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Everything posted by April

  1. Good...I am glad to hear that...I don't much care for him either...and that is putting it nicely... I don't blame Canada...I was against it too...the evidence did not support the claim...plain and simple,and even if it had it was your call not ours...you would have to live with your decision just as we now have to live with ours.Sometimes I see big mouthed Americans spouting their stupidity to Canadians on these boards and quite frankly its embarrassing... I don't know any fellow Americans who speak of Canada or its people let alone say anything negative about you or your country.I seriously know of no American who holds ill feelings towards your Government or people because you did not go with us into Iraq....If someone here does...its their tuff shit...and if they tell you there are many others just like them...don't believe it...because it is simply not true. You are not alone in your resentment...many Americans feel the same...the problem is he plays on their fears...and that just might win him the election.... God help us if it does....
  2. I have visited many Canadian forums...and it always seems the majority always defend Bush...but strike out at Americans in general.I have always found that a bit strange....I guess I should not base my opinion on that...though it is hard not to as it is all I have to go on... sorry, no offense intended.
  3. Which begs the question...why do Canadians love him so much? Same thing with gays...many love him...I will never understand that....!
  4. "Kerry's position on Iraq has been consistent from Day One. Kerry had called for a broad international coalition to confront Saddam Hussein, and going to war only as a last resort. Like most senators, he thought Bush needed the authority - it passed the Senate 77-23, and Kerry was one of 29 Democrats who supported it. However, Kerry believes Bush misused that authority" Thanks Black Dog...I was beginning to think I was the only one who knew that ...and the fact that he "voted against it after he voted for it" simply means Georgie's creditability wasn't worth a sh after the first time Kerry trusted him. Yet where are the kudos to Kerry for making a stand on the second vote? Even tho his party caved and insisted he do the same....I believe that is called not wavering...He did not allow the election to influence his vote...unlike the Republicans... who do it all the time...If they didn't always USE the tragic events of 9/11 to bolster their campaign...they wouldn't have a pot to pee in....thats all they got! how sad and sick is that!
  5. because of religion...if you put yourself at the side of GOD its called collateral damage... and whether its accepted or horrific depends what side your on.
  6. Thanks Shakey, Naw its all good...in my state you don't have to register party lines...So I am only registered to vote... All very good questions ...I have yet to meet a republican who could answer them...honestly I believe the answers I was given for both questions was Saddam was involved in 9/11 OMG!
  7. okay I'll play...just because you seem so darn interested in my life!Gosh I am flattered! It simply means I woke the hell up in the 90's just in time to re-elect CLINTON...and yes I did vote the first time around for daddy Bush(Ronnie Raygun..ah NO!)...see my parents always voted republican so I just followed suit and did the ditto monkey thing.It was a learning experience...the year I voted for daddy Bush my BIG BUSINESS employer told us we had to...because Bush was good to them...and explained how it would trickle down to us...yeah right sure it did*rolls eyes* I fell for it...did the right thing for them never once listening to a word the man uttered.Then one day on a fluke I started to listen...and went WTF?! I voted for this man??!!...It was during the campaign for the next election...and I was a Clinton hater because republicans said I had to be...so I followed. But after the last WTF?! I decided to listen to Clinton and it was over.... I threw away my ditto monkey suit...and realized debating, asking questions was a good thing. Those days were over...I am not registered to either party in my state I can cross party lines and I would if a decent republican stepped up to the plate...problem is the ONLY one I have seen since awaking from my slumber is McCain. I am ashamed only in the fact I was not a more informed voter and I aided in electing some shady people into office but then again politics is shady as a whole on both sides...I am proud of the fact I am now always an informed voter and I exercise the right every time an election is held. You may be proud of your party...and that's great...but for me there is no pride in allowing assault weapons to litter the streets especially in this day and age...there is no pride in the fact millions of people are with out health care and many are homeless.Children going hungry...there is no pride in turning a blind eyeto the very companies that pollute our land, air and water allowing them to lobby for favors like writing our environmental laws.This Admin has REVERSED over 20 YEARS of environmental laws put in place to keep safe the most valuable recourse of all...the world..the soil...the water...the air. There is no pride in rewarding companies who move jobs to other countries to turn a higher profit while preying on a poorer country and still paying them dirt...there is no pride in turning our back on the future of America buy cutting school funding, programs, and not keeping our children safe. There is no pride in inviting terrorists to "bring it on" while not having 100% security in the boarders, airports and shipping ports..A color chart just aint going to cut it! I see it as rather reckless abuse of power. It serves no purpose to withhold the truth of the war good & bad...and security issues of this country from the American public other then strictly political gain.This is one of the richest countries on the planet....there is no excuse for it what so ever.Call me a dove call me a bleeding heart...krist call me a tree hugger if you wish its all good!Its funny how in the republicans eyes they are all dirty words...in my world that is just how mankind is suppose to be.caring, giving, growing striving to be better and forgiving.I read how someone commented how no one ever went after Clinton like they do Bush...I had to laugh...the republicans were after Clinton like flies on stink why? because