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Posts posted by Trial-and-Error

  1. How many appeals will they make before they just release the frickin' documents.

    They must really be embarrassed for taxpayers to find out how they spend their money.

    Yes, indeed, CBC is undoubtedly being totally irrespnsible with taxpayers' money and I say get those bastards. Let us teach them once and for all that if they can't pattern themselves after the Harper government whose modus operandi is above all else transparency and accountability, then let the CBC pay the price. Surely we can all agree that Fox North will be a great substitute for the CBC. Oh joy to the way things are unfolding. Besides, I think democracy is highly over-rated, so let's cut to the chase and nail our first institutional scapegoat. Grab your hatchets and ready for attack.

  2. I'm afraid your pen name says it all for many Canadians who villified the regime of Bush-Cheney under which so many horrific deaths and torture took place. If you crossed the border into Canada openly supporting the fascist views of B-C, then do, please, be sufficiently knowledgeable to realize that you're the odd person out here. You probably are best suited living in one of the many, easily identifiable pockets of the U.S. where those twisted views are supported--I would hope that finding such pockets here in Canada would be more difficult.

    Many very wonderful, progressive, educated, kind-hearted Canadians have some very wonderful, progressive, educated, kind-hearted American friends. Those from both sides of the border know the difference between like-kind and the ugly--and respond accordingly.

  3. So W has had his two terms. He will soon be gone.

    What do we Canucks think of his time in offfice?

    Well, this Canuck thinks that he has been a total disaster, unless, of course, someone out there can disabuse me of such a thought by citing some examples of Bushco's contribution to the common good. Naturally, that is a rhetorical challenge; still, I know there exist those who lack the empathy necessary to really appreciate the human misery the Bushco regime has wrought. Yes, heinous things have been heaped upon millions of innocents in the past because of the actions of similar tyrants, but that the same old thing continues to this day clearly illustrates that as human beings with all our technology and modernization, we've progressed not a whit.

    On the other hand, Bushco has been exquisitely successful in fulfilling its own selfish, criminal, heinous agenda at a prohibitive cost in human resources and money. Either Bush is a liar (oooooo - surprise, surprise) or he's insanely delusional when he claims to be a man of Faith with close ties to God. In either case, he continues to be a ticking time bomb. Every single empire has expired because of obscene greed by the powerful few. Anyone who claims that the U.S. and its daft allies (including, unfortunately, Canada) will prevail are I'm sorry to say a brick short of a load--and I'm being exceedingly kind at that.

  4. Because as citizens we are obliged to follow the laws set out by a legal and democratic government.

    Conscription in that way is no different than taxation.

    Whatahoot! Do you really believe that the U.S. is a democracy? Good grief, that is funny. If someone objects to being sent to kill and slaughter those of another country which has done one's own country no harm, then that illustrates that person has both a brain and a conscience. I welcome such types into this country with open arms. Please try to remember that war is fought by the plebes for the benefit of the rich, but if you believe in American propaganda which is second to no other country, then I feel for you and all others who believe as you do.

  5. What is the American record when it comes to pasting allied forces by mistake? A bit troubling, perhaps:


    Ohmygawd, the idiocy on this board continues still. I've read the replies to your concern over "friendly" fire, most of which has obviously been written by sheeple.

    Friendly fire is inevitable; if you're not in the service, then butt out; it's blah, blah, blah excuse. And we wonder why the U.S. empire continues to thrive (for now anyway) on its killing ways. Wonder no more. The "leadership" knows only too well the herd mentality (illustrated so well by the American apologists on this board). "Friendly" fire as many of you point out is here to stay. With that kind of attitude, of course it is.

    How I wish I had the strength to try and educate some of you bozos but hey, you have access to the same information I do in libraries and on the net and yet you choose to spew forth the same drivel.

    I come here from time to time to remind myself just how many sheeple are out there. Many of you, but by no means all, never fail to confirm your numbers.

    That's it, folks. But try to clean up your act before I return in another several months. I mean it's only possible to take you in small doses.

