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New political party BC

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Not likely, this time around. It will be a fight of the NDP and "liberals". The new party will probably require more time unless they really hit the ball out of the park in the debates. BC ers need to hear the full story on the raid on the legislature; influence peddling, and ministerial aides and their dope dealing. We need to be know that this government is not going to be balancing budgets in the next few years; that the deficit is going to raise again; according to the local papers; it will raise another 4 billion. Voters need to remember that while we now have a surplus (thanks greatly to federal transfer payments) these "Liberals" sold off our assets; made large cuts to social programs for kids and women and increased the deficit while downgrading our medical system.

Most voters here don't think; they just vote out the previous government.

Of course, they are handing out little goodies and lowering taxes; will people buy the goodies that don't come close to restoring our previous level?? Bush was re elected; nothing would surprise me.

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It will definetely be hard for this new party to get off the ground especially in a first past the post system.

Campbell isn't stupid either. Proportional Rep. would sink him.

So, I think that the Liberals will hold on. And if BC was smart they wouldn't vote NDP. Look what the genious Bob Rae did to Ontario.

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You haven't seen what the idiot Campbell and his right winged "Liberals" have done to BC.

I have and it is all good.

6% unemployment compared to 11% when they entered government.

We now have the highest average wage in Canada in BC.

We have the lowest personal income tax rate for people who make less than $80 thousand in Canada.

They did all this after 911, Softwood tariffs, BSE, Sars, Avian Flu, Wild Fires and massive floods.

The future looks bright.


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Well not to say that the BC NDP Party is so awful but I mean, it is hard for the NDP to follow their own ideology once in power.

It is a perfect balance to a centrist/right party but once it gets in power it has no choice but to stray to the right itself in my opinion.

The new party would be your only choice if the Liberals are so right-wing IMO.

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Left, Center, and Right are relative terms.

If I am an Alberta Conservative, the BC Liberals look Center/left.

If I am a BC NDPer the BC Liberals are extreme right.

Caesar, you have made many accusations about the BC Liberals being involved in illegal activity.

Two aids and a civil servant have been tied to illegal behaviour. The aids were accused of influence peddling and the influence wasn't enough as the group they represented didn't win the contract with BC Rail.

The civil servant had a drug problem and when he was caught selling drugs he was already on leave.

The political body of the BC Liberal party still is clean.

Or are you Kenith Star?

An aside, CN has cut 2 days for rail travel for goods going to Chicago. That represents a real economic benefit from the sale of BC Rail. And to be clear the rail lines are still owned by a crown corporation, and the operation of the railway was leased.

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Two aids and a civil servant have been tied to illegal behaviour. The aids were accused of influence peddling and the influence wasn't enough as the group they represented didn't win the contract with BC Rail.

The one also had a grow operation. We don't have all the details but there is more than influence peddling.

As for BC rail; The money making rail operations they sold are cleaning up now shipping coal. This was a poor deal.

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Left, Center, and Right are relative terms.

If I am an Alberta Conservative, the BC Liberals look Center/left.

If I am a BC NDPer the BC Liberals are extreme right.

If you have a half a brain; you know that these so called BC Liberals are as right as any Conservatives. Campbell just didn't have any conservative leader with any votes to back stab.

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If you have a half a brain; you know that these so called BC Liberals are as right as any Conservatives. Campbell just didn't have any conservative leader with any votes to back stab.

Can I return the complement, if you had half a brain you would recognize the limitations of defining political parties based on left/right descriptions.

The BC Liberals are a coalition of both federal Conservatives and federal Liberals. Makes for an interesting mix but they have held it together.

IMO, Campbell is no Klien or Harris.


CN has purchased 600 new rail cars. They have improved efficiency on every run by 20%.

As an economic engine they are doing a great job. The dividend we will get out of this deal is a well run railway and improved transportation. The second benefit will be the private investment in our transportation system.

This system that moves not only coal but timber to the expanded ports on the north coast and in the lower mainland. The ability for these industries to take advantage of the Asian markets will pay a lot more than the yearly profits of one business. Oh ya and CN paid $1 billion to the province for the honour of improving our economic competitiveness.

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The BC Liberals are a coalition of both federal Conservatives and federal Liberals. Makes for an interesting mix but they have held it together.

Don't forget, a pinch of Socred for spice ;)

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How exactly do you think communism allows for more involvement by the people. You have to be kidding, whether its communism or capitalism there will be rich and poor, there will be decision makers (PRIVLEDGED) and the followers(MASS POPULATION).  At least capitalism allows you to get yourself ahead with ambition and hard work. Communism holds you back, the only way communism could be governed in Canada is by having 32,000,000 MPs. Talk about inefficient and silly.