the people loved him...they could not beat him on that front so they HAD to play dirty...and they NEVER let up...they made him a lame duck president in the end...and who knows maybe 9/11 would have never taken place had it not been that way...the republicans put their own petty interests and hatred above the American people and the very country they claim to love...fully knowing Americans were sick to death of it besides it was costing a bundle...and the bottom line was the American public would not allow Clinton to be removed from office. It was during that time when I saw how the republicans were so bold as to care so little about Americans I said never again....Ask yourself this...do you seriously think I am the only one? To most of the countries surprise and probably the worlds...Bush was appointed by the court...and think about it and be honest if you can...you don't find it a tad weird this all happened in the state of Florida?...come on now! I could not write a better fiction story then that... But I put my feelings aside...decide to give him a chance....9/11 happened...I was behind him 100 percent that was until stupidity set in and he decide to make his pre-election agenda a reality...Saddam. In my eyes he abandoned the real war on terror the very day we entered Iraq...and let America down, his reason again...right, that would be WMD...I keep forgetting he has changed it so many times to fit his justification.How come the Dan Rather story is bigger news that they didn't resourse the documents good enough...but really not alot was made from the college paper Powell used to fight the good fight.? A stupid guard story is held to a higher standard of scrutiny then going to war on faulty info? And now is where you try to convince me he did not know...God knows he hasn't tried.Not only has he NOT explained most of his actions (oh thats right he's prez he doesn't have to) He hasn't explained what he is going to do to fix this mess were in (again with the he doesn't have to...because he doesn't waiver)If it was not for the 9/11 women you have to wonder if the commision would have been reality..Bush certainly didn't want it.He was pretty much forced into it.What country is this again?? there goes that WTF again*shakes head* Maybe your ok with scare tactic's of duct tape,plastic...a stupid color code and endless chatter. But I am not, I do not expect the president of the most powerful country to use bully like tactics to push not only the American people for political gain ..but the entire world... there are many civil questions I would like to ask the prez on his 100th visit to my battleground state...gosh do you think they would let me after I burned my ditto monkey suit? nahhhhh I think we have seen that answer splashed on the news a few times to many... The best sign I have seen all year was held buy a little child...it read... Mr President...my grandpa lost his job...its your turn... okay well this has been fun...maybe we can play again some other time *waving bubbye*
  8. Better unrest it then because actually...in the past I always voted Republican...but I open my eyes due to their BS tactic's...and the constant bulling and name calling if you questioned anything....I mean just look at how the Bush camp is scared to let people with opposing views around him....gosh guess if he did he might really have some hard questions to answer for...he would rather be handled with kid gloves...and to be quite honest while I like Edwards I do not much care for Kerry, If McCain ran I could easily vote for him...he didn't so I can't, so yes I guess then Kerry is my man this election. Like I said Bush has got ot go... though if it was not at the expense of the American people I wouldn't mind him being elected...I think it is just deserve for him to clean up his own mess for a change...and what a mess it is!! So much for your case Oh and btw I would rather have as a first lady, a woman with brains and can speak her own mind and allowed to have her own views and question anything...then little miss Laura Stephford wife...
  9. Reality? Reality!!? Your kidding right? you mean like WMD reality or "God told him to invade Iraq reality? The Saddam connection reality?Mission Accomplished reality? the economy is in a upswing reality...no children were left behind reality...medicare reality...banned cheaper drugs from Canada reality..were winning the war in Iraq reality...theres is no such thing as the green house effect reality..limiting stem cell reasearch reality flip flop...now we can not win the war reality...outsourcing is good for America reality...3 million jobs lost reality and the few that replace them at 7.00 per hour reality? If you don't vote for me you will be attacked reality...low unemployment reality? our soliders don't have the equipment they need reality...filp flop were winning the war again reality... This is CLEARLY a person who will stop at NOTHING to be elected...and that is what the reality of the matter truly is... and for those of you that had not noticed...because of all the other political BS being shoved in our faces 24/7 like swift boats...guard records...Dan Rather etc. 1,000 + dead, not counting the Iraqi people 7,000+ wounded most of them will come home minus some body parts what started as 5,000 insurgents was miscalculated and reality would now have it around 50,000...daily bombings...the daily killing of the very Iraqi's that were suppose to take charge...other countries caving to terrorist demands...beheadings... Folks please pay close attention because we are NOT winning this war...and we HAVE to now that were there, but we won't until Bush is either out of office or he pulls his head out of his arse...I fear there is no hope for the later happening anytime soon... :angry:
  10. "Is there any hope of making a difference, of swaying opinions, or does it really have to get way, way worse before it gets better? Why doesn't anyone listen? And why is it so easy for those in other countries, like my friendly neighbors to the north to see how messed up things are, and yet there are 50 million people who are ready to vote Bush in again for another 4 years? " Yeah been there done that...what I realized is they are hopeless...ya have to quit wasting your time with people who bury their head in the sand.... instead focus my friend on the ones who are open minded...they will listen and search out the truth...and if that happens enough times...we will see ol George ride off into the sunset....
