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Social Saftey Net? Or snare of abuse?

Oleg Bach

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There I was Saturaday morning in the white Christian Holocaust Museum. Seems that the displays had come to life. Bedraggled and half starve tatooed and abused - I witnessed the hidden shame of Canada. These people out of the core of the economic center of Canada - If you were to have stripped away the clothing of these wretches they for the most part would be skeletal creatures that looked like they should be photographed and the pictures should be on display in some place with a sign that states "nerver again" - Yes my dear and comfortable friends I was in the basement of the local church at the food bank.

Took me a long time to get here, slowly traveling to the bottom end of society- myself the intelligent and talented one, standing in line with the grand children of Scottish, English and Irish labourers that build the wealth of this nation. Not one Asian face - not one black face - not one brown one, just what is left of the throughly secularized former Christians - with fellowship removed left to fend for themselves in a corporate world where the term merger to them meant nothing. How did I get to this place you might ask? That is a long story - 18 years in the film buisness that was my life and years prior in the arts and dabbling in music - seems some bureacrat decided that I was behind on my taxes.

So the henchmen in Ottawa began as per policy to remove 100% of my earning..seeing that when I worked for a production company as a "daily" on set - that "on termination of employment" they were entitled to take in full every check. Seeing that each job was considered a termination by these guarnasheeing jerks - who I pleaded with for reasonablity hated the fact that this grade nine drop out was earning a living doing something interesting...So cheques started to arrive that were DOLLAR SIGN - 0 - DECIMAL POINT FOLLOWED BY TWO MORE ZEROES. I was told by a newly arrived immigrant tax guy.."You can work it off in about 7 years..wonderful I thought - no income no income tax...I said the hell with them - I can not operate on nothing and I informed these gleeful bastards of that to no evail.

Seven years now with no income - If it was not for my adult children..I would be sucking up the heat on a vent down town drinking cheap port. Now - I decided about a year ago to get some of that government money - being a smoker for 40 years and paying over 300 thousand dollars in nicotine addiction tax - I applied for welfare - Well my wife of 25 years was a bit stressed to say the least and the government would not assit me unless I either applied "as a family" which was not going to happen...so I did what I had learned to do to get results out of this insidious and judically corrupt system - I fed the machine - I did what woman are trained by the liberal nit wits to do - I had to state that I was an ABUSED spouse..and it worked like a charm.

The basic needs provided to me to function were about 25 dollars a week - food and travel - I was finished - I was trapped and I was offically disgarded by society....well getting back to the food bank -------------I WAS SO HAPPY ONCE I GOT HOME! I opened up my bags of stale food and can goods and was delighted to see this huge can of very nice beef stew with "huge chunks of beef" IT WAS DOG FOOD. Now the winter has set in and the creeps are rasing their bitter nasty heads - I live on an upscale street - but somehow the land lord of this expensive suit in the house my daughter rent - wants me gone - not because I am a bother - but because I beautified the place and created the finest garden and kept the place tidy..I made this goof look bad..so I am totally down trodden well behaved and contribute to making life more beautiful and tolerable..instead of loving me - I am hated...lucky there are two fine dogs in the house - they did enjoy the food....never mentioned that there were dogs I cared for and maintained..I guess the jerks at the food bank must have great empathy and vision - what a rotten abusive system this Canada place.

I gave 100% of my mind and energy and now I am trash - white trash - white Christian trash.

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There I was Saturaday morning in the white Christian Holocaust Museum. Seems that the displays had come to life. Bedraggled and half starve tatooed and abused - I witnessed the hidden shame of Canada. These people out of the core of the economic center of Canada - If you were to have stripped away the clothing of these wretches they for the most part would be skeletal creatures that looked like they should be photographed and the pictures should be on display in some place with a sign that states "nerver again" - Yes my dear and comfortable friends I was in the basement of the local church at the food bank.

