which is why I think land claims have to be settled. However, I wish the gov't negotiators would do a better job a ensuring concepts like 'no taxation without representation'. For example, native bands should have no right to collect taxes from people who own property on their land unless those same people are given a right to vote for and run for positions in the native government. There are obviously lots of ways to structure deals that could give the natives what they want (i.e. establish commercial leases with the property owners). The important thing is to establish the principle that if natives want to govern large chunks of the country the most follow some basic democratic principles.

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It is bad enough that we have to accept an aparthied-like system in Canada which gives special rights to people based on thier race.

If you are refering to native people, please be advised that their entitlements arise from treaties which mostly predated Confederation. The entitlements arise from these treaties, and it is thus not in the power of the government to rewrite them. Further, the enetitlements are thus not based on race at all, but rather are based on an exchange.

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If you are refering to native people, please be advised that their entitlements arise from treaties which mostly predated Confederation.  The entitlements arise from these treaties, and it is thus not in the power of the government to rewrite them.  Further, the enetitlements are thus not based on race at all, but rather are based on an exchange.

When the original 'exchanges' as you called them were made, there were many 'entitlements' that British subjects enjoyed that the Natives could not. Most importantly you could not be both a British subject and a Native. In other words, having Native only entitlements made sense given the prejuduces of the time.

If you want to go back to the nation to nation exchange where Natives would have the original entitlements but would be responsible for their own healthcare, education and not have any right to vote then you may have a point. However that is not the way it is today, since natives enjoy all rights as Canadians but they also get additional entitlements based on their race. I don't know what else to call it but racism.

That said, I recognize the political and legal realities that make it necessary to come to some sort of settlement and I don't blame the natives for trying to milk these treaties for all they are worth. But I am not going to be politicially correct and try to pretend that there is something noble sacrificing democratic principles in order to get a deal.

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The Metis now have a voice in Ottawa!  :)

It is bad enough that we have to accept an aparthied-like system in Canada which gives special rights to people based on thier race. It is a mistake to create new 'races' in order to hand out even more entitlements.

Huh, create new races? :blink:

Why don't we try settling their (First Nations) land claims before we complain about them?

The metis are not a race of any kind.

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Liberals take the riding as expected.

Interesting that by-elections usually are won by the opposition, however in spite of Harper & MacKay's best efforts, the Conservatives have gone down to a crashing defeat. Oh, my, what are the right wingers going to do now as they can't convince Canadians anywhere outside Alberta to support them?

By-elections are not usually won by the opposition. It depends entirely on where the by-election is being held. And if the Conservatives at thirtysome percent suffered a "crashing defeat" what can we say about the NDP at 10%? Miserably pathetic, perhaps?
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If you want to go back to the nation to nation exchange where Natives would have the original entitlements but would be responsible for their own healthcare, education and not have any right to vote then you may have a point.

Given the extent of territorial reversion that would entail, native peoples would probably take that offer like a shot. However, pragmatically, we know Canada will not do that. Historically, a massive bait-and-switch scam has been played against native peeps on the treaties.

... natives enjoy all rights as Canadians but they also get additional entitlements based on their race.

It is based on commitments made in substitution for an honest adherence to the treaties. It is not based on racial caracteristics, it is like a CAA membership -- those wo have purchased it get service, those didn't don't.

That said, I recognize the political and legal realities that make it necessary to come to some sort of settlement ...


What would be needed is the acceptance of the settlement by the involved parties.

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The Metis now have a voice in Ottawa!  :)

It is bad enough that we have to accept an aparthied-like system in Canada which gives special rights to people based on thier race. It is a mistake to create new 'races' in order to hand out even more entitlements.

Huh, create new races? :blink:

Why don't we try settling their (First Nations) land claims before we complain about them?

The metis are not a race of any kind.

Yopu guys really need to take a good hard look inside of yourselves and try to locate a sense of humour... geesh. :rolleyes:

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Liberals take the riding as expected.

