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Is the Party sweeping Ignatieff out?

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I tried to but all I could find were talking points, I even checked for the stuff they passed at their Convention, I figured if the NDP can do 100 policies and have 20 some hours of debate the Liberals could. However alas they passed like 10 and then voted to let their leader decide on the rest because debating policy is to boring for TV after an hour of debate.

So maybe name a few I know there is Corporate tax cuts not right now but in the future maybe or maybe right now not really sure. There is New Fighter planes and maybe the ones the Conservatives promised but maybe not because maybe they can get them cheaper. There is some other wishy washy stuff but I really can't find one real policy or plan.

I know the Liberals Promised to have a policy book out in June of 2009 but everyone forgot they promised that. Well every Liberal anyway and then they put their blinders on. The rest of us are still waiting.

So I wont hold my breath on the Couple of weeks stuff GWiz some of us follow politics and have been waiting for that book for about 2 years now after there was a promise. They are Liberals though so we don't actually think they will do anything they promise.

I have no idea how the NDP do their policies but I do know how Liberals do theirs...

In the past, when I was a member, a number of the ones I initiated and more that I voted for made it as federal party policy...

See the thing is the Liberals use a "bottom up" system stemming directly from the general membership during meetings at the riding level up through provincial and/or regional conventions up to the party's policy committee which implements them as Party Policy... The Leader of the Liberal Party actually has fairly limited input as to Party Policy...

Seems to work OK as far as I'm concerned...

Doesn't mean I liked ever policy that came out, I didn't, and don't, but in every case a majority of grass roots Liberals supported a policy that made it in...

Not that any of that matters to you, but it may be of interest to some people here that didn't know... B)

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I have no idea how the NDP do their policies but I do know how Liberals do theirs...

In the past, when I was a member, a number of the ones I initiated and more that I voted for made it as federal party policy...

See the thing is the Liberals use a "bottom up" system stemming directly from the general membership during meetings at the riding level up through provincial and/or regional conventions up to the party's policy committee which implements them as Party Policy... The Leader of the Liberal Party actually has fairly limited input as to Party Policy...

Seems to work OK as far as I'm concerned...

Doesn't mean I liked ever policy that came out, I didn't, and don't, but in every case a majority of grass roots Liberals supported a policy that made it in...

Not that any of that matters to you, but it may be of interest to some people here that didn't know... B)

So I will ask again where can I find those policies because I think you are dead wrong. There is an easy way to prove you are right though. Show me the policy. You wont find them though.

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So I will ask again where can I find those policies because I think you are dead wrong. There is an easy way to prove you are right though. Show me the policy. You wont find them though.

He's actually dead right. The Ontario policy convention for the LPC was 5-6 weeks ago. Our riding association had a couple of policy initiatives approved.


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He's actually dead right. The Ontario policy convention for the LPC was 5-6 weeks ago. Our riding association had a couple of policy initiatives approved.


Those aren't policies they are things your party stole from the 1980 NDP. Seriously Child care, Stronger CPP, and a "National Food Policy". Man the Liberals bring weak game but I was expecting more then a webpage with promises the Liberals have been making for 35 years, or things they lifted directly from the NDP. Seriously I though it might be something I could actually read and have substance.

This is it? I mean the red book was 112 pages. This is one webpage with no plans no specifics and 4 promises.

I repeat the Liberals have no policy. And he is actually not dead right. You know why? The Liberal party members can send all the policies they want to the policy committee, a committee put together by backroom boys, and they can ignore them all. Which is what they appear to have done.

In the NDP all policy created by ridding associations goes to the convention floor is debated and voted on my the membership. It is called democracy the Liberals might want to try it.

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He's actually dead right. The Ontario policy convention for the LPC was 5-6 weeks ago. Our riding association had a couple of policy initiatives approved.


