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Proactive Disclosure --- why are the costs so high?

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Airfare ---$3,839.59 --- the most expensive return trip was less than $700 - where did the extra 3000$ for this flight come from

Other Transportation: $0.00

Accommodations: $257.64

Meals and Incidentals: $191.70 -> how many days was this? Or was he eating something other than food?

expenses by

Mark Eyking, Parliamentary Secretary

The government is running a deficit - even the Queen flies British Airways when she travels

Also why couldn't this information briefing be done via the internet or phone? why spend over 4000$ on something that could of been done remotely?

I can do a google search and get tons of information on Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

You'd think he'd have a frequent flyer rebate...

$2,019.56 for a flight to ottawa?

Who the heck is his booking agent?

doesn't the GC have a flight PLAN you know buy x number of tickets get them for dirt cheap rather than we pay you 2x atleast the regular cost for every flight we do for completely absurd and unnessary reasons at the tax payers expense!


Gerry Ritz, Minister

also when they are in ottawa

air $3,375.77

why do they need accomodations - don't MP's have a place in ottawa to stay for their 6 days in parliament for the 6 months parliament operates..


like give me break.. you'd think they'd have some type of housing for mp's. the cost override for the 300$ hotel rooms over those 6 days is enough for a modest single appartment

Why are they being fed at taxpayers expense while they are in ottawa $145.40 THEY ARE MP's?

To attend Cabinet and Departmental Meetings - give me a break.

Doesn't their salary feed them?

$155400 sure as hell would feed me!

That's not even counting his cabinet bonus or his ministerial bonus!!!

freaken + the 150$ for lunch? what did he have - I bet it wasn't food.

Why not live up with the gormet dinners on your tax payer funded salary instead of this a modest flight is understandable but a cabinet meeting private jet or super first class

Two night stay for

Accommodation: $459.80 Skelton, Carol

that is a pretty damn expensive hotel... you could pay for an cheap apartment for that price for a month - most comfortable hotels will run less than 100$ a night.

Some hotels even have government of canada rates... what 2x the regular price?

first website 98$/night

$98.00 CAD

Average Nightly Rate 1 KING BED NONSMOKING

why wasn't this sufficient?

harper had a 1 night stay for $468.42... in NY

oddly he only pays 150$ or less usually when he is in canada each night.. yet on both his NY and Washington trips he had 500$ hotel rooms.

$1,233.94 - for quebec for two nights hmm who says he doesn't give to quebec

$1,643.54 what type of stronger relations happened that night with india?

Here is that government officials pay more than everyone else for things situation - and this time it is a government crown corp that charged him 3x the regular price atleast..

$320.00 passport

another 500$ bed in toronto

taxpayers paid for this: For: Harper, Right Honourable Stephen Joseph, Prime Minister

Purpose: The Right Honourable Stephen Harper travels to Montreal to chair the first Presidents Cup Golf Tournament in Canada (government aircraft)

Date(s): 09-24 to 09-26

Destination(s): Montreal

Accommodation: $1,264.37

TOTAL: $1,264.37

For: Harper, Right Honourable Stephen Joseph, Prime Minister

Event Description: Reception for the first President Cup Golf Tournament in Canada

Date(s): 09-25

Attendee(s) Non government guests and/or government employees

Location: Laurentian Welga and Le Windsor, Montreal

TOTAL: $15,154.50

looks like o'conor was 2 miles high $5,489.75 for airfair to paris they have deals for like 500$ check this out MONTREAL to PARIS rtn $399

Edited by William Ashley
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Airfare ---$3,839.59 --- the most expensive return trip was less than $700 - where did the extra 3000$ for this flight come from

Other Transportation: $0.00

Accommodations: $257.64

Meals and Incidentals: $191.70 -> how many days was this? Or was he eating something other than food?

expenses by

Mark Eyking, Parliamentary Secretary

The government is running a deficit - even the Queen flies British Airways when she travels

Also why couldn't this information briefing be done via the internet or phone? why spend over 4000$ on something that could of been done remotely?

I can do a google search and get tons of information on Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

You'd think he'd have a frequent flyer rebate...

$2,019.56 for a flight to ottawa?

Who the heck is his booking agent?

doesn't the GC have a flight PLAN you know buy x number of tickets get them for dirt cheap rather than we pay you 2x atleast the regular cost for every flight we do for completely absurd and unnessary reasons at the tax payers expense!