    By the way, i"friendly" fire should not even be an issue. War is fought by fools to shore up the rich. That's basically the bottom line. So, sheeple, send your sons and daughters to fight the good cause. They'll appreciate your lack of concern for them and for the children of the "enemy."

  6. I'm just pointing out the lack of priorities, and the misplaced outrage. When a Canadian journalist is killed by Iranian officials, you people barley make a sound. However, you have no problem coming to the defense of a drug dealer. Just an observation. I guess if it doesn't involve the American government, it's just not important.

    What a load of crap. There was a huge outcry from the left over the Kazemi affair.

    Are there laws in America which prohibit the sale and/or distribution of marijuana seeds?

    The answer, yes.

    Did Emery sell and/or distribute marijuana seeds in the United States?

    The answer, yes.

    No further questions.

    The question, though, is if it is a crime here in Canada. That's how extradation works, see. Now, since Emery was going about his business for some time with the full knowledge of the Canadian authorities, I think there's a case to be made that, sinc ethe authorities allowed him to operate, the alleged offense doe not constitute a crime worthy of extradition.

    Thank you, Blackdog, you're much better at this than I am. What you say is correct, but I'm thinking we need to look even deeper at the hypocricy which exists in the U.S. concerning drugs, Period. The stats are staggering with regard to how many people sit in their prisons on simple marijuana charges. So many lives are being ruined by bad drug laws and no useful purpose is served.

    Moreover, there is simply no proof whatever (that I've read about--but correct me if I'm wrong) that marijuana is as bad as alcohol. A bad law is a bad law and should be fought against vigorously. Moreover, as I mentioned earlier, there is evidence to suggest that the proceeds of drugs peddled by the CIA have been used to fight "wars" that Congress would not fund. It angers me so. I am loathe to have this current administration trying to strongarm our officials to have Emery extradited. Your point, of course, is well taken.

  7. This is ridiculous. MLAT means that Canada will assist Americans in apprehending citizens of either nation that have broken American laws in America. It doesn't mean that American laws apply here

    You're exactly right. I will shed no tears for Mr. Emery. He clearly broke American drug laws by selling marijuana seeds in the United States. If we expect other countries to respect our laws, we must show the same respect to other countries.

    However, this is just another example of the anti-American zealots, using any issue they can, to spread their rabid anti-Americanism (and in some cases anti-Semetism). I wish there was half the outrage when Iranian officals murdered a Canadian journalist.

    Canadian journalist 'beaten to death'

    Iran has acknowledged that a Canadian-Iranian photojournalist was beaten to death after her arrest outside a prison in Tehran. Vice President Ali Abtahi said Zahra Kazemi died "of a brain haemorrhage resulting from beatings". Ms Kazemi, 54, was detained on 23 June for taking pictures of Tehran's Evin prison. She was later pronounced dead after falling into a coma


    Talk about misplaced priorities!!!!!!!!!

    Can you imagine what these same zealots would be saying if this happened in America by American authorities? Pathetic.

    Stick to the bloody subject, will ya? Whatthehell has a Canadian journalist beaten to death in Tehran got to do with Emery? But then neocon-type brains tend to be small making it difficult for them to keep things organized. And that's okay, but just try a little harder next time.

    Now will you and crazy kindly run along and hook up with your own kind. I'm starting to feel contaminated from the sleeze that you're both spewing.

    Try to remember, now. The U.S. is the U.S., has its own laws and while in their territory all peoples are subject to them. Canada is Canada and it, too, has its own laws under which Emery lives. I am hoping to gawd that the Canadian authorities have sufficient guts to stand up to the Yanks on this. Besides which, the CIA is steeped in drug trafficking. You really oughtta check these things out, but then, I know, small brains can take in so much, so parrotting becomes a habit.

    Now, run along and play--but elsewhere.

  8. LOL
    George W. Bush had Michael Jackson arrested so that oil companies, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter could invade Michael Moore.