  11. Bush of course!..with most of the world not agreeing with us,not to speak of the hatred...The BS Iraq war..it serves as a recruiting poster to go after America... and with Bush in charge it will only get worse...for us OBL is not a stupid man...he knows one attack in the states will cause Bush to win...hmmm so does Bush ... In a short time we just may have that answer....
  12. "leftist leaders into the equation who supported the war. " I always love this statement... lets see giving someone the athority to go to war as a LAST resort,when we all know it was a FIRST resort for the prez, somehow makes you approving of it?oh the spin the spin.... however they can be blamed for trusting a president....who suckered them. tell me again why S.A. is not on the axis of evil list considering they greatly funded AQ??? This war still is about terror isn't it? Or have we moved on from what you consider a non winable war George?
  13. War crimes are FACT...remember the 71 hearings? Kerry's message was not to harm the vets but to go after the admin that put them there and bring an end to the war...he has NOTHING to be ashamed of or to apologize for....The swift boat liars and their spin have been tied to Bush already by 2 of his band resigning over the connection...Same B.S. different election..For me the fact that Kerry was in a war and protested that same war tells me that Kerry will exhaust other options before he would send men to lay their life on the line....That it would be the last option not the FIRST...it tells me he is not a ready fire president like the one we already have...that he would take aim because he knows what is at stake and involved.... If Kerry was in office today...I believe we would not have derailed our focus and we would still be devoting our time and effort in Afghanistan on the real war on terrorism interesting article... http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5086647/
  14. "now if the minority is more qualified for the job, and isn't hired, that's discrimination, and that's a lawsuit." It sure is, but not so easy to prove....just like sexual harassment... "Aboriginals do get the shitty end of the stick on education and health. That ought to be corrected. How are they to get onto their own feet unless they have an education that is equal to the off-reserve world?" And so do blacks in the inner cities... Were you ever told you had to sit at the back of the bus? or you couldn't drink out of a certain bubbler?you can't shop there or be served in here... talk about short end of the stick...white people treated their dogs better then blacks.Until you change that without AA it would continue...Maybe to a smaller degree...but it would still exist just the same.I agree there should never be a need for a quota system...but until you wipe out racism there is no better way to make sure others are treated equal and get the same opportunities...
  15. "I said that a person shouldn't be fired based on those things and they shouldn't be based on them either." I beg to differ,that's not quite what you said. which was... "If you can't fire someone based on Race, sex, or religious affiliation then you shouldn't be able to hire people based on those characteristics either." NOWHERE did you say SHOULDN'T fire based on such...taking a stand against it, I believe the word was CAN'T and it gives the statement a different meaning... So if I failed in understanding...I am sorry but its only because you failed in the words you choose. Let me get this straight...in your eyes...company A has 300 whites and 0 blacks and a new job opens...a black applies who is just as qualified as the white that applies who do you think will get hired? Without the policy most likely the white would get hired,you know it and I know it....and because I believe that is wrong "I" am raciest? lol...oookay... The policy is in in place to protect against racism. Yes wouldn't it be nice if people didn't see color and everyone got where they were going based on ability...and wouldn't be equally nice if everyone was giving the SAME tools to get there.Until that is a reality like it or not Affirmative Action has to stay in place.Blacks have always been seen as inferior and still are to this day by many...change that mentality and then you can change the law.... and let me stop you from tasting leather once again...I am not black ,I am a white AMERICAN.