Took me a long time to get here, slowly traveling to the bottom end of society- myself the intelligent and talented one, standing in line with the grand children of Scottish, English and Irish labourers that build the wealth of this nation. Not one Asian face - not one black face - not one brown one, just what is left of the throughly secularized former Christians - with fellowship removed left to fend for themselves in a corporate world where the term merger to them meant nothing. How did I get to this place you might ask? That is a long story - 18 years in the film buisness that was my life and years prior in the arts and dabbling in music - seems some bureacrat decided that I was behind on my taxes.

So the henchmen in Ottawa began as per policy to remove 100% of my earning..seeing that when I worked for a production company as a "daily" on set - that "on termination of employment" they were entitled to take in full every check. Seeing that each job was considered a termination by these guarnasheeing jerks - who I pleaded with for reasonablity hated the fact that this grade nine drop out was earning a living doing something interesting...So cheques started to arrive that were DOLLAR SIGN - 0 - DECIMAL POINT FOLLOWED BY TWO MORE ZEROES. I was told by a newly arrived immigrant tax guy.."You can work it off in about 7 years..wonderful I thought - no income no income tax...I said the hell with them - I can not operate on nothing and I informed these gleeful bastards of that to no evail.

Seven years now with no income - If it was not for my adult children..I would be sucking up the heat on a vent down town drinking cheap port. Now - I decided about a year ago to get some of that government money - being a smoker for 40 years and paying over 300 thousand dollars in nicotine addiction tax - I applied for welfare - Well my wife of 25 years was a bit stressed to say the least and the government would not assit me unless I either applied "as a family" which was not going to happen...so I did what I had learned to do to get results out of this insidious and judically corrupt system - I fed the machine - I did what woman are trained by the liberal nit wits to do - I had to state that I was an ABUSED spouse..and it worked like a charm.

The basic needs provided to me to function were about 25 dollars a week - food and travel - I was finished - I was trapped and I was offically disgarded by society....well getting back to the food bank -------------I WAS SO HAPPY ONCE I GOT HOME! I opened up my bags of stale food and can goods and was delighted to see this huge can of very nice beef stew with "huge chunks of beef" IT WAS DOG FOOD. Now the winter has set in and the creeps are rasing their bitter nasty heads - I live on an upscale street - but somehow the land lord of this expensive suit in the house my daughter rent - wants me gone - not because I am a bother - but because I beautified the place and created the finest garden and kept the place tidy..I made this goof look bad..so I am totally down trodden well behaved and contribute to making life more beautiful and tolerable..instead of loving me - I am hated...lucky there are two fine dogs in the house - they did enjoy the food....never mentioned that there were dogs I cared for and maintained..I guess the jerks at the food bank must have great empathy and vision - what a rotten abusive system this Canada place.

I gave 100% of my mind and energy and now I am trash - white trash - white Christian trash.

57 years old and down graded to less socially and economically than an immigrant that landed ten minutes ago..thanks a lot guys.

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57 years old and down graded to less socially and economically than an immigrant that landed ten minutes ago..thanks a lot guys.

"Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?"

I look at it this way, if they give you no choice but to whither and die, then you have every right to still try and live, by any means. For what have you then got to lose.

Work for cash, paid under the table. Get a job in construction, painting, or whatever. There's lots of people who are forced to do this. Or sell drugs, or rob convenience stores. Jails give you 3 meals a day. Welcome to the miitary-prison-industrial complex

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"Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?"

I look at it this way, if they give you no choice but to whither and die, then you have every right to still try and live, by any means. For what have you then got to lose.

Work for cash, paid under the table. Get a job in construction, painting, or whatever. There's lots of people who are forced to do this. Or sell drugs, or rob convenience stores. Jails give you 3 meals a day. Welcome to the miitary-prison-industrial complex

That's silly - why should I a person who has fathered and raised four children - who dedicated his life to art and became an accomplished painter - who then went on to become a good musical writer and recordist and performer - who spent 18 years on over 200 major American movie sets..who believes in goodness and God - who fought on my poor brothers behalf against liberal abusive bureacracy - who spent 5 solid years within the court system -writing and researching 24 7 taking the matter to the supreme court - and shamed them for their lack of lawfullness - hell with that - if I lasted this long I will last the duration of this mindless game played by a slavish and abusive system.

