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Canadian Identity: un-American

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Guest American Woman
Umm Americans are more truthful absolutely, some would say to a fault. But being polite means you are generally being untruthful. Canadians are polite and make regular use of please and thank you.

I travel to the US often for my job, one of the first times I was out at a restaurant in Memphis TN, when I placed my order I said.

"Can I please have the pulled pork sandwich."

The waitress replied "Well of course ya can have it! But do ya want it?"

I have since adapted how I order to be "I want" To me this seem impolite but it's the way most Americans place order.

Americans are more direct, but certainly not more polite.

I do think we're more direct, but that doesn't necessarily make us less polite; I'd say both nations have their share of the polite and not so polite.

When I order, I say "I'd like the pulled pork sandwich, please" and then thank the waitress/waiter when she/he's done taking my order.

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Before you were discussing the corrupt Liberals. Make up your mind.

The conservatives have formed the cabinet that controls the government in the years building up to where we are at today. They allowed the sell out of Stelco to US Steel which laid off countless people. They have allowed the sale of Inco and Falconbridge which has led to countless lay offs. They are responsible for the disappearence of Nortels Assets to foreign company parasites. The conservatives are responsible for auto citizenship with voting rights to people from low GDP countries. These immigrants are able to finance homes and apply to any work. If these immigrants get laid off from their employment they are entitled to collect EI or claim any other government program. These immigrants have caused low wages and poor working conditions. The Conservatives have made being a Canadian worthless and meaningless. No country in the world does this to their people. Because my Grandfather was from England that gives me an olive branch to return to the UK and an eventual EU citizen. However, the terms is I have to be a model citizen for 5 years and I am unable to claim for any government program. After this I can apply for citizenship. All I can say for Harper and his Conservative they can all go and rot in hell for their sell out of Canadians. Not to long though, it is a waste of Cosmic Energy. :P

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She was kidding around with you. That's my sense of humor (not humour) too.

And people like myself especially so. I tend not to be particularly nice or polite.

I don't think you a are real american but a transplant perhaps from your parents relocating there when you were growing up or worse an immigrant who came through the US green card program. :o Or you are upset with the Original Americans who settled the US in 1604 and you are forever grateful to Abe Lincoln for Liberating your ancestors. Perhaps you are really a women and changed into being a man and can't get over not having voting rights till the 19th century and were seen as man's property.

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I don't think you a are real american but a transplant perhaps from your parents relocating there when you were growing up or worse an immigrant who came through the US green card program....

Either way...he is still a real American...with no worries about the constant neurosis that eats at your definition of citizenship or Canadian "identity".

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Er, what makes you so sure you wouldn't have ended up as one of those people kicked out of their foreclosed home and living in your car without health coverage? The caste system you say exists here exists there as well.


You underestimate my talent and natural ability - IF you have something of value in America you at least are allowed to gain a bit of fame and live off the legendary part of whats left when you bottom out ----oooops I take that back - well working on Blues Brothers 2000 - I met all the old cool black guys that started the music industry - and only one or two was not in poverty - Once great player who enriched hundrends put it this way - "I live in a hole, if it was not for my church I would starve...Okay - I submit..there is a caste system..an the more cold and brutal you are the higher you rise....Like the old bankster I USED TO KNOW... This guy is no different than a mafia don...difference is that instead of wacking you outright - they build up institutions that slowly kill you - I guess that's why I resent Canada - cos' I know exactly how the system works - and it's not a pretty picture.

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If its factual and true who has the neurosis? Me or you/them?

No one gets away from the system we built without suffering some neurosis..look at half the population - they are held together with chemicals. We sorely need reform. Having been an observer for well over 50 years I have seen the decline in the quality of life and freedom..YOU don't notice it because you are like the frog being slowly boiled.

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No one gets away from the system we built without suffering some neurosis..look at half the population - they are held together with chemicals. We sorely need reform. Having been an observer for well over 50 years I have seen the decline in the quality of life and freedom..YOU don't notice it because you are like the frog being slowly boiled.

:lol::lol: True

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Defintitely you....hence "whowhere"...very appropriate. The American experience cannot rescue you from your fate, even as the un-Cola. Did you know that my Yankee bank coin counter rejects Canadian "dimes"?

Ohhhh your getting personal now. You calling this guy a dime? You know what's interesting about this place - it's like a western version of the KKK --- but educated...acedemics hate me because I am a rube and they hate you cos' well you have that "feets don't fails me now" thing going on.

