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New Pinocchio Ads Disgusting

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The Liberal aka Fiberals have stooped to a new low.

The latest TV and Radio Ads are nothing but total LIES about Stephen Harper and the Conservatives..

These jerks buy votes and tell lies and try to scare people into voting for them. Why? Because if the Tories win and I sure hope they do, then we will find out the truth about the Adscasm and a whole bunch of other hidden scams the fiberals have pulled off and using taxpayer dollars to do so. They have no respect whatsoever for the citizens of this country.

They are disgusting.

I am not a supporter of any political party but I am totally fed up with the mismanagement of our money, the destroyment of our health care system, the dismantling of our military, the passing of laws that encourage and support racism and discrimination and the never-ending promises which end up being LIES starting with the elimination of the GST. The Fiberals have wasted Billions and Billions of our dollars and anyone who supports that must have millions in their bank accounts.

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I think the Liberals have been in power so long that they have come to believe they have some kind of right to be in power. To steal tax money, line pockets and grease palms as they have done requires incredible arrogance and complacency. Witness also their liberal (pun intended) use of the Canadian flag in their campaigns, their accusations that Harper is un-Canadian, and their idea that a true Canadian would vote Liberal.

And unless the motto has changed to "peace, order and bad government" that just is not true.

The Fiberals have wasted Billions and Billions of our dollars and anyone who supports that must have millions in their bank accounts.

Or is a beneficiary of their pork-barrelling. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would imagine that the reasons why the Liberals are so bent upon expanding government and bureacracy is to create a legion of government employees who owe their jobs to the Liberal party, and thus can be depended upon as Liberal voters.

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I think the liberals believe their own lies . I used to vote liberal but never again . I can't believe that Paul Martin can stand there and lie to the people of Canada and Quebec. He would do anything to stay in power even sell his soul.:rolleyes:

Stephen Harper all the way the only one with a clean record.

Any other leader who lies about him is playing dirty politics.

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Yes, I am just as mad as anyone over the sponsorship scandal, but I'm not prepared to flush down the toilet all the great work they've done and replace it with the regressive economic and social policies of Stephen Harper. Economists across the country have all said that Harper's 'tax cut/increased spending' scenario would put us back into deficit, while not having any real impact on our social foundation. Canadians right now have it so freakin' good they don't even realize how good they have it! Canada is now poised to take on the world - we are the envy of many developed countries because of our strong economy and solid social programs. Do people think that we arrived to this point merely by accident? That it would have occurred naturally?? No!! When the Liberals were elected in 1993, they inherited a $42-billion deficit from Brian Mulroney. That is now wiped out and we are saving $3 billion a year in interest payments. Thanks to Paul Martin as finance minister, we also paid down our debt by $50 billion and created three million jobs! We have the lowest interest rates ever, and the lowest unemployment rate in years. Now Martin wants to take us FORWARD into the 21st century with national day care, national home care and better health care. If you find yourself thinking along the same lines as Stephen Harper in terms of regressive economic policies - and social policies that will only instill homophobic and racist sentiment in every whacko just waiting for the chance to pounce - then, fine, vote for the guy. But if you're looking to vote for him simply because you're pissed at the Liberals, you'd better be prepared for the consequences. It is YOU who will be responsible for the demise of this great country

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So NAFTA had nothing to do with our current economy?

And doesn't Martin beleive in tax cuts? If thats the case, are Harper's tax cuts not better?

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they inherited a $42-billion deficit from Brian Mulroney

not to defend lying brian but he iherited 20 billion of it from youre man trudeau.

Now Martin wants to take us FORWARD into the 21st century

PM could give a shit about his country he is not really a liberal anyway he just knew it was the party that through graft and corruption he could get into power. If he was such a wonderful guy maybe he should not steal. Even his company is not based in Canada as he knows Canadas tax structure is horrid. If he does not trust his gov't with his money why should I.

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When the Liberals were elected in 1993, they inherited a $42-billion deficit from Brian Mulroney. That is now wiped out and we are saving $3 billion a year in interest payments. Thanks to Paul Martin as finance minister, we also paid down our debt by $50 billion

This part is true .. but don't forget that the Conservative party inherited a debt of $200 billion from the Trudeau Liberals when they came to power in 1984. The Trudeau Liberals were the ones that STARTED our debt and deficit. No Canadian should forget that. When Trudeau started with no deficit and turned over a $200 billion debt to the Conservatives he left them with a huge handicap. A handicap that will take at least two generations to eliminate. I give Paul Martin credit for his accomplishment but the Liberals aren't exactly squeeky clean when it comes to handling taxpayers money.

I don't want to get going on the damages Trudeau did to our country.. it would waste the rest of my day.

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Yes, I am just as  mad as anyone over the sponsorship scandal, but I'm not prepared to flush down the toilet all the great work they've done
What great work? I dare you to name me what social or economic policies Chretien and Martin brought out which helped make Canada a better place. I'm willing to bet you can't actually think of any.
and replace it with the regressive economic and social policies of Stephen Harper. Economists across the country have all said
They have "all" said? How many? A lot? Economists paid for by the Liberals and NDP have "all said", and others who want money from the federal government have "all said", but I have yet to hear much in the way of an unbiased assessment of the Conservatives' and their fiscal plan.