Thanks... You beat me to it... :D


BTW Punked, you may also want to visit the "critics" web sites to get more detail on Liberal policies... They talk about them quite extensively there... :)

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Thanks... You beat me to it... :D


BTW Punked, you may also want to visit the "critics" web sites to get more detail on Liberal policies... They talk about them quite extensively there... :)

Still looking. If this is all they got they are going to lose to the Conservatives huge. Honestly if their plan was to steal the NDP's platform from 30 year ago their are way more things they could have added to their policy then 3 poorly planned promises.

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Those aren't policies they are things your party stole from the 1980 NDP. Seriously Child care, Stronger CPP, and a "National Food Policy". Man the Liberals bring weak game but I was expecting more then a webpage with promises the Liberals have been making for 35 years, or things they lifted directly from the NDP. Seriously I though it might be something I could actually read and have substance.

This is it? I mean the red book was 112 pages. This is one webpage with no plans no specifics and 4 promises.

I repeat the Liberals have no policy. And he is actually not dead right. You know why? The Liberal party members can send all the policies they want to the policy committee, a committee put together by backroom boys, and they can ignore them all. Which is what they appear to have done.

In the NDP all policy created by ridding associations goes to the convention floor is debated and voted on my the membership. It is called democracy the Liberals might want to try it.

Who says there won't be one? Has the election been called yet? Only political novices and hubris filled ideologues call a political result before the polls close. You're probably both.

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Who says there won't be one? Has the election been called yet? Only political novices and hubris filled ideologues call a political result before the polls close. You're probably both.

I don't know I mean their leader promised a policy book out by June 2009. I just figured if he broke that promise and they couldn't even get that out that their wont be one. I mean honestly it has been 2 years.

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I don't know I mean their leader promised a policy book out by June 2009. I just figured if he broke that promise and they couldn't even get that out that their wont be one. I mean honestly it has been 2 years.

Cited quote, please. I've been to quite a few Liberal meetings since 2009. LPCO and the OLO have made it quite clear they were going to take their time to do this policy process properly.

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Still looking. If this is all they got they are going to lose to the Conservatives huge. Honestly if their plan was to steal the NDP's platform from 30 year ago their are way more things they could have added to their policy then 3 poorly planned promises.

I see NDPers can't count either, 3 you say, 30 years ago you say, interesting...

Here's a SAMPLE of what I see >

- Liberals are fighting for a strong economy. A future Liberal government will take a balanced and credible fiscal approach to tackling the Conservatives’ record deficit and restoring Canada’s fiscal health including:

■Cancelling Harper’s additional corporate tax breaks and restoring rates to 2010 levels. Canada already has the second lowest corporate tax rates in the G7 and 25% lower than the U.S. Canadian families deserve a break, not the largest corporations;

â– Making better choices instead of spending billions on stealth fighter jets and US-style mega prisons;

â– Deficit reduction by committing to a deficit to GDP target of 1% within the first two years of a Liberal government and further decline every year thereafter until the budget is balanced;

â– Fiscal prudence by restoring a reserve as a buffer to achieve targets; and,

â– Spending restraint by finding targeted, sustainable savings in partnership with the public service and proposing new programs in the Liberal platform only if they can be financed without adding to the deficit. -

That's only in ONE category, strange that you missed it...

Oh, btw, I didn't know Canada wanted to buy Stealth Fighters 30 years ago, just as an example you understand... :D

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Some people believe promises should be kept not Liberals.


Fair enough. Things happen, though - namely the sharp drop in the polls after he said the election was going to be brought down.

Now, I could be a dick and say that this article never actually mentions if the intent was to make the platform public before an election. Either way, he shouldn't have said it.

Yet, that's more criticism than I'll ever see out of you regarding Happy Jack, so who is the hypocrite now? With all the tap dancing NDP supporters have to do to support their own party, to pick on members of party's because that party is hypocritical when their own is as well is really the ultimate in hypocrisy.

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Fair enough. Things happen, though - namely the sharp drop in the polls after he said the election was going to be brought down.

Now, I could be a dick and say that this article never actually mentions if the intent was to make the platform public before an election. Either way, he shouldn't have said it.

