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Everything posted by CANADIEN

  1. If that's what he meant, he may be to hire himself a better speech-writer.
  2. I am afraid that you get the chocolate bar anology wrong. It looks like this: Person no 1, seeing a chocolate bar: A chocolate bar, it`s mine, all mine Person no 2, seeing a bag of chips: A chocolate bar, can I get some No 1: The chocolate is mine No 2: I don't want your chocolate bar, I just want some of that other one over there. No 1: You want to force me to share my chocolate bar away from me. You're a bully Me: Hope you like your chocolate bar, no 1. What do you think of that bag of chips no 2? No 2: It's a chocolate bar No 1: See? He wants my chocolate bar, he's a bully Me: sorry folks, but that's a bag of chips, not a chocolate bar No 1: I should have known it. You support that bag of chips Now, I would be tempted to argue wih you the rest of your ostings. But I can't. After all, I support SSM; so says betsy.
  3. Well. I must admit. I revile the tooth fairy for never leaving me a cent.
  4. First, just in case you are wondering... What I said, and that you didn't get (oh surprise) is that I would not bother responding to the "show me where you called me a liar" vibrant example of your uncanny capacity to have people scratch their head wondering "what the heck is she saying". That being said. You got me. I must confess to the whole world. I AM a poseur. All a life of trying to follow God, failing at times (many times, like all of us), trying again, praying, attending Mass (yes, I pose as a Catholic... problems with Catholics too? just wondering). All that a sham. It must be. After all, I say that the definition of marriage that comes from God is the only one I recognize as valid, therefore I MUST be in favour of SSM. But believe me, it doesn't stop there. My opinion that there is something foundamentally wrong with the growing gap between the richest of the richest and the middle class... HAS to be an attack on the notion of feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and all those other thing that true believers call "not bad things to do". But I must admit I never even thought for a second that my belief that life begins at conception OUGHT to be an implicit support for abortion. Yep. You REALLY REALLY REALLY unmasked me.
  5. If a friend of mine said to me "I have been raped, I'm pregnant and I'm not sure I want to keep the baby", I'm not sure I'd find what words to say to convince her to keep him/her. A thing is sure: I wouldn't say she has been blessed, and I would not ask her If she was forcibly raped.
  6. betsy, betsy, betsy... Quote mining to statements made 6 years ago. Really... When I tire from dealing with you, I will (if I am not tired from this thread all together) deal with kimmy's CURRENT statements. Now, I fully expect you to say something like: "See. You won't comment because you don't care what malicious things she says". Or "See, you agree with her". Or "See, you side with non-believer against me." Whatever.
  7. Perhaps not radicals. But certainly people who think "oh well, he supports our cause, so who care how much of a moron he is".
  8. Betsy betsy betsy... So, you are not asking me to provide examples of you claiming I support SSM. You are demanding that I show you where I called you a liar. You would do agreat defence lawyer, you know... The Crown... This person committed a crime. Lawyer Betty: Show the Court where you said this person committed a crime The judge: Excuse me, but shouldn't you be asking the Crown to show proof that your client committed the crime? Lawyer Betty: See. You won't force the Crown to reveal when they accused my client. This shows that they are making false accusions. The judge (to the accused): May I suggest you find yourself a good lawyer. Frankly, perhaps I have misjudged you (or not). That you waste your time demnanding to know when I called you a liar instead of asking that I show your statements claiming that I support SSM - well, someone who can be that clueless may well be, after all, unable to wilfully claim something that anyone with reading capacity know is untrue. On the other hand... Short memory problem? You, seriously, don't remember you aying, again and again, that I am an atheist, even while I was making it clear that I am a Christian? Either you wilfully misrepresented what I say, which is a lie, or you seriuously need to work on your reading - and comprehension - and logic skills. You decide for yourself what it is. In the meantime, feel free to huff and puff and make a fool or yourself by claiming I can't prove you said what you said about me. I won't even bother responding.
  9. There is no doubt that easy access to mortgages, extended beyond what was reasonable, was a factor in the crisis. But some U.S. banks wanted sub-prime mortages. Recklesssly, they kept piling bad mortgages upon bad mortgages. They kept encouraging people who they ought to know would not be able to meet the payments to get those mortgages. They didn't say "OK, more home ownership is fine, but this is too risky". Considering the level of influence they have on law-makers, they could have called for more prudent policies regarding mortgages, but instead they kept pushing and pushing for less and less regulations. Sure, any person who took a mortgage he/she knew, or ought to have known, they would not be able to pay is responsbile for his/her misfortune. But banks that recklessly pile bad debts upon bad debts share a far, far greater responsability for screwing the world's economy.
