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Liberals Polling Higher than Conservatives..?

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Oh come on, spammers aren't about stopping a discussion from getting noticed. Spammers spam, that's about it.

Nothing said on here (or other forums) matters anywhere or anyone. I don't believe that anything said on here or other forums will change anyone's mind about anything. In fact, IMO when anti .......... (name it) becomes so strident it negates whatever the poster is trying to say.

No it lowers the google rankings, it is a thread specific targeting Not a random targeting Same as the other spam that is popping up. The website is being targeted and specific threads are being targeted If you know anything about SEO you know what I'm talking about. They don't want the public to know how many people are supporting the liberals and how many people are displeased with the conservatives, it ruins the media and PR image of the CPC.

I've been a bit surprised how high Maple leaf web has been polling over the last month or two for public issues that are of import. Often in the top 5 over various issues.

Example this thread was #1 for " liberal poll conservatives higher ", and it is now #2 under the huffington post.

It is ranked above angus reid.

Funny how the spam pops up in this thread, any Machiavellian tactician can see what is going on there. Its just a question of who is spamming and if it is either angus reid or the huffington post. they could get hit with big fines if they are engaging in those tactics.

take a look yourself


Edited by shortlived
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No. It's called people getting sick of Harper and embracing a young, energetic, youthful, honest, charismatic leader like Justin Trudeau. But you believe what you want to believe. I've been following politics long enough to know the CPC is done and could be relugated to third party status after 2015. That's what happens when you threaten democracy and attack unions that look after the working class.

You really don't understand Canadian politics.

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No it lowers the google rankings, it is a thread specific targeting Not a random targeting Same as the other spam that is popping up. The website is being targeted and specific threads are being targeted If you know anything about SEO you know what I'm talking about. They don't want the public to know how many people are supporting the liberals and how many people are displeased with the conservatives, it ruins the media and PR image of the CPC.

I've been a bit surprised how high Maple leaf web has been polling over the last month or two for public issues that are of import. Often in the top 5 over various issues.

Example this thread was #1 for " liberal poll conservatives higher ", and it is now #2 under the huffington post.

It is ranked above angus reid.

Funny how the spam pops up in this thread, any Machiavellian tactician can see what is going on there. Its just a question of who is spamming and if it is either angus reid or the huffington post. they could get hit with big fines if they are engaging in those tactics.

take a look yourself


Just a follow up, it is #1 again. Liberals poll higher conservatives is actually a very influential google search in terms of Canadian politics to be top ranked for.

Just an example here, it is higher ranked than sun news for "liberals poll higher than conservatives" #1

You can say that means nothing, but it does have some influence.

Edited by shortlived
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Liberals will win. I think Pierre Trudeau was the worst PM Canada's ever had, but there are tons of "low-information" voters who revere him for all sorts of fluffy, insubstantial nonsense, and those same brain-dead tendencies will lead them to his son. Those people, unfortunately, are the vast majority, and will vote solely based on charisma (history's taught us how well that usually works) rather than ideas/plans (Justin has presented zero) and credentials (school teacher...yay).

I'm not totally discounting a Liberal victory. But, I'd be a little hesitant about that prediction.

The big issue I see is... where exactly will the Liberal's "base of power" be? Under Pierre Trudeau, the Liberals gained power basically by sweeping Quebec. Under Chretien, the Liberals tended to win based on their ability to gain Ontario seats (partly because the right-wing vote was split between PCs and Reformers.)

In any future election under Trudeau, the Liberals may not have that sort of voter base to fall back on. Quebec will be a battle ground, with votes split between the Bloc, NDP and Liberals (although I'm sure the NDP will probably loose seats, not all will go to the Liberals). The Liberals may pick up some seats in Ontario, but without vote splitting by the political right, Ontario won't be dominated by them. And, between the "Quebec makes the best PM" flubs and lingering resentment over past Liberal policies, the west won't be eager to support a Trudeau-lead party.

I should also point out that its possible that while the Liberals may score higher than the Conservatives in polls, I'd also be concerned with demographics... appealing to young voters may sound good, but they are often less likely to vote than older people.

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I'm not totally discounting a Liberal victory. But, I'd be a little hesitant about that prediction.

The big issue I see is... where exactly will the Liberal's "base of power" be? Under Pierre Trudeau, the Liberals gained power basically by sweeping Quebec. Under Chretien, the Liberals tended to win based on their ability to gain Ontario seats (partly because the right-wing vote was split between PCs and Reformers.)