No way will I marginalize my self by becoming a bankrupt just to get the feds off the embarrassing hook they set themselve on. Far as labour - I am pushing 60 and I have done my days on construction sites - I have done the grunt work..as far as crime - I will never harm society nor will I become a corporate that is told that if you hurt the masses we will pay you - Industrial military complex? Nawh - it's just a few buisness types who took over the system - we are under the rule of orgainzed respectable crime - I can face that - I have even asked to join what I can not beat - but - they do not trust me..

- because they believe that I could possible betray the crooks and suddenly show good and benevolent behaviour towards my fellow human beings...and you know - they are right - in the end I will betray them all and leave them behind in the dust - I am the proverbial man that grew to know to much - so what - I will just ignore them from here on in...I love this world and I love the people - that's all that counts and to hell with those of the underdeveloped mind - I rule and that is my attitude - money or not - You can not keep a good man down forever.

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That's silly - why should I a person who has fathered and raised four children - who dedicated his life to art and became an accomplished painter - who then went on to become a good musical writer and recordist and performer - who spent 18 years on over 200 major American movie sets..who believes in goodness and God - who fought on my poor brothers behalf against liberal abusive bureacracy - who spent 5 solid years within the court system -writing and researching 24 7 taking the matter to the supreme court - and shamed them for their lack of lawfullness - hell with that - if I lasted this long I will last the duration of this mindless game played by a slavish and abusive system.

No way will I marginalize my self by becoming a bankrupt just to get the feds off the embarrassing hook they set themselve on. Far as labour - I am pushing 60 and I have done my days on construction sites - I have done the grunt work..as far as crime - I will never harm society nor will I become a corporate that is told that if you hurt the masses we will pay you - Industrial military complex? Nawh - it's just a few buisness types who took over the system - we are under the rule of orgainzed respectable crime - I can face that - I have even asked to join what I can not beat - but - they do not trust me..

- because they believe that I could possible betray the crooks and suddenly show good and benevolent behaviour towards my fellow human beings...and you know - they are right - in the end I will betray them all and leave them behind in the dust - I am the proverbial man that grew to know to much - so what - I will just ignore them from here on in...I love this world and I love the people - that's all that counts and to hell with those of the underdeveloped mind - I rule and that is my attitude - money or not - You can not keep a good man down forever.

I'm sure if welfare is not an option there then there are some cardboard homes in back alleys that can accommodate you. You might have to fight your neighbour over dumpster hash, but by the end of the night you might be able to get to sleep. Oh and winter is coming, so if you happen to be at the side of the street someone might be along with a used sleeping bag and a couple of bottles of water - everything a man who doesn't want to work, needs.

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I'm sure if welfare is not an option there then there are some cardboard homes in back alleys that can accommodate you. You might have to fight your neighbour over dumpster hash, but by the end of the night you might be able to get to sleep. Oh and winter is coming, so if you happen to be at the side of the street someone might be along with a used sleeping bag and a couple of bottles of water - everything a man who doesn't want to work, needs.

Non-complaince does not equate with a lazy man..I worked hard all my life...and if you look at the winos sleeping on grates - and a few of these guys I have met years ago were not your average guys - there are some former CEOs out there..the cruxifiction of human beings on heating grates in the cities of Canada - are a warning much like Drucule the Impaler would put out to the villagers - "Comply with our corporate agenda or be like one of these" People are terrified of being homeless and will do what they are told no matter how evil to avoid it - with me it's research and and experiment..Yes I do like to even in my mature years to push the envelope and see what the whole system is made of.