People have all the ability to be involved in the world, its just whether or not you get involved and speak through your actions rather than sitting on the sidelines complaining.

Do you actually think I sit here all day and cry about capitalism? No, I do get on with my life, however I see it as very important that I take a look at how this world can be a better place.

No I think you obviously do more with your life than sit around, but please communism is a notion that cannot be brought over from paper into reality. Capitalism works, if you work.

Stay ignorant if you'd like to stay ignorant, but I gave up trying to argue with people who consider the USSR and other such state capitalist countries to be communist, quite a while ago.

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I would love to be able to work with animals, I would love to work with childern, there is all kinds of work I would love to do but am unable for lack of wanting to "slave" to buy the education. In a communist society, that education would be free and flexible.

Where in any communist country do you believe that any education is free and "flexible" I am pretty sure that the authorities would decide if you have enough potential and there are jobs available for any select training. Your wages would be controlled and would not rival wages in a capitalistic country where you control your own fate and earning power. Help paying for an education is available in Canada. If you have excellent grades in school ; you can get awards, bursaries or grants towards your education. You can take out student loans to pay for your education.

You can choose to take out a more minor degree; prove yourself to a company and there are many who will pay for your furthuring your education.

Look up the Paris Commune. Or the anarcho-syndicalists. Maybe even read the manifesto, otherwise I'm sick of hearing ignorant reactionary statements.

"Communism" is a stateless society, it would likely manifest itself in a network of communes, allowing for true democracy.

When it comes to Canada, and North America in general, "Communism" is indeed impossible given the fact that we are largely still very religious. However a true socialism of some sort is still much preferable in my eyes to an imaginary golden age that only seems to be leading us towards another dark age. I believe though that most of western europe could pull communism off.

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Look up the Paris Commune. Or the anarcho-syndicalists. Maybe even read the manifesto, otherwise I'm sick of hearing ignorant reactionary statements.

Likewise; I am tired of your ignorant remarks. Nothing in life is free. Someone has to pay for it. You need to face reality and some logic. Don't tell me to read some idealistic crap; show me a communist country where it is a utopia. Everyone gets any education they wish "FREE"; gets all the medical care they require; and can sit at home on their duffs collecting good support from government without working. You are dreaming. Time to wake up to reality; put forward a little effort and initiative of your own; get a good education and work hard at getting a good job and promotions.

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6% unemployment compared to 11% when they entered government.

We now have the highest average wage in Canada in BC.

We have the highest cost of living in Canada; we now allow children of 14 to work without any safeguards We have very high medical premiums with poor healthcare and long, long waiting lists for medical procedures.

We now have the largest segment of our population working for minimum wage which does not allow one to pay the bills. The rich have gotten richer and the poor much poorer.

The unemployed is much higher than the "6%" ; those figures do not show people who are not collecting EI or who have just given up. Much of our increase in employment is minimum wage and due to increase in fuel prices and China's appetite for our coal has allowed many mining towns to re open.

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Look up the Paris Commune. Or the anarcho-syndicalists. Maybe even read the manifesto, otherwise I'm sick of hearing ignorant reactionary statements.

Likewise; I am tired of your ignorant remarks. Nothing in life is free. Someone has to pay for it. You need to face reality and some logic. Don't tell me to read some idealistic crap; show me a communist country where it is a utopia. Everyone gets any education they wish "FREE"; gets all the medical care they require; and can sit at home on their duffs collecting good support from government without working. You are dreaming. Time to wake up to reality; put forward a little effort and initiative of your own; get a good education and work hard at getting a good job and promotions.

Actually I am a realist, it has nothing to do with ideology. The best societies are always the most liberal.

If capital doesn't matter, then capital doesn't matter, no one has to pay for shit. You mean to tell me, that if you were given a choice you would sit around and do nothing all day? I garantee you that is not the case for most people, I personally enjoy getting work done. It's the fact that under capitalism, I have to do it in rediculously short periods of time, with rediculously small resources that pisses me off. The only reason so many people have no jobs and are suffering is because of the slave like qualities in the workplace.

Edit: Actually forget all that manifesto stuff, you should look up 'historical materialism', that should give you a much better understanding of communism/anarchism than Marx ever could.

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I have no problem finding lots of work to do.

Thanks to the BC Liberals. Lowest unemployment in Canada. ;)

Ceasar, We don't have the highest cost of living. Please do a little research before you post.