  16. I think we wouldn't need affirmative action if we didn't have people in the country who believed this garbage... "If you can't fire someone based on Race, sex, or religious affiliation" Race,sex or religion has nothing to do with working ability. talk about raciest
  17. Krusty, I don't believe for a N.Y. minute that Bush was innocent in the streeeeeeeeching of truth that took place in order to win support for the war.He had his eye on the target long before and used his ready...fire "bring it on"mentality to get the ball rolling just as he uses it today.I don't fault Bush for his war on terrorism its because of the other war he started before the first one was out of its infancy stage.He has made a mess of not only Iraq but domestic issues as well.I don't dislike the man just to dislike him but for what he has done to my country. This country needs to head in a different direction with someone more stable at the helm.There is a danger, when all reason gets thrown out the window... http://www.cia.gov/csi/monograph/lawmaker/3.htm Finished intelligence that is not published for general circulation is not routinely shared with Congress. For example, the Hill does not receive copies of the President's Daily Brief (PDB), prepared daily by CIA. Nor does it receive copies of the daily intelligence summaries prepared for the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Moreover, it does not receive "memo dissems" prepared by CIA for use by White House principals on various topics or tailored materials requested by top-level officials during their daily briefings. Occasionally, as part of an oversight investigation, intelligence committee staffers are shown portions of such tailored reporting--including the PDB--but regular access has not been accorded. Congress also does not routinely see "raw" intelligence--unevaluated intelligence reporting, usually from a single source. The intelligence committees, however, occasionally receive "nonstandard" distributions of single-source intelligence on matters in which they have expressed a particular interest, such as satellite imagery of suspected mass grave sites in Bosnia. They also are occasionally granted access to "raw" intelligence for purposes of carrying out an oversight investigation http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2.../1/153207.shtml Powell Wants Inspectors to Return to Iraq NewsMax Staff Monday, Sept. 2, 2002 Revealing a clear rift with Vice President Dick Cheney, who says there’s no point in sending weapons inspectors back into Iraq, Secretary of State Colin Powell during a London BBC television interview Sunday declared, "The president has been clear that he believes weapons inspectors should return," adding that the return of the inspectors would be the "first step" toward solving the Iraq crisis. "Iraq has been in violation of these many U.N. resolutions for most of the last 11 or so years," he said. "So, as a first step, let’s see what the inspectors find, send them back in." The remarks break Powell’s thunderous silence in recent weeks as the debate over a possible U.S. war with Iraq has preoccupied the world. Considered the lone moderate in the Bush administration, Powell’s London remarks are also out of stride with pronouncements by national security advisor Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who have declared the need to oust Saddam Hussein with or without a renewal of the U.N. inspections. http://www.drumbeat.mlaterz.net/2002%20Aug...k%20083002a.htm Confidant: Powell wants key allies' OK on Iraq Administration source says secretary urging coalition before any attack From Andrea Koppel, CNN, August 30, 2002, 1:30pm WASHINGTON -- U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell does not believe the United States should invade Iraq without the support of "key allies," according to one of his confidants within the Bush administration. This person, who asked not to be identified but is intimately familiar with Powell's thinking, said Thursday that Powell opposes any action in which the United States would "go it alone ... as if it doesn't give a damn" what other nations think. http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/MOO305A.html On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, the New York Times reported that "White House officials….indicated publicly today for the first time that they were adamantly opposed to the quick return of United Nations weapons inspectors to Iraq.(1) In the months preceding the US invasion of Iraq Hans Blix, the top UN weapons inspector told the UN Security Council on January 28, 2003 that "Iraq has on the whole co-operated rather well so far with UNMOVIC (the UN weapons inspector team) in the field. The most important point to make is that access has been provided to all sites we have wanted to inspect, and with one exception it has been prompt."(2) A week latter US Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the UN Security Council and complained about the lack of authorized U-2 recognizance flights and the Iraqi failure to allow "immediate unimpeded, unrestricted and private access to all officials" and scientists.(3) Now that the United States has total control and complete access to every scientist, and every suspected weapons of mass destruction site, absolutely no weapons of mass destruction have been found. Remember those Iraqi "20,000 chemical-capable artillery shells, 1.4 tons of nerve gas agents, 25,000 liters of anthrax and 20 Scud missiles that were deployable within 45 minutes."(7) Remember Colin Powell’s famous (in his own words) "missile brigade outside Baghdad (which) was dispersing rocket launchers and warheads containing biological warfare agent to various locations, distributing them to various locations in Western Iraq. Most of the launches and warheads have been hidden in large groves of palm trees and were to be moved every one to four weeks to escape detection."