So far I have in my youth delt and resided with the highest of the high and the lowest of the low..so think of me as the great researcher and understander of the big machine - I dare all of you to toss the credit cards and cash and insult the power that be..yes I have insulted a few in my time that held power - I have always been a touch mischievious...and daring - maybe I will just go out and play a tune and sing for the cougars and make a few bucks and fall in love...Being the richest man on earth sometimes means having nothing..

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OLeg, to sum up your posts. You didn't pay income tax for many years, you got caught and had your wages siezed? So you stopped working in protest of having to pay taxes owning? Your daughters landlord has issues with you, could it be because you aren't on the lease and have no legal right to be there?

Regarding the foodbank, I give weekly and I really find your slurs on the "expired food" insulting. Instead of being judgmental perhaps you should be grateful strangers donate food to those in need. Yes including dog food and cat food.

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OLeg, to sum up your posts. You didn't pay income tax for many years, you got caught and had your wages siezed? So you stopped working in protest of having to pay taxes owning? Your daughters landlord has issues with you, could it be because you aren't on the lease and have no legal right to be there?

Regarding the foodbank, I give weekly and I really find your slurs on the "expired food" insulting. Instead of being judgmental perhaps you should be grateful strangers donate food to those in need. Yes including dog food and cat food.

You don't get it. There is no justice in Canada. I had one semi-lucrative year - inherited some money also - Tolerated and endured an wife of 25 years who was mentally ill. Carrying more than my share of the burden against all odd and suffering abuse from all sides. I was patient and tolerant - my duty as a father was to stick it out and protect and raise my children best I could. Some years I made 15 thousand in the arts - other years nothing - I have one year where I don't even crack the 30 thousand mark and that is working..18 hours a day - runs of 25 days - sleeping 3 hours a night....Then like a fancey jerk - I get an accountant and file taxes - Thought I could be like everyone else.

Out of that last year I worked..my operating costs were over 10 thousand dollars - commisions to agents - gas - car payments - wardrobe..the list goes on and on. The dinko accountant who was a former employee of the government ....from a 23 thousand dollar year tells me I owe over 5000 in tax - I don't have it - I don't pay it....the interest builds up on a debt resulting from making the first living wage that year of my entire life...suddenly with compound interest...the 5000 turns into 35000 dollars - I bicker with the feds..the know that the interest is obscene. So to make them selves look non-Draconian they cover their asses by back filing on years that I did not make money - they did not understand the income of an artist that some times I made nothing.

Then they tell me that the payroll company - that they foolishly assume is an employer did not follow the proper procedure in garnishment. So they tell me that THEY will sue the company that does payrolls for hundreds of production companies...I tell them - if you can sue them - I can sue you because it was the gov that screwed up and were not reasonalbe - to take 100% of my earnings and expect me to keep going was absurd. Once these bureacrats and the five lawyers of theirs discovered that they were at fault - that was the last that I heard of them and that was 7 years ago.

The issue of the "daughters land lord" - well he has five properties and lets them run down - the street was really pleased that I upgraded the place and made it match the rest of the upscale dwellings - land lord boy was preturbed and embarrassed. Also in the suite above us - there is a dithering school teacher...and her 250 "drummer" who considers himself a "producer" - well as soon as he heard fine piano playing and my son and I rehearsing and writing great music - he became spiteful and envious - that man is a pin head with no talent - also the fact that I got along spendedly with everyone in the neighbour hood and the wonderful and beautiful retired modern dancer ( who was Canadas prime dancer for years) really bothered the pin head blimp and the landlord who was facinated by this woman and rejected by her.

The people that harrass me are in effect white trash - There is a speech writer with a big rep - a crown attorney - a doctor - and some classical muscians up the street - not to mention the old immigrant men out of China who adore me and I am sweet to them - it's all about resentment - My problem at present is one inflicted by fools and haters - those with depth of character and intelligence I get along with just fine - the neighbour to my left - has a husband who is the sound recordist who does most of the work in film for Cronenburg - She was thrilled that I had beautified the back with a great arbour and flowers and that I had tamed the great Silver Lace vine...where once was a junk pile and was a disgrace.