In any future election under Trudeau, the Liberals may not have that sort of voter base to fall back on. Quebec will be a battle ground, with votes split between the Bloc, NDP and Liberals (although I'm sure the NDP will probably loose seats, not all will go to the Liberals). The Liberals may pick up some seats in Ontario, but without vote splitting by the political right, Ontario won't be dominated by them. And, between the "Quebec makes the best PM" flubs and lingering resentment over past Liberal policies, the west won't be eager to support a Trudeau-lead party.

I should also point out that its possible that while the Liberals may score higher than the Conservatives in polls, I'd also be concerned with demographics... appealing to young voters may sound good, but they are often less likely to vote than older people.

Most of Trudeau's supporters are seniors and over 50 not kids as you'd like to believe.

Harper is fading, I don't think he has a rebirth instore, more people are getting tired and turned off by him. I suspect he will totally loose the native vote in the next election, which is an ever increasing segment of the population (birth rate is way higher, and it accounts already for 10% of Canadians - it matters more because next election they arn't disaffected, they were effected heavily by the governments non action so if it keeps up more will turn out to vote, in places like Manitoba that matters). He will likely have a personally popularity under 40%, which will probably be less than Trudeau's meaning Trudeau will likely take the swing vote. I think at this point it will still be a good election but I think the Liberals will probably split most of BC with the NDP. I think there are also going to be more liberal and NDP seats in the Praries. Alberta will probably mostly hold as a conservative stronghold, but it is important to note the party has been on a decline in Alberta year on year since Kline, the party itself has become totally different, the strong federal support for the far right wildrose may wake the red tories in Alberta up a bit, and Urban centers such as Calgary and Edmonton have had increasing support for the non Conservative flag, They could loose a seat or two in Calgary even. Still a lot of time to go, however The liberals weren't that far behind the conservatives in the last election, they just didn't get the seats... none the less there is no second rebirth for a party that has been in close to 10 years. Harper has next to no chance to bring his popularity up its down 3 % since last year and will probably fall a 3-5 points further by the next election, if no major scandals pop up, which for the most part the party has deflected and ignored, which is surprising considering the number of ethics breaches... none the less I think many people who voted conservative in the last election will be supporting the liberals this time around, and that means the liberals will pull in more of the vote and more of the seats. At this point the most the Conservatives can hope for is a minority, and that is if they perform well and judging by the last 7 years I don't think that is going to happen. They are aiming for the "deficit" to be reduced while they have loaded up on debt. The global economy ain't improving either, there is a massive drag, and the Chinese can play around with their currency to effect it. The middle east is a total quagmire, of supposed radical islamic fundamentalism now running the countries, this after a 10 year war to eliminate al qaeda the islamic fundamentalists... now the US is actively putting them in power. supposedly. Canada lost massive overseas petrol resources in Libya and Syria, and the enviornment over there is not good for investment. That cuts out one of the largest parts of the world as a secure point of investment. The Eurozone is precarious, the US has turned off oil sands development to a certain extent and environmental pressure will only continue to mount.

Blah blah blah, things might continue to grow modestly but if the economy tanks further Canada will be in a recession. There has not been growth, DEBT HAS GONE UP. Canadians owe way more than they did 7 years ago.

People can't retire in debt. With that more people are going to need handouts, and there are going to be more unemployed old people. This means social programs and healthcare costs will increase, or get slashed, and in that environment a lot of people are going to be turned off the right.

All this may not happen over the next 2 and a half years, but I suspect it will continue to be a trend.

lost, seasonal workers

lost, first nations (what existed)

lost, seniors and old people now getting 2 extra years of work before retirement

this list will continue to mount, and people are going to start getting annoyed with Harper.

I think Trudeau will draw more of the female vote also.

The cards line up, Harper will probably keep big oil, and chauvinists and racists, most of the rest will be eroded greatly. Although I'm geussing the parties pandering to immigrants won't be well liked by their core support either. I think they have also lost some key immigrant communinities. The shift is inevitible, its just how hard it happens, and the NDP is a wild card between now and then, I suspect that they may be polling equal with the Tories by the time 2015 turns around and the liberals depending on their local players will resurge, the green party may also be faced with the reality that i they chip away at the liberal vote the environments risks way more damage under continued conservative mismanagement.

Afghanistan is over... Al Qaeda lost, the Taliban are stronger than they were years ago, and radical islamic fundamentalism has taken over most of the middle east. I think lots of Canadians just voted for the war last time, that element is out also.

the NDP platform will appeal to the "anti harper" crowd to a certain extent but i think a lot of conformists and people in the corporate sector will head over to the Liberals. At this point it should be a hotly contested election, still so far off,

but I just have the sense the party will continue to tank, it is a downward spiral only tax breaks they can't afford to make could stop by getting the stupid people to vote thanks to the tax breaks.