    I saw it on the internet, so it must be true :lol:

    Guess you don't "do" snide. Too bad. Point is your example as all possible combinations ain't as dumb or as "far out there" as what Junior is, in fact, doing to Iraq and indeed, to his own country.

    This combination thing is so dumb, it works. It's farce.

  9. Not sure who is behind all the evil in the world?  No problem.  You can now create your own conspiracy. 


    Explain everything bad with a simple click of the mouse.  Then, post all over the Internet.

    Fun for friends and family alike.  Generate today.

    Gee, where's the fun? Whatthell can you think bad of Bushco that isn't true. It all works. Your link is redundant, dupe.

  10. The only way Canada wont become infested, or infected, with that damn system is if Canadians enmasse scream at Ottawa , loud and clear, and consistently, to stay to he77 out of the waste of money thing.

    Sir Chauncy

    Because God knows, we sure wouldn't want to be shielded from missile attacks. Or protected by the American military. Good thing we paid our own way through the Cold War.

    Good grief, the ubiquitous bull shitter. I'm sorry, I haven't a clue why anyone wants to take the time to debate with you. Get it through your thick skull--that impenetrable mass of disconnected dendrons--the U.S. will be fighting its missile war with gawd knows who over Canadian territory. Oooooo, that's a good thing.. Nothing like accepting the appointment as war zone host. It's an absolute riot, the U.S. multinationals make zillions on the armament trade and lead the way in promoting weapons of mass destruction. Then the U.S. government calls upon its people to feed the war on WMD. The elites are creating their own markets with the gullible assistance of the likes of you. The only way their schemes can work is if they have sufficient numbers of sheeple. And yoose is such an obedient recruit.

    But beyond all that, the U.S. doesn't give stink about Canada and the Canadian people. They see us as yet another country they can conquer. And by golly, gee whiz, they's doin exactly that, buying us up piece by piece by piece and undoubtedly buying our politicians too. But whooops, that would be a stretch for you, as it is not part of the Bushco propaganda that you feed off of.

  11. It is not irrelevant when it was one of the major supporting points for the invasion of Iraq. Which turned out to be total bull. I read that article, and you can come up with other credible sources? Look where Powel is now. Retired and totaly distanced himself from the allegations of the Al Queada-Iraq-911 connections. Also you may want to note what Powell was telling the world in 2001, before the WTC attacks. Then after the attacks, all that starts to come out that he DOES have WMDs. Why the change of speech?


    http://www.thememoryhole.org/war/powell-no-wmd.htm Watch the little video.

    Also the other reasons for war, was the WMDs and chemical weapons. Hans Blix found nothing in Iraq. And since then the US has stopped the hunt for WMDs in Iraq. If that was a major reason for war, why just give up?

    When you have a podium of Al queda links, WMDs, chem weapons, the threat to other neighbours ect, and they turn out to be all lies. The invasion of Iraq was wrong. Regardless of Saddams past history.

    Why was he not just taken out in the first Gulf War? Why was he even given the chance to build up WMDs and links to Al Queda. Tell me that.

    Please note that I didn't link Saddam to Al-Qaeda in my "podium". I said Saddam had a history of supporting terrorism, which he most assuredly did. That Saddam supported terrorism, pursued WMD, had not verified the destruction of his WMD stockpile, and posed a threat to neighbouring countries are verifiable facts, not lies.

    Saddam was not taken out during the first Gulf War because George Bush Sr. chose to play by the rules mandated by the United Nations, stating that the mission was to end when Iraq's armed forces had been removed from Kuwait. This was undoubtedly a mistake, but it's a nasty double standard on your part to ask the question, in a thread where you've done nothing but defend the inviolability of Iraqi sovereignty.

    I've given you my own take on what I considered important facts before the war, and why I believed and still believe that the war was the right thing to do. If you and every other anti-war type want to keep kicking a dead horse, concentrating on the missing WMD issue and doggedy insisting that only a positive Iraq/911 link could justify the invasion, to the exclusion of all other issues, then there's nothing more that I can offer to you. If you choose to limit our debate of the rightness of the war to two as-yet unfinished topics, then congratulations.