Being resented for doing what is right and improving the environ for everyone is just not right - I should have been exaulted by all not persecuted...so today - I have to hit the streets and look for a hovel to crawl into. As mentioned - I understand the system and have seen it all - my first wife who I understand has passed away - who I loved dearly was the daughter of an old Conservative Senator- one of the families that spawned the likes of Conrad Black and others - I still have some communication with here older lawyer brother who moves a billion bucks a year...well - he resents me as much as the white trash do..having said that - All that I would like to do is conclude this period of my life and move on ------ To those that appoint judges to those that hand out a welfare check - all of them are on the same level in my estimation and one is not better or superiour to the other.

I have experience in many fields - but have no formal credentials - so what am I to do at my age? Stand on my feet for 10 hours a day and pretend I am retarded and wash dishes - not likely...I will not submit - and that is the problem - I have archived over 30 pieces of fine music over the years - my people skills are excellent and - here it comes - I re-embrace the old faith that my grand father was killed for - I am a Christian and a very pragmatic enterpreter of that great doctrine..no way in hell will I give up my stubborn stance to an investment banker - and the system that big buisness created - in fact it was the long dead senator that back in 1957 - with his associates in big buisness - that destroyed the charitable system in Canada - and inserted the insidious agency system where there is no charity...just a massive blood sucking bureacracy that feeds off of the poor that big buisness abandoned after using them up.

That's what I know and because that is what I have seen - as far as the judical system and my experience with the courts from the very bottom to the top - there is no judical system - in fact my lawyer friend laughed at me and wanted me to give up the litigation because he did not want me to figure out that the system he supports and men like him created is corrupt - he was embarrassed and knew that I was a quick study and would figure out the workings of this oppressive private government. Funny - those who control billions are petirfied of intelligent people having some monitory authority - for money is all they have in the way of power - and they are not about to part with a red cent - unless the person is controlable and apparently I am not a horse that will allow it self to be ridden ... so in closing - I have the mind and the spirit - the creative talent and no money - they have the money and nothing else - so I am at an impass.

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You don't get it. There is no justice in Canada. I had one semi-lucrative year - inherited some money also - Tolerated and endured an wife of 25 years who was mentally ill. Carrying more than my share of the burden against all odd and suffering abuse from all sides. I was patient and tolerant - my duty as a father was to stick it out and protect and raise my children best I could. Some years I made 15 thousand in the arts - other years nothing - I have one year where I don't even crack the 30 thousand mark and that is working..18 hours a day - runs of 25 days - sleeping 3 hours a night....Then like a fancey jerk - I get an accountant and file taxes - Thought I could be like everyone else.

Out of that last year I worked..my operating costs were over 10 thousand dollars - commisions to agents - gas - car payments - wardrobe..the list goes on and on. The dinko accountant who was a former employee of the government ....from a 23 thousand dollar year tells me I owe over 5000 in tax - I don't have it - I don't pay it....the interest builds up on a debt resulting from making the first living wage that year of my entire life...suddenly with compound interest...the 5000 turns into 35000 dollars - I bicker with the feds..the know that the interest is obscene. So to make them selves look non-Draconian they cover their asses by back filing on years that I did not make money - they did not understand the income of an artist that some times I made nothing.

Then they tell me that the payroll company - that they foolishly assume is an employer did not follow the proper procedure in garnishment. So they tell me that THEY will sue the company that does payrolls for hundreds of production companies...I tell them - if you can sue them - I can sue you because it was the gov that screwed up and were not reasonalbe - to take 100% of my earnings and expect me to keep going was absurd. Once these bureacrats and the five lawyers of theirs discovered that they were at fault - that was the last that I heard of them and that was 7 years ago.