Gerry Ritz, Minister

also when they are in ottawa

air $3,375.77

why do they need accomodations - don't MP's have a place in ottawa to stay for their 6 days in parliament for the 6 months parliament operates..


like give me break.. you'd think they'd have some type of housing for mp's. the cost override for the 300$ hotel rooms over those 6 days is enough for a modest single appartment

Why are they being fed at taxpayers expense while they are in ottawa $145.40 THEY ARE MP's?

To attend Cabinet and Departmental Meetings - give me a break.

Doesn't their salary feed them?

$155400 sure as hell would feed me!

That's not even counting his cabinet bonus or his ministerial bonus!!!

freaken + the 150$ for lunch? what did he have - I bet it wasn't food.

Why not live up with the gormet dinners on your tax payer funded salary instead of this a modest flight is understandable but a cabinet meeting private jet or super first class

Two night stay for

Accommodation: $459.80 Skelton, Carol

that is a pretty damn expensive hotel... you could pay for an cheap apartment for that price for a month - most comfortable hotels will run less than 100$ a night.

Some hotels even have government of canada rates... what 2x the regular price?

first website 98$/night

$98.00 CAD

Average Nightly Rate 1 KING BED NONSMOKING

why wasn't this sufficient?

harper had a 1 night stay for $468.42... in NY

oddly he only pays 150$ or less usually when he is in canada each night.. yet on both his NY and Washington trips he had 500$ hotel rooms.

$1,233.94 - for quebec for two nights hmm who says he doesn't give to quebec

$1,643.54 what type of stronger relations happened that night with india?

Here is that government officials pay more than everyone else for things situation - and this time it is a government crown corp that charged him 3x the regular price atleast..

$320.00 passport

another 500$ bed in toronto

taxpayers paid for this: For: Harper, Right Honourable Stephen Joseph, Prime Minister

Purpose: The Right Honourable Stephen Harper travels to Montreal to chair the first Presidents Cup Golf Tournament in Canada (government aircraft)

Date(s): 09-24 to 09-26

Destination(s): Montreal

Accommodation: $1,264.37

TOTAL: $1,264.37

For: Harper, Right Honourable Stephen Joseph, Prime Minister

Event Description: Reception for the first President Cup Golf Tournament in Canada

Date(s): 09-25

Attendee(s) Non government guests and/or government employees

Location: Laurentian Welga and Le Windsor, Montreal

TOTAL: $15,154.50

looks like o'conor was 2 miles high $5,489.75 for airfair to paris they have deals for like 500$ check this out MONTREAL to PARIS rtn $399

Half the posters here will gladly explain to you that these things are just fine and perfectly normal as long as it is Conservatives doing it.

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I sure hate to defend what seems to be excessive spending. The reality is that government travels on short notice more often than not, the idea of forward planning escapes them I guess. Their meal expenses are often room service with all the premiums associated with that little perk. In addition every business person in the nation has already discovered the ways to hide your booze bill on your food claims. So what we are talking about is last minute travel, and expenses associated with off hours meal and entertainment expenses.

In truth we could and should be looking at these costs under a microscope, and actually do something about it. This government is no better or worse than any other in its expenses, yet the citizens deserve better treatment than this and better value for their money. Its time to start moving politicians on pre-booked flights, with the air miles going back to the fed. Its time to eliminate the booze, and fancy hotel rooms. If it were up to me I would have Air Canada fly these folks around for free! I would TELL Bombardier to front me a couple of planes, cover the fuel and the air crew expenses as a bonus for all the damned money sunk into that company.

There are ways of doing things that are outside of the box and effective. We should be doing them.

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I sure hate to defend what seems to be excessive spending. The reality is that government travels on short notice more often than not, the idea of forward planning escapes them I guess. Their meal expenses are often room service with all the premiums associated with that little perk. In addition every business person in the nation has already discovered the ways to hide your booze bill on your food claims. So what we are talking about is last minute travel, and expenses associated with off hours meal and entertainment expenses.

In truth we could and should be looking at these costs under a microscope, and actually do something about it. This government is no better or worse than any other in its expenses, yet the citizens deserve better treatment than this and better value for their money. Its time to start moving politicians on pre-booked flights, with the air miles going back to the fed. Its time to eliminate the booze, and fancy hotel rooms. If it were up to me I would have Air Canada fly these folks around for free! I would TELL Bombardier to front me a couple of planes, cover the fuel and the air crew expenses as a bonus for all the damned money sunk into that company.

There are ways of doing things that are outside of the box and effective. We should be doing them.

Lies they arn't last minute - these are things that were known with over a month in advance - for instance when did oconor receive his invitation to attend memorial services in paris? Also couldn't the ambassador do this for a lot less tax payer cost for lip service?