    I hope you feel as fully justified in your convictions 20 years from now. I know I will. As for the present, I can't be bothered to go any further with this thread.,

    Well, thank gawd for small mercies--and while you're at it, stay away from the other threads too. You bring absolutely nothing to the table except Bushco talk. Hell, we can get that crap direct from the Ass himself.

    And don't be so disingenuous as to claim that you can't be bothered to go any further with this thread. You were a non-starter from the beginning. Naturally, you can't go any further. You have exhausted your repertoire of Bushco mumblings and now you're stuck.

    Don't try taking on GostHacked and Black Dog--you're simply not their match.

  12. Again: by your logic, all the historical law-breakers/martyrs described above are "scumbags".

    The difference is running a stop sign is illegal because of the potential for harm to come to others: that makes it a prime example of a "good" law. It's hard to argue that such a law is immoral because it seeks only to protect individuals from the actions of others, not to protect individuals from themselves.

    As for "consensus" its hard to reach a consensus when people seem to be rooted to the notion that the law is the law and must be obeyed because it's the law.

    Laws are not guidelines. They are laws. They have to be obeyed or you can be a criminal or at the least face recrimination for it of some kind. We don't have the luxury of deciding which laws we have to obey or not. That's what keeps society on an even keel. Only in retrospect are people martyrs for pushing for reform of laws. Otherwise, they are criminal lawbreakers. ie. scumbags

    Smoking dope isn't really the issue so much as allowing what people can or can't do to themselves. Getting pissed drunk isn't a basic human right, yet it is legally sanctioned. Weed is no different.

    If you so desire to get pissed, that IS your right as it is LEGAL. Forget the ramifications and so forth. That's a different extended argument.

    Dope is ILLEGAL. That's the difference. Many judges agree with me on this.

    It's hard enough to get through the day without getting killed because some idiot thinks he's above the law.

    If you want to start a new thread about cell phone use in cars, which is legal, I'll be all over it. We can switch places.

    Crazy, crazy, crazy. The thought just occurred to me that in choosing your handle, your subconscious mind was at work. Whatahoot!

    But, not to worry, there are still a few of us here who're willing to help set ya straight. Damn decent, doncha think?

    You nearly drove me over the divide last night when I read some of your pennings on the topic of whathisname being threatened with extradition to the U.S. I sure did want to make an immediate response, but dya know, your offerings fairly wasted me. Zapped the energy from my soul. So I went to bed.

    Lo and behold this morning, the following little gem landed in my lap, so still tired from last evening, I thought I'd forward this along instead.

    But here's a warning t' ya. If you and some of the others here don't get a grip I'm going to have to split this popsicle stand and take my erudition elsewhere--to a group with the capability of understanding, recognizing and utilizing plain common sense. This is not rocket science. But I can say with no undue modesty that never before landing here and reading what some of you eggheads have to say have I felt like such a mental giant!!!!! A fawking mental giant!!!

    Now before I lose my cool, start reading the quote......

    To understand the war on terror, it helps to compare it to the war on drugs. Both “wars” use the same basic scam: implement government policies GUARANTEED to create a problem and then charge gullible taxpayers billions to fight a “war” against the problem (which of course can’t possibly succeed because the problem is perpetually sustained by the government policies).

    As long as US government prohibition policies guarantee massive drug profits to millions around the world, the war on drugs will remain an expensive, endless exercise in futility. Similarly, as long as US government foreign policies guarantee massive suffering to millions of Muslims around the world (who have little economic, military or political power) the war on terror will remain an expensive, endless exercise in futility.

    Any success eliminating individual terrorists (or drug dealers) merely creates job openings for a long line of eager applicants. If the incentive remains, replacements will line up. In fact, eliminating individual terrorists (or drug dealers) is worse than ineffective. Like natural selection, it tends to weed out the weaker, less ruthless, less efficient in favor of stronger, more ruthless, more efficient replacements.