Our medical premiums were just reduced for lower income people. Not to mention the wage level at which no taxes will be paid was Doubled.

Much of our increase in employment is minimum wage and due to increase in fuel prices and China's appetite for our coal has allowed many mining towns to re open.

Just stop for a second. Have you ever knowen a mine worker or oil field worker not to make very good money.

We now have the largest segment of our population working for minimum wage which does not allow one to pay the bills.

Where did you get this junk. Please provide a link.

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Our medical premiums were just reduced for lower income people. Not to mention the wage level at which no taxes will be paid was Doubled.

No. they have not; That is an election promise and only for the very poor. Another man died on the weekend after being sent home from an emergency room???? Our health care in this province is scarey.

Ceasar, We don't have the highest cost of living. Please do a little research before you post.

Yes, we do. Vancouver, our largest city with much of our population is the most expensive place to live in Canada.

House prices increased dramatically last year. My house increased over 100 thousand in one year. We are going to be paying through the nose for Translink and property taxes. How can young people who do not have very wealthy parents be able to own a home

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New unemployment figures show 15,000 jobs lost in BC in 2004

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Vancouver—New unemployment figures form Statistics Canada show BC is still far from an economic recovery said B.C. Federation of Labour President Jim Sinclair.

"BC has already recorded 15,000 lost jobs in 2004," said Sinclair, "and youth unemployment remains a serious issue as students enter the summer workforce." British Columbia recorded another increase in unemployment, as Statistics Canada noted unemployment rose to 7.8 percent for the month of May 2004.

According to Statistics Canada the only real areas of job growth in BC were concentrated in the construction sector, while other areas suffered decline. Sinclair noted that while consumer spending and home construction showed some signs of increase, British Columbia could not count on low interest rates to fuel an economic recovery. "Working British Columbians know that relying on the Visa economy is no way to rebuild our province’s economic footing," Sinclair stated.

"Real spending power is on the decline," said Sinclair, pointing out that average weekly wage rates for the first quarter of 2004 had decreased when compared to 2003. "Consumers may help spur limited economic growth in the short-term, but this can’t be sustained, and may end up negatively impacting our economy in the long run." In 2003, BC’s personal savings as a percentage of disposable income was the worst in the country, a negative 8.2 percent.

Sinclair highlighted increasing energy costs and BC’s growing trade deficit as issues that needed immediate attention if BC is to achieve any real, sustained economic growth. Sinclair also commented on the BC Liberal’s failing privatization strategy, calling it a sad effort to attract private investment to our province.

Sinclair re-iterated his call for a summit on jobs and the economy. "We can create economic growth in our province, but that means including working people in those discussions, and ensuring that every British Columbian benefits from our economy," concluded Sinclair.

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Okay you use a story that is a year old and quote Sinclar.

That is an election promise and only for the very poor.

That was not an election promise it was the budget.

Press release

December 6, 2004

All regions of the province are now in single digit unemployment numbers, a situation Labour Minister Graham Bruce said has not been seen for decades.

“With several months of steady employment growth behind us, the trend is clear,” Bruce said. “Our economy is in full recovery mode.”

The overall unemployment rate at 6.4 per cent is at its lowest rate since Aug. 1981. Youth unemployment stood at 11.4 per cent in November – the lowest since August 1990. In April 1994 overall unemployment reached 10 per cent and in June of 1998, youth unemployment hit a peak of 19.4 per cent.

The Northeast has the best job prospects. In fact, Statistics Canada said that the unemployment rate in the region is now so low that it cannot be measured accurately.

British Columbia has added more than 180,000 jobs since December 2001 and 45,000 jobs since last November. The construction industry continues to lead the way in job creation with employment increasing by 62,300 since 2001. In addition, the professional, financial and manufacturing sectors have all seen strong employment growth.

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Okay you use a story that is a year old and quote Sinclar.

It is about 6 months old and I would trust Sinclair more that Campbell. The "budget" does not come in effect unless they are re elected and we know how they break promises. The tax cuts last election ended up coming with boosts in gas tax, sales tax, licenses and fees of all description, health care premiums, prescription coverage taken away from seniors.

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So Caesar where are we today?

VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) – A new poll suggests the provincial Liberals have turned their fortunes around in the last couple of months.

A poll by the Mustel Group, published in the Vancouver Sun this morning, indicates the Liberals have 46-percent support of the public compared with 40-percent for the NDP.

Eleven percent of those questioned were undecided.

A December poll by Mustel had the NDP ahead by three percentage points.

The current poll gives Gordon Campbell a nine-percentage point lead on Carole James in an approval rating.

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