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Did Europeans Deliberately Destroy Native Cultures in Their Colonies?

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How come people who have no valid argument, pick out selected phrases/sentences from other posts, take them totally out of context, play the morality card and inevitably, ALWAYS resort to name-calling.

How was my retort out of context? You said they were lazy then, and are lazy now; cowardly then, and cowardly now.

Go ahead, educate us on the deeply-coded nuance that I overlooked in your subtle remarks.

Edited by bloodyminded
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How come when people want to say really ridiculous and bigoted things, they always believe they're bravely battling the forces of political correctness?

Political correctness is a law inflicted on the people by politicals who's sole purpose is to get re-elected and not serve the people - to be told how to think is like saying - don't think - vote for me because I like dominating you...It's not about freedom..it is very sophisticated and incrimental tyrany.

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How was my retort out of context? You said they were lazy then, and are lazy now; cowardly then, and cowardly now.

Go ahead, educate us on the deeply-coded nuance that I overlooked in your subtle remarks.

Out of the context of HISTORY.

I do not need to lecture you and your politically correct ilk about the utter lack of ambition, desire, achievements of those you feel so righteously obligated to protect and defend.

Is there a Ministry for Ukranian Affairs? Polish Affairs? German Affairs? White affairs? Chinese affairs?

There is, indeed, a Ministry that is supported by my tax dollars that caters to the historically incompetent. But if I said who it was, I would be labeled as racist.

Well, I know, I will be, anyways. I had no intention to be subtle. One is either subtle or truthful.

Edited by Yukon Jack
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Well, I know, I will be, anyways. I had no intention to be subtle. One is either subtle or truthful.

And you are neither, likely based on ignorance of history, or so it seems. Or at least the simplistic type of history taught in the backwoods between shootin' practice.

But they lost. Get over it. :lol:

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Is there a Ministry for Ukranian Affairs? Polish Affairs? German Affairs? White affairs? Chinese affairs?


Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Inside of Canada none of these states hold nation status. Of course First Nations DO HOLD nation status in Canada and since by law we hold obligations to them for using their land and resources, we need a department to deal with them specifically.

And you don't need to be worried about being labelled a racist. Your ignorance of Canadian laws and affairs far surpasses those of the immigrants from the nations you mentioned. And no doubt you come from a family laboured with the same affliction.

And BTW. Our taxes do not go to pay for IndianAboriginal Affairs and never has. The AAND uses the interests from First Nations Trust funds that total more than $2trillion with an annual interest of $35billion. In fact we have used their money for our benefit and the government has been caught on a number of occasions with their hand in the Native cookie jar. The CNR is one such beast created with that trust money.

Edited by charter.rights
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In other words - perhaps not so politically correct - they were lazy, unambitious, happy-in-crap and cowardly to move out of their comfort zone.

Gee, nothing has changed!!!

'politically correct' is just a derogatory term invented by mean spirited cons to denigrate common decency and kindness toward those different than yourself. Its use betrays a rather pathetic insecure, angry spirit intent on destruction of society and self ... in my opinion, of course. :P

It appears that you didn't comprehend my point that the reason Europeans 'explored' the Americas was to make money from its resources, yes, and to find a place to dump all of us peasants that they had kicked off our land so they could make money off it instead of us living off the common land. The natives never explored Europe because they knew that barbarians lived there, with gory practices like parading peasants heads on spikes when they couldn't pay the taxes demanded by the lairds. B)

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