    Oh, fer gawd's sake, go the mile. Read the rest of the story.

    Commonsense stuff

    just a bit more to go.......stretch that mind........strightforward stuff, no? ..........and just plain good common sense. Now, doesn't that feel good? Refreshing, eh wot?

    And what about that bonus! Insight into Bushco's war in the ME--you know the one......that heinous, diabolical and ILLEGAL war where killing, maiming and traumatizing innocent men, women, and children is the preferred method of spreading freedom and democracy. Didn't it make you weep?

    But Buschco's best weapon? The one he and his ilk use against you. What is it? Why, the stupidity of the unthinking masses--of course. He and his kind rely on it--and d ya know what, the masses never disappoint.

    And don't ...............I beseach you........... hurl any more pap about obeying laws. Get to the meat of the matter. Challenge yourself. Dig. Deep. Deeper.

    We used to call people like you hippies. Don't know much, but everything is wrong and needs fixed. People before you were idiots, blah, blah, blah.....

    Give your head a shake.

    Not up to the challenge, Crazy? Well, let's see, by a show of hands, is anyone surprised? By the way, I've been meaning to ask, how the hell do you get around when you have to walk with your head (in a manner of speaking) up your backside? Hey, I'd say that's a pretty challenging activity--and you do it mighty fine, too. I like to end on a positive.

  13. Again: by your logic, all the historical law-breakers/martyrs described above are "scumbags".

    The difference is running a stop sign is illegal because of the potential for harm to come to others: that makes it a prime example of a "good" law. It's hard to argue that such a law is immoral because it seeks only to protect individuals from the actions of others, not to protect individuals from themselves.

    As for "consensus" its hard to reach a consensus when people seem to be rooted to the notion that the law is the law and must be obeyed because it's the law.

    Laws are not guidelines. They are laws. They have to be obeyed or you can be a criminal or at the least face recrimination for it of some kind. We don't have the luxury of deciding which laws we have to obey or not. That's what keeps society on an even keel. Only in retrospect are people martyrs for pushing for reform of laws. Otherwise, they are criminal lawbreakers. ie. scumbags

    Smoking dope isn't really the issue so much as allowing what people can or can't do to themselves. Getting pissed drunk isn't a basic human right, yet it is legally sanctioned. Weed is no different.

    If you so desire to get pissed, that IS your right as it is LEGAL. Forget the ramifications and so forth. That's a different extended argument.

    Dope is ILLEGAL. That's the difference. Many judges agree with me on this.

    It's hard enough to get through the day without getting killed because some idiot thinks he's above the law.

    If you want to start a new thread about cell phone use in cars, which is legal, I'll be all over it. We can switch places.

    Crazy, crazy, crazy. The thought just occurred to me that in choosing your handle, your subconscious mind was at work. Whatahoot!

    But, not to worry, there are still a few of us here who're willing to help set ya straight. Damn decent, doncha think?

    You nearly drove me over the divide last night when I read some of your pennings on the topic of whathisname being threatened with extradition to the U.S. I sure did want to make an immediate response, but dya know, your offerings fairly wasted me. Zapped the energy from my soul. So I went to bed.

    Lo and behold this morning, the following little gem landed in my lap, so still tired from last evening, I thought I'd forward this along instead.

    But here's a warning t' ya. If you and some of the others here don't get a grip I'm going to have to split this popsicle stand and take my erudition elsewhere--to a group with the capability of understanding, recognizing and utilizing plain common sense. This is not rocket science. But I can say with no undue modesty that never before landing here and reading what some of you eggheads have to say have I felt like such a mental giant!!!!! A fawking mental giant!!!

    Now before I lose my cool, start reading the quote......

    To understand the war on terror, it helps to compare it to the war on drugs. Both “wars” use the same basic scam: implement government policies GUARANTEED to create a problem and then charge gullible taxpayers billions to fight a “war” against the problem (which of course can’t possibly succeed because the problem is perpetually sustained by the government policies).

