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Gomery Commission?

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The gag order, which applies across Canada, did not prevent some of the testimony from leaking into the public domain over the weekend through a U.S.-based web log. It ran a report mixing some factual material with editorial commentary.

News 1130; apparently not too much; only the possibility that "might" tie some Liberals involved to corruption in the matter. Much ado about nothing until something more concrete is reported. I think we have all presumed some Liberal MPs had dirty hands rather than just stupidity. Time will tell.

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There is absolutely no logical reason to say that you'd vote for the Liberals no matter how corrupt they are except that you're blinded by ideological hatred. The real difference between the positions of these parties and the demographics they appeal to is not that great. If you can't imagine yourself making the jump from one to the other and back again then the problem isn't their extremism it's yours.

Which kinda make sone wonder why anyone who doesn't like the Liberals would vote Con. I mean, the Cons have no vision, no desire to change anything. Their constant bleating reminds me of the runt pigs who are stuck behind the big sow at the through. They don't want to change the world, they just want a chance to stuff their faces.

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Their constant bleating reminds me of the runt pigs who are stuck behind the big sow at the through. They don't want to change the world, they just want a chance to stuff their faces.

A Conservative Government would make the government smaller, and give more money back to the provinces to meet the primary services they deliver.

NDP government would centralize control, grow the government and increase taxes.

Who's the pig?

Black Dog, I am a Conservative and I want my party to win because I think they will do a better job.

Don't let me put words in your mouth but you would vote NDP. Correct me if I am wrong. My guess is you think they would do a better job.

You don't need to vilify me to like your own position. I am comfortable with you having your position. I think we are both democrats. So shall we just let the voters sort it out?

The voting part I am excited about because I think we will win. Don't you think so as well? This is what makes you angry. More people agree with the Conservatives than the NDP.

An aside:

IMO, The foundation of the Conservative Party provides for member input that neither the NDP nor the Liberals can claim this level of involvement. Our policy matters and our party is accountable back to the grass roots in the EDA's. This will provide a government that will be more accountable for its actions.

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Guest eureka

Get the stars out of your eyes, Willy! No Conservative government ever in the history of the Western world was ever accountable to its "Grass Roots." This party is even more accountable to business than any past party. You don't matter a damn. The only political movement or party that ever tried to listen to its memebers was the Socialist movement. They do not go very far either because thegreat unwashed of membership in any party is simply idealistic and easily fooled like you.

How would a Conservative party make government smaller? How would it return more money to the provinces unless the provinces were to take over even more of the federal functions? Apart from that, the government could only become smaller by cutting the heart out of Health and welfare programs.

The only government in modern times, in Canada, that has made a serious effort to make government smaller, in the sense of having less employees, is the Liberal government under Chretien and Martin.

What would a Conservative government bring to the table other than the renewal of the attempts to destroy the nation: Meech Lake and Charlottetown and before that the "Two Nations" idiocy.

There will be no NDP government in the foreseeable future so it is imperative that we continue a Liberal administration until the Conservatives rediscover conservatism and work to unite and better this country.

As an aside, but to the topic, I think that an election in the near future will favour the Liberals and the NDP. The damage from the Gomery inquiry has already been factored in to the thinking of people. The Bloc has had all the benefit it is likely to have. An election will be fought on the more important issues where the Conservatives have stayed out to lunch for too long.

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The speculation now is that the Liberals knew what was coming and introduced the Kyoto amendment to the budget because they want an election now, while the gag order is still in effect, and want to blame Harper.

Key word for the above post:::"" SPECULATION ""

The main diet for a CON servative supporter is hearsay and spectulation.

Well, gee, given the best you shrill people on the extremes of the left could come up with was lots of innuendo about Harper's "hidden agenda", I think you're hardly the ones to talk.

It seems very odd when a minority government puts together a budget apparently designed to please all sides, gets the nod that it will be passed from the opposition, and then introduces a bill it knows the main opposition party can't vote for. Maybe you can find another motive.

BTW, lose the "CON servative" bs. It's childish and it will get you bounced from this forum.