Also why is the tax payer willing to pay for 3 meals at 50$ FOR 1 person when

entertainment expenses are seperate from the food bill on the report

Some of these flights last minute same day booking are cheaper than what was paid.

$10,000 is half of some peoples annual income for 1 trip... one persons annual salary blown in 2 days.

Also why are some of these proactive disclosures pulling up ERROR 404 screens...


go to the ministers links

The costs add up when everyone is flying first class for 8x the cost of regular airfare

$5,913.84 for brussles?

What is the legitimate reason for such high airfare costs?

The most expensive was like 1000 EURO.. using this it is still only $3000 return

When the CONS are talking about cutting public services.. why not start with their parties high rolling at public expense.

Edited by William Ashley
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Very good questions.

What is reasonable? A head of state is one thing -- extra security is a factor, etc. -- and they have a retinue. You don't want them landing in Copenhagen in a Hercules.

And nobody objects to deputy ministers and ministers going first class.

Where is the point where it is excessive?

Frankly, I think everything in the public service, at every level, is excessive. Salaries in the public sector, matched with similar jobs in the private sector, are 50% and more higher. Not only that, almost no parts of the private labour market has the benefit packages that are normal in the civil service. I laughed, a few years ago I wandered through Queens Park area when the teachers were on strike, protesting. The CUPE guy was 'orating', so I stopped to listen for a few minutes. The rhetoric was pure British class warfare stuff, delivered with a Celtic burr. But who's he talking to? I wondered. The teachers were all wearing high priced 'surivival' jackets, and were driving late model minivans. Everything they had brought with them -- picnic hampers, etc. was grade A. I couldn't help myself -- I wondered why these people were pretending to be 'the working class'. The working class wears hoodies from Walmart, and "I'm with Dummy" t-shirts, and they bring beer in styrofoam coolers, not fruit juices in Colemans coolers.

We have reached the point where the biggest determinant of an individual's level of consumption in life is now not their education, or their skills, but whether they get hired in the public sector or the private.

And that's just wrong.

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Very good questions.

What is reasonable? A head of state is one thing -- extra security is a factor, etc. -- and they have a retinue.

Those are seperate costs.

And nobody objects to deputy ministers and ministers going first class.

I DO! Those are tax payer dollars, if they want first class they should pay out of pocket with their large salary. Getting them there is one thing, getting them there at the highest possible cost to the tax payer is another.

Where is the point where it is excessive?

It is 5-10x more expensive than regular airfare, this happens with hundreds of people which equals millions of dollars in excess spending that could go to paying down the 50 billion deficit that has to be repayed some day, or repaying the tax payers. It is irresponsibility for them to pick luxury at the tax payers expense.

Edited by William Ashley
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Those are tax payer dollars, if they want first class they should pay out of pocket with their large salary. Getting them there is one thing, getting them there at the highest possible cost to the tax payer is another.

It is 5-10x more expensive than regular airfare, this happens with hundreds of people which equals millions of dollars in excess spending that could go to paying down the 50 billion deficit that has to be repayed some day, or repaying the tax payers. It is irresponsibility for them to pick luxury at the tax payers expense.

You seem to prefer going for the capillaries, rather than the jugular. What percentage of their budgets do you think we'd squeeze out by having our top bureaucrats have to go through the line-ups, carry their own luggage, and rent only Smart Cars?

Yet you don't even arch your eyebrow over the fact that the whole public service of Canada, at all levels, is paid 50% over market.

It's what has destroyed the possibility of socialism. The state can no longer provide services efficiently because it is unionized, top to bottom.

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You seem to prefer going for the capillaries, rather than the jugular.

What percentage of their budgets do you think we'd squeeze out by having our top bureaucrats have to go through the line-ups, carry their own luggage, and rent only Smart Cars?

For gods sake they are people, not gods. Why should they get any better treatment than the average Canadian? I almost never have lineups, if they arrive at the right time, and bring some paper work what is the issue?

What the hell are they being paid for, savings? They have mighty plush pensions for a very limited amount of in time.

Yet you don't even arch your eyebrow over the fact that the whole public service of Canada, at all levels, is paid 50% over market.

I heard upper management gets less than the corporate rate. Kindly present more facts on equivolent job descriptions/responsibilities and rate of pay. I'd love to hear more. Also are these equivocable posts requiring bilingual persons if applicable? More than my eyebrow is raised.

It's what has destroyed the possibility of socialism. The state can no longer provide services efficiently because it is unionized, top to bottom.

I thought the cash flow issue was paying the banks 50 billion dollars for land canada already owns and a pointless war.

Edited by William Ashley
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