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Conservative Lies!

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The Liberals want to change the subject to the Conservatives.

Why are they so afraid to let the people of Quebec know the truth?

Address the payoffs and kickbacks?

Address the racketeering?

Address the money laundering?

Ad exc meeting with former cabinet ministers?

Martin friends saying "keep close to *****?

MP's getting orginizers to work for them with adscam money?

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Here are just a few of the more ridiculous Conservative lies!

#1. The gun registry has cost 2 billion!

#2. Paul Martin supports child porn!

#3. One billion went missing at HRDC!

#4. The media is bias toward the Liberals!

What you posted is 100% BS. The Conservatives never made those statements.

The media and those who wrote to the Access for Information Commissioner got the information, made it public and here are some of the truths:

1) Gun Registry cost = $1.2 Billion and counting. Lives saved = none and there is no counting.

2) HRDC Jane Stewart cost = $1.4 Billion and unaccountable

3) CIDA cost = $1.1 Billion and cannot be audited because the lying Liberals won't let her do it for fear of another adscam showing up. EG, how about paying a Quebec contractor to dig a water well in Africa for $256,000. They dug it by hand ( used locals to do it ), went down 225 feet, had a rope with a bucket attached to it that would reach the polluted water and left. The real cost of that turned out to be $6800 Canadian. Nice eh.

4) Jean the puke Chretien demanded that the penalty of $ 500 million be paid to the winner of the helicopter contract so that our sorry excuse for a military would not end up with SAFE helicopters to fly. Imagine $500 million for absolutely nothing.

5) Reduced the sharholders agreement for medicare in Canada from 50% by the Feds and 50% by the Provinces to 16% by the feds and screw all those Canadians who need medical help.

6) a list that is miles longer than pinocchio's nose of corrupt practices and lyies to the Canadian taxpayers.

The conservatives and I am not a supporter of them haven't done anything wrong against Canadians simply because they haven't been in power for over 15 years whereas those lying Liberals have screwed us left right and center over that same period of time with the support of bought voters or just plain stupid folks who believe what the pinocchio spin doctors say.


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Here are just a few of the more ridiculous Conservative lies!

#1. The gun registry has cost 2 billion!

Well, it's CBC/Radio-Canada that first said that. Why wouldn't the Conservatives make mention of it? (if you can't trust our state-run news agency, then who can you trust???)

#2. Paul Martin supports child porn!

A huge blunder during the election campaign. Hopefully they've learned from that mistake.

#3. One billion went missing at HRDC!

One billion did go missing at HRDC. Most of it was eventually accounted for, however.

#4. The media is bias toward the Liberals!

Not sure. When you consider how many former reporters have wound up with high-paying jobs in various government communications positions, and how many of those still have ties to their former colleagues, you certainly have to wonder.


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Guest eureka

Because, BQ supporter, the "people" of Quebec don't want to know the truth and would not be able to recognise it if it were oresented in a sworn affidavit.

The "people" of Quebec have lived a lie for a couple of generations now and, without cleansing their minds of the propaganda that has prevented any truth from penetrating, they can never experience truth.

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I agree the Liberals have brainwashed many of my French brothers and sisters. Decades and Decades of Liberal lies and corrupt all at the expense of Quebec and its people.

My question is will the rest of Canada join we in Quebec to marginalize and punish the Liberals once and for all for their crimes against Quebec and their crimes against the Canadian people?

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One billion did go missing at HRDC. Most of it was eventually accounted for, however.

BINGO!!!! All but 85,000 was accounted for. But because you THINK it was missing that means IT'S NOT A LIE?

Give me a break.

Did you read the post above by Iknowbest? Ntice he said this::2) HRDC Jane Stewart cost = $1.4 Billion and unaccountable!

Proof Conservatives are STILL lying about the HRDC and now no less the numbers have gone up from 1 billion to 1.4 billion!

Yes inded the Conservatives are lying about all the points I mentioned.

It did not cost 2 billion dollars just to register guns in the country. The gun registry is only one part of the gun control program. The biggest expense was the start up which required new computers and a computer program,plus the licensing of gun owners. The whole gun control program cost a billion as of this year and that is a TEN YEAR TOTAL.