Interesting that by-elections usually are won by the opposition, however in spite of Harper & MacKay's best efforts, the Conservatives have gone down to a crashing defeat. Oh, my, what are the right wingers going to do now as they can't convince Canadians anywhere outside Alberta to support them?

By-elections are not usually won by the opposition. It depends entirely on where the by-election is being held. And if the Conservatives at thirtysome percent suffered a "crashing defeat" what can we say about the NDP at 10%? Miserably pathetic, perhaps?

Come on.. given the climate, if the conservatives were going to make any ground they would have crushed... ESPECIALLY in a rural area such as Labrador.

I too think an by election in Aurora Newmarket would be won handily by Stronach

Like the new Liberal election lawn signs say (and I am sorry for this..) The only Conservative bone in Stronachs body belonged to McKay!

(I can hear the groans, boos and tsk tsks from here... HEY! I said I was sorry)

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Liberals take the riding as expected.

Interesting that by-elections usually are won by the opposition, however in spite of Harper & MacKay's best efforts, the Conservatives have gone down to a crashing defeat. Oh, my, what are the right wingers going to do now as they can't convince Canadians anywhere outside Alberta to support them?

By-elections are not usually won by the opposition. It depends entirely on where the by-election is being held. And if the Conservatives at thirtysome percent suffered a "crashing defeat" what can we say about the NDP at 10%? Miserably pathetic, perhaps?

Miserably pathetic? Not really. As you may have noticed, the NDP virtually didn't use much resources and money in this by-election. Why? Well, even if they had won, it wouldn't been much benefit to them unlike the Liberals and Conservatives. With the Liberals winning, they have that one vote buffer they didn't have before. If the Conservatives had won, they would have that one extra vote to bring the govt. down.

So what did the NDP do. They ran a low-profile candidate with virtually no campaigning and won 10%. They knew that there will be a general election in less than a year and best to save the time and resources fot that. And if they get a high profile candidate like Randy Collins to run, (very popular NDP MHA for Labrador West) who mused about this by-election before deciding not to do it, they might have a shot. And a lot can happen in less then a year, perhaps the ADScam could get worst for the Liberals or perhaps the Liberal member might misstep.

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I think the NDP strategy was right on - focus your money and resouces where you have a chance of winning. The NDP knew the Liberals were going to win big in Labrador so why bash your head against a brick wall like Harper and MacKay did. All their efforts have done in Labrador is reinforce the image that the Conservatives look like the losers they are once again. Those two guys should never have gone near the riding. What poor political strategy - what clowns they are! :lol:

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... natives enjoy all rights as Canadians but they also get additional entitlements based on their race.

It is based on commitments made in substitution for an honest adherence to the treaties. It is not based on racial caracteristics, it is like a CAA membership -- those wo have purchased it get service, those didn't don't.

Where can I pick up my status card. I'd love to have free education, health care and pay no tax. No its definately an apparthied system based entirely on race, the native group has far more rights than any of us European descendants. And you must be of native blood to get these benifets (pretty racial if you ask me). It's time for us to move on and take away all their priveledges and let them live like the rest of us. No reason for one group to have more power than others.

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Where can I pick up my status card. I'd love to have free education, health care and pay no tax. No its definately an apparthied system based entirely on race, the native group has far more rights than any of us European descendants. And you must be of native blood to get these benifets (pretty racial if you ask me). It's time for us to move on and take away all their priveledges and let them live like the rest of us. No reason for one group to have more power than others.

I wouldn't. Look at what it has done to them. I agree with what you say but the problem is, not what it costs us, but what it has cost them. The Libs have ruined them by ignoring them and basically paying them hush money. In fact isn't Canada's treatment of our natives what keeps us down in the UN quality of life surveys? (not that I give a lot of validity to UN surveys anyway).

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Where can I pick up my status card. I'd love to have free education, health care and pay no tax.

So what?

No its definately an apparthied system based entirely on race, the native group has far more rights than any of us European descendants.

I have explained a reason why this is not the case. You are contradicting me, but not refuting me.

It's time for us to move on and take away all their priveledges and let them live like the rest of us.

So, I guess you wouldn't expect your insurance company to pay if your house burned down then?

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