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Defintitely you....hence "whowhere"...very appropriate. The American experience cannot rescue you from your fate, even as the un-Cola. Did you know that my Yankee bank coin counter rejects Canadian "dimes"?

Quit skirting. If I stand on facts and you/them can't accept those supported facts who is the one with neurosis? Projection perhaps?

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I don't think you a are real american but a transplant perhaps from your parents relocating there when you were growing up or worse an immigrant who came through the US green card program. :o Or you are upset with the Original Americans who settled the US in 1604 and you are forever grateful to Abe Lincoln for Liberating your ancestors. Perhaps you are really a women and changed into being a man and can't get over not having voting rights till the 19th century and were seen as man's property.

I've been to Canada about 10 times (including a shortcut to the American West from NYC via Niagara and Windsor)and spent, just guessing, a grand total of 30 days in Canada. It's a very unusual role reversal where a Canadian who reviles me accuses me of being a Canadian, not an American.

A few other minor errors. The original American settlers came in 1607, not 1604. Every pre-1607 colony died out. My ancestors were liberated by Theodore Herzl, not Abe Lincoln. And I was born a man (at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City during April 1957). And oh by the way, my ancestor were quite definitely rather speedily given the franchise; Tammany Hall in New York City saw to that.

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I've been to Canada about 10 times (including a shortcut to the American West from NYC via Niagara and Windsor)and spent, just guessing, a grand total of 30 days in Canada. It's a very unusual role reversal where a Canadian who reviles me accuses me of being a Canadian, not an American.

A few other minor errors. The original American settlers came in 1607, not 1604. Every pre-1607 colony died out. My ancestors were liberated by Theodore Herzl, not Abe Lincoln. And I was born a man (at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City during April 1957). And oh by the way, my ancestor were quite definitely rather speedily given the franchise; Tammany Hall in New York City saw to that.

For someone that hasn't been to Canada spends an odd amount of time on a Canadian political forum. 1604 or 1607 close enough.


He received a doctorate in law in 1884 and worked for a short while in courts in Vienna and Salzburg. Within a year, he left law and devoted himself to writing

God mustn't have liked him very much because he passed on in 1904 at 44 years of age. Adam lived until he was 900 years old and Noah started work on the ark at 500 years old.

You are lucky immigration was lax back then and for a lawyer you are lucky to be in a Country that respects recourse for the law unlike Canada. Statue of Limitation in Ontario is 2 years for civil litigation. This to is also thanks to the Conservatives that make up harpers conservatives. Just another way how Harper's conservatives look out for their buddies.

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For someone that hasn't been to Canada spends an odd amount of time on a Canadian political forum. 1604 or 1607 close enough.

I suppose you're illiterate. I said I've been to Canada 10 times. I didn't say I've never been there, just that I'm an American.


God mustn't have liked him very much because he passed on in 1904 at 44 years of age. Adam lived until he was 900 years old and Noah started work on the ark at 500 years old.

Perhaps Adam's and Noah's ages were computed in binary rather than decimal numerical base, or something between binary and decimal. A binary calculation would make Adam 36 years old when he passed on, and would have made Noah 20 when he started working on the ark.

You are lucky immigration was lax back then and for a lawyer you are lucky to be in a Country that respects recourse for the law unlike Canada. Statue of Limitation in Ontario is 2 years for civil litigation. This to is also thanks to the Conservatives that make up harpers conservatives. Just another way how Harper's conservatives look out for their buddies.

Washington DC has a two year statute for much civil litigation. Each state has their own rules. I also don't know what Harper had to do with Ontario's Statute of Limitations which
  1. predates Harper's being politically active (I think);and
  2. is a provincial rather than Federal matter.

Yes, I know Harper originally hails from Ontario but I don't know that he set up their Statute of Limitations.

Frankly, my experience is that if a claim is good it's brought very soon after it accrues. The only claims that are brought close to the end of a Statute of Limitations are weak claims, or worse, ones where the Plaintiff is hoping that the Defendant won't have the records, memory or witnesses to defend itself.

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I suppose you're illiterate. I said I've been to Canada 10 times. I didn't say I've never been there, just that I'm an American.

You must be thick as my point was 10 ten times is not that much yet you spend so much of your time posting on a Canadian Political forum.

Perhaps Adam's and Noah's ages were computed in binary rather than decimal numerical base, or something between binary and decimal. A binary calculation would make Adam 36 years old when he passed on, and would have made Noah 20 when he started working on the ark.