This not to mention the Monarchy and senate issue.... that should come more and more into the forefront.. and the fact the conservatives can't follow through on their platform from the last election... I think that they 1. arn't performing on their platform, and 2. the hold overs will sound a little stale after a decade of regurgitating the issues. THEY WERE GIVEN THEIR MAJORITY? What did they do? Anything? crack down on the mentally ill, criminals, first nations and other disadvantaged groups? I think they may loose more votes than gain votes with those successes. Oh I forgot just kill every environmental thing while the green economy is growing in billions each year.

A conservative vote is a vote to pick on the marginalized of society. We love families as long as your are normal White Anglo Saxon Protestants, this sounds all too familiar.

None the less that is my background but in analysis people will wake up one by one, and those votes will add up over time.

Its the little things that count:


This is a MAJOR card for the conservatives.

This is pretty much going to be in the last 7 days and long term damages after tomorrow will be increasingly possible. Every day after tomorrow will increase the chance of death of this Manitoba elder.

Harper has his chance to play knight in shinging armour, but will he respond?

A lot of Canadians are going to be disturbed Harper will let this old guy die.

It is a week tomorrow without food or water, I know from when I did a total fast without food or water in January and the research I did, IT IS CRITICAL the clock starts counting to the end of life tomorrow. 7 days without water is long enough for dehydration to be in full force. Dehydration usually leads to death within two weeks.

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Canadians are not going to be mad about this guy. ROC is tired of all the native BS, All he is doing is trying to get his 15 minutes of fame, like spence did. Let him rot.

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Canadians are not going to be mad about this guy. ROC is tired of all the native BS, All he is doing is trying to get his 15 minutes of fame, like spence did. Let him rot.

Ya I don't think anyone really cares that much. It's too bad somebody wants to abuse themselves, but holding yourself hostage for other people's money seems already to be a dated tactic.

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Well this is one person who cares, so much so I felt morally obligated to write Stephen Harper and suggest he talk with Raymond.

It is unfortunate when people can't be real, the loss of a life due to willingly letting it happen is just a very inhumane thing you don't want in your country's leadership. Especially when so many Canadians do value environmental safety. I think that most municipalities and provinces would also expect consultation on use of their land for toxic waste dumping. I don't understand why the PM and the rest of the government cannot understand that people should be able to voice their issues and communicate to remove issues. No one should have to put up with having toxic waste dumped into their water supply and their food source's watersupply.

I don't think I can ever support someone who ignores such a serious statement that will lead to the loss of life. Someone willing to die for a cause is great, however letting someone else die to ignore an issue is a poor trait.

There isn't any demands attached to this other than to take first nations seriously. Ignoring a hunger strike, ain't taking the issue seriously. He has time to award Hockey Order of Canada awards but not call up a native chief who is killing himself because the guy is ignoring the fact natives don't like having toxic waste dumped into their water supply and their food sources water supply.

That is just sick, and I am disgusted the Queen and governor general would let someone of that character continue to act as PM.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well this is one person who cares, so much so I felt morally obligated to write Stephen Harper and suggest he talk with Raymond.

It is unfortunate when people can't be real, the loss of a life due to willingly letting it happen is just a very inhumane thing you don't want in your country's leadership. Especially when so many Canadians do value environmental safety. I think that most municipalities and provinces would also expect consultation on use of their land for toxic waste dumping. I don't understand why the PM and the rest of the government cannot understand that people should be able to voice their issues and communicate to remove issues. No one should have to put up with having toxic waste dumped into their water supply and their food source's watersupply.

I don't think I can ever support someone who ignores such a serious statement that will lead to the loss of life. Someone willing to die for a cause is great, however letting someone else die to ignore an issue is a poor trait.

There isn't any demands attached to this other than to take first nations seriously. Ignoring a hunger strike, ain't taking the issue seriously. He has time to award Hockey Order of Canada awards but not call up a native chief who is killing himself because the guy is ignoring the fact natives don't like having toxic waste dumped into their water supply and their food sources water supply.

That is just sick, and I am disgusted the Queen and governor general would let someone of that character continue to act as PM.

,Maybe you care but not to many people do. Is harper making him do it,no he is not. But this idiot knows there are people out there that fall hard for this shit. The only reason spence did was to change the channel from everyone talking about how she has stolen from her people and probably has blood on her hands.
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Harper has rasied $4.5-million during the first three months of 2013 — more than twice what either the Liberals or NDP managed to pull in. Screw the polls.

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Harper has rasied $4.5-million during the first three months of 2013 — more than twice what either the Liberals or NDP managed to pull in. Screw the polls.

Good for them.... Unfortunately donation dollars don't count as votes. I guess we'll see if those that are polled actually vote Liberal at the end of the day.

NB: I've never donated a cent to a party, yet I still vote every election.

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