    As long as US government prohibition policies guarantee massive drug profits to millions around the world, the war on drugs will remain an expensive, endless exercise in futility. Similarly, as long as US government foreign policies guarantee massive suffering to millions of Muslims around the world (who have little economic, military or political power) the war on terror will remain an expensive, endless exercise in futility.

    Any success eliminating individual terrorists (or drug dealers) merely creates job openings for a long line of eager applicants. If the incentive remains, replacements will line up. In fact, eliminating individual terrorists (or drug dealers) is worse than ineffective. Like natural selection, it tends to weed out the weaker, less ruthless, less efficient in favor of stronger, more ruthless, more efficient replacements.

    Oh, fer gawd's sake, go the mile. Read the rest of the story.

    Commonsense stuff

    just a bit more to go.......stretch that mind........strightforward stuff, no? ..........and just plain good common sense. Now, doesn't that feel good? Refreshing, eh wot?

    And what about that bonus! Insight into Bushco's war in the ME--you know the one......that heinous, diabolical and ILLEGAL war where killing, maiming and traumatizing innocent men, women, and children is the preferred method of spreading freedom and democracy. Didn't it make you weep?

    But Buschco's best weapon? The one he and his ilk use against you. What is it? Why, the stupidity of the unthinking masses--of course. He and his kind rely on it--and d ya know what, the masses never disappoint.

    And don't ...............I beseach you........... hurl any more pap about obeying laws. Get to the meat of the matter. Challenge yourself. Dig. Deep. Deeper.

  14. Why scumbag? Are you saying that Paul Emery is an upstanding citizen?

    If the DEA took a regular citizen off the street that wasn't breaking laws, then I'd be up in arms BIG TIME. If he's innocent, let the courts decide.

    Scumbags break laws. Dope is illegal. You deal dope/seeds to grow dope/whatever, and the law is broken, you're a scumbag, 'in my opinion'. Most of us actually believe that law and order works and support that. If the laws that enabled the DEA are actually not good, time will tell and they will be changed. I also believe that.

    Are you still moralizing? Whatta drag? How counterproductive! Give it up. Better still, if you think that we should be obeying American law, then for gawd's sakes, go down there and live under it. But wait, the current U.S. administration needs you here in Canada where there are insufficient numbers of people who tow the Yankee doctrine. They needs you so that taking us over in every possible way will be made more easy. You, my friend, are a Bushco dupe. But aren't you in some great company, a la backboneless Martin who's just about completed his metamorphasis into a Bush lapdog. Gawd how I worry about where this country is heading when I see "leadership" like his and thinking like yours.

    You talk about marijuana being dope. And alcohol is..................what, exactly? Dig around a little and see if you can find out the stats on how devastating alcohol is to individuals and society as a whole? Not a problem for you I can see, cuz alcohol consumption is not against the law. The point is you cannot outlaw any substance and win. They proved it with alcohol and the same applies to all other drugs.

    Education. Let me repeat, education is what will win the war on drugs, not laws. I can drink myself into the grave if I so wish. No law against it. I was brought up in a home where the liquor cabinet was well stocked and unlocked. Alcohol was treated nonchalantly, neither demonized nor glorified. It was just there and dipped into from time to time--occasionally on the weekends and most invariably at parties. Drinking and driving was never an issue either. It just wasn't done. And so it is in a great many homes. Others are not as fortunate. Alcohol is abused and children follow suit--just as they follow suit in homes where it's not abused. It's all in education and example.

    How should we handle people who are incapable of controlling alcohol consumption--for whatever reason? Should we throw them in prison and punish them? Of course not. What useful purpose would that serve? None whatever. You don't cure an alcoholic thorugh punishment. And you don't cure drug users of other types of drugs by punishing them either. It's just soooooooooo barbaric, unproductive and a devastatingly bad use of money. It's all in education. Prevention, my dear, prevention. And those who you don't catch in that phase, you help---------you do not punish. The same applies to marijuana and all other substances. Wasting resources--human and monetary resources is counterproductive. Skip your moralizing and focus on pragmatism. You'll save far more lives and spend far less money on "the problem."