Well, the King James is based on a collaboration between English Scholars and Masorectic Jew using the Aleppo Codex. The same codex Isreal is based on. If you want to parade about as a Jew then you shouldn't be throwing stones at your elders. Using your logic than moses who was 80 in the old testament when he led the Children of Isreal out of Egypt or 40 years old if you look at the new testament. Which book are you going to beleive really? That would make moses 3 or 4 years old, a remarkable feat. It is noted in History the septagint, the old testemant was introduced to Greek society 300 years before Jesus by the Actual tribes of Isreal. The greeks had advanced mathematics and the pythogorean thereom goes back to 600 BC. So you are in contempt of your masorectic heritage or you are in contempt to the intelligence of the tribes who introduced the septuagint to the Greeks in 300 BC. Which is it?

Washington DC has a two year statute for much civil litigation. Each state has their own rules. I also don't know what Harper had to do with Ontario's Statute of Limitations which

  1. predates Harper's being politically active (I think);and
  2. is a provincial rather than Federal matter.

Yes, I know Harper originally hails from Ontario but I don't know that he set up their Statute of Limitations.

In Ontario it use to 6 years until the conservatives changed it. Harper was not apart of the Ontario Conservatives but many who make up Harpers conservatives are prominent members of the former Ontario Conservatives. Harper is certainly influenced by these sell out elitist conservatives.

Frankly, my experience is that if a claim is good it's brought very soon after it accrues. The only claims that are brought close to the end of a Statute of Limitations are weak claims, or worse, ones where the Plaintiff is hoping that the Defendant won't have the records, memory or witnesses to defend itself.

Ontario Litigation is different. In the US if you have a case some lawyers will pursue the case and you only pay if they win. In Canada that is not the case. The pursuit of Justice and getting justice in Canada is a flawed endeavor. Not only is it flawed at the lawyer level you are also up against unelected Liberal or conservative appointed Judges. In the US the Judges are elected.

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You must be thick as my point was 10 ten times is not that much yet you spend so much of your time posting on a Canadian Political forum.

Maybe I don't feel like posting where people who know me in real life hang out?

Well, the King James is based on a collaboration between English Scholars and Masorectic Jew using the Aleppo Codex. The same codex Isreal is based on. If you want to parade about as a Jew then you shouldn't be throwing stones at your elders. Using your logic than moses who was 80 in the old testament when he led the Children of Isreal out of Egypt or 40 years old if you look at the new testament. Which book are you going to beleive really? That would make moses 3 or 4 years old, a remarkable feat. It is noted in History the septagint, the old testemant was introduced to Greek society 300 years before Jesus by the Actual tribes of Isreal. The greeks had advanced mathematics and the pythogorean thereom goes back to 600 BC. So you are in contempt of your masorectic heritage or you are in contempt to the intelligence of the tribes who introduced the septuagint to the Greeks in 300 BC. Which is it?

I don't know what base they use but people don't live to 500 years old in real life. A logical conclusion would be different numerical base, or the oral history accounts being a bit of a tall tale like modern lumberjack legends.

In Ontario it use to 6 years until the conservatives changed it. Harper was not apart of the Ontario Conservatives but many who make up Harpers conservatives are prominent members of the former Ontario Conservatives. Harper is certainly influenced by these sell out elitist conservatives.

When was Statute shortened? In New York most statutes of limitations were halved during the 1960's.

Ontario Litigation is different. In the US if you have a case some lawyers will pursue the case and you only pay if they win. In Canada that is not the case. The pursuit of Justice and getting justice in Canada is a flawed endeavor.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The so-called "contingent fee" cases are taken only when the lawyer is quite sure he'll win and quite sure that the Defendant can pay, i.e. has insurance.
Not only is it flawed at the lawyer level you are also up against unelected Liberal or conservative appointed Judges. In the US the Judges are elected.
In the U.S. Federal judges are appointed for life, Bankruptcy and Tax Court judges for 14 year terms. In certain states judges are nominally "elected" but usually the elections are unopposed.
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Maybe I don't feel like posting where people who know me in real life hang out?

That's a weak reason. Here no one here knows or cares who you are and there is no way for them to find that out unless you tell them or mapleleafweb release your info.

I don't know what base they use but people don't live to 500 years old in real life. A logical conclusion would be different numerical base, or the oral history accounts being a bit of a tall tale like modern lumberjack legends.

And the world is not flooded for 40 days and 40 nights.

And the Sea does not part.

And the River doesn't turn to blood.

And the sky doesn't rain frogs.

And God doesn't speak to man through a burning bush and reveals commandments.

And God Leading the Children of Isreal to build his temple and appearing through a Pillar of Fire and Smoke guided the Construction.