Yes indeed the Conservatives lie! :angry:

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Not sure. When you consider how many former reporters have wound up with high-paying jobs in various government communications positions, and how many of those still have ties to their former colleagues, you certainly have to wonder.

Which 2 media outlets always get accused of supporting and being bias toward the Liberals?

The Toronto Star and the C.B.C. right?

Well here are 10 articles from both those outlets that put down the Liberals. YES I SAID PUT DOWN THE LIBERALS!!!!

Here's 5 articles by Rex Murphy where he takes shots at the Liberals. Rex works for that so called Liberal bias C.B.C. no less!!!






Here are 5 articles written by Chantel Hebert from the supposedly bias Toronto Star she seems to love putting down the Liberals also!!!!!


2005-03-04 01:00:01 Gomery fallout hurts Martin

2005-03-02 01:00:01 Manley snipes at Martin from sidelines

2005-02-18 04:22:02 Liberals drag heels on election reform

2005-02-04 01:00:01 Missile defence PM's major irritant

2005-01-14 01:00:01 PM in the aid parade, but he's not leading it


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I know Best (PFFFFFT(

I thought we were going to act grown up and stop with the immature name calling.

Jean the puke Chretien

We should have a minimum maturity age on the forum eh.

What is the problem with you Conservatives; do you have nothing positive to say about the party that you support that you have to resort to name calling. so sad

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Jean Chretien is a PUKE and his supporters are the same. I am NOT a conservative supporter. I worked for that freaking lying puke when he was the Minister of Justice and that commie puke was bad then and was worse when he became PM. supporting Liars, Criminals, paying $500 million bucks to make sure that our military pilots woudn't have safe helicopters to fly. You are a socialist and anti military and anti Canadian. You are one of those is trying very hard to destroy Canada!!

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Liberal party members are really desperate to try and distract people from their theft and corruption, aren't they? I wonder which ad agency is paying this guy.

#1. The gun registry has cost 2 billion!
The source of that claim is Radio Canada. However, it's very difficult to be certain because of the corruption and dishonesty of the Liberals in hiding the costs. The Auditor General complained that she could find very few documents (shredded?), and that she could often not tell what money was spent on (stolen?) or where it went.
#2. Paul Martin supports child porn!
The Liberals embraced and helped fan the kiddy porn hysteria for political gain. Let them reap what they sowed.
#3. One billion went missing at HRDC!
Yes, it did. And we still don't know where it went. We have only the word of the Liberals that they found out where the money was, and we have no evidence it was spent wisely, rather than on Liberal campaigns.
#4. The media is bias toward the Liberals!
Certainly true.
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It did not cost 2 billion dollars just to register guns in the country. The gun registry is only one part of the gun control program.

You are lying, as all Liberals do. In fact, every post of yours is replete with desperate, bald-faced lies. You're like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar trying to blame someone else, trying to distract everyone's attention. But we know what you are.

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ou are lying, as all Liberals do. In fact, every post of yours is replete with desperate, bald-faced lies. You're like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar trying to blame someone else, trying to distract everyone's attention. But we know what you are

That's a conservative trait here on this forum. Wild accusations or "maybes" without any real information.

Denial over global warming or that we need to clean up the environment.

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Well here are 10 articles from both those outlets that put down the Liberals. YES I SAID PUT DOWN THE LIBERALS!!!!

Here's 5 articles by Rex Murphy where he takes shots at the Liberals. Rex works for that so called Liberal bias C.B.C. no less!!!

Normally I'd rather jab my eyeballs out with a sharpened stick than read Rex Murphy's fatuous bloviation, but a quick glance at these columns makes me wonder if you understand the difference between "critical" and "biased".

Here are 5 articles written by Chantel Hebert from the supposedly bias Toronto Star she seems to love putting down the Liberals also!!!!!


2005-03-04 01:00:01 Gomery fallout hurts Martin

2005-03-02 01:00:01 Manley snipes at Martin from sidelines

2005-02-18 04:22:02 Liberals drag heels on election reform

2005-02-04 01:00:01 Missile defence PM's major irritant

2005-01-14 01:00:01 PM in the aid parade, but he's not leading it

I often read Chantal Hebert's columns. She's not biased against the Liberals, she's a realist.