    Besides, you give me a moralist and I'll give you a phoney. Truly moral people simply practice good moral behaviour--they simply ARE. Truly moral people want to help and see no useful purpose on turning against fellow human beings. I don't believe in punishment period! Ya first want to pour as much money as possible into prevention (something that people have a hard time gittin' their feeble minds around cuz they can't see it--too intangible to qualify for their support); failing which, rehabilitation with heart and empathy; failing which incarceration--not as punishment, but to protect society. Once in protective custody, offenders should be treated humanely and not as animals. Treat someone as an animal and the end product are wild animals.

    And then, oh puhllllleeeese, dig into the subject of war on drugs. It is fraught with deceit, lies and hypocricy. Follow the money. The U.S. for instance, far from fighting the war on drugs embraces them to make money to fight wars that Congress has been loathe to finance.

    Don't spew your moralistic meanderings on us. Think prevention. Think education. Oh, for gawd's sakes, just think, period.

    I randomly searched a few links just to get you started on the process of sorting through this mess. But allow yourself the freedom to google on your own. You might glom onto something that will get your mind in gear.

    How I do deplore moralists who weigh us all down. Fight the good fight; don't waste your time trying to corral others.

    Try pragmatism. You'll like it.

  15. WAY TO GO UNCLE SAM!!!!!! Come on over and get a few more dopeheads.

    Are you volunteering?

    You should be rejoicing guys. They just saved our tax paying public some major bucks.

    Saved us "major bucks" how, exactly?

    How can I volunteer to come and get some more, I'm not American. And if you're trying to call me a dopehead, whatever, please stay on topic.

    Saving us money prosecuting and jailing the bum of course. We don't need idiots like this creep around here. Until Canada legalises dope, it's illegal. Some of us buy that. Too bad a lot of people don't. Where do you stand on it IMT?

    Holier than thous--you guys are the biggest laughs around; albeit, dangerous. Why? Cuz ya never question authority. And dems dat's in power loves ya cuz they can always count on you for support of whatever they're pushing--like bad laws for instance. A bad law is one that should not be embraced as you do but fought against. The Americans have built a multi billion prison INDUSTRY on drug convictions.

    As for the war on drugs. What a sick joke.....but hey, folks like you are buying into it. Gawd help us all.

    Having a Canadian extradited to the U.S. on marijuana charges is a travesty. If Canada follows through on this, we can all wave our flags representing the country of gutless wonders.

    You needn't reply. There's nothing you can say about this subject that I would find illuminating.

    And oh, by the way, keep tuned in for the latest U.S. propaganda - the media whores just love dishing it up to yas.

    Frontline on Drugs

  16. What a rediculous statement. None of our elected leaders are thieves except in the imagination of conservative supporters.


    I think many in Ottawa are thieves. Certainly Martin is, Chretien is (was) and most others as well.

    I voted Liberal in Mulroonys second run because I hated that lying sellout , even if I was staunch PC back then.

    But I am NDP today.

    With all the scandals and dislike for todays Conservatibves and the crooked Liberals I cannot understand why such low rating are still there for the NDP. They really are our only real alternative now.

    Sir Chauncy

  17. Conservatives have compassion and concern for the environment, too. The difference is we also have a concern for what is economically sound - or at least possible. The Left rarely pays much attention to such things.

    Argus, the more I read your posts (all right, already, so I'm a masochist) the more I understand your incapability to reason. Environment, dear lad, is ultimately all that we have. Money and widgets are for nought in the presence of unclean air, contaminated water, global warming, world starvation and unabated war (a HUGE generator of contaminants).