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There is absolutely no logical reason to say that you'd vote for the Liberals no matter how corrupt they are except that you're blinded by ideological hatred. The real difference between the positions of these parties and the demographics they appeal to is not that great. If you can't imagine yourself making the jump from one to the other and back again then the problem isn't their extremism it's yours.

Which kinda make sone wonder why anyone who doesn't like the Liberals would vote Con. I mean, the Cons have no vision, no desire to change anything.

Utter drivel.
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Get the stars out of your eyes, Willy! No Conservative government ever in the history of the Western world was ever accountable to its "Grass Roots."
Yes, and you can trust Eureka to have made a long and careful study of every conservative government ever to hold power in the Western world, too, and that the study was entirely unbiased. :rolleyes:
This party is even more accountable to business than any past party.
Hmm, people like you said that about the Alliance, too. Odd thing was, the Alliance got the vast majority of its money from individual donors. Meanwhile, the Liberals get most of their money from big business. Then again, reality never has much of a place in your diatribes.
You don't matter a damn. The only political movement or party that ever tried to listen to its memebers was the Socialist movement.
yeah, they called each other "brother", even when they were executing each other.
How would a Conservative party make government smaller?
Well, to begin with, it would probably steal less money. Also, it would eliminate a number of government programs because it has the belief that if the private sector can do a job better, then it should do it better. It also feels government has no business doing things like funding carnivals and making documentaries about hockey players. Seriously, I have no doubt the Tories would eliminate all sorts of secondary services that are not really needed for anything. As an example, during her hopeless leadership run Sheila Copps gave half a billion in grants to arts groups. Why is my government taking my money to give hundreds of millions of dollars to arts groups? If people want art they can bloody well pay for it themselves.
Apart from that, the government could only become smaller by cutting the heart out of Health and welfare programs.
Yeah, right, like the 19 billion in "regional economic development" grants has anything to do with health care. They're mostly giant slush funds. And what about that ten billion that's stashed into "trust funds". None of those projects are "needed". We ought to be using that money for health care, or to pay off the debt, or giving it back to the taxpayers.
The only government in modern times, in Canada, that has made a serious effort to make government smaller, in the sense of having less employees, is the Liberal government under Chretien and Martin.
The Liberals, pushed heavily by the Reform party, feeling threatened, and without any serious opposition on the left to worry about, decided to do what they could to balance the budget, mostly on other people's backs. They did temporarily downsize the federal civil service, but when the threat diminished they hired everyone back again. The public service today is bigger than it's ever been, and still growing.
There will be no NDP government in the foreseeable future
Because most Canadians realize what nitwits and spendthrifts they are.
so it is imperative that we continue a Liberal administration until the Conservatives rediscover conservatism
Translation; until the Conservatives abandon conservatism.
As an aside, but to the topic, I think that an election in the near future will favour the Liberals and the NDP. The damage from the Gomery inquiry has already been factored in to the thinking of people.
The Liberals will get massacred in Quebec. And it is becoming harder and harder to portray themselves as the 'guardians of health care'. Far more Canadians than ever are now willing to go towards a mixed private and public health care system.
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You're living in a dream world Argus if you believe all the grass roots BS. Harper is a top down leader, probably the most top down leader the CPC/Reform/Alliance chameleon history. You CPC ideologues just can't see it through the fog of fawning.

All the leaders are top down. So what? That doesn't mean the grass roots aren't important, or that they can't vote their platforms into existence if they want to.

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Fortunata, what personal experience do you have to verify your allegation?

The fact that the Conservatives will form the next government and the NDP will never be in that position must hurt too much to be rational in your debate.

Check the Conservative Party constitution. We have more checks and balances than any other party in Canada. Our national council has real power and they must report back to the EDAs. This is not some blind political bent as our caucus must does have the ability to lead on emerging issues. The fact we respect nomination meetings in choosing our candidates must be lost on you.

If you do not see much descent in the Conservative Party it is because our leader has chosen a popular path within the party.

Good luck with the angry bent. I am also optimistic about our party because I have experienced our inclusion and respectful debates.

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As an aside, but to the topic, I think that an election in the near future will favour the Liberals and the NDP. The damage from the Gomery inquiry has already been factored in to the thinking of people. The Bloc has had all the benefit it is likely to have. An election will be fought on the more important issues where the Conservatives have stayed out to lunch for too long.

