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Status Replies posted by cybercoma

  1. Pro Tip: Don't point out Mr. Canada's new accounts because that's worse than swearing, bigotry, insulting other posters, and trolling.

  2. Pro Tip: Don't point out Mr. Canada's new accounts because that's worse than swearing, bigotry, insulting other posters, and trolling.

  3. Women CEOs are paid more than male CEOs.

  4. Women CEOs are paid more than male CEOs.

  5. 100% of third trimester unborn babies spines that are severed are innocent.

  6. Obama kills two American hostages via drone strike.

  7. Canadian per capita income, $44,843. Mexican per capita income, $17,881. End of story.

  8. Harper has sold out our wheat farmers to Saudi Arabia.

  9. Lefties go on full out assault to prevent the movie American Sniper from viewings at university and college campuses. May as well be burning books too while they're at it.

  10. The Liberals AdScam was $2 million. Harper's AdScam is $7.5 million.

  11. As if Joe Oliver's ideas weren't stupid enough already, he now wants a law against deficit spending after his government delivered 7 deficit budgets. I suppose I will be labelled a foreign funded terrorist for saying so.http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/joe-oliver-says-balanced-budget-legislation-avoids-repeating-mistakes-1.3024610

  12. The Liberals AdScam was $2 million. Harper's AdScam is $7.5 million.

  13. Many accusations, but no proof from the nut gallery.

  14. Ontario Superior Court rules that students have a Charter relationship with their schools.

  15. Ontario Superior Court rules that students have a Charter relationship with their schools.

  16. The Tunnel found near a Tennis Stadium had a rosary inside. Clearly this was terrorist plot by Catholics.

  17. When will Christians take responsibility for the Serbian Genocide or beheading of Muslims in the Central African Republic or bankrolling the cartels in Mexico?

  18. When will Christians take responsibility for the Serbian Genocide or beheading of Muslims in the Central African Republic or bankrolling the cartels in Mexico?

  19. When will Christians take responsibility for the Serbian Genocide or beheading of Muslims in the Central African Republic or bankrolling the cartels in Mexico?

  20. The influx of sub-literate cretins on this web site is a sad and damning indictment of the atrocious state of our educational system. No surprise they're all on the left side of the political spectrum.

  21. Shocked-shocked!-that the CIA's torture program was an ineffective scam.

  22. Shocked-shocked!-that the CIA's torture program was an ineffective scam.

  23. Shocked-shocked!-that the CIA's torture program was an ineffective scam.

  24. Some people think teachers with masters degrees shouldn't be paid more. Ridiculous!

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