I can understand where Liberal boosters might not understand the difference, because very few realists are writing anything positive about the Liberals anymore, with good reason.


Seriously, dude, you should consider dropping "HELLO!!!" from your repertoire. It makes your message read like a 14 year old girl.


{So, like, Shannon is like, "do my bewbs look flat in this bra?" and I'm like "Like, HELLO!!!" Like, if she wants to go around with her bewbs looking like fried eggs then, like, what-EVER! And then she's "Like, HELLO!!! I'm right here?" And I'm like "What-EVER!" And she's like "WHO is that dishy latino guy on your T-Shirt!" and I'm like "HELLO!!! It's Che Guevara. He's not a latino guy, he's, like, a pirate or something," and she's like "What-EVER!" and she like storms off, and I'm like totally going to shrink her shirt before I give it back to her so that she looks fat when she wears it at Matt's party...}

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The Liberals want to change the subject to the Conservatives.

Why are they so afraid to let the people of Quebec know the truth?

That is why we have the Gomery commission to find out the TRUTH; not the imagination of a bunch of Conservatives that use too much imagination.

Seems the Conservatives have nothing to offer about their own party. I do understand.

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That's a conservative trait here on this forum. Wild accusations or "maybes" without any real information.

Another trait is they revert to personal attackes when faced with the truth.

Did you notice how many have started the personal attacks.


This is a very common trait of Conservatives.

Here are the facts they cannot handle one billion did not go missing at HRDC and it did not cost 2 billion just to register guns in this country.

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How much did it cost to register long guns then? 1.8 billion and how many have they registered and how many are still not registered. Better has the registry accomplished anything for what ever it cost.

The HRDC was an accounting night mare. They may not have lost it so much as miss placed it. This is just as disconcerting.

Personally as a Conservative I don't need to through mud at you. The quality of your statements does enough to discredit them.

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Another trait is they revert to personal attackes when faced with the truth.

Did you notice how many have started the personal attacks.

Uhm, calling you an idiot isn't a personal attack. It's more of an observation.

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The HRDC was an accounting night mare. They may not have lost it so much as miss placed it. This is just as disconcerting.

HRDC has not lost the money, nor misplaced it. The accounting was a nightmare. Eventually it was all accounted for except (last I heard) just over ten thousand dollars. I may be incorrect about that amount but I know it was not much (by government standards). It would be a lot to me however.

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How much did it cost to register long guns then?

Well you CON servatives call me an idiot because I say it has not cost 2 billion to register guns in this country.

The gun registry is ONLY one part of the gun control program. Do you think for starters that the licensing part of the gun control program was done for free? Do you think they got free computers and computer programs to start up the system?

It is estimated that the registration part of the gun control program was 400 million tops and that is a total for 10 years which also included the hand gun registry!

One of the figures quoted by the Leader of the opposition was 25 million saved if he scrapped the long gun registry. That's 25 million a year multiplied by 10 equals 250 million total.

Some CON servatives quote gun control has cost one billion others quote 2 billion. You'd think if they were going to lie about it they'd at least get to gether and come up with the same figure!

If you have an ounce of common sense you'd be able to figure out the CON servatives are lying about the costs.

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Uhm, calling you an idiot isn't a personal attack. It's more of an observation.

No, it's a personal attack. Now if you would have called Cagerattler's opinions, views, facts idiotic, then it would not be classified as a personal attack.

Do you not think it possible that CAGERATTLER IS an idiot? I mean, he certainly gives every impression of being one. If, theoretically, he's an idiot. Wouldn't it be mere observation to call him an idiot? ;)

So what we need is evidence to show whether or not CAGERATTLER is an idiot or not. I submit his posts are all the evidence one needs.

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How much did it cost to register long guns then?

Well you CON servatives call me an idiot because I say it has not cost 2 billion to register guns in this country.

The gun registry is ONLY one part of the gun control program.

You've been told repeatedly that the costs for the long gun registry have nothing to do with the rest of the gun control system. You haven't tried to refute that. I submit this is more evidence! ;)

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