Yet, that's more criticism than I'll ever see out of you regarding Happy Jack, so who is the hypocrite now? With all the tap dancing NDP supporters have to do to support their own party, to pick on members of party's because that party is hypocritical when their own is as well is really the ultimate in hypocrisy.

I'll take that as the best apology I will ever get out of you. Apology accepted.

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Some people believe promises should be kept not Liberals.



Are you kidding me? That's all you've got?

Sorry, I couldn't resist...

You see punked here's the thing you can't seem to get your head around, with every post you make on a thread like this you CONFIRM what Liberals like me and others are saying about the NDP...

You'd rather try to put down Liberals than the Harper Regime because you think it may mean getting another meaningless seat from the Liberals even if it means electing Harper and Co. to another term... Very simple minded of you really...

You haven't offered a thing that's pro NDP, like their policies or platform have you?

All you do is try to "play games" with people that are waaaay smarter and much more experienced about politics than you can ever be...

It's quite sad really, I'd actually feel sorry for you if you weren't bent on being totally obnoxious and completely stupid about it...

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I figured it was as close as I would get. Glad I know more about your party then you do though. It explains a lot about our voting habits.

You actually don't. Then again you'll never admit it, because you really don't argue with reason. Hence the crack comment. Where in anything did I say I apologized? I just pointed out that you really misread it but that still doesn't excuse the NDP for what they did.

Perhaps read the entire thing next time.

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You actually don't. Then again you'll never admit it, because you really don't argue with reason. Hence the crack comment. Where in anything did I say I apologized? I just pointed out that you really misread it but that still doesn't excuse the NDP for what they did.

Perhaps read the entire thing next time.

I think you hit the nail (aka punked) on the head with your "crack" comment...

Seems he's gotten more than he bargained for seeing two of us on one thread... :lol:

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I think you hit the nail (aka punked) on the head with your "crack" comment...

Seems he's gotten more than he bargained for seeing two of us on one thread... :lol:

Nope got just what I bargained for. Two Liberals who don't hold their party responsible for any promises, don't care what they run on, and would never say boo no matter what they did. Give it another 6 months they way the polls are going you guys will be the only ones left.

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Nope got just what I bargained for. Two Liberals who don't hold their party responsible for any promises, don't care what they run on, and would never say boo no matter what they did. Give it another 6 months they way the polls are going you guys will be the only ones left.


In case you missed it... :D

Keep up the good work... B)

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Oh, I still haven't gotten an answer on him regarding any of his positions on NDP policy now, or what he claims to be NDP achievements in the past. He actually claimed that the NDP federally had more achievements than the LPC, then tried to claim credit for everything the LPC actually accomplished.

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Oh, I still haven't gotten an answer on him regarding any of his positions on NDP policy now, or what he claims to be NDP achievements in the past. He actually claimed that the NDP federally had more achievements than the LPC, then tried to claim credit for everything the LPC actually accomplished.

Surely you expected nothing mo - nevermind...

When Ignatieff was in Winnipeg during Kevin Lamoureux's (a friend of mine) bi-election campaign a bunch of NDPers just like punked tried to disrupt his open mike session... They stood out like a sore thumb dressing and acting like total goofs...

To his credit Ignatieff handled them pretty well, except I thought a little too "diplomatically" for my liking... ;)

Nice to see Judy Wishywashylies out of the spotlight... She got trounced in her bid for Mayor as well...

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Oh, I still haven't gotten an answer on him regarding any of his positions on NDP policy now, or what he claims to be NDP achievements in the past. He actually claimed that the NDP federally had more achievements than the LPC, then tried to claim credit for everything the LPC actually accomplished.

Yep I always found it weird the Liberals were in power for 75 years promising the same thing but only actually did anything when the NDP was about to bring down the government.

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Yep I always found it weird the Liberals were in power for 75 years promising the same thing but only actually did anything when the NDP was about to bring down the government.

First you can't count, now you're saying you can't read, what are you good for?

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