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Boycott Catholic, Anglican, United churches


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I happened to be talking with a residential school survivor today.

I love this victim terminology. Actually, no, it makes me gag. I'm a survivor of Mrs. Demellow's 1st grade, where she had the practice of whacking our knuckles with rulers and sending us to the bathroom when we were bad. Have you ever had to stand in an un-airconditioned bathroom in New Delhi for an hour when the temp is 120 in the shade? I'm guessing not, but if you had, you'd know that Indians in Canada had a walk in the park in comparison. Oh yeah, and we couldn't drink from the tap, so it was either get dehydrated or die of leprosy, typhoid, cholera or [insert dread desease]. I'm still waiting for compensation from the Indian govt, but all I've got so far is a letter saying: "Surely you must be joking kindly Sir, yes, no?"

Anyway, then I went on to become a survivor of parental discipline, elementary school, and finally la de da private school, where I learned that smoking dope is more fun than going to class. I'm still waiting for compensation for turning me into an adolescent druggy, but the school hasn't even sent me a letter yet, much less cash.

After all that I was subjected to the abuse of having to earn a living, and then to add insult to injury, had to survive many years of university. It's a crime. Society owes me. Whitey owes me. I need cash!

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I love this victim terminology. Actually, no, it makes me gag. I'm a survivor of Mrs. Demellow's 1st grade, where she had the practice of whacking our knuckles with rulers and sending us to the bathroom when we were bad. Have you ever had to stand in an un-airconditioned bathroom in New Delhi for an hour when the temp is 120 in the shade? I'm guessing not, but if you had, you'd know that Indians in Canada had a walk in the park in comparison. Oh yeah, and we couldn't drink from the tap, so it was either get dehydrated or die of leprosy, typhoid, cholera or [insert dread desease]. I'm still waiting for compensation from the Indian govt, but all I've got so far is a letter saying: "Surely you must be joking kindly Sir, yes, no?"

Anyway, then I went on to become a survivor of parental discipline, elementary school, and finally la de da private school, where I learned that smoking dope is more fun than going to class. I'm still waiting for compensation for turning me into an adolescent druggy, but the school hasn't even sent me a letter yet, much less cash.

After all that I was subjected to the abuse of having to earn a living, and then to add insult to injury, had to survive many years of university. It's a crime. Society owes me. Whitey owes me. I need cash!

Perhaps you should ask your parents to sue the school and ask for a refund. Obviously they didn't deliver you an education as promised.

I wonder if 50,000 children died in your private school system? I wonder if priests and nuns were given free reign with your body? I wonder if being punished for speaking your language was in your curriculum?

Yeh, many people didn't make it out of the system in one piece. Many are not only still suffering the effects of being beaten and buggered, but have passed on their "isms" to generations of children in their communities. Your sniveling indignance is pretty pathetic but now it all makes sense. You really should get a refund, you know.

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I wonder if 50,000 children died in your private school system? I wonder if priests and nuns were given free reign with your body? I wonder if being punished for speaking your language was in your curriculum?

50,000 is a foolish made up number. What nonsense. What egregious overstatement it is to imply that preist's and nuns made free use of the sexual attributes of Indian kids on anything like a widespread basis. And the premise of any immersion program is to make one speak a different language. If you want a real boo hoo to cry about, cry aboot the saasanachs taking away me right ta wear a kilt!

Posit, it doesn't matter what overstatement and outright lies you make up about residential schools; the fact is that they were an attempt to do the right thing by Indians....sort of like paying bucketloads of cash to indians to "compensate" them being dragged out of the stoneage and given houses, cars, and free medicare.

Edited by ScottSA
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50,000 is a foolish made up number. What nonsense. What egregious overstatement it is to imply that preist's and nuns made free use of the sexual attributes of Indian kids on anything like a widespread basis. And the premise of any immersion program is to make one speak a different language. If you want a real boo hoo to cry about, cry aboot the saasanachs taking away me right ta wear a kilt!

Posit, it doesn't matter what overstatement and outright lies you make up about residential schools; the fact is that they were an attempt to do the right thing by Indians....sort of like paying bucketloads of cash to indians to "compensate" them being dragged out of the stoneage and given houses, cars, and free medicare.

The Final Solution of our Indian Problem': Genocide and Native Residential Schools in Canada

Search Google Links yourself.

Have you put in for that refund yet?

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After all that I was subjected to the abuse of having to earn a living, and then to add insult to injury, had to survive many years of university. It's a crime. Society owes me. Whitey owes me. I need cash!
How horrible!!! Every human being is entitled to compensation. So let's all compensate each other. It would be a wash. [/sarcasm]
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If I posted a link claiming that Indians ate Christian babies, would that convince you that Indians eat Christian babies? Here's a clue...you need one...just because someone writes something and gets it published doesn't mean it's true.