(8) That’s in Powell’s report to the UN. Chemicals in warheads ready to use, probably in less than 45 minutes. Colin claims he knew why the UN inspectors couldn’t find them. They were moved around. THE FAMOUS "MOBIL WMD LABS" In Colin Powell’s imagination, even the factories for making chemical and biological weapons were "moving around" on trucks and train cars. No actual spy plane or satellite pictures existed, so Powell was forced to deliver a graphic artist’s rendering of the mobile lab factories for the UN Security Council. According to Powell, "The trucks and train cars are easily moved and are designed to evade detection by inspectors. In a matter of months, they can produce a quantity of biological poison equal to the entire amount that Iraq claimed to have produced in the years prior to the Gulf War."(9) So we’re talking lots of trucks and train cars here. And where are they today? The US has control of the highways, railways, air space and access to scientists. Where are they today? THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION AND THE IRAQI A-BOMB Remember Dick Cheney’s speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars last summer (2002). Cheney claimed "The Iraqi regime has in fact been very busy enhancing its capabilities in the field of chemical and biological agents. And they continue to pursue the nuclear program they began so many years ago."(10) The Bush administration Iraq nuclear story was blown out of the water even before the war started. On January 26, 2003, Dr. Mohamed El Baradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, argued before the UN Security Council that "no prohibited nuclear activities have been identified" in Iraq.(11) The US held documents claiming to prove Iraq’s attempt to buy uranium for nuclear warheads from Niger proved to be fakes. Mohamed El Baradei was again quoted as saying the documents were forgeries and "not authentic."(12) FOOLING THE SENATORS On September 24, 2002, CIA head George Tenet briefed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the attempted Iraqi purchase of five hundred tons of "yellow cake" uranium for making atomic bombs. Just five tons can produce enough weapon-grade uranium for a bomb. Two days latter Colin Powell also briefed the Senators on Iraqi attempts to obtain uranium from Niger. The testimony from Tenet and Powell scared both Democratic and Republican Senators into passing a resolution overwhelmingly giving the President a Congressional mandate for a military assault on Iraq just two weeks latter. The only trouble was the Senators were fooled. The story was simply not true. FOOLING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND SEYMOUR HERSH President Bush cited the uranium deal in his January, 2003 State of the Union Message to the American People. Bush claimed he got information from the British Government. When the UN inspectors declared the documents "not authentic," Seymour Hersh, one of America’s last investigative reporters, got on the case and wrote an article for the New Yorker Magazine concerning the false A-bomb reports, dated March 31, 2003. Hersh interviewed an International Atomic Energy Agency senior official who told him "These documents are so bad that I cannot imagine that they came from a serious intelligence agency. It depresses me, given the low quality of the documents, that it was not stopped. At the level it reached (Tenet, Bush, Cheney, US Senators) I would have expected more checking."(13) Hersh speculates that the forged documents were manufactured by M16 (British Intelligence) and accepted by the CIA uncritically. Hersh interviews a former high-level intelligence official who suggested "somebody deliberately let something false get in there…It could not have gotten into the system without the agency (CIA) being involved. Therefore it was an internal intention. Someone set someone up."(14) The Senators too were feeling that they may have been "set up." On March 14, 2003, Senator Jay Rockefeller from West Virginia, the senior Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee asked Robert Mueller, the FBI Director to investigate the forged document. The Senator wrote to Mueller, "There is a possibility that the fabrication of these documents may be part of a larger deception campaign aimed at manipulating public opinion and foreign policy regarding Iraq." He also wants to know "why the intelligence community did not recognize the documents were fabricated."(15)
  18. He is too! and they are NOT all privy to the same info and briefings that the president is. He clearly took intelligence and distorted it.Just look at Powel, he was for the inspections and clearly stated so in public, then vanished for about 3 weeks only to come back and chirp out the case for war.Why do you think that was? Because he suddenly changed his mind?Ah no he was slapped big time for speaking out and not going with the flow. I firmly believe you do not have to take away rights to make a country secure. So No, while I believe the act contains some provisions that are needed to protect the country I feel it goes too far. "Preserving our freedom is the reason that we are now engaged in this new war on terrorism. We will lose that war without firing a shot if we sacrifice the liberties of the American people." You can love Bush all you wish, but I think he is a dangerous man to keep in office.
  19. It means the Post is doing what it does best, selling papers.
  20. Since I am American, I will have to go for the ANTI~BUSH
  21. Kerry and the others voted as they did because of information Bush and Co. gave them. Had they all been sitting at the same table at the same time listening to the same information Bush received, I seriously doubt they would have voted the way they did.Bush was passionate about going into Iraq and still is....he had and still has an agenda that dates back to his father. Instead of spending all that money on our own security at home Bush has squandered it using lies as his framework to scare the American public and its representatives.
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