The issue of the "daughters land lord" - well he has five properties and lets them run down - the street was really pleased that I upgraded the place and made it match the rest of the upscale dwellings - land lord boy was preturbed and embarrassed. Also in the suite above us - there is a dithering school teacher...and her 250 "drummer" who considers himself a "producer" - well as soon as he heard fine piano playing and my son and I rehearsing and writing great music - he became spiteful and envious - that man is a pin head with no talent - also the fact that I got along spendedly with everyone in the neighbour hood and the wonderful and beautiful retired modern dancer ( who was Canadas prime dancer for years) really bothered the pin head blimp and the landlord who was facinated by this woman and rejected by her.

The people that harrass me are in effect white trash - There is a speech writer with a big rep - a crown attorney - a doctor - and some classical muscians up the street - not to mention the old immigrant men out of China who adore me and I am sweet to them - it's all about resentment - My problem at present is one inflicted by fools and haters - those with depth of character and intelligence I get along with just fine - the neighbour to my left - has a husband who is the sound recordist who does most of the work in film for Cronenburg - She was thrilled that I had beautified the back with a great arbour and flowers and that I had tamed the great Silver Lace vine...where once was a junk pile and was a disgrace.

Being resented for doing what is right and improving the environ for everyone is just not right - I should have been exaulted by all not persecuted...so today - I have to hit the streets and look for a hovel to crawl into. As mentioned - I understand the system and have seen it all - my first wife who I understand has passed away - who I loved dearly was the daughter of an old Conservative Senator- one of the families that spawned the likes of Conrad Black and others - I still have some communication with here older lawyer brother who moves a billion bucks a year...well - he resents me as much as the white trash do..having said that - All that I would like to do is conclude this period of my life and move on ------ To those that appoint judges to those that hand out a welfare check - all of them are on the same level in my estimation and one is not better or superiour to the other.

I have experience in many fields - but have no formal credentials - so what am I to do at my age? Stand on my feet for 10 hours a day and pretend I am retarded and wash dishes - not likely...I will not submit - and that is the problem - I have archived over 30 pieces of fine music over the years - my people skills are excellent and - here it comes - I re-embrace the old faith that my grand father was killed for - I am a Christian and a very pragmatic enterpreter of that great doctrine..no way in hell will I give up my stubborn stance to an investment banker - and the system that big buisness created - in fact it was the long dead senator that back in 1957 - with his associates in big buisness - that destroyed the charitable system in Canada - and inserted the insidious agency system where there is no charity...just a massive blood sucking bureacracy that feeds off of the poor that big buisness abandoned after using them up.

That's what I know and because that is what I have seen - as far as the judical system and my experience with the courts from the very bottom to the top - there is no judical system - in fact my lawyer friend laughed at me and wanted me to give up the litigation because he did not want me to figure out that the system he supports and men like him created is corrupt - he was embarrassed and knew that I was a quick study and would figure out the workings of this oppressive private government. Funny - those who control billions are petirfied of intelligent people having some monitory authority - for money is all they have in the way of power - and they are not about to part with a red cent - unless the person is controlable and apparently I am not a horse that will allow it self to be ridden ... so in closing - I have the mind and the spirit - the creative talent and no money - they have the money and nothing else - so I am at an impass.

Continued - seems that the dog giving a warning bark at the door has bothered the fat bald no talent "drummer" - so they are sending a man packing into the streets that is pushing 60...because the dog barks. Talk about mean spirited liars. There is a beagle and a whipet type mutt in the household - both are clean - well cared for and the bark is minimum. I have seen this type of action from primatives in regarding to harrassement - back in public school the bullies use to beat my brother constantly - all because he was a very large and highly intelligent boy. I asked him why they did this when he was older and his answer was "They were like vicious apes - they could smell that I was different - ..

that I was intelligent and that I could be their undoing" - seems that the apes smell me and simply don't like me. The world is full of delluded and vice filled creeps..at this point in time I desire one thing- My privacey so personal focus can take place - and then achievement. There is a type of auto-harrassement that seems to take place naturally in this society..whether it be the liberal state..or the liberal no mind that adheres to the base mentality that is encouraged. I have been around long enough to read the sub-text of this script called liberality - and what they really say is much opposite to what is in their hearts and minds...Where can I find a civilized and evolved envoirnment to set my sorry soul? Time to go out and find privacy and personal santuary - really have no use for the current state of affairs..so by the grace of God - I shall find a place to call home - finally.