Few observers seem to agree with you. Many feel that the Liberals will be all but decimated in Quebec, possibly losing 15-20 more seats, and with little chance to recover the loss elsewhere.

I don't agree with you that the impact of the Gomery inquiry has already been felt. The most damaging testimony had not yet been given prior to the last election.

Something else working against the Liberals since the last election is that before the election, people were optimistic that the "Paul Martin Era" would see great new things. Now it's 10 months since the election and I think most people have come to the conclusion that the "Paul Martin Era" hasn't exactly lived up to the hype... the biggest build-up to nothing since "New Coke".


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Willy, I pay attention. I don't have the same stardust in my eyes as the Harper followers. Proof enough that he just said that he doesn't feel tied to follow any of the policies that were agreed upon at the forever waited for convention. Here you have grass roots talking and the leader not taking it seriously.

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I can predict how the next Canadian election will turn out, with or without the publication ban.

The Liberals will be reelected with a majority government.


Because no matter how corrupt, abusive, and incompetent the Liberal Party is, all they have to do is accuse the rival Conservative Party with having a 'hidden agenda.' And our state dominated english media will fall over it.

They could accuse the Conservatives (or Tories) of planning to do everything from using old people as crash test dummies, to a secret plan to nuke Quebec. The Canadian english media, whose owners and operators are in the Liberal Party's pocket, will report these tin-foil hat accusation as gospel.

And the people of our biggest province, Ontario, will believe the english media completely.


Because they're afraid that a Tory government will be too close to the Bush Administration, and their only sense of identity for English Canada is that they're 'Not Americans.' And to define yourself as 'Not American' means you have to have a government who opposes Americans, even when it's in the country's own best interests.

That's my opinion.

Democracy in Canada ended in 93, The english speakers are willing be robbed blind and Quebec once again embrassed.

Quebec must be free from this corrupt government that the English imposse upon us.

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I have just read all of what is on the American web blog and I have to say I am totally sicked and shocked about what I have read.

Not only does this scandel make Quebec and its people looks like fools, the Liberals seem to have benifited and committed criminal offenses such has money lawnering, rackettering, payoffs and kickbacks and violation of campaign laws.

It also seems that not only liberal staff were involved by party organizers, current MP, relatives of former PM's, former Cabinet Ministers and close personal and political friends of the current P.M.

Canadian this stuff reads and smells like something out of Watergate.

This is some serious stuff. Something out of a Banana Republic.

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IMO, The foundation of the Conservative Party provides for member input that neither the NDP nor the Liberals can claim this level of involvement.

Is that why they voted down having a youth wing. Seems they are not into YOUTH member input!

Is that why Harper said anybody that says anything to harm the party will not have their nomination papers signed by him.


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You're living in a dream world Argus if you believe all the grass roots BS. Harper is a top down leader, probably the most top down leader the CPC/Reform/Alliance chameleon history. You CPC ideologues just can't see it through the fog of fawning.

Right on! This Argus poster seems to have a very narrow minded point of view which is in the fog.

How many seats would this party win IF they had of kept the Alliance name? Better still how about the Reform name.

All of this has been an effort to fool the Canadian voter into believing they are different.

HINT: They merged and they came out of that with a leader who was in fact the same leader the Alliance party had.

How can anyone be fooled by all these name changes? And they have the gall to accuse the Liberals of trying to hide something.

It was the Liberals who appointed the Gomery Commission.


It was the Liberals who brought in the Access to Information Act!!!!


Like I said I deal in the facts not hearsay!

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The liberal corrupt is more widespread and deeper then anyone would have thought.

Wait and Watch for the Liberals to start to attack the witness.

They are running very very scared.

The BQ is ready for an election at a moments notice. The NDP and the CPC should be getting ready now.

This scandel and the doors on this scandel are about to blast right open Watergate style.

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Its interesting oh the corrupt liberals on this blog refuse to address the crimes of this government.

They seem to always bring up Harper.

Well it isn't harper that is accused of robbing the people of Quebec and this country blind.

Start addressing the crimes now or in Quebec your Liberal Party will be desimated federal and provincally.

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