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Everything posted by Rick

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words http://www.forgetthebox.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/may-22-montreal-protest.jpg http://ssmu.mcgill.ca/tuitiontruth/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/474156-etudiants-notamment-emprunte-boulevard-saint.jpg HAPPY CANADA DAY
  2. You going to deny that Conservatives and western Canadians don't despise and dislike Quebec?Have you not read his denials in the Quebec thread....
  3. See it's arrogance and ignorance like that SC which is what leads to a further polarization of Canadians.... Your hatred for Quebec doesn't help.
  4. You choose to celebrate the day of the last transport of French Jews to nazi-Germany ?I'm not surprised...
  5. Get your head out of your ass...Pay attention to what's gone on in Quebec... What's going on all across this country with growing movements like 'occupy'...
  6. So what you're saying is, because the Conservatives failed in their job, we can now thank the great people of Quebec for ridding us of that idiotic name which most people associated as being a grocery story for a holiday (you know like celebrating the day of some dead royal...Victoria Day) and giving us Canada Day. Thank You Quebec!!! Merci mes amis...
  7. Did I say that? I don't believe I did I never shed a single tear of sorrow though any time a conservative drops dead...
  8. Your blindness knows no bounds does it.Only a blind ignorant fool couldn't see that there are systemic issues, which the CPC are exasperating with their ideological views at play here which are pitting Canadians against one another.
  9. Keep up the good work my friend and don't let the haters get to you. One day, the pro-silver spoon crowd will have those spoons shoved down their throats and choke on them.You're making this country a better place... Now if we could rid it of the vermin that pollute it....
  10. No, the same type of warning signs your blindness refuses to see in the Quebec thread.http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums//index.php?showtopic=21092&st=60
  11. I'd rather watch paint dry than watch soccer. That said, it's not a girl's sport like say....curling.
  12. I'd support having those on welfare or unemployed in a field where they made less than $50 000 annually to be provided 5 yr terms as Senators to help the less fortunate out... Otherwise, the only good thing to do with the senate is give it an abortion. Wastes of skin and money...
  13. Does anyone else see the warning signs of a future civil war brewing in this country whether it be based on regional boundaries such as Alberta vs the east, or the right wing extremists currently in power vs the working class left.
  14. Even though, after wasting millions of taxpayers money to defend themselves, they finally pled guilty... http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/04/10/conservatives-in-and-out-scandal-investigation-cost-taxpayers-2-3m/
  15. Previous Prime Ministers would always display portraits of their predecessors along with cabinet members. Nobody went to the extreme levels of narcissism that Harper has shown.
  16. That was his choice to govern to please his Alberta base. And neither will the wackos from right wing Alberta vote for an NDP government. Correct, he does, he's destroyed it and if his party is to ever compete in Quebec, he has to repair the damage he's caused. I wouldn't say it was proven, he got very lucky with the use of illegal means to achieve the votes needed in Ontario to gain that majority. You cannot lose both Quebec and Ontario and hope to win. Not so. It would only feed the bigots from western Canada who hate Quebec for any reason they can think of. Because western separatists are somehow better than the Quebec separatists eh? Why in the world would I even offer up a suggestion to a man who I despise and who has done more to destroy this country than any terrorist could ever do.
  17. Two words spring to mind to describe someone that narcissistic, mentally unstable.http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=9c6b53f6-f0a2-4eca-93bb-559023144731
  18. I bet you'll deny that they ever pled guilty to their illegal In and Out election fraud scandal too eh?They will be found guilty of the robo-calling in due time. One of the ridings that they won through questionable means has already had the results thrown out... That said, clearly Harper and his Conservative party of crooks are getting worried about their chances in the next election.... Harper had to meet in secret this past week with Mulroney to get his advice on how to repair the hatred that Quebec has for him and his neo-cons. http://www.globalnews.ca/pages/story.aspx?id=6442667332
  19. Except he wasn't handed it, he and his criminal cohorts stole the election through fraudulent means.You're delusional if you think he can honestly win the next election without him or the party committing another form of criminal act.
  20. Yes it is. A big issue.http://www2.canada.com/calgaryherald/iphone/news/latest/story.html?id=6661604
  21. Then the government should be funding the building of pubs for all.Whatever happened to going down to a local watering hole...you know the thing every other cop has done historically... Sorry, but this is a pure waste of taxpayer money.
  22. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/billion-dollar-surrey-rcmp-facility-serving-booze-214541635.html Somebody had better lock up the tasers.
  23. Depends on what it is you plan on shipping. Can it go via the postal service?If it's commercial goods for sale then you'll require a U.S. Customs Broker to help clear it. If it's a one time deal, I'd suggest going with someone like UPS who could handle all aspects for you including customs clearance. http://www.ups.com/content/us/en/shipping/cost/zones/customs/fees.html
  24. Shame on Jason Kenney for his divisiveness politics and attacking the deputy leader of " the economic success of the Prairie provinces.” Clearly, he's intent on pitting PC Albertans against Ottawa
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