Do you know that the Ontario Liberals got raves for their "fiscal plan" prior to the election? Funny thing is the plan turned out to be a pack of lies. Their actual budget is nothing like what they ran on. What the federal Liberals are claiming is just as much of a lie. They will not keep their promises - so how can you possibly rely on their economic proposals?

Canadians right now have it so freakin' good they don't even realize how good they have it! Canada is now poised to take on the world - we are the envy of many developed countries because of our strong economy and solid social programs.
I'd like a list of these developed countries who envy us. So far as I know our health care system is just about dead last among OCED members in terms of things like waiting lists. I rather doubt people in Europe, who have much better, faster health care, envy us at all. They also have much more holidays, much better welfare and pension plans, and a generally better lifestyle. You think they envy us? Ignore the Liberal and NDP campaign rhetoric, open your eyes, and look around.
Do people think that we arrived to this point merely by accident? That it would have occurred naturally?? No!! When the Liberals were elected in 1993, they inherited a $42-billion deficit from Brian Mulroney. That is now wiped out and we are saving $3 billion a year in interest payments
Wow. They must have been geniuses to have managed all that. Can you list for me some of their policies and economic programs which helped to bring in so much money and improve our economy? No? Not even one, right? No. You really don't know anything about economics, do you? You have no idea what happened. But they were in power, so you're willing to give them praise.

But then, your posting reads like an advertisement written up by a second rate ad man. It strikes me it should have a little disclaimer at the bottom: Paid for by the Liberal Party of Canada. :rolleyes:

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Yes, I am just as  mad as anyone over the sponsorship scandal, but I'm not prepared to flush down the toilet all the great work they've done and replace it with the regressive economic and social policies of Stephen Harper. Economists across the country have all said that Harper's 'tax cut/increased spending' scenario would put us back into deficit, while not having any real impact on our social foundation. Canadians right now have it so freakin' good they don't even realize how good they have it! Canada is now poised to take on the world - we are the envy of many developed countries because of our strong economy and solid social programs. Do people think that we arrived to this point merely by accident? That it would have occurred naturally?? No!! When the Liberals were elected in 1993, they inherited a $42-billion deficit from Brian Mulroney. That is now wiped out and we are saving $3 billion a year in interest payments. Thanks to Paul Martin as finance minister, we also paid down our debt by $50 billion and created three million jobs! We have the lowest interest rates ever, and the lowest unemployment rate in years. Now Martin wants to take us FORWARD into the 21st century with national day care, national home care and better health care. If you find yourself thinking along the same lines as Stephen Harper in terms of regressive economic policies - and social policies that will only instill homophobic and racist sentiment in every whacko just waiting for the chance to pounce - then, fine, vote for the guy. But if you're looking to vote for him simply because you're pissed at the Liberals, you'd better be prepared for the consequences. It is YOU who will be responsible for the demise of this great country

Paul Martin gave us 73 tax increases as finance minister.

You want to thank him for that? Low wage earners and seniors on fixed incomes are suffering because of it.

I am a senior who recently turned 65 and get ready guess what Paul Martins government did to me? Because I was about to receive Old Age Security pension they reduced my other pension by almost $10,00 per year. Am I making 40 or 50 or 60 or more thousands a year on pension? Nope ! My gross is 36,000. When you reach 65 dear you will too we will be grateful to your hero who helped destroy our health care, our military, are scandal ridden with good gosh I don't know where to begin but the costs are in the Billions NOT millions.

Oh yes there are many thousands of economists residing in Canada. Please give us the names of those economists who say Stephen Harper is going to harm our economy? If you can name them betcha they are members of the Fiberal Party of Canada..

We need fiscal management, and riddance to corruption and Stephen Harper and his party will definitely give us that. The Fiberals haven't and won't !!!

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Well Argus; Chretien kept us out of the invasion of Iraq and the mess there. For that I am very grateful.. Paul Martin has paid down our deficit.

Harper has a "clean" record" He has no record to speak of. He did want to have Canada join the USA and support the invasion of Iraq; That says enough for me.

And Why did he want us supporting the Americans; because they were right? NO The invasion was necessary?? NO. Because "they are our friends" Well Bush has shown himself to be no friend of Canada. His ingratitude to Canadians after 9/11 was an early indication.

If my friends are foolish enough to drive drunk; I do not have to do the same.

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Well Argus; Chretien kept us out of the invasion of Iraq and the mess there. For that I am very grateful.. Paul Martin has paid down our deficit.

Harper has a "clean" record" He has no record to speak of. He did want to have Canada join the USA and support the invasion of Iraq; That says enough for me.

And Why did he want us supporting the Americans; because they were right? NO The invasion was necessary?? NO. Because "they are our friends" Well Bush has shown himself to be no friend of Canada. His ingratitude to Canadians after 9/11 was an early indication.

If my friends are foolish enough to drive drunk; I do not have to do the same.

Why do you think Bush was not a "friend" to Canada.........remember that old saying your mother would tell you? Treat people how you would want to be treated......

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