And Solomon who was tied to the pillars brought that temple crashing down.

passages asserting adam was 900 and Noah was 500 is not out of step with the thrust and momemtum of this God's epic.

Is this consistant with life as you know it? For you to question the translation endeavored by the masorectic Jews and the 50 English scholars has to be based on something. Perhaps you are a master in speaking/writing hebrew and English and are able to question the translation/Interpretation. The Alepo Codex is what it is and if the King James doesn't reflect an accurate and true interpretation then one should be redone. However, the Septuagint also needs to be interpreted. After doing these tranlations the books can then be cross referenced to see how consistent and close they are.

When was Statute shortened? In New York most statutes of limitations were halved during the 1960's.

Back in the 90's when mike harris was premier and he also created the 60 hour work week which the Liberals repealed.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The so-called "contingent fee" cases are taken only when the lawyer is quite sure he'll win and quite sure that the Defendant can pay, i.e. has insurance. In the U.S. Federal judges are appointed for life, Bankruptcy and Tax Court judges for 14 year terms. In certain states judges are nominally "elected" but usually the elections are unopposed.

The fact is, Lawyers can do this if they want to. Good luck of this happening in Canada. At least you have democracy at work electing Judges and also a jury. Canada has no such justice.

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Still waiting, Whoowhee.

Waiting for what? I am waiting for you to show me the UK Constitution prohibiting them from revisiting Legislation pertaining to Canada. If its not in the UK Constitution the UK parliament is able to revisisit any legislation pertaining to Canada at any time. As in Canada, in the UK the monarch has to sign off on all legislation and acts of parliament as well. The Queen is the soveriegn of Canada and the UK, and if she signs off on this then Canada's only recourse would be to challenge this through the International Court. That would be difficult if the Monarch via the GG refuses to ascent any acts of Canada's parliament. If this were to happen Canada would indeed be in Governing crisis at which point Canada would be coup d'étated by the UK.

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Yes I will be waiting awhile for bambinee to back up his position.

Cut the garbage.

Is it possible that the Queen (or a King) could decide to disobey the reforms of the Glorious Revolution? Of course. Has it happened in the last 320 years? No.

Of course, it could snow in July in Toronto as well.

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Cut the garbage.

Is it possible that the Queen (or a King) could decide to disobey the reforms of the Glorious Revolution? Of course. Has it happened in the last 320 years? No.

Of course, it could snow in July in Toronto as well.

The US constitution trumps the acts of Congress. If Congress passess legislation it is challenged as unconstitutional and the courts interpreted it so then the legislation is rejected. Also, there is nothing stopping the US congress from revisiting any legislation at any time. That said, unless there is something in the UK constitution prohibiting them from revisiting legislation pertaining to Canada the UK parliament is free to revisit legislation pertaining to Canada at any time. If the sovereign Queen signs off on the Changes then Canada would be beholden to those changes.

The British Monarch acquired Canada in 1759, defended Canada in 1812, and shaped and settled English Canada on countless occasions up until the 50's. After that, the Monarch has signed off on the 1982 constitution which the Liberals and the Conservatives have used to wreck the demographics of this country. Canada has done nothing to liberate itself from the Monarch or the UK.

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The US constitution trumps the acts of Congress. If Congress passess legislation it is challenged as unconstitutional and the courts interpreted it so then the legislation is rejected.

Sometimes the Court will declare a piece of legislation unconstitutional in order to avoid the consequences of an executive refusal to administer the law. In fact the very first exercise of the Supreme Court's power (not in Constitution text by the way) to rule on constitionality of a law was to strike down a law granting the Courts the power to issue writs of mandamus directed at the President, to force Jefferson to deliver a diplomatic commission to Marbury. The real reason was the Jefferson was never going to obey a contrary ruling.
Also, there is nothing stopping the US congress from revisiting any legislation at any time. That said, unless there is something in the UK constitution prohibiting them from revisiting legislation pertaining to Canada the UK parliament is free to revisit legislation pertaining to Canada at any time. If the sovereign Queen signs off on the Changes then Canada would be beholden to those changes.
And what if Canada doesn't obey?

The British Monarch acquired Canada in 1759, defended Canada in 1812, and shaped and settled English Canada on countless occasions up until the 50's.

Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and (the later separately administered) Newfoundland were acquired by Britain long before 1759. But you knew that.
After that, the Monarch has signed off on the 1982 constitution which the Liberals and the Conservatives have used to wreck the demographics of this country. Canada has done nothing to liberate itself from the Monarch or the UK.

Patriated its constitution?
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