    As form follows function, economics follows environment--not the other way around. So you consider yourself compassionate and concerned about the environment. Kindly explain what the hell that means. What are you willing to give up to ensure that your part of the world is practicing conservation of energy and resources. Or do you really believe you can have it all? Remember that 20 percent of the world's population consumes 80 percent of the world's resources? And that 20 percent is presently concentrated in the "have" countries.

    We're on a collision course with countires like China and India who are demanding more and more of what we are accustomed to taking for ourselves. Hell, empirialistic U.S. invades countries and slaughters their occupants to get at that which is not rightfully theirs (euphemistically called democratization). This behaviour cannot be allowed to continue.

    Unless we invest in new technology to cut down on pollution and find new energy sources, we are heading for disaster. No longer can we live just for today and just for ourselves. No longer can we bully our way into grabbing more than our fair share. We must invest in the future. The neocons prepare for nothing and certainly can't be counted on to be stewards of the earth's resources. Their abject greed and unconcern for their fellow man should preclude them from holding any office in any country.

    Unfortunately, the Democrats stateside and our own Liberals are not the answer either. Leadership is only as good as what the people demand. Repeatedly we prove that we are not at all demanding so consumed are we with acquiring the artificialities of life. And I can say with confidence that the more people we have of your ilk, the less likely we will get the leadership we need to get out of the quagmire we find ourselves in. Get your head out of the sand and stop your incessant neocon mouthings. Without awareness we cannot proceed to action. Won't you please climb on board. You among others are dragging us down.

  18. If you don't understand the difference between news and commentary, I'm not sure you should be calling others daft.

    Huh? Wakey, wakey, kimmy! What's in red is what someone else said which is that the commentators on FOX are not reporting the news, they are commenting--and I said, "........what I said. Besides which, kimmy, I never called anyone "daft," I asked if they were "daft." Calling someone daft is a statement; asking if they're daft is a question, albeit rhetorical :D

  19. Cagerattler, I'm all for gun control. Stronger, even, if I had my way, this country would be purged of all firearms. Any foreigner trying to enter Canada with a firearm would be denied access to this country for 25 years--no exceptions, no excuses; caught with a firearm, you're out of here. (I'm still working on an appropriate punishment for Canucks caught gun smuggling.)

    As for the cost overruns on the Liberals' gun registry program, I'm not just a mite suspicious of where all the money went. We may never know. The Liberals just as the Conservatives before them have a good deal of splainin' to do--but we all know we'll never get to the root of government corruption. And we the public are the best enablers to the worst politicians.

    The gun registry to date has been pure farce.

  20. (interestingly, not a whisper about this on the CBC website.)

    Gee, kimmy, I read your news sources and all I saw was blah, blah, blah about nadda, nadda, nadda...could, might, may..... What's the news? That information gleaned at the Gomery inquiry was explosive enough to bring on an election? That's a statement with no details. I'm always amazed at how much can be written about bloody little. The CBC has done a great job at keeping its audience up-to-date on the Gomery inquiry. Guess this good network is conserving its resources pending receipt of the meat.

  21. The commentators are not reporting the news, they comment on it. Again, don't listen to it. What bothers those here is that people DO listen to it, and believe me they are not as stupid as you believe them to be.

    Are you daft? So if someone moves his/her lips, you characterize their actions as commentating. Boy, you're easy. But then, you are precisely the type FOX caters to. What's so frightening is that there is no derth of ignorance out there. Believe me, those who watch FOX are way beneath stupid--they're certifiably brain dead--which is precisely why all the yelling.

  22. Good advice for Canadians, caesar. Unfortunately, the ignominious Coulter seems to have a following in the U.S. Still, I hope most Canadians appreciate the irony she and that other nutcase--whatshisname--project when they repeatedly flog the case (not!) that the U.S. is having to defend Canadian borders. Ain't it comforting to know that the fox (no pun intended) is guarding we chicks. If the day comes that the U.S. believes it can take Canada with no significant repurcussions from abroad, they're moving in cuz as you know we got everything they want--water, oil, natural gas, timber and a host of other natural resources. The only reason they look after Canuckstan is to protect their future.

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