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I absolutely hate the victim mentality. You did stuff and got caught, including, I suspect, keeping a dog in an apartment that probably doesn't allow dogs (speaking of subtext), and have incorporated it in a general pean of persecution. You may find yourself too clever to live in the real world with mere mortals, who do stuff like pay taxes and own property and so on, but that's a choice you willingly made, so you probably ought to accept the consequences of your choice.

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Sell your computer - take the money and get an air brake ticket and bus pass. Hit the Alberta trail.

Or visit the numerous sites in Canada looking to TRAIN you to drive for them. Money is good and the benefits are better.

My friend did this - he is making 40 bucks an hour driving a truck in the oil fields. He is older than you and hitch hiked out to get this job.

Or, stay at home and whine about how tough things are.

You either do or do not have the drive to change your life.

Step out of the box and think like a man - not a mouse.

Only you can make a difference in your life. Others can only sit back and be entertained by your successes and / or failures.


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I absolutely hate the victim mentality. You did stuff and got caught, including, I suspect, keeping a dog in an apartment that probably doesn't allow dogs (speaking of subtext), and have incorporated it in a general pean of persecution. You may find yourself too clever to live in the real world with mere mortals, who do stuff like pay taxes and own property and so on, but that's a choice you willingly made, so you probably ought to accept the consequences of your choice.

Dogs were allowed - it's not an apartment but part of a large house - yes I had an adventure and did not work the 9 -5 - and yep I managed to stay ahead of the game - and yes - I had never filed a tax return in 25 years..no income- no income tax I used to say. And yes my friend I had a lot of fun and a hundred flings and 3 wives and for the most part I did promise the world everything and did not deliver. Still - I tasted freedom and now I am caught.

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Sell your computer - take the money and get an air brake ticket and bus pass. Hit the Alberta trail.

Or visit the numerous sites in Canada looking to TRAIN you to drive for them. Money is good and the benefits are better.

My friend did this - he is making 40 bucks an hour driving a truck in the oil fields. He is older than you and hitch hiked out to get this job.

Or, stay at home and whine about how tough things are.

You either do or do not have the drive to change your life.

Step out of the box and think like a man - not a mouse.

Only you can make a difference in your life. Others can only sit back and be entertained by your successes and / or failures.


Thanks for the good advice..I have considered this - but...I never did anything for just the money, never..I did what I wanted to do and what was interesting. Could put a show together and do clubs again..but it's tedious..the reason I do not leave is because I am dearly attached to my son who just turn 18 the other day..he is a brilliant player and a genious in that area but not an intellectual giant to say the least..feel I have to watch over him...I have a soft spot in the area of family. Call me child like emotionally if you wish. I really don't want to change my life..or me - just need basic money - I am happy. Just checked out the sleaziest hotel in the world - for six hundred bucks I could eat out of a can of cold beans surrounded by 45 drug addicts - it would be an adventure and I could provide a comforting presense to some.

Do I want to go and make a couple grand a week and drink my face of in Alberta - I was their during the last boom - money hand over fist- and bottles of scotch...it would be a waste of the remaining time I have - will be lucky to get 10 more years...what happened to me and I will be honest - about 6 years ago I entered into a spiritual search for the truth and what old Christianity was about - well - there was an elightenment - and an alienation - it's difficult to take things seriously these days. Always wanted my life to have purpose if you know what I mean?