  10. Actually he is now claiming that he was misinformed. In other words, he read that a woman's body has the capacity to shut itself to prevent pregnacy if she is raped, and he just accepted the idea. An idea that any people with common sense would laugh at or welcome with a yawn if said in any non-political context. In other words, Akin's excuse is that he's a complete moron.
  11. Yeah yeah... there was no reckless behaviour by bankers, especially American ones. Interestingly enough, stricter banking regulations here resulted in the meltdown affecting us less, relatively speaking, than other countries. Repear after me Shady... thank you Mr. Martin.
  12. Good news indeed. Rejoice, things are gonna get very good... until banks are given free rein to screw up the economy once again, which will come very very quickly.
  13. That's the best you can do? "show me where you told me I lied about you"? Frankly. You know what I believe a marriage is, and you know you claimed I support SSM even though it is clear I won't even call it a marriage. You want to make a fool of yourself, you don't need m'y help for that.
  14. With pleasure. I am sure I missed a few similar statements. And I will spare everyone the various quotes by you claiming that I support same-sex marriage. Which is a falsehood... and a lie... unless, of course, you are just plain unable to read English.
  15. I am talking about quoting the Bible in an effort to pass the mocking, belittling and lying about others as bearing witness to the Word. Sorry, won't work.
  16. Oh yes you do lie about me... again, when claiming that I support something (same-sex marriage) when I have said clearly, time and time again, that to me marriage is between one man and one woman, period. I see that some people call marriage something that is not a marriage, and that civil law call marriage something that is not a marriage. I also see, and know, that God still knows what a real marriage is and isn't. Real marriage will remain real marriage as long as God wills it so. I am not. The same lie again. Then learn to read.
  17. Typical betsy... Some people: 2+2 = 4 betsy: here you go again, saying that 2+2=5 when everyone knows that 2+2=7; you are this bad thing and that bad thing and I am laughing at you Some people: 2+2=4 and you are a false witness betsy: the Bible proves that I am a true witness and that 2+2=7... nah nah nah nah nah On a more serious note... Insulting people, mocking people, belittling people, saying falsehoods about people (also known as lying) is bad enough, and I will not claim I am not guilty of it on occasions. But as a Christian, I have the basic decency, and respect for God and His word, not to go wrapping myself in the Bible and play the martyr whenever my targets react.
  18. Sorry to have to disagree with you here, but when Brian Fisher claims Todd Akin is the victim here, using the words he used, that's not radicalism... That's plain and simple being an absolute moron.
  19. correction... You have proven time and time again that bigotry (ok... only to some extent), relativism (remember... feeding the hungry is only a ahem nice thing to do), cluelessness and looney-ness are key attributes of yours.
  20. God knows I am not exactly a friend of kimmy. But I didn't think that even you could stoop that low. And you call yourself a Christian? Start acting like one. :angry:
  21. Stop insulting crap, will you? I have never witnessed any piece of crap stoop to the level of ignorance and stupidity shown by these two morons.
  22. Exactly. The guy violated company policy, he should have be shown the door the moment this was done. HE is the one who harmed the company (further).
  23. Yep, marriage existed before the Christian Church. Not quite. The early Church already considered marriage as being a sacrament, even though the formalization of sacraments only came much later. In Western Europe, the Church began impose rules regarding marriages (no divorce, limitations based on age, limitations related to consanguinity) from the moment it replaced the Roman Empire as the defining force. It is a fact that the presence of a priest at the wedding became mandatory in the 16th century. That being said, the requirement was already mentioned in 12th century texts. The first description of a marriage ceremony is from 9th century Wales. Until the 12th century, the mutual declaration of the spouses that they were marrying each other was sufficient, without a ceremony. That does not mean that marriage was not seen as coming from and being ordained by God.
  24. Once again, nobody if being forced to do anything. Not Chic-Fil-A, not anyone, despite your absurd attemps at using the word bullying to describe things that are anything but. I for one, am not being forced into anything, except maybe marvelling at the non-sense you keep digging yourself into.
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