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If I posted a link claiming that Indians ate Christian babies, would that convince you that Indians eat Christian babies? Here's a clue...you need one...just because someone writes something and gets it published doesn't mean it's true.

Do you mean to say that even the writings of Kahentinetha Horn on Mohawk Nation News might not be true?

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If I posted a link claiming that Indians ate Christian babies, would that convince you that Indians eat Christian babies? Here's a clue...you need one...just because someone writes something and gets it published doesn't mean it's true.

By all means research the author. And if that isn;t enough for you then follow some of the 10,000 links I Googled for you. Or are you too lazy and too frightened to challenge your myths?

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The thing that gets me is that if there was an attempt at genocide, then why weren't the thousands and thousands of books and other printed material about Indians surpressed and burned by the Canadian government? Isn't it the government that forced the Indians to read and write so that they would be able to read all of these books and write there own? Hardly what I would call an attempt at genocide.

My background constitutes the third largest ethnic group in Canada, yet I don't see my a TV channel or two specifically for us, nor do I see billions of dollars coming our way to fund educational and cultural initiatives so that we can restore our own heritage in this country. I don't recall our story ever being given special treatment in any of the history books while I was in school, even though our contribution was much more significant than what Six Nations has had to offer. But I guess true to nature, instead of making a stink about it, most of us would prefer to not live in the past and rather get on with our lives. Canada is a great country and we recognize how good we have it. We would prefer to receive the treatment we believe we deserve not based on our race, but what we accomplish and contribute to Canada.

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By all means research the author. And if that isn;t enough for you then follow some of the 10,000 links I Googled for you. Or are you too lazy and too frightened to challenge your myths?
You've convinced me by your solid reasoning.
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Incidently, I have researched this author and there's not that much out there about him, so as is always the case in the field of history, unless this person is academically qualified to be writing history, and his writings have been subjected to peer review, his reliability and credibility are always suspect. There are people out there of his ilk who have come up with a whole bunch of fanciful theories and opinions about the Third Reich, and they are usually referred to as revisiont historians and have little or no respect in the academic field of history. I would suggest that Arnett is at best a revisionist in terms of Canadian history and has no standing, therefore is not really worth in terms of the conent of his historical research.

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Incidently, I have researched this author and there's not that much out there about him, so as is always the case in the field of history, unless this person is academically qualified to be writing history, and his writings have been subjected to peer review, his reliability and credibility are always suspect. There are people out there of his ilk who have come up with a whole bunch of fanciful theories and opinions about the Third Reich, and they are usually referred to as revisiont historians and have little or no respect in the academic field of history. I would suggest that Arnett is at best a revisionist in terms of Canadian history and has no standing, therefore is not really worth in terms of the conent of his historical research.

Incidently, I have researched this author....

You must have pretty poor research skills.

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Apparently he is a researcher above repute.... :lol:

Since 1997, Annett has been placed on the Discontinued Service List of The United Church of Canada, and cannot function in any capacity as a minister of that denomination. Annett and the United Church disagree on the reasons for this decision. [1]

The Circle of Justice has distanced itself from Mr. Annett in a public statement in which they say he has “spread unproven gossip,” “slandered and libeled trusted and dedicated First Nations activists,” and has “for purposes of self-promotion assigned to himself and used in print and word non-existent titles like ‘Advisor,’ ‘Chief Researcher,’ ‘Chief Expert Witness to the Vancouver Tribunal’ and others that were neither authorized nor voted on or ratified by the Circle of Justice.”


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He exposed the Untied Churches dirty little secrets and now he is wearing a scarlet letter. His expose of the church is nothing new to the issue of genocide, but the copies of all the records he has in his possession, add to the evidence of the cover-up.

Some exposure! The guy is a fraud but of course he has his tinfoil hat crew to keep him company

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I am shocked that Indians are now eating Christians babies. I thought they gave that up decaders ago.

I am kindly asking you to refrain from this kind of purile response. Debate the issue. Engaging in deliberately racist taunts only belittles yourself. Please stop. I am asking you to do what you do best and that is reason and make your points using reasoning. You know I respect you. Please don't lower yourself to some others on this forum.

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By all means research the author. And if that isn;t enough for you then follow some of the 10,000 links I Googled for you. Or are you too lazy and too frightened to challenge your myths?

Unfortunately Postit, sometimes the kind of people most likely to respond to these kinds of posts do so because they feel empowered by insulting others.

It unfortunately is typical of primate behaviour and in particular alpha males. In the baboon pack the one with the most inflamed red butt usually strutts his stuff the loudest-the more inflammed and red it is, the more attractive he is to the females in his pack.

Primates chatter and bear their teeth and make loud noises and jump up and down but its usually because they are frightened - they have a primal fear of life forms other then their own.

I quite frankly think the most effective way to deal with this may not be reason but a banana. I say that not to insult, just be realistic.

Edited by Rue
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I am kindly asking you to refrain from this kind of purile response. Debate the issue. Engaging in deliberately racist taunts only belittles yourself. Please stop. I am asking you to do what you do best and that is reason and make your points using reasoning. You know I respect you. Please don't lower yourself to some others on this forum.

I am debating the issue, but I suppose oblique references to non existant citations went over your head.

In otherwords, follow the thread.

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I am sure we can all agree Senator Romeo Dallaire is someone not even ScottUSA can disparage although I am sure he can if he wants to. In April of 2007 Sen. Dallaire stated that Canada's treatment of its aboriginal children is a" national total disgrace".

Canada ranks among the top five countries on the UN human development index, but Canada’s aboriginal population is in 78th place.

There is acute poverty, poor health, high suicide and school dropout rates. One of two aboriginals is not graduating from high school according to Ottawa's Centre for the Study of Living.

Senator Raynell Andreychuk, the Senate human rights committee’s chairwoman, reported that half of the 22,000 children in Canada currently waiting to be adopted are aboriginal while aboriginal people made up only three per cent of Canada’s population in the 2001 census.

You can make all the belittling comments you want about aboriginals and pretend it aint so but the fact is the Catholic, Anglican and United Churches played a principal role in engaging in a federal policy that tried to force assimilation on aboriginals by forcefully kidnapping their children and placing them in residential schools.

It is a fact aboriginal children were deliberately exposed to tuberculosis. It is a fact they were systemically raped, molested and beaten and many starved to death.

All you have to do is have the integrity to look it up instead of denying it.

It doesn't make you or I a strong person, a superior person, a tough person to engage in taunts and pretend it aint so.

The fact is our Supreme Court of Canada acknowledged it. Antonio Lamer the former Chief Justice who just died, stated so openly and called on our legal system to address the injustices by assisting in the creation of aboriginal self-government and in settling the outstanding land access conflicts all flowing from the federal and provincial governments deciding to breach treaties.

You know to say to someone they are living in the past when they grew up in residential schools or are the children or residential school survivors is as ignorant as it gets.

Tot ell someone they must ignore their history and and their past means what?

Do you not find it interesting the same people who belittle aboriginal people for living in the past are the same people who scream and have tantrums that their own culture is being forgotten and replaced by inferior cultures?

Oh my now. Those brown skinned types are watering us down. We need to whiten our skin. Perhaps we should call Michael Jackson to get tips. But yes in the meantime, we can pretend aboriginals were not treated as they were by our federal system.

We can engage int his fiction that we placed them in reservations not so we could steal their land for our own use and try assimilate them but as one poster said to protect these people from US!

Am I a bleeding heart, no just someone not afraid of Canadian history and its implications and someone who believes if we do not learn to look deeply at our failures and genocides and learn from them, we will continue to repeat them again and again.

Before some of you judge and belittle, look at your own lifestyles. No you aint perfect by any means and the legacy you leave behind may not be as noble as you think it is. In fact I doubt your grandchildren will have much to want to remember if they manage to survive your leaving them a polluted planet and legacies of hatred and discrimination. Trust me they won't be building any monuments to your beliefs.

I am like the vast majority of Canadians cognizant of our past, admitting to be open about our mistakes and wanting to find a healthy way to learn from and coexist with our aboriginal peoples because like many, I believe they have many things to teach us that will help us and unlike some of us, are not so quick to hate us as some of us do them.

I am not racked by guilt for the past. I think its a useless emotion. It to me ranks right up their with hatred. I am compelled to make the negative positive like most of us Canadians are and we have and continue to build this country based on respect for aboriginal peoples and other peoples not hatred.

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Apparently he is a researcher above repute.... :lol:


It is interesting to say the least of your lazy reliance upon Wikipedia for your information. However, just to humour you, I followed the link and did some sleuthing on the so-called Circle of Justice.

Well in summary, it doesn't exist as a legitimate body and is more likely people like yourself who wanted to debunk what Kevin Annett was promoting. At least IF there indeed is a Circle of Justice, it would only represent a very small faction of people, given the the Circle of Justice is a common name for Community Justice Forums, Aboriginal Healing Circles and Family Circle Conferences - all alternative justice systems and all coming from many different native communities.

But this one appears bogus.


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