Lastly, what is preturbing is to have given my full assistance to my younger brother in HIS civil litigation - I put all the eggs in one basket - won the case but did not see the money - seems that if you do not have money to begin with and use one of their lawyers - you get stiffed - so the 2.5 million did not materialize when it justly should have..plus the dear brother who's ass I saved disguarded me in contempt for not enriching him as expected- the whole affair was a waste of time and I knew that from the begining -but it was revenge and retribution for insulting my old culture and my Christian heritage not to mention my mother and father who saved lives and the grandchildren of the ones saved turn out to be ingrates..

It wore me out - to take on 10 nasty high quality lawyers - and deal with lie after lie after lie and swim though the sewer they created was not fun. To think that my father was involved in a failed undocumented attempt on Hitler's life - and to sue a Jewish agency under the auspice of governmental social policy - and have these secularist call us "nominal Christians" and anti-semites was a great hurt..all they had to do to poison the court system was to utter "he made an anti-semitic remark" and it was over for us - we were avoided like the plauge and every politically correct judge put the screws to us---it was very clever what they did...but I blame the anglos that appointed these judges who could see clearly that persecutution of our culture was taking place and they sided with the side that was politically correct to protect -no mention of who was right or wrong - and to have converted two Christian boys from two christian parents to jews in 5 minutes within a civil court was a huge insult.

Then once this agent discovered that these children that they had stolen on request of the french catholic mother - who was supposedly a convert to Judaism...were NOT jews - they disgarded them...the family is re-united and doing well - to see these liberals hyjack a woman who was of limited intelligence who orchestrated the original event..get hyjacked back by family was an achievement...I asked the mother why she called these people (during what appeared to be a mental break down) - "I went to the jews because the have more money" - what a mess she caused - and there was satifaction in bleeding these liberal dupes for half a million in defence money - someone should send me a thank you card ----no I am not bitter - I just wish I never got involved - but family loyalty and adventure drove me on - plus a bit of revenge - they insulted my family and paid dearly for it..everyone got paid but me - the provocateur.

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I am having trouble following your rambling.

I suspect you are either very drunk or need help.

It is available - Yellow Pages.

Time for a change and dangling from the end of a rope or swallowing a bullet are not suitable choices.

Think on it.

Only you can help yourself.


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I am having trouble following your rambling.

I suspect you are either very drunk or need help.

It is available - Yellow Pages.

Time for a change and dangling from the end of a rope or swallowing a bullet are not suitable choices.

Think on it.

Only you can help yourself.


May have been drunk yesterday..."swallowing a bullet" what does that mean - nawh - I don't need the kind of "help" your talking about. Thanks for the suggestion any way. It's a money issue..guess I will just have to go create some of that stuff - all that has happened to me in my life in the last 7 years are things I generated - but the adventure is over - I guess I am one of those "homeless people" we all hear about...still - I lived like a king most of my life - always on some good acreage - always good locations - suppose I will have to stop being so proud and admit with the way things are done in this country -

I am poor....there - I said it - bingo bongo broko. Biting the bullet and swallowning my pride may be the answer. May as well face it...I had my fun and managed to maintain some class and freedom ---but now - I will offically join the ranks of the poor..Guess my timing is very good, seeing that Toronto is not the offical center of poverty. Maybe I can assist the poor - I know how things operate...and I a very good speaker - Perhaps this all came about of a reason..that it is my purpose to assist the poor and down trodden..I would say I am perfectly good for the job..I have the credentials and experience..So - my new profession may be that as an advocate - my grand fathers and uncles were advocates and lawyers and judges...may be predisposed to speaking for those that have no voice.

On a positive note - I am happy and secure within my own skin. I have people that love me and those I love. I am strong in mind and body and soul...so really others have not faired as well as me. Some are gifted and some are not - My mother who had seen the collapse of all of Europe said "He that has no arms and legs is poor - you are not" . I will leave it at that, being a very capable man - I will move forward and there will be success...and the social engineers and the pigs that run big buisness and the courts - can kiss my butt...thanks Borg - drama is a game I enjoy and be it positive play or negative - my life is what I make it..so I am not really complaining - call me and informant and a cannary in the gold